Sue Stone mastodon (AP)

Study Reveals How Ultra-Processed Foods May Fuel Bowel Cancer

bee mastodon (AP)
Was #CDU #CSU da gerade an Gefasel zur Wirtschaftsleistung absondern, ist weder neu noch ungewöhnlich. Es zeigt sich gerade an der Diskussion zu Überstunden, dass sie von Arbeitsrecht keine Ahnung haben (von Sozial- und Sozialversicherungsrecht ganz zu schweigen). Man macht das nicht, wie #Linnemann ankündigt, mit einem Federstrich. Arbeitsrecht ist Querschnittsmaterie, es gibt nicht ein Arbeitsgesetz, man müsste mehrere Gesetze grundlegend ändern. Mit entsprechenden Kollateralschäden 1/x
Julima mastodon (AP)
Ich gebe die Hoffnung noch nicht ganz auf.
Wenn ich unter Leuten bin, diese anlächele, ihnen wertschätzend gegenübertrete und so auch mit ihnen rede, spiegeln die das.

Insofern könnte es ja auch sein, dass Wähler merken, dass es ihnen mit der ehrlichen und offenen Art von Habeck, Dröge, Banaszak etc. sehr viel besser geht als mit der herablassenden, aufgeblasenen, sinnentleerten, aufgeregten vieler anderer Buhlender um die Macht (zu deren eigenem Wohlergehen).
Julima mastodon (AP)
Ja. Dennoch brauchen wir die Hoffnung, und wir können im eigenen Umfeld versuchen, Gutes zu tun, sodass etwas dieser Saat aufgehen möge. Was wäre sonst die Alternative?
Ist mittlerweile schwer, das stimmt.

CRISPY Spanish Cheese Croquettes | "Better than Mozzarella Sticks"


(had to do it since @MirrorAyako is not here)

#FieldOfFire #StarTrekDS9
#AllStarTrek @allstartrek - In September 2023, I published a story about extensive research suggesting that thieves who'd obtained a copy of the encrypted LastPass vaults that were exposed in a 2022 data breach were successfully cracking access to some LastPass accounts, leading to a significant number of 7-figure+ cryptocurrency thefts.

In the past week, the talented crypto crime researcher ZachXBT walked through how thieves have stolen another $5.36 from over 40 different crypto wallet addresses recently, and why it was likely tied to the LastPass breach.

In response to media coverage of ZachXBT's research, LastPass issued a statement that basically said all of the researchers who've connected high-dollar thefts to the LastPass breach are somehow barking up the wrong tree:

"A year has passed since initial claims surfaced alleging a link between certain cryptocurrency thefts and the 2022 LastPass security incidents,” LastPass Chief Secure Technology Officer Christofer Hoff said. “In that time, LastPass has investigated these claims and to date is not aware of any conclusive evidence that directly connects these crypto thefts to LastPass. Because we take any claims regarding the security of LastPass and our customers seriously, we continue to invite any security researchers who believe they may have evidence to contact the LastPass Threat Intelligence team.”

Taylor Monahan, lead product manager at MetaMask, is one of the researchers who's been most vocal about the apparent fallout from the LastPass breach. Tay's responses over on Hellsite to the LastPass statement are scathing.

sjvn mastodon (AP)
The Automattic vs WP Engine WordPress wars are getting really annoying by @sjvn

And since I wrote this, it's gotten even worse! I'm sick and tired of Automattic's #WordPress nonsense.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Rightardia mastodon (AP)
Political Wire

"Republicans’ success at the ballot box in 2024 was decisive, but not overwhelming. The GOP owes its continued control of the House to a mere 7,309 votes spread across three districts. At the presidential level, Donald Trump owes his Electoral College victory to 229,766 voters out of 155.2 million cast."

Not a Goat 🦝 mastodon (AP)
Wiz: The many ways to obtain credentials in AWS
Attackers with cloud knowledge will look for IAM role credentials on Amazon Web Services (AWS) in different areas. Wiz describes the various ways they might attempt to obtain these credentials. There are many ways that compute services on AWS obtain their credentials and there are many features and services that have special credentials. This can result in a single EC2 having multiple IAM principals accessible from it.

#aws #infosec #cybersecurity #iam #ec2

The popular beverage brand Liquid Death partnered with Depend, the adult incontinence product company, to launch their $75 faux leather diaper designed especially for mosh pit frequenters.

Celia Valdeolmillos mastodon (AP)
Pues parece que Xiaomi ha añadido soporte oficial para Home Assistant, aunque habrá que ver hasta qué punto, temas de privacidad, etc. Aquí el GitHub de Xiaomi con los detalles sobre la integración de sus dispositivos de IoT de la gama Home con #HomeAssistant.
MaRIa_MaJ mastodon (AP)
gracias por compartirlo!
Tengo unos cuantos aparatos enganchados a Home Assistant y la mayoría de las veces ha sido mi chico haciendo cosas por detrás para que encaje bien.
Celia Valdeolmillos mastodon (AP)
@MaRIa_MaJ ya contarás que tal, que al parecer hay una integración desarrollada por la comunidad (mira en las respuestas al mensaje)

The Verge unkn (AP)
Google reveals AI ‘reasoning’ model that ‘explicitly shows its thoughts’

Posted into The Verge on Artificial Intelligence @the-verge-on-artificial-intelligence-theverge - Ever wonder what the secret ingredient is in your favorite dessert?

We can’t answer that, but we can share this planet formation recipe! It takes a high degree of precision and a lot of patience, but the result is pretty spectacular:

Der Sprach- und Sozialforscher Benno Nothardt analysiert, wie der einseitige Kampagnenjournalismus der Bild-Zeitung dazu beigetragen hat eine restriktivere Migrationspolitik durchzusetzen und Einschränkungen des Sozialstaats voran zu treiben. 👇
Sharepic mit einem Foto von Bildzeitungsschlagzeilen. Dazu der Text: Strafen und Abschieben. Wie die Bild-Zeitung 2024 den Notstand im Migrationsdiskurs herbeischrieb.

Mashable unkn (AP)
Images of Lenovo's rollable laptop have leaked online

Posted into Breaking Tech News @breaking-tech-news-Mashable

Miri mastodon (AP)
Of course the damn gif didn’t work.

I give up.
ChatJERRYPT mastodon (AP)
if you’re talking about the post immediately before this, it was uploaded as a png….
Miri mastodon (AP)
@jerry Yea, something was weird with the capture. I wonder if it was because of a setting I missed in Vivaldi. I usually use the Google app on my phone when I save them.

AJ Sadauskas unkn (AP)
Just a quick reminder to everyone in Victoria: William Nordhaus predicts fossil fuel induced global warming will have no significant economic costs. So if you see any property damage from the bushfires over the coming days, please disregard it. According to Nordhaus, it shouldn't exist. #auspol

Bushfires in the Grampians, Th...
AJ Sadauskas unkn (AP)
"Nordhaus claimed that 3°C of warming would reduce global GDP by just 2.1%, compared to what it would be in the total absence of climate change. Even a 6°C increase in global temperature, he claimed, would reduce GDP by just just 8.5%." He won a Nobel Prize in economics for this garbage.

Nobel prize-winning economics ...
Dan Neuman hometown (AP)
2% of GDP would be more than enough to stop climate change, so even his half-assed spreadsheet shows we should definitely stop it ASAP, if Capitalists could stop to think past the next quarter. #ClimateAction

But they were good, weren't they?
Screenshot of a social post by '@HenpeckedHal' that says: 'My wife and I eloped, but a month later we had a small party to celebrate with family and friends. Somewhere on the invitation we wrote, "bring an appetite," which my wife's Uncle Jerry misread as "bring an appetizer." He showed up to the venue with a crockpot of enchiladas.'
MaybeMyMonkeys mastodon (AP)
friends had a party and showed wedding photos as the reveal
CP93 mastodon (AP)

Loren hometown (AP)
Good job everyone who posts nature pics with alt text, you’re the best
bytebro mastodon (AP)
I am one that often forgets the alt-txt, but was just reminded about the bot at which will DM you a reminder if you forget!

Steve Herman mastodon (AP)
“Today, my Administration is announcing student debt cancellation for another 55,000 public service workers,” announces President Biden in a statement.
T2R mastodon (AP)
They're going to need it since the Elongated Muskrat and the #FacistOrangeFattie are trying to shutdown the government.

Celia Valdeolmillos mastodon (AP)
Pues el martes por la noche viene el Olentzero a casa, y todavía no se ni que va a traer al costillo, tengo que pensar cositas.
Por cierto hoy llega el primer paquetito del amigo invisible que hacemos un grupo de gente maja y majara que le damos a eso de las teclas, pero viene con una empresa que no era la que pensaba, me huele a trolleo jajaja
El segundo paquetito llega mañana, a ver qué es!!!
Celia Valdeolmillos mastodon (AP)
@madtyn ay, pero en Galicia vosotros no tenéis algo llamado apalpador??? Me suena que me contaron que si.
Madtyn mastodon (AP)
Sí, pero por desgracia, en mi familia nunca vino.

Venía Papá Noel a traernos alguna cosa (tipo regalo blando == regalo cutre), pero el plato fuerte siempre fueron los Reyes.

Y siempre ha sido una jornada especial en mi familia que disfrutamos muchísimo. Todas las ganas que acumulas durante las Navidades se liberan en un sólo día. Mola mucho.
Madtyn mastodon (AP)
Con respecto al apalpador, la tradición dice que cuando los niños van a dormir, el Apalpador palpa sus barrigas para ver si han comido bien y entonces les deja regalos.

Pero hay mucho jiji medio en coña, medio en serio conque eso suena muy sucio para los tiempos que corren
Celia Valdeolmillos mastodon (AP)
mi marido es de ascendencia galega y se ha apuntado al olentzero, porque dice que lo del apalpador ese suena un poco mal
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
Celia Valdeolmillos mastodon (AP)
@madtyn en mi casa venia el olentzero que era el que traía las cosas molonas para que pudieramos disfrutarlas en vacaciones. Los reyes traian material escolar, ropa, algun libro y poco mas. Que al día siguiente ya tocaba colegio

Sold some stuff today. A little progress. Then a big tiki drink.
@nuintari I mean it’s a sectional it comes apart into every component piece

spaf mastodon (AP)
Embrace the spirit of the holidays. If you have an obnoxious relative or neighbor who is a die-hard MAGAt, reach out to at least wish them a "Treason's Greetings."

Encuentro genial que vengan grupos rockeros importantes al Festival de Viña, pero yo no iría a verlos a menos que fueran grupos que me gustan mucho y no hubiera otra alternativa. Prefiero, por lejos, un concierto dedicado sin la parafernalia e interrupciones que tiene el festival.

BrianKrebs mastodon (AP)
Not entirely sure why the MGM Grand darknet market has Krebs On Security mentioned and linked at the bottom of their homepage, but there it is.

Maybe it was meant as a service to their buyers and sellers. They seem to really care about the security of their (drug) users. I can truly say I've never seen a crime site tell me it's freaking bonkers to go around with javascript enabled until now.

But hey, on the bright side -- if I ever wanted to start phishing MGM Grand vendors, it might not be that hard. 😀
A screenshot of the homepage for the MGM Grand narcotics/darknet market shows Krebs On Security as one of five links under its "Information" heading on the homepage.
When you visit the login page for MGM Grand market with Javascript enabled, it shows a big red banner at the top that says "Warning: Javascript is enabled on  your system. For your own security, we recommend to disable it immediately."
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
Ben Aveling mastodon (AP)
if you’re doing shady stuff, you want the best security advice you can get.
It's been there for a bit, but looking at your other posts with some showing concerns of this being a phishing url is incorrect. You're using the correct link which comes from: http://ngemgrlhmdqi3zsgscjgjrbwpietxf3kbwjfzrarb4h6f3nimjsiu7yd.onion/

Medea Vanamonde mastodon (AP)
Donald Musk…has a ring to it, no?

Unlike Elon Trump. Sounds like what you’d call a broken pecker bone in s male African Elephant
Marc mastodon (AP)
He even wants to run germany.

Mimikama Ⓜ mastodon (AP)

Raccoon :mastodon: mastodon (AP)
Live as if life will go on,
As if you'll still be here in a year
Because it will, and you will.

mhoye mastodon (AP)
spite-replaying Halo Infinite, I found the place you can equip the Scorpion Gun

that's normally on top of a tank

but there's a place you can find one in game to carry around

it's fun ultra-overpowered fooling around

but it's invisible, you don't see it in your hud

for some reason it shoots from very close to the ground, not your hands

so you basically need to jump to use it

and I just now got the joke

and groaned when I did

that's because it's

drumroll please

a massive footgun

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Das hier schrieb Elon Musk vor ein paar Stunden und repostete dazu eine Message der rechtsextremen Influencerin Naomi Seibt.
(Archiv-Link: )
Immerhin sind damit alle eventuellen Unklarheiten beseitigt.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Kyle Montanio mastodon (AP)
We need to reduce our energy use, not just support a transition to greenER power. The rise of renewables hasn't stopped us from setting this wirld-burning record.

"The world's appetite for coal is growing more slowly these days but still setting fresh records, new International Energy Agency data shows."

" It's the most CO2-emitting fuel. The chart above is one reason why Paris Agreement climate goals are fast slipping out of reach."

#ClimateChange #Degrowth

since the US CDC is likely to be under attack soon i decided to make these infographics to help bring awareness of infectious diseases that have vaccines.

(this will be a series)

#PublicHealth #vaccines #Measles #CDC
infographic of Measles information from the US CDC website regarding signs and symptoms, complications, and how contagious this virus is

Bill the Lizard mastodon (AP)
I think I just received the most American gift imaginable.
WTF is a Kilometer? t-shirt

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Government shutdown fight captures difference of media and reporting
newer older

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