K1 hat Besuch von ihrer besten Kindergartenfreundin.

K1: "Weißt du, ich guck Doctor Who aber du darfst das nicht gucken weil das viel zu gruselig ist. Aber ich schon! Das ist erst ab 12 aber ich hab keine Angst! Hast du Angst?"

Ja, danke Kind... Erzähls doch gleich den anderen Eltern. 🤦🏼‍♂️

taz diaspora
+++ Nachrichten im Nahost-Krieg +++

Raketenangriff auf Golanhöhen

Ein Geschoss iranischer Bauart reißt am Samstagabend mindestens zwölf Menschen in den Tod. Israel antwortet in der Nacht mit neuen Angriffen.

Schwerpunkt: Nahost-Konflikt

#taz #tageszeitung #Netanjahu #Golan-Höhen #Hisbollah

Matthias friendica (via ActivityPub)
Andreas firefish (AP)
Huch, gerade hat meine App kurz geruckelt. Ich muss euch leider verlassen. 🤷‍♂️
jakob 🇦🇹 ✅ friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Parkrausch (Andreas) 🐟 @Matthias ✔

Und #SpaceKaren ist immer noch nicht da.
#Zuck auch nicht.

Tschüss ich geh jetzt.

4 people reshared this
Glenn mastodon (AP)
So voting is like a condom. Who knew?

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (AP)
Ein Geschoss iranischer Bauart reißt am Samstagabend mindestens zwölf Menschen in den Tod. Israel antwortet in der Nacht mit neuen Angriffen.#Netanjahu #Golan-Höhen #Hisbollah #GNS #Nahost #Politik #Feed
gestern war die headline "mädchenschule zerbombt", der hinweis darauf, dass die hamas diese schule als als operationsbasis genutzt hat und damit ein kriegsverbrechen begangen hat, hat nicht in den teaser gepasst, , heute passt es nicht in den headline, dass bei diesem "raketenangriff" 12 (drusisch/arabische) kinder (!) getötet wurden, wärs nicht so bitter tragisch, könnte ich über diese offensichtliche parteinahme lachen

Lauren Weinstein mastodon (AP)
When you talk about some in the GOP wishing that Vance could pull out, you can't be sure if they're talking about the election or a sofa.
A.J. mastodon (AP)
Either way, it's an incredible mess
Steve Williams mastodon (AP)
those idiots really do have problems making shark related decisions.

hazelnoot (AP)
Hi, I'm Hazel (she/her). If you know me, hello! If you don't, then you may want to check out my main accounts @hazelnoot and @hazelnoot. They're both more active than this alt, which exists to test out unstable alpha-stage fedi software (IceShrimp.NET).

I love to chat, but federation issues may prevent me from seeing your messages. Please reach out to my other accounts if I ever seem to ignore your interaction. Chance are, it's just another bug or glitch.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (AP)
Die Nominierung von Kamala Harris zur Präsidentschaftskandidatin scheint gesetzt. Aber wie geht es jetzt weiter? Die wichtigsten Fragen und Antworten.#KamalaHarris #USA #JoeBiden #DonaldTrump #US-Wahl2024 #Amerika #Politik #Schwerpunkt

#Followerpower. Die Überarbeitung der Messenger-Matrix ist nun vollständig abgeschlossen. Über einen Tipp/Klick auf Teilen würde ich mich riesig freuen, damit sich die Messenger-Übersicht (weiter) verbreitet. ❤️ 👍


#messenger #briar #discord #matrix #element #imessage #jami #line #signal #simplex #siskin #telegram #threema #viber #whatsapp #wire
Please read the FAQ:
BEWE Privacy mastodon (AP)
Meiner Meinung nach sprechen die Gründe in den FAQ nicht gegen eine Aufnahme von #Session in deine echt gute Matrix.

Session ist kein Fork von irgendwas, ist Open Source, nutzt ein eigenes Netzwerk und wird aktiv weiterentwickelt.

Mx. Luna Corbden mastodon (AP)
Us white folks can help with antiracism efforts by reporting when we see it. Can we make Mastodon a safe place for BIPOC? 🥺
almondtree reshared this.
cobalt mastodon (AP)
Agreed and also to @nazgul on your comments because I get frustrated I just don't see any of the abuse some of my friends get. Since I'm on a weird semi-corporate sort of instance (seriously, AWS???) that I only picked because I had to find one in a hurry when my old one died off - well maybe because literally no one on that "local" AWS community would be following the trolls and racist sorts. It's hard to fight something you can't "see".
TransitBiker mastodon (AP)
we’d better do

I wonder if it has sunk in on tfg that he’s going to die in prison or in escaped exile as a neighbour to edward snowden at the current trajectory of the election
OtownKim mastodon (AP)
I wish!

So Wendy and I voted in the Democratic primary here in Vermont. We voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Many Republic voters here voted for Donald Trump with the Republican VP slot unknown. Some have expressed concern that by dropping out (especially if he was pressured to) Joe Biden nullified our primary vote. Well, I for one, don't see it that way. First off, Biden appears to have made this decision on his own. Unless Biden steps up and says he was pressured, any suggest along those lines is speculation -- and frankly -- probably self-serving speculation. Second, a vote for Biden carries with it an understanding that Kamala Harris would assume the Presidency if Joe Biden were unable. In contrast no vote cast for Donald Trump would be an endorsement of JD Vance -- since the VP choice was unknown at the time.

Cheers, -Randy
Adam Hunt diaspora
I agree with your concept here. BIden is set to give a speech today to explain more about his decision not to run.
tomgrzybow diaspora
The "Primary" was hardly that anyway.


Steve Herman mastodon (AP)
Japan to test an automated freight network on an expressway, which will have its own dedicated lanes.
Martin mastodon (AP)
It is a literal _RAILWAY_ design

🖕 mastodon (AP)
*screams in high nerd*

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
Ethan Marcotte mastodon (AP)
can’t WAIT

Techmeme mastodon (AP)
Sources: Apple met with UK TV ratings body Barb to discuss options for tracking ads on Apple TV+, in another sign that it plans to introduce ads on the service (James Warrington/The Telegraph)

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (AP)
Was haben Olaf Scholz, Kamala Harris und Benjamin Netanjahu gemeinsam? Das kann hier nicht verraten werden, das müssen sie schon selbst nachlesen.#OlafScholz #JoeBiden #KamalaHarris #AnnalenaBaerbock #Geld #KolumneDerroteFaden #Alltag #Gesellschaft #Serie

Über die selektive Berichterstattung von Gratis"zeitungen", am Beispiel des Crystal Meth-Skandals im Umfeld der #FPÖ #Graz

Erst zum Hintergrund:
Am 8.7. wird bekannt, dass der Bruder eines FPÖ-Politikers die Droge Crystal Meth produzierte. (1) Der Beschuldigte war selbst Parteimitglied und Kopf einer Burschenschaft. (2)

Nun zur Berichterstattung: Die Gratisblätter "Der Grazer (9.7. und 16.7.) und "Woche Graz" (12.7. und 19.7.) berichteten darüber: Nichts.

24.7.: "Mein Bezirk" berichtet von keinem der FPÖ-Skandale. Die Partei wird auch sonst nicht erwähnt und inserierte nicht in dieser Ausgabe.
28.7.: "Der Grazer" widmet eine Seite dem #FPÖ-Finanzskandal: Darin wird berichtet, dass der ehem. FPÖler A. Pascuttini, der der Polizei eine Audioaufnahme eines Gesprächs mit M. Kunasek anbieten wollte, von diesem deshalb geklagt wird.

In einem anderen Beitrag kommt ein Gemeinderat der Partei zu Wort, der den Rückbau von Pollern, welche der Verkehrsberuhigung dienen, fordert.
Es ist kein Inserat der Partei in der Ausgabe.

Rachel A. Rosen mastodon (AP)
#PennedPossibilities 389 2/2— What was the bravest moment in your SC’s life? Were they known to be courageous from then on?

I'm not sure there is any one moment for Gaby. She's consistently courageous in the sense that she is a puddle of terror and anxiety at all times but she does the thing anyway, because no one else is doing it and she has no choice. And hardly anyone ever knows it's her.

Hill Dems believe this VP contender would help address Harris’ biggest weakness

Posted into Politics @politics-politico

The USA Singers mastodon (AP)
If being a stupid greedy fascist lying cheating gaslighting narcissistic megalomaniacal carnival barking entitled bigoted homophobic transphobic racist sexist silver-spooned scumbag deadbeat dad junkie clown supervillain was an Olympic event, Elon Musk would take home the gold.
tough competition with Trump and Gates in the running too.

Reticent Turnip mastodon (AP)
Me [arriving at lunch very agitated]: Oh my god you guys I am so embarrassed

My friends: Dude what happened

Me: Nothing happened, I'm just saying
It do be like that sometimes.

Gammitin (Ben) 💾 mastodon (AP)
Back when I was in the playground, this is what us Nerds argued about:

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@astrocat Bisous du dimanche ma DaylyCat 😘😘😘😘

jakob 🇦🇹 ✅ friendica (via ActivityPub)
Glücklicherweise bin das nicht ich gewesen!

Aber Einsatzfahrzeuge fuhren in einer Tour mit Folgetonhorn bei uns vorbei...

Aber genau da war ich vorgestern noch schwimmen.
Und das Wasser ist SEHR trüb.
Man sieht kein 20cm im Wasser.
Ist immer ein ungutes Gefühl, wenn die Liebsten momentan tauchen... weilst nix siehst, wenn da jemand unten bleibt.


Mein herzlichstes Mitgefühl den Angehörigen!

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@ffeth Bisous du dimanche Chouchou 😘😘😘😘

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@kalindea Bisous du dimanche 😘😘😘😘

Ms. Que Banh mastodon (AP)
Me & Cassidy had heaps of fun at #ArtisTreeFestival today! There's so much amazing things to see & enjoy! Met & chatted with many wonderful people & met some rad dogs too.

It runs into this evening & tomorrow too. Free to go check out 😊

#YYJevents #ArtsFestival #FreeEvent #Artists #ArtFest #ArtInTheGardens #LekwungenTerritory #VictoriaBC #VancouverIsland #VanIsle #PacificNorthwest #PNW #YYJart #LocalArtists #ArtScene #ArtLovers #WeekendFun #FreeFunEvents #Art
Me & Cassidy, with the crochet lace & full flowers evening gown. Made by volunteers from The Friends of Government House Society. Me, with a bodypainted art model. There's several wood & canvas paintings behind us.
Me & Cassidy, standing with a fully painted, headless, female mannequin. Me & Cassidy with an amazing recycled art sculpture throne seat - sculpted into a woman wearing a ballgown. I'm sitting in it & Cassidy is behind me.
Dan Neuman reshared this.

Universal Hub mastodon (AP)
Land yacht in #CambridgeMA
Boat in the road in Cambridge, photo by Cambridge PD

9to5Mac mastodon (AP)
Apple Store Workers in Maryland reach ‘historic’ union contract with Apple

Martin Kostera hubzilla (AP)
Jo, je to čirá komerce.
Skoro bych podpořil trvalý přesun do Olympie. Nebo založení paralelní soutěže(je "Olympia Games" použitelné?).
Nemuselo by se nic nového na jedno použití stavět.

Martin Kostera hubzilla (AP)
Komentář, který mě pobavil:
Pokaždé když někdo řekne multiplikátor tak by měl dostat po hlavě cepem.
Chao-c' mastodon (AP)
jinak co se týče alternativních forem soutěžení... já už 3x prohrál Sun Trip na celé čáře, ale přijde mi to jedna z forem soutěžení, které mají k původnímu duchu olympijských her (nebo třeba středověkých rytířských klání) daleko blíž, než zkomercionalizovaná olympiáda.

Jde o to že Olympiáda ve stylu 20.století je postě projevem podoby sportu v korporátní éře, která se zaměřila na maximální efektivitu, maximální preciznost, přesnost, takže i v těch sportech rozhodují zlomky sekund a netrénovaní amatéři nemají šanci obstát.
Martin Kostera hubzilla (AP)
a netrénovaní amatéři nemají šanci obstát

To by mi v zásadě ani tak nevadilo. Ať to klidně jsou profíci, ať se kolem toho točí miliardy a tak. Ale že to jsou takové kurvy, co pro zisk klidně nechají účinkovat sportovce ze zemí, kteřé vedou imperialistickou válku, to mi fakt vadí.
Chao-c' mastodon (AP)
Brno 2036!

Salih Kunduz mastodon (AP)
I can hardly find the words to express how I feel, but I am immensely proud. Today marks the one-year anniversary since I launched Accessible Android. It feels like time has flown by as we celebrate everything the community has achieved. I want to thank everyone who has supported me on this beautiful journey with their encouraging words. A special thanks to my team, whom I've never met personally, but who believed in me and stood by my side to make our dream a reality together @Kareen_k @amir
Salih Kunduz mastodon (AP)
"This is awesome! Since you're on an Android tablet, be sure to check out my physical keyboard tips.
Firefly85 hometown (AP)
@accessibleandroid I will definitely do that, although I don’t have a physical keyboard, just the virtual one on the tablet.

Lee Anderson is so thick he has a TOG rating instead of an IQ.

#ukpol #ukpolitics #uk
Lee Anderson facepalm.

Something strange has happened here. It's been around 20C for over a week, with a round yellow thing appearing in the sky daily! 😱 🤔 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 😂
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
Sharonbw mastodon (AP)
Don’t ask questions, just enjoy!

jamais+37 phil reshared this.

A sra da barraca da praia ao lado esteve a ver a abertura dos jogos olimpicos no telemóvel, e ía comentado os países que achava dignos de relevo: portugal, espanha, os comunistas, um país africano. Não perguntei, agora vou ver se a Coreia do Norte participa nos jogos olimpicos.
João Tiago Rebelo mastodon (AP)
o ICNF gasta o dinheiro todo da floresta num concelho sem floresta?!? Só se for no edifício sede e em salários, com a sede em Vila Nova da Barquinha, Borba ou Armamar também aconteceria. Fico sempre à espera de candidaturas de quem se queixa porque a CRESAP não limita a escolher as mesmas 2 ou 3 pessoas...
@joaopinheiro um Salazar em cada esquina só se for a cair em cima de cada facho que pensa neles. Um novo 25 de Abril não é preciso, é preciso cumprir o de 1974. Bem, bom fim de semana, o Domingo não é para redes sociais.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
João Pinheiro mastodon (AP)
Já agora, não é com ICNFs e outros que tais que resolvemos os problemas. Gente atrás de secretárias não sabem resolver nada! É no local, na terra, no pó! Aí é que se resolvem os problemas! Mas, para isso, é preciso mudar-se o modelo de sociedade. É preciso deixar as pessoas viverem nas suas terras, em vez de as obrigar a ir todas viver para as cidades, porque a escola mais próxima fica a 40 kms e o hospital a 100!

É engraçado como os políticos funcionam... Primeiro a gestão da floresta, à moda antiga, não era boa. E veio a grande monocultura do eucalipto e etc. Agora, já perceberam que fazem falta outras pelo meio. Hortas, também... Animais, para limparem a floresta e darem leite, carne, peles... Para fazer queijo, enchidos... Para não termos de comprar tudo aos chineses e para as populações viverem bem onde quiserem! E, com isto, evitar incêndios. E isto não se faz atrás de secretárias a olhar para mapas... Fazem os locais a falar com as pessoas. Mas isto seria pedir muito a quem só gosta de se ouvir a fazer discursos patéticos...

@dplouro @catarinac

Augie Ray mastodon (AP)
Can someone point me to where the #COVID19 pandemic ended because I'm having a hard time seeing it? Where, precisely, did we turn it into a “seasonal” virus?

Our summer surge won't be one of the worst nationally (although in some places, like parts of Florida, it will be at or near records.) But, right now, one of every 44 Americans has COVID.

Please take a little care, and avoid the chronic Long COVID or other damage your next infection can cause.
Chart of estimated COVID infections/day in the US from JWeiland on Twitter. It shows the US in another moderate surge--with constant significant peaks in recent years.  No significant downward trend is evident, apart from that our worst surge was in winter 2021.
3 people reshared this
Jörg Seidel mastodon (AP)
It's clearly seasonal im Summer, Winter, Spring and Autumn

Dan Neuman hometown (AP)
It's an indoor epidemic. Anytime it's too cold or too hot to stay outside, the cases spike. Which gives a clue to stopping this disease. Fix indoor air quality.

earendil diaspora

Shrimp and Chive Dumplings

newer older

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