EarthMomma mastodon (AP)
For anyone that needs to hear this---Trump did NOT get a mandate in any way shape or form.

Trump is a convicted felon still, now, and FOREVER.


From Trump’s repeated threats against his perceived enemies to his ongoing attacks on free speech, the parallels to Orbán’s authoritarian rule in Hungary are chilling. But as The Big Picture explains, there are still democratic guardrails that, with the right support, can prevent us from slipping into such illiberalism.
almondtree reshared this.
yosarrian mastodon (AP)
as a Hungarian, I apologise for Orbán.
trump's constant weapon of choice against any Republicans who go against his wishes is to "primary them" and should be THE PROVERBIAL SIGN that they are on the correct path for SAVING America from him and the billionaires who want to destroy the 95% of us!

We outnumber them and if enough of the Republicans figure this out, they can defeat trump, Musk, etal by bringing a 3rd impeachment against trump on January 21st! Save the freaking country BEFORE trump destroys it.

wortezimmer mastodon (AP)
Mit Bad putzen und Körperpflege 1 Stunde im Bad verbracht. Jetzt bin ich allergisch gegen die Wörter:*

All year long
Time of year
On earth

*Im Bad habe ich nur ein Radio mit terrestrischer Antenne. Ich brauche unbedingt DAB!
wortezimmer mastodon (AP)
@badezimmerspinne @energisch_
Also, ich koch da nix. Nicht mal Wäsche.

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@psychoplombier Bisous du vendredi Valérie 😘😘😘😘

Leilah Lilienruh mastodon (AP)
All of them were found guilty. All of them.
#GiselePelicot hat mit ihrem unglaublichen Mut und ihrer Kraft dafür gesorgt, dass die Würde zu den Opfern zurückkehrt und die Schande zu den Tätern.
Und das ist erst der Anfang. Keiner darf mehr davonkommen. Keiner! Kein Misshandler, kein Vergewaltiger, kein Kinderschänder.
Die tapfere Schwester aus Frankreich hat den Anfang gemacht und wir alle müssen jetzt weiterkämpfen..

#StephenBaldwin #sexuellerMissbrauch #Gewalt #Vergewaltigung #Täter
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helgenug mastodon (AP)
#JaKommaAber : Die Strafmaße sind zu gering, um den Seitenwechsel der Scham zu vollenden.

Jess ex machina mastodon (AP)
Könnt ihr euch bitte mal alle abgewöhnen eine gute Nachricht zu relativieren, weil sie noch besser hätte sein können? Es sei denn, es ist dein Ziel andere zu demotivieren. Dann mach weiter so!
Leilah Lilienruh mastodon (AP)
"She flipped the script!", schreibt eine britische Professorin für Kriminologie heute im Netz.
Sie hat recht, but only if we don't stop fighting now! Gisèle made the start. But our fight has only just begun.


The future was distributed as a top-down affair.

The violence was distributed bottom-upwards.

Thinking of the Gibson line about the future - that it's already here, it's just not very well distributed yet.

I think that this is now true of violence.

The violence is already here, it's just not very well distributed yet.

Well, if you're someone who thinks humanity is good, there is no evidence in any of today's news stories to support that.

If you're somebody who ejaculates at the thought of stomping someone you hate's face into the dirt with a steel-toed boot, then today's news stories must have your heart singing. Every single trend today has your future coming into sharper and sharper focus.

Christ, I thought this season was grim as fuck when it was elves and presents.

This world makes that one look shiny.

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@ellouis Bisous du vendredi Louis 😘😘😘😘😘

Gretchen Anderson mastodon (AP)
Got a notice of a hoax threat at one kid’s school, and then the other kid came home saying they had a lockdown bc a man climbed over a fence but no notification of that incident. Can we just dial it down?

Universal Hub mastodon (AP)
Even busy lawyers on their way to court have to stay out of crime scenes wrapped in police warning tape, judge rules

#Boston #Roxbury #lawsuits

Mary Hilton mastodon (AP)
For all those who are worried, this is good news out of the possible government shut down:

"Social Security is considered a mandatory program, and it's not funded by the shorter-term continuing-resolution bills that have kept the government operating in recent years amid Washington political gridlock."

But that doesn't mean it is not harmful. Don't try to call the agency.
Mary Hilton mastodon (AP)
It's an automatic process.
I get Social Security too. All mandatory spending and processing is done-I'm pretty sure that the employees who do that are 'essential employees' for the job.
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The Turtle mastodon (AP)
yeah, but there's no guarantee they get paid for that time! Congress has always made good in the past, but these assholes...

Ben Royce 🇺🇦 mastodon (AP)
December 20, 2024

Morning in #Kyiv following a #Russian #ballistic #missile strike on the city

a young man with a somber expression wearing headphones and holding his dog and his laptop while a fire burns behind him

Jetzt nur noch #Scholz gegen #Merz und keine anderen Formate.
Das ist eine schwache Leistung von #ARD und #ZDF.

ARD und ZDF sagen TV-Duell zwischen Habeck und Weidel ab.
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Cyris mastodon (AP)
War auch nicht kritisch oder böse gemeint, aber wir sind auf Social Media und sogar im Fediverse lesen einige nicht mehr als die Überschrift. Deshalb bloß so als einordnende Anmerkung dazu.

Der ganze Umgang seitens ÖRR zu dem Thema ist unter aller Sau.

Not a Goat 🦝 mastodon (AP)
U.S. Department of Justice: United States Charges Dual Russian and Israeli National as Developer of LockBit Ransomware Group
A superseding criminal complaint filed in the District of New Jersey was unsealed today charging a dual Russian and Israeli national for being a developer of the LockBit ransomware group. In August, Rostislav Panev, 51, a dual Russian and Israeli national, was arrested in Israel pursuant to a U.S. provisional arrest request with a view towards extradition to the United States. Panev is currently in custody in Israel pending extradition on the charges in the superseding complaint.

h/t Bleeping Computer: US charges Russian-Israeli as suspected LockBit ransomware coder

#cybercrime #doj #lockbit #ransomware #RostislavPanev #infosec #cybersecurity #cyberthreatintelligence #news #CTI

emotional support books. now i know what to call the control chaos of books in my apartment.
Kathmandu mastodon (AP)
Some people talk about making a blanket-fort, or pillow-fort, they can retreat to.

In times of stress, I tend to construct a fort of books and pastries. 😉
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Deniz Opal mastodon (AP)
I remember once back in prehistoric times my teacher asked us to write a sentence starting with "I", she was looking over my shoulder at the time and corrected my work because I had started with "I is".

"You don't say I is" she pointed out with equal authority and compassion, "you say I am".

So my sentence became "I am a vowel and the 9th letter of the alphabet".
Hedgewizard 🐈 mastodon (AP)
"I is a right little smartarse"

AWWWWWWWW YISSSSSSSSSSSS... I figured out how to incorporate the venerable blargg's test ROMs into my test suite... and they all pass!!!
Screencap from Xcode showing the source code for a test suite, which runs three of blargg's test ROM through my emulator, and the results below showing that all three passed
Misty hometown (AP)
Heyyyy nice!

Pablonius Monk mastodon (AP)
KXT dropped off this nice holiday gift from their "music closet"! What a nice surprise from our favorite music station here in Dallas Fort Worth. 📻 🎵

I dropped the SiriusXM and donated to KXT instead this year. SiriusXM has since sent me enough mailers to get me to re-up to fill a filing cabinet.

Hmm... Which engagement approach do I prefer?

#Music #Radio #KXT #DFW #Dallas #Texas #PublicRadio #LocalMusic
Photo of KXT 91.7's gift pack featuring a various CDs, DVDs, and a nifty bumper sticker that reads: "KXT 91.7 My Commute is a Trip. The Republic of Music". The manila envelope was hand-delivered and included all sorts of goodies: 

Ray Charles CD
Buddy Guy CD
2 Stevie Ray Vaughn live DVDs
Wilco Schmilco CD
Avett Brothers CD
Sarah Jaffe Promotional CD
Jimi Hendrix Experience Live CD

The letter reads:

Dear Pablonius,
Thank you so much for listening to KXT and sharing your thoughts in our recent survey. 

Here's a little something from our music closet to say THANK YOU in time for the holidays! And feel free to share them with the world (and tag us) on social media if you'd like!

Don't forget to download the new KXT app for iOS and Android.

You can support KXT at or by scanning the QR code below [link broken FYI]. 

Thank you so much for listening to and supporting KXT!

Patrick Griffith
Digital Engagement Coordinator

Nadia Zaboura ✨ mastodon (AP)
Aufwachen und vom medienjournalistischen MDR Altpapier zitiert werden: check.

Mehr Kritik an Kanzler-Duellen wagen und der öffentlich-rechtlichen Unfähigkeit, darin Live-Factchecking als Standard-Service in Zeiten politischen Bullshittings zu integrieren - zu den Videos:

Neu: Unter Chagall über Medien und Faschismus diskutieren - check.

Bei den 54. Römerberggesprächen stand alles im Zeichen des aufhaltsamen Aufstiegs des Rechtsextremismus.

Unser Thema: "Zwischen Panik und Versöhnungstheater: Wie (medial) mit der AfD umgehen?“

Ein Video-Thread:


Nadia Zaboura ✨ mastodon (AP)
Neu: Unter Chagall über Medien und Faschismus diskutieren - check.

Bei den 54. Römerberggesprächen stand alles im Zeichen des aufhaltsamen Aufstiegs des Rechtsextremismus.

Unser Thema: "Zwischen Panik und Versöhnungstheater: Wie (medial) mit der AfD umgehen?“

Ein Video-Thread:


Dr Joe Pajak mastodon (AP)
'The current avian influenza #H5N1 situation is concerning, dynamic and evolving. A(H5) viruses, especially those of clade, continue to diversify genetically & spread geographically.'
Quote: @mvankerkhove @WHO.
'Global #OneHealth approach is key.'
Dr Joe Pajak mastodon (AP)
Disease surveillance provides a vital public health early warning system, enabling monitoring and evaluation of the impact of actions taken to prevent virus transmission, aiding planning and evaluation of public health policy and strategies.
Please read, and support, this petition if you agree with its aims.

eclectech mastodon (AP)
The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Twenty

The last Friday before Christmas, so time for the dancers and Myfanwy to join forces once more. One of the dancers brought a cow along too, because why not? We believe in an inclusive festive dance time.

As ever have a good weekend, if you possibly can.

#sillyScribbles #xmasScribbles #FridaySparklyDancers #MyfanwyAndFriend #animation

oatmeal mastodon (AP)
#Palestine / HRW: Israel's deliberate water deprivation in Gaza is a crime of extermination and genocide

A Human Rights Watch report details how Israeli authorities intentionally cut off water access to Palestinian civilians in #Gaza since October 2023, resulting in thousands of deaths. This action, coupled with the destruction of water infrastructure and the blocking of aid, constitutes the crime against humanity of extermination and potentially genocide. The report cites statements by Israeli officials expressing a desire to destroy Palestinians in Gaza as further evidence of genocidal intent.

The ongoing blockade of Gaza, lasting over 17 years, is also highlighted as collective punishment and a war crime, part of a broader pattern of #apartheid and persecution against Palestinians. The report urges governments to halt military assistance to #Israel, review diplomatic ties, and support the International Criminal Court's accountability efforts to prevent further atrocities.

Infographic comparing water access per person per day in Israel and Gaza. It shows: 

- Israel (2020): 247 liters/day. 
- WHO minimum: 50-100 liters/day. 
- Gaza before current war (2023): 2-9 liters/day

Dr Ro Smith mastodon (AP)
Very much enjoyed the Lower Decks finale. It worked.
Dr Ro Smith mastodon (AP)
yeah, I'm really sad it's over, but they ended it well.

Dave Bonta mastodon (AP)

Fine snow slowing to a stop by sunrise and resuming 45 minutes later. It’s quiet enough to hear what the creek is saying both before and after it travels under my yard.

Kim Perales mastodon (AP)
Musk asks voters to brace for economic 'hardship,' deep spending cuts. -Oct 2024

CR Plan C *for a few weeks. It won't pass. Trump wants the debt ceiling abolished -for tax cuts to corporations & the wealthy. He gave Musk the power to destroy the US govt for Putin.

Rep Luna leaving the meeting with Speaker Johnson: "Republicans will not negotiate with Dems."

Trump/Musk want a #shutdown.

Musk endorses the AfD, the Nazi Party: #massdeportations...

#USPol #GOPSabotage
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Kim Perales reshared this.
Brad Macpherson mastodon (AP)
@LaNaehForaday More than 17 million in exterminations; to say nothing of 25-odd million who died fighting in the war; and millions of civilians.

Then there's the people who died of the inevitable famines and disease. Altogether nearly 3% of the Earth's population at the time.

Savaged Obliterated. Gone.

All because of the ideas used by these evil shitbags to con their way into power, and the cowardly obedience of civil servants in following ever more evil orders.

KB mastodon (AP)
If you need AI to help you distinguish between Laphroaig and Jack Daniel’s, you're in a bad way indeed...

#Whisky #AI

James Y🎃ung hometown (AP)
also, Evil Billy Corgan
Pastor of Muppets hometown (AP)
@pronoiac If you are referring to Nicholas Hoult, he is a literal angel hdu

taz mastodon (AP)
Laut AfD-Chef Chrupalla hat Russland den Ukraine-Krieg bereits gewonnen. Die deutsche Nato-Mitgliedschaft stellt er infrage. Teile der AfD sind empört.!6057838

katharine mastodon (AP)
Would love to have faith in humanity, but humans keep ruining it

Which Linux distribution do you use on your desktop or laptop?

Edit: I would love to hear from individuals who selected “other” if you’re open to sharing your response!

(Only four options because of the poll answer count limitation - sorry!)

#Linux #Arch #Fedora #NixOS #Ubuntu #Poll

  • Arch (16%, 73 votes)
  • Fedora (18%, 83 votes)
  • NixOS (26%, 116 votes)
  • Ubuntu (11%, 52 votes)
  • Other (26%, 114 votes)
438 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

🤖 Lazaro el dog mastodon (AP)
Be thankful you are alive!

Because technofeudalists haven't found the way to replace your very cheap labor while keeping your consumption.


Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
How Viking-Age Hunters Took Down the Biggest Animal on Earth | Hakai Magazine,any%20other%20species%20of%20whale

Sophie Schmieg mastodon (AP)
The tradition is only known as "the holidays" to most, but it's important to remember what we are celebrating this time of year: the Herculean effort to fix the log4j vulnerability caused by needless use of JNDI.
2 people reshared this

Chris Alemany mastodon (AP)
Hey @pluralistic!! In the vein of trying to reverse the #enshittification factor, a little group of us are starting up a regional Mastodon instance: and more to the point - a Society of Open Social Servers. We want to create community run #Fediverse instances... is our first go.

I could stretch this into a #LongThread in your honour, but really I just hope you'd boost our launch fundraiser! 😁🙏 opens Jan 1
More info:

Ours is the timeline that dares to ask, what if Hitler had also been the richest man on the planet and controlled the sky?
newer older

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