Amy Edge :toad: mastodon (AP)
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#wordle #oldgal #youngpups
I'm a proud member of the tribe of childless cat women. 🐈 Be careful, or I'll get all miserable on you.

lolgop mastodon (AP)
Is she his press secretary? Does The Times split her salary?

Georgiann Baldino mastodon (AP)
"CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — West Virginia is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review rulings that found the state's refusal to cover certain health care for transgender people with government-sponsored insurance is discriminatory, Republican Attorney General Patrick Morrisey said Thursday."

Full AP story
2 people reshared this

My discography page, complete with Patreon member downloads for _every single release_, has been restored
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
'Put it on a bumper sticker': Dems rally behind calling Republicans 'weird, sick freaks' - Raw Story
DB mastodon (AP)
I like this idea a lot
J H Libby mastodon (AP)
It won't surprise me if the GOP is relying on market-research guidance that their voting base is so devoid of economic hope (let alone basic civics knowledge) that they'd easily believe they're voting on the winner of a reality show called "Weird Sick Freaks" - with no clue what that's about to do to their retirement or their offspring.

Academics worldwide are facing pressure to self-censor discussions on #Gaza, with fears of being labeled antisemitic or pro-terrorism. The suppression is particularly intense in the #US, where scholars critical of #Israel's actions risk professional retaliation and social ostracism, reflecting a broader trend of diminishing academic freedom.

Tofu Golem mastodon (AP)
The media spent weeks talking about nothing but Biden's age and his mental fitness until he was forced to drop out. But now that Biden dropped out, suddenly the media is not very interested in this topic and they barely mention it.
And the fake news they go, he told this crazy story with electric. It's actually not crazy. It's sort of a smart story, right? Sort of like, you know, it's like the snake. It's a smart when you, you figure what you're leaving in, right? You're bringing it in the, you know, the snake, right? The snake and the snake. I tell that and they do the same thing.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Joseph Thomas mastodon (AP)
Bullying is NEVER acceptable.

Unless it’s making fun of JD Vance and his penchant for couches ;)
Just a man and his one true love ❤️

Meine Frau braucht einen neuen Laptop. Kein Linux, sondern "ganz normal", so wie andere (Kollegen und Bekannte) das auch haben: einfach in den Laden gehen und kaufen. ...

Die Einrichtung (Win 11 Home) kostet 70 Euro, "ist nicht mehr so einfach, wie früher". Ja, das Microsoft-Konto wird mit angelegt. Einen Recovery-USB-Stick gibt es für 8 Euro dazu.

Windows Defender? "Ja, der findet vieles, aber Avast findet 'einfach alles'". 20 Euro für ein Jahr. Danach: mal schauen. Es sei dann oft billiger.

Ja, Office. "MS365 ist das beste, weil es einfach das Beste ist. Und immer aktuell." 70 Euro für 15 Monate, danach 7 Euro pro Monat. Da geht kein Weg daran vorbei.

Ich wollte noch nach LibreOffice fragen, aber klar: LibreOffice kann man halt niemandem verkaufen. Zumindest nicht im Elektronik-Markt. ...

Wie es denn mit Cockpit und Copilot sei, und ob Windows Recall denn deaktiviert ist, will ich wissen.
Oh, KI ist ganz groß im Kommen. Wir werden gar nicht mehr ohne können. ...

Klar, kann man so machen. 🤷‍♂️ ...
🤔 🙄 🤦‍♂️

Content warning: #wordle #oldgal #youngpups

ghostly bear mastodon (AP)

Content warning: #wordle #oldgal #youngpups

Content warning: #wordle #oldgal #youngpups

Georgiann Baldino mastodon (AP)
"The Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office has said state law already allows for the Bible to be taught in classrooms, but doing so is a district-by-district decision. Based on comments to the media and letters sent to patrons, most of the districts that don’t plan to implement the directive have leaned on that principle of local control in making their respective decisions concerning curriculum."

USA Today
Shonin reshared this.

AaronDavid mastodon (AP)
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#Strands #146
“Bedtime story”

Heidi Li Feldman mastodon (AP)
The reporting featured in this newsletter is the reason I support @ProPublica #propublica

Christian Ramirez mastodon (AP)
Did you hear Trump say that in four years we won't need to vote anymore? What does that even mean? It sounds pretty alarming to me. Trump should step down immediately!

Christian Ramirez mastodon (AP)
I condone this message.


⚠️🇷🇺In the area of ​​Novy Urengoy, a gas treatment unit at a gas production enterprise in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in russia is on fire. There are no further details. (VIDEO) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow
mustafa_eu mastodon (AP)
smoking incident?
⛔️🇺🇦Syrskyi’s backward march: Timeline of the invader’s advance in the Pokrovsk direction (Donetsk region) over the last month. There is only 5 km left to the very important Pokrovsk-Konstantynivka highway. Failure of allies to supply the frontlines has the 110th asking for donations for drones to help hold back the invaders (MAP VIDEO) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine

Gail Waldby mastodon (AP)
I'm attending The Democratic National Committee's event, “100 Days to Victory with Voter Protection” - sign up now to join me!
#YesWeKam #YesWeKam2024 #DemCast

Hear ye, hear ye! 🔔: If trans women are the canary in the coal mine then I'm seeing

(1) the normalization of transphobia by UK "liberal" conservatives...
(2) the regular use of "trans identifying male" in the Telegraph and...
(3) the positioning and language of previously One Nation Conservative Tom Tugenhat as a clear indication they intend to swing to an ideologically/purist far right (no matter what)

So that's two terms out of office then ...

#UK #UKPolitics #UKPol #Conservatives #Tory

der gouvaneur von #texas #usa hat mehrere #bus voller illegaler #migranten losgeschickt und zwar zum #haus von #kamalaharris 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Allison Meloy mastodon (AP)
We intended to add a bathroom in our basement at some point in the future, but we are moving that project up as TJ‘s uncle will be staying with us for a bit. Of course he will be up here on the main level hanging out with us a lot, but we want him to be able to be as comfortable and self-sufficient as possible while he’s staying down there. He doesn’t cook either, but we will get him a mini fridge and a microwave to have. We want it to be as much like his own little apartment as we can make it.
Bruce Toews hometown (AP)
That's a very thoughtful approach.
Allison Meloy mastodon (AP)
@Bruce_Toews Thanks. It accomplishes two things, helping him while continuing to add value to the house.

Mike Sheward mastodon (AP)
Me doing my part to proliferate the JD Vance stories
It ain’t much but it’s honest work meme

Tino Eberl ✅ mastodon (AP)
Ein neues #Feststellungsverfahren ermöglicht es Menschen ohne formalen #Berufsabschluss, ihre Kompetenzen bewerten und anerkennen zu lassen. Aktuell sind rund 21% der Arbeitnehmer in Deutschland formal unterqualifiziert, arbeiten jedoch oft in Fachkraftpositionen. Die Reform soll sicherstellen, dass erlernte Qualifikationen überprüft und zertifiziert werden, um die berufliche Handlungsfähigkeit und Vergleichbarkeit mit regulären Abschlüssen zu gewährleisten.

Anna Anthro mastodon (AP)
Materials company suspends construction of $2.8B #Ontario battery plant #ev

jhx mastodon (AP)
If you look for a #Linux #webhosting all-in-one solution that is #FOSS have a look at #ISPConfig 😎

Great interface and pretty easy to use! 🙂

Official guide:
Jordan Erickson mastodon (AP)
It's been around for a very long time. I don't have much experience with it but I know it's a pretty mature suite!
jhx mastodon (AP)
I run a ISPConfig instance at work for a handful of websites.
Smooth sailing.
Used it before in a bigger hosting environment.

Compost mastodon (AP)
If weeds are abundant, work with them and not against them.

You can compost them as long as you don't put any seeds in the pile.

Or you can make a liquid fertilizer to give back to your soil the nutrients they have taken.

Credit: GrowVeg

Thomas 🔭🕹️ mastodon (AP)
It's 2024 and the world's most valuable company is the main supplier of the magical thinking industry
Lyle Solla-Yates mastodon (AP)
I miss when it was the main supplier of the fake money industry
Aviva Gary mastodon (AP)
lol 😆

(Excuse the tears I cry in the corner because this is correct) 🤑

Please tell me once the cat allergy shot gets available *somewhere*, I'd like to import 2 or 3 of them.

Rechtsruck Stoppen mastodon (AP)

Trotz Verbot des #Compact Sommerfests und dessen Ersatz gibt es morgen, 📅 Samstag, erneut eine Veranstaltung, diesmal genehmigt unter OB Dannenberg.

📢 Das Aktionsbündnis Gera Gegen Rechts ist entsetzt und ruft zum Protest auf:

Gera ist bunt 🎨 vielfältig 💖 weltoffen 🌍

📣 Sei dabei! Morgen, 27.07., 15 Uhr 🕒 vor der 📍 Orangerie Gera
Ein Bild für die Veranstaltung mit dem Titel "Aufstehen gegen das Compact Sommerfest". Der Haupttext lautet "Gera ist bunt vielfältig weltoffen" in großen Buchstaben, wobei jedes Wort auf einem farbigen Pinselstrich (grün, rosa, hellblau) steht. Links ist eine Grafik eines Megafons. Unten stehen Details zur Veranstaltung: "27.07 Samstag 15 Uhr vor der Orangerie Gera". Am unteren Rand befindet sich das Logo des "Aktionsbündnis Gera gegen Rechts". Der Hintergrund ist weiß, und die Schrift ist hauptsächlich schwarz.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) The ‘extraordinary’ growth of California’s largest fire raises alarms. It could burn for months #Environment
The 'extraordinary' growth of California's largest fire raises alarms. It could burn for months

Es scheint heute der Tag zu sein, an dem ich jedem, #fcknzs Shirt oder Aufkleber oder Aufschrift trägt und mir damit über den Weg läuft, einen #nazistöten . Aufkleber von #diepartei in die Hand drücken muss.

3 habe ich schon getroffen, Aufkleber habe ich genug dabei 😂

#fckafd #demokratie #niewiederistjetzt #afdverbotjetzt #nzsraus #gegenrechts
helgenug mastodon (AP)
Macht doch mal Aufkleber mit "Raschisten töten.".


I love this guy; smart, educated, erudite, and not suffering fools who wish to misrepresent his faith gladly.

Definitely worth a follow on YouTube: Christian scholar Dan McClellan.

Easily dismantles the complaints of a tool explaining the bible to another tool.


statisticsworld mastodon (AP)
The average traveler has only been to 5 of these places! How many have you visited?

Eiffel Tower 🇫🇷 l
Great Wall of China 🇨🇳
Kremlin 🇷🇺
Leaning Tower of Pisa 🇮🇹
Louvre Museum 🇫🇷
Statue of Liberty 🇺🇸
Hoi An Vietnam 🇻🇳
Golden Temple 🇮🇳
Colosseum 🇮🇹
Times Square 🇺🇸
Forbidden City 🇨🇳
Notre-Dame 🇫🇷
Taj Mahal 🇮🇳
Acropolis 🇬🇷
Buckingham Palace 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Golden Gate Bridge 🇺🇸
Burj Khalifa 🇦🇪
St. Peter's Basilica🇻🇦
Pyramids of Giza 🇪🇬
Alhambra 🇪🇸
Mt. Fuji 🇯🇵
Stonehenge 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Grand Bazaar 🇹🇷
Niagara Falls 🇨🇦
Berlin Wall 🇩🇪
Central Park 🇺🇸

Mekki mastodon (AP)
Nanners in her "comfortable nap position" on the shelf with the Squishmallows.

#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
A picture of a reverse torti cat lying on a brown wooden shelf on the first shelf above the ground level with her head at a right angle against the side of the shelf. Three stuffed animals of the Squishmallow brand are positioned around her. The largest one is blue and has a pig-like nose and small dragon-like wings. A medium sized one is on the shelf above her and is puppy like with gray and black patches. The smallest one is in the shape of a stingray with a full rainbow tie dye like psychedelic coloring.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) What Kind of Climate Candidate Will Kamala Harris Be? #Climate
What Kind of Climate Candidate Will Kamala Harris Be?

«Los 600 discos de Latinoamérica» una hermosa iniciativa que selecciona 600 discos esenciales de la música de este rincón del mundo

Lo mejor es que la interfaz de su web es muy amigable. Puedes buscar según ranking o incluso al azar.
Está muy bonito el proyecto. ¡A los amantes de la música se los recomiendo absolutamente!

#600DiscosLatam #Música #MúsicaLatinoamericana @musica
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