taz mastodon (AP)
Aus dem syrischen Gefängnis von Sednaya kamen vor einer Woche Tausende Inhaftierte frei. Angehörige suchen nun weiter nach Vermissten.!6052798

In case you haven't seen it, I'm helping with the ZeroWriter project. I optimized the Inkplate library for a couple of their epaper PCBs. ZeroWriter 1.0 will ship with the Inkplate5V2 inside. By optimizing the code, it now has acceptable latency to be used as an electronic typewriter:

Europe Says mastodon (AP) England must accept the need for ruthlessness alongside entertainment | England cricket team #america #Entertainment #health #sports #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USA
England must accept the need for ruthlessness alongside entertainment | England cricket team

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Chiharu Shiota Opens The Largest Exhibition Ever Devoted To Her In France #Art #ArtExhibition #artist #france #GrandPalais #installation #japan #Osaka #paris #thread #Wool
Chiharu Shiota Opens The Largest Exhibition Ever Devoted To Her In France

The Rapist in the White House would understand though.
I don't think people understand what they are doing when they bend the knee to this Oligarchy, they think this shit won't effect them?

#GBNews #Trump #UK

There is no such thing as being "socially #liberal but fiscally #conservative".

All #fiscal issues are #social #issues.

#USpol #VTpol #GovernmentShutdown2024

Al compás gaditano mastodon (AP)
Pues el servicio @mastofeed de @Barredo funciona de categoría. Hemos configurado la publicación automática en dos minutos. Gracias a @rober también por los cambios en para que funcionara.
Gracias a ti por elegir un placer servirte.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Italy’s Matteo Salvini found not guilty of kidnapping in migrant case #italy
Italy’s Matteo Salvini found not guilty of kidnapping in migrant case

Broadwaybabyto mastodon (AP)
Today I heard the most disconnected justification for not masking

Someone told me their dad refused to mask because he wanted to “live his life fully”. He caught covid & died

This person genuinely seemed to believe that her Dad lived more fully than people who mask…because he died living the way HE wanted

Given they’re likely experiencing grief - I pushed back as gently as possible. I explained that you can do almost all activities while wearing a respirator - but you can’t live life if you’re dead.

There was zero recognition of the point I was trying to make. They stood their ground.

I don’t know how we reach people like that. They’re so entrenched in their beliefs that even losing a close family member wont shake their denial.

Because it’s an airborne virus - his choice likely harmed others.

Thats the reason I keep advocating. Your “freedom” to risk your health stops when it puts the lives of others at risk.

Perhaps you’re genuinely ok losing your life just to avoid wearing a mask - but don’t presume to make that decision for other people.

Masking is kindness. It saves lives.

#covidisairborne #CovidIsNotOver #sarscov2 #longcovid #wearamask #maskswork
2 people reshared this

why-not @Heike mastodon (AP)
Fuck! Das ist schlimm!!! Die armen Menschen!
„Auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt in Magdeburg ist ein Autofahrer in eine Menschengruppe gefahren“
Mina mastodon (AP)
Das ist furchtbar. Egal, was die Hintergründe sind.
why-not @Heike mastodon (AP)
Das ist es!!! Mir tun die Leute dort von Herzen leid, egal warum, was und wie!

Sam Litzinger mastodon (AP)
Has anyone heard from Joe Biden during this budget impasse? Or has Trump already moved in to the White House and just not announced it?
Lauren Weinstein mastodon (AP)
When the GOP is eating itself alive, there's no reason for Biden to do more than sit back and watch the show.

#bevyofbeauties #sfw

Vee mastodon (AP)
Fragile. Our Lives Depend On Her.

Don't let her be damaged beyond repair.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Alfie Kohn mastodon (AP)
Sometimes history rhymes like it's Stephen freaking Sondheim
From Seth Cotlar A right wing car maker who bought a media outlet in order to amplify antisemitic conspiracy theories is advocating for a far right German party that promises to expel a disfavored minority? You don't say." [photo of Henry Ford]

Chris Trottier pleroma (AP)
Yes, many people on LinkedIn are 100% sincere.

I know this because most people in my LinkedIn network are folks I’ve met in real life – and it’s just who they are. That high energy sales guy is still high energy when you’re sipping a beer. That MBA-type is, yes, a golden retriever when you’re having lunch on the porch. And yes, I’ve had plenty of opportunity to hang out with them in non-work contexts.

If you’re the type of person who carefully segments their professional and personal lives, it’s hard to believe that some people don’t have a work persona. But it’s true, some don’t. When I was working in a corporate environment, I was very much the heart-on-your-sleeve type. Perhaps this wasn’t a good idea in terms of moving up the corporate ladder, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I will say this much. You won’t always get frank discussion on LinkedIn because a good many people are simply looking for a job, and they’re trying to put their best foot forward. And I get that.

For myself, I’m not trying to gain much out of LinkedIn other than as an outlet to share stuff. And that’s simply how I look at it. Some of what I say touches on business, some on personal development, and some just on music I’ve been hearing.

Because the truth is, I don’t have a persona. I couldn’t have a believable one if I tried. And because of this, I have room to give contrarian takes that runs counter to the narratives there.

For example, two days ago, someone said “organic traction on social media is dead.” I said – nope, organic traction is alive and well on the Fediverse, and it’s awesome. That person did not appreciate that feedback and sent me a sarcastic GIF to show their displeasure. And that’s fine. 🙂

Of course, there’s lots of vultures and bottom feeders too. I’m aware of that. In fact, I’d be foolish to believe otherwise. Oh, well.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

unusual_whales mastodon (AP)
X has rolled out a new recommendation algorithm.

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

It was Beauty that killed the Beast (1999) + Day or Night - My City is Bright


#art by James #Rizzi

A word on how the bot works.

Bot is probably not the best term for it, because it is so dirt simple. It is literally just fortune piped to a perl script called cat4stuff which is executed via cron. It used to be called cat4mastodon, but I have since merged another script called cat4mm (as in MatterMost) into the same codebase. So it can be used to pipe command outputs to multiple destinations on multiple platform types now.

The Roman date bot works in a similar way, but instead of fortune, I execute a perl script called kalends that uses Date::Roman, and corrects a spelling error along the way. It also is piped to cat4stuff.

And before anyone asks, yes, the year is correct. It is the years since the founding of the city of Rome, which has nothing to do with the birth of a certain deity associated with the common era.
Stefano Marinelli mastodon (AP)
"ab Urbe condita"
Stefano Marinelli mastodon (AP)
as an Italian and having studied Latin for 5 years, I appreciate that bot

Es uno de los villancicos rockeros más famosos, pero esconde algunas trampas en su historia.

Para empezar, porque el artista no era rockero.

Y a lo mejor ni siquiera es un villancico.

Hoy, en este hilo pre-navideño de #LaHistorietaMusical, Bobby Helms y su Jingle Bell Rock.

#Navidad #Villancicos #jinglebellrock #BobbyHelms #LaHistorietaMusical
Bobby Helms, en una fotografía en blanco y negro tocando su guitarra con cara sonriente y un traje de vaquero negro con flecos blancos. Dominio público.

javi firefish (AP)
If you don't in the WordPress ecosystem, you may not understand how HUGE this post is

Joost is probably the second biggest figure in the entire WP ecosystem, only after Matt M himself. He is the biggest voice from the "Enterprise WordPress" world.

This is not anymore open source contributors complaining about governance. This is the Business WordPress demanding a leadership change and suggesting it either happens or a hard fork, backed by big business, is on the way.
Michael reshared this.


TJ1001 mastodon (AP)
Look no one is saying Amazon treats it workers like shit and are utter scum as a company … it’s just that Amazon treats it workers like shit and are utter scum as a company

#brexit #tory #tories #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #bbc #news #EU #nhs #costofliving #Labour #keirstarmer #Starmer #labourparty #RejoinEU #ToryCorruption #standuptoracism #farage #nigelfarage #refromuk #Gammons #elon #elonmusk #trump #DonaldTrump #amazon

ploum mastodon (AP)
We're all going to die because a very small minority refuses to reduce its profits and everyone else refuses to lose followers.
Myriam Tamagni mastodon (AP)
"Nous allons tous mourir" çaaa, pas besoin de faire x année à l'univ pour en être certain ! Vive mr Lapalisse 😉

El amigo @rafapoverello ha recopilado casi 40Gb de películas dirigidas por mujeres. Un trabajo titánico.
Rafa Poverello mastodon (AP)
Dentro de un mes o por ahí subiré las otras. Ya te aviso.
Estoy bien pendiente de tu RSS 😊

The next new leader of the free world
Told me on TV before l could silence it

That america and italy had been allies since the roman times?

I thought he was wrong because america is not that old

Now I find they where actually the enemy in 2 world wars?

Why is he telling such great big lies?

He cant be as ignorant of history of his country as me

Trump the ignorant liar
Is going to be in charge of America?

The insanely rich should be in the nut house
Not the white house

Rev. Dr. Mazigazi mastodon (AP)

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
'I feel sorry for him': Ex-Republican lawmaker says Trump just 'kneecapped' Mike Johnson - Raw Story
NOPE … Johnson deserves all the humiliation he receives at the hand of Mango Mussolini and President Emo. #FAFO
lin11c mastodon (AP)
Johnson is a hypocritical phony Christian suck-up back-stabbing MAGAt POS. How many Ukrainians died because of his withholding aid. He is despicable.

TP mastodon (AP)
They are always denying their plan to cut your mom’s fixed income, yet here it is in the plan for January.
TP mastodon (AP)
For the record this is an excerpt from The Guardian where you can read all about the last minute budget machinations for free.

Andy mastodon (AP)
#trump #musk #mandleson #america
Calling Trump a moron would be an insult to morons. He’s an egocentric nefarious megalomaniac attempting to build a government of unfathomably dumb servile lackeys he can easily control.
Being recommended or chosen by Trump is an endorsement of stupidity.
The picture below never ceases to amaze me. They look like a modern day version of the Kray twins. Would you honestly hand your country over to these idiots? It’s bound to end in tears.
Trump looking like a criminal in a red maga hat, and Musk clearly trying to look like an extra from Terminator 2.
This entry was edited (1 month ago) - 👏🏻Via Kyle Griffin:

The #Biden admin just canceled federal student loans for 55,000 workers through the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program.

The cancellation targets teachers, nurses, service members, law enforcement and others who have worked 10 years or more in government or nonprofit jobs.

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Darwin Woodka mastodon (AP)
all our troubles really tho
yuhasz01 mastodon (AP)
Hard for GOP/Maga to govern when they are only committed to oligarchy and self-interest.

Khurram Wadee diaspora

A quotation from Roosevelt
The individualism which finds its expression in the abuse of physical force is checked very early in the growth of civilization, and we of to-day should in our turn strive to shackle or destroy that individualism which triumphs by greed and cunning, which exploits the weak by craft instead of ruling them by brutality.

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) American politician, statesman, conservationist, writer, US President (1901-1909)
Speech (1910-04-23), “Citizenship in a Republic [The Man in the Arena],” Sorbonne, Paris

#quote #quotes #quotation #avarice #cunning #economicinjustice #exploitation #greed #individualism #license #regulation
Sourcing / notes:

"Some rob you with a six-gun
And some with a fountain pen"

Dr Joe Pajak mastodon (AP)
'Two severe #H5N1 cases caused by the D1.1 genotype are reason for increased concern - the one good piece of news is that so far, there has been no human-to-human transmission of H5N1. If that starts happening, we could be in trouble'. @jeremyfaust

JillyLovesLife mastodon (AP)

Content warning: #Wordle 1,280 1/6 NYT Freebie with a slight hint

Loïs Archer McKeown mastodon (AP)

Content warning: #Wordle 1,280 1/6 NYT Freebie with a slight hint

JillyLovesLife mastodon (AP)
@Lmck 😁 Thank you 👍🏻😬

M. Ní Sídach mastodon (AP)
The only thing worse than African scammers, are white sociopaths pretending to be African scammers, or just people of African descent in general.
eswillwalker mastodon (AP)
I suppose you mean all people, as we are all ultimately of African descent.
M. Ní Sídach mastodon (AP)
@ELS I am fairly certain most people understand the context of my post; that we live in a racial hierarchy promoted by law, custom, and commerce.

Every peer-reviewed study in the US and UK over the past half century tells us that conservatively speaking, over 65 percent of those who identify as white also deny a racial hierarchy exists.

Kenny Chaffin diaspora
enter image description here

TODAY: In 1968, John Steinbeck dies.

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Ugh, terrorist attack in Germany!

A car drove into a crowd at Christmas market in Magdeburg

11 people killed, 60 injured based on initial reports
newer older

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