After a rather complicated "small" class about creative coding in Blender this month I am having a really hard time feeling ready for my "big" class in May. I wish I had more time to learn from people what they struggle and how they approach the concepts and how they overcome obstacles in Blender.
The content of the class is basically creative coding practices and techniques inside Blender using geometry nodes and shaders. Still images and animations.
In that light, I'd love to start a study group like this:
- no previous Blender knowledge required
- no previous coding knowledge required
- up to 20 people
- online only
- starting sometime in mid-January
- asynchronous material (video tutorials)
- weekly exercises / themes
- kind of required participation on weekly exercises
- I'll be reading, researching and answering questions daily
Would you be interested? If yes, what format would you think is the best?
Boosts appreciated! :B
- Not interested (0%, 0 votes)
- Forum (66%, 2 votes)
- Chat (33%, 1 vote)
- Email (33%, 1 vote)
- Other (0%, 0 votes)
3 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago