(240) 'Fissure' on Capitol Hill over debt ceiling is result of Trump's 'test' of influence: Reporter - YouTube

GayDeceiver mastodon (AP)
“She went back to her hometown to help her aging aunt, and thankfully, she was too busy helping the old bat to see anyone. I did help a little, though. I hired private security to make sure no one, absolutely no one, crossed her path. I mean, if you have money and power, anything is possible. Christmas magic be damned.”

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

De los últimos lanzamientos de música de este año 👇🏻

«Demasiado Distinto» - Insurgentes Sur

#InsurgentesSur #Lanzamientos2024 #AlbumReleases #ViernesDeMusica #RockChileno #MusicaChilena

Lake Michigan! Live! mastodon (AP)
Current* conditions near Beaver Island, MI:
Security cam looking SSE over of the Beaver Island Ferry dock with Lake Michigan in the distance. // Image captured at: 2024-12-20 21:37:48 UTC (about 25 min. prior to this post) // Current Temp in Beaver Island: 23.33 F | -4.82 C // Precip: overcast clouds // Wind: NNW at 10.357 mph | 16.66 kph // Humidity: 74%

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Norway’s Deila Named Coach Of MLS Atlanta United #atlanta #fbl #mls #Noreg #Norge #norway #nyheter #SYND
Norway's Deila Named Coach Of MLS Atlanta United

CandyK mastodon (AP)
The Andrew Sisters.
Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy.

David August mastodon (AP)
"...a power outage at #SpaceX’s California facility caused a loss of #GroundControl, meaning that the mission control team was briefly unable to command the #spacecraft."

Single outage brought GROUND CONTROL down?! On the ground where power grids & diesel generators at a nearby home improvement store are! Have they never heard of battery backups and generators?! They have no idea what 3 points-safe₁ means, nor failover₂, and have no business trying to send so much as a spatula to #space.

🧵 1/3
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
Kim Perales reshared this.
Estarriol, WU Dragon mastodon (AP)
well 3 point safety is what private ceo's consider government waste and fat and must be eliminated.
David August mastodon (AP)
ya know what is waste, can be eliminated and also includes the number three? The three letters C, E and O that is.

I really wanna make a joke about going to Luigi U to get an MBA with a focus on cutting c-suite costs. But fear that’s in bad taste.

So instead, I’ll go to University of Thompson and learn to end hundreds of thousands of people through paperwork instead.

Sorry, feeling not thrilled at the lack of constructive improvements many in c-suites are permitting.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Tomáš hometown (AP)
it's your own fault

#unix_surrealism #magnetic_nymph
Magnetic Nymph sits in front of a MNT Reform laptop. She stares at you.

A wire twists and twirls around her nude tattooed body and horns.

There's nothing but a clear screen and a terminal prompt on the display of the machine.

Chuck mastodon (AP)
Nice Saab
A Saab turbo convertible

Mary Hilton mastodon (AP)
Just to give myself another Christmas present, I ordered a box of KN95 masks for the next year.

I do not care what the anyone but the CDC says-bird flu, regular flu and Covid are all still very present dangers to the public.

Bird flu will eventually fully mutate into a human transmission form, and so far it has killed millions of birds and mammals.

Nothing in science says we're immune to it. We are not.

taz diaspora
Einigung über die Zukunft von VW

Die Sozialpartnerschaft ist vorerst gerettet

Von Simon Poelchau

Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitgeber haben sich im Streit um die Zukunft bei VW geeinigt. IG Metall und Betriebsrat konnten die schlimmsten Pläne abwehren.

#taz #tageszeitung #Volkswagen #Volkswagen #Mobilitätswende #IG #Metall #Transformation #E-Autos

lj·rk mastodon (AP)
Very enraged about the missed opportunity to put Freddie on the Queen card…
A card set featuring famous musicians and Freddie Mercury is on a picture for the King card.

AaronDavid mastodon (AP)
VoxClamans mastodon (AP)
And Then There Were None?

In der #Brückenstraße in #Sachsenhausen wurde vor einigen Wochen ein Stück Radfahrstreifen eingerichtet. Leider parken auf der anderen Straßenseite immer wieder #Falschparker, wodurch die Restfahrbahnbreite nicht mehr gegeben ist und die Leute mit den KFZ auf den Radfahrstreifen ausweichen 🙄

Gestern hat dann die städtische Verkehrspolizei endlich mal etwas aufgeräumt ☺️ 🚀

#Frankfurt #Abschleppgruppe
Jemand fährt mit einem LKW in einer recht schmalen Straße in Gegenrichtung über einen Radfahrstreifen, rechts davon ein geparktes Auto am Fahrbahnrand Mit einem Abschleppwagen wird einer der Falschparker aufgeladen
Die selbe Situation wie auf dem ersten Foto, nur aus der anderen Richtung und mit Radfahrenden Der zweite Falschparker hängt am Kran eines Abschleppwagens, im Vordergrund kniet eine Frau neben einem Kind. Beide gucken sich das Manöver an.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Anteúltimo episodio de #CrónicasDeUnLinuxero ya disponible:
Gracias por el apoyo

unusual_whales mastodon (AP)
Elon Musk on the Christmas attack in Germany: Scholz should resign immediately. Incompetent fool.

Of note, before this event, Elon Musk backed Germany’s AfD political party, per FT

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Latvijas Florbola savienība » LV » 2024/2025 » Jaunumi » “Ķekava/RB&B” rezultatīvā cīņā pārspēj liepājniekus #2024 #čempionāts #florbols #Jaunumi #latvia #Latvija #lfs #LV #sports #virslīga
Latvijas Florbola savienība » LV » 2024/2025 » Jaunumi » "Ķekava/RB&B" rezultatīvā cīņā pārspēj liepājniekus

maniajack mastodon (AP)
In Michigan a $50million grant to a Canadian company to build a mine that would harm Great Lake Superior, Porcupine Mountains state park and community water supplies was blocked 🙌

Sounds like the MI state legislature can keep bringing it back up (so keep fighting) but that's cause for some #goodnews celebration

Confrontation Jacen mastodon (AP)
The billionaires think it will be easy. They think you’ll lay over and die. But you won’t do that. You won’t allow that. There will be an inflection point and you will stand and rebel against their tyranny. No matter how far fetched you think it is.. It isn’t. It’s coming. Prepare every day by rebelling now. If you make yourself smaller for a fascist than you will do anything for them. Become larger and louder. Turn into the change that’s needed. Allow only the truth around you.

Climate-warming gas leaks must be fixed by utilities in a new proposed rule

Natural gas utilities likely will face stricter federal regulations for their climate-warming methane emissions. Among the biggest sources of leaks is the meter outside a gas customer's home.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Zukunft Mobilität mastodon (AP)
Die Stadt Graz experimentiert schon seit ein paar Jahren mit der Methode des Schwammstadt-Prinzips für Bäume und zeigt: Das Prinzip hilft nicht nur, unsere Städte zu kühlen, sondern hat noch weitere Vorteile. - relevant -

Janet Vertesi mastodon (AP)
Remember that book everyone loved back in the 1990's, "All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten"? And it had life lessons like, "Share," "Play fair," "Don't hit," "Clean up your mess," "Don't take things that aren't yours," and "Say you're SORRY when you HURT somebody."...

What a load of crap. Cos the bullies sure don't play by these rules, and now they run the show.

I fear teaching our kids these tenets of goodness is inuring them to a life of being walked all over by oligarchs.
josemanuel mastodon (AP)
With all due respect, that's some bullshit logic. First of all, none of the principles you mentioned implied that one should not stand up for oneself. If you believe in those principles, you will defend them and fight for them. Being a good person does not equal being passive.

Also, what do you propose? That, because there are bad people, we're entitled to become bad people too? I assume you don't, but that's what is implied by your post.

Dyfrig Williams mastodon (AP)
#NowReading Vulture Capitalism by Grace Blakeley Got a long way to go, but this is very interesting on how the state and the market interact #Bookstodon #NonFiction #Books
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David Brent 📚 mastodon (AP)
I have high hopes for The Book of Elsewhere by Keanu Reeves ("Whoa!") and China Miéville, but for now the jury is still out. Admittedly, I'm not very far into it, but I'm not sure I like the writing style. I think - I'm hoping - it gets better soon.

#FridayReads #Fiction #Books #AmReading #Bookstodon @bookstodon
Hardcover library copy of The Book of Elsewhere (A Novel) by Keanu Reeves and China Miéville. It is sitting in the corner of a partially visible grey easy chair with some vertical blinds in the background. 

Book cover is black with the outline of a hot pink boar's skull. The authors' names are also in hot pink, and the title is in white all lower-case letters underneath.

Zack Labe mastodon (AP)
The data for my daily #Arctic temperature graphs has been restored after another recent outage. The graphs are now updated through yesterday ( Thanks for your patience!
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.
AntOnEarth mastodon (AP)
thank you for the great work you do!

AaronDavid mastodon (AP)

Lauren Weinstein mastodon (AP)
The way that Trump cowers to Musk's whims reveals to the world that Trump must really be into humiliation. Because right now Trump may be the most humiliated person on the planet.

Picard Tips mastodon (AP)
Picard management tip: Think.
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