Ultra Verified mastodon (AP)
Some interesting mixed signals from #China on #Ukraine

"China has unshakably reaffirmed its respect for the principle of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity"

With major Chinese banks putting a squeeze on Russia the last 6 months or so, you have to wonder what's going on.

Is China hanging #putin out to twist slowly in the wind?
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Content warning: Meta, kind accessibility reminder about capitalizing words in hashtags

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

What if we quit making bloated software so we could just use the computers we already have, since we're really not doing anything different now than we were 10 years ago or more?

Thought Punks mastodon (AP)
Looking for some catharsis? Get your revenge on corporate greed!

A #TTRPG where you take down the oligarchs from inside the office.

Grab your copy now:

#IndieGame #Capitalism
Cover image for PDF book "DICK PUNCH EVERY SUIT"
light tan background, with two businesspeople in the foreground both in tailored black suits.
figure on left if a blonde woman wearing red boxing gloves and heels, kneeling on one knee, punching the man on the right in the dick
figure on right is a man wearing black boxing gloves screaming in pain as he receives a blow to the groin

top left text in messy typewriter style "DICK PUNCH EVERY SUIT"
before the woman at an angle in red text "Though Punks"
underneath in the figures in bold typewriter text "by rev casey corpo smashing ttrpg".

Pat mastodon (AP)

Thanks for the follow

taz mastodon (AP)
Der Verleger von J. D. Vances „Hillbilly-Elegie“, der Ullstein-Verlag, gibt die Lizenz für das Buch ab. Einige fürchten Zensur – wie übertrieben!!6022891

Louis-Ernest Barrias (13 April 1841 – 4 February 1905) - Nature Unveiling Herself Before Science (1899)
Marion Donnelly reshared this.

PeggyStuart mastodon (AP)
Did you wonder how Emil got his ability to see and hear what animals are saying? This story from #TheDollsStorybook explains it. Here's "Hidden Talents."
#ChildrensStories #dolls #WritingCommunity

Marcia MacDonald mastodon (AP)
I usually don't hear much about BC politics, but I'm pretty discouraged by how politicized the issue of the toxic drug crisis has become as the BC election approaches.

This recent report on a safer supply was first being attacked for its recommendations, but now it's seemingly being attacked just for trying to take an anti-racist approach.

Alternatives to unregulated drugs

#PublicHealth #SafeSupply #drugs #HarmReduction #ToxicDrugCrisis #BCPol #BCPoli
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Das sind unsere Termine für 2024:

☑️ 26. Januar
☑️ 23. Februar
☑️ 29. März
☑️ 26. April
☑️ 05. Mai: Kidical Mass
☑️ 31. Mai
☑️ 28. Juni
☑️ 26. Juli
👉 30. August
🚲 27. September
🚲 25. Oktober
🚲 29. November
🚲 27. Dezember

jeweils um 19:00 Uhr, Treffpunkt zwischen Hollerallee und Gustav-Deetjen-Allee:

Guckt gerne auch auf

#CriticalMass #Bremen #CMHB
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

🚨 Purging Alert! 🚨

States are actively purging registered voters from the rolls ahead of the 90 day deadline.

Today is a good day to start a status-checking habit.

If you find your name wrongfully purged,
simply reregister.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
PunkLawyer reshared this.

It pains me to see Andrew Weaver, a scientist and politician I had a lot of respect for, continue to go down such a strange path.

Now he is considering voting for a party and leader who disputes the veracity of climate change? Not to mention leading an anti-social, illiberal wasteland of a party.

Climate Change is a social justice issue. He seems to think it’s just a capitalist problem to solve with more and bigger capitalism.

#bcpoli #rightwing #ndp

Live coverage: ULA prepares for final Atlas 5 launch supporting a national security payload

[summary]The mission will mark the 100th national security flight for United Launch
Alliance and the 101st Atlas 5 rocket launch. Liftoff is targeting
Tuesday, July 30, during a three-hour window that opens at 6:45 a.m. EDT
(1045 UTC).

" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">[/summary]

5941376The Atlas 5 stands ready to emerge from the Vertical Integration Facility at Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. Image: Will Robinson-Smith/Spaceflight Now.

United Launch Alliance is preparing for a seminole moment for its Atlas 5 rocket. The launch vehicle is preparing to launch its 58th and final national security mission on Tuesday. The United States Space Force-51 (USSF-51) mission will also be the 100th national security mission launch for ULA.

Following the completion of a launch readiness review on Friday, ULA is preparing to roll the rocket to the launch pad at Space Launch Complex 41 (SLC-41) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.

Spaceflight Now will share live views of the operation once it begins.

“This is a bittersweet moment for us. I’ve had the privilege of sitting console for the very first national security Atlas launch in 2007, STP-1 (Space Test Program 1) in March of that year and here we are with our last national security Atlas,” said Col. Jim Horne, Senior Materiel Leader of the Launch Execution Delta. “I do want to say thank you to the entire team, the government and ULA. It’s been a strong partnership over these last almost 20 years on this program and this has been our workhorse vehicle.”

Because of the nature of the launch, Horne declined to go into detail about the mission or if the flight was carrying a single payload or more than one.

“I can’t say much about that his is a very important mission for national security in this time of great power competition, but that’s really all we can say at this time,” Horne said.

The Atlas 5 launching the USSF-51 payload will fly in a 551 configuration, meaning it will be supported by five solid rocket boosters and a 17-foot (5 meter) diameter short payload fairing. The full stack stands about 196 feet (59.7 meters) tall.

Gary Wentz, ULA’s vice president of Government and Commercial Programs, said following this mission, out of the remaining 15 Atlas 5 rockets remaining, nine will fly in the 551 configuration in support of Amazon’s Project Kuiper constellation.

“Every time you fly you learn a lot. And we’re flying five GEM 63’s on this mission,” Wentz said. “So, we’ll learn from that, continue to get data and going forward, we’ll apply that to the subsequent Atlas missions.”

Passing the baton

This final mission as part of the National Security Space Launch (NSSL) for the Atlas 5 rocket marks a pivot point for ULA. Following the USSF-51 launch, ULA will turn its full attention to its second certification flight of its Vulcan rocket following a successful debut in January.

“What we’ll do after this mission flies is we’ll do some checkout of the ground system with the [mobile launch platform], the Atlas MLP, verify all of that’s good, then we’ll bring in the Vulcan launch platform, do checkout of it and immediately go into erection of the booster and prepping for the Cert-2 mission,” Wentz said.

“We won’t waste any time. It’ll be within a week and a half to two weeks we’ll have the hardware in process for the Cert. flight.”

As ground teams at the Cape were preparing to roll out the Atlas 5 rocket, ULA teams in Decatur watched as the barge named ‘Rocketship’ set sail with the third Vulcan booster on board. It will be used for the first NSSL mission a Vulcan rocket launches: USSF-106.

Dr. Walt Lauderdale, the mission director for the USSF-51 mission, said the close working relationship between the U.S. Space Force and ULA during the development of Vulcan. He said that the dozens of missions flown on Atlas are also helping to inform him and his teams as they work through the certification process.

“When we look at working with ULA, that partnership, it’s really having that intimate knowledge and understanding of the vehicle systems, the ground systems, how they interface,” Lauderdale said. “You can do all the modeling in the world, but there’s no replacement for actual, real live data, real data from the vehicle and the system.”

“Cert-1 was a terrific flight. It allowed us to validate a lot of things that we’ve worked with them up to that point and looking to Cert-2 as Col. Horne just said, its gives us an opportunity to take all that we know from the models, all the qualifications, all the testing that we’ve done, and make sure that there’s no surprises,” Lauderdale added. “That’s really what we’re looking for for Cert-2 is to make sure that there’s no surprises and that it’s well bounded by our experience and our qualification knowledge.

“And that really does set the stage for us as we move forward into those Vulcan launches to go forward with confidence. Everything is looking good at this point and we’re not done til we’re done.”

Kim Perales mastodon (AP)
#Women will send #Harris to the WH.

"Misogyny is one of the deadliest weapons on earth -electoral interference -a nat. security threat so lethal we can’t even see it.

2016: world’s first global instant mass communication tech. when SM crashed up against the most ancient of prejudices -misogyny.

It’s never about all women, it’s always just about one particular, disagreeable woman who just happens to not be very likeable. Or competent. Who is loud or “shrill”..."
Kim Perales reshared this.
Ajay mastodon (AP)
Agree. Too much regression with respect to women empowerment in the last decade #history #Womensrights

You know how they say there's a nurse shortage.

Remember this. It's a management decision, not a lack of nurses.

Neko wishes you all a very Happy Caturday 😸

#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #BengalCat #CatLife #Photography #Cats
Here you see my beautiful bengal cat Neko sitting in the loaf position on his Dad’s kitchen chair positioned under the glass table top. The kitchen is sunny which brings out the colour of his golden brown coat and his sage green eyes.
Thank you Marion 😊 Happy Caturday from a childless cat lady
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Furqan Shah mastodon (AP)
🍄 Another big one! 😀 Any guesses what kind this is?

#fungifriends #mushroom #mushrooms #fungi #algae #moss #lichen #photography #nature #biology #trees #LichenSubscribe #mosstodon #treesofmastodon

Project Gutenberg mastodon (AP)
French botanist and explorer Jeanne Barret was born #OTD in 1740.

She is best known for being the first woman to circumnavigate the globe with Bougainville's expedition on the Boudeuse and Étoile from 1766 to 1769. Disguised as a man, under the name Jean Barret, she enlisted as a valet and assistant to the expedition's naturalist, Philibert Commerson, shortly before the expedition's ships weighed anchor. According to Bougainville, she was an expert in botany.

Jeanne Barre
Unkwown - 18th century print. Originally found in Navigazioni di Cook del grande oceano e intorno al globo, Vol. 2 (1816) d'après Cristoforo Dall'Acqua (1734-1787).

Allegorical portrait of Jeanne Baret dressed as a sailor, dating from 1817, after her death.

The central figure of the portrait is Jeanne Baret, a French woman known for disguising herself as a man to participate in Louis Antoine de Bougainville's expedition around the world, making her the first woman to circumnavigate the globe.

Baret is depicted dressed as a sailor, wearing traditional seafaring clothing of the 18th century. This includes a loose-fitting shirt, trousers, and a sailor's hat, which symbolize her disguise and adventurous spirit.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

brettezeleliquide mastodon (AP)
la ligne de flottaison
Shareen Nash, Waterline
la trace de l'eau sur les éléphants après le bain, les plus petits sont entièrement noirs, le plus grand a le haut du cops gris
I can see the 2 smaller ones going, yes mum, very funny....

Stefano Marinelli mastodon (AP)
Proxmox vs FreeBSD: Which Virtualization Host Performs Better?

Since migrating many servers from Proxmox to FreeBSD, we have consistently felt that the VMs are more responsive. It's time to conduct some concrete tests.

#FreeBSD #Proxmox #Linux #Virtualization #kvm #bhyve #IT #SysAdmin #ITNotes #NoteHUB
vermaden reshared this.
❄️ freezr ❄️ friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Stefano Marinelli

Nice article! 💪
Are you trying to do the competition to Phoronix? 🤪
Poul-Henning Kamp mastodon (AP)
Please next time you do benchmarks, use FreeBSD's ministat(1)


Robert Frank mastodon (AP)
Wieso wird über #KamalaHarris eigentlich meist von einer Frau mit afroamerikanischen Wurzeln gesprochen???

Aus wiki:
"Kamala Harris wurde 1964 in Oakland geboren. Sie ist die Tochter von Shyamala Gopalan (1938–2009), einer tamilischen Brustkrebsforscherin, die 1960 aus dem indischen Madras in die Vereinigten Staaten emigrierte. Ihr Vater ist Donald J. Harris (* 1938), ein aus Jamaika stammender Wirtschaftswissenschaftler."

Does this sound familiar?

""I'll put an end to the idea that a woman's body belongs to her... Nazi ideals demand that the practice of abortion shall be exterminated with a strong hand."

~ Adolf Hitler

Deborah Rose mastodon (AP)
I'm really leaning towards Mark Kelly as the VP pick, but we also need him in the Senate. He is well versed on border issues in Arizona, which could help Harris. #DNC
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

denuviel mastodon (AP)
@LPerry2 I wanted to add „and we must kill anything that might want to eat it”, because it completes the story- the herbicides and pesticides that ensure your lawn is the perfect lush green desert. I mean, having a lawn that doesn’t benefit you but benefits others is not the lawn as pictured.
Cookiefiend mastodon (AP)
@denuviel No kidding. I haven't used an herbicide or a pesticide in the 22 years I've gardened here. Mind you, I have been going out every morning to lecture the juvenile red-tailed hawk screaming in my trees to shut up and eat the rats that are eating my tomatoes. He'd be very well fed and I'd be happy to harvest my fruit.

RiskMap mastodon (AP)
⚡️ 🇺🇦 Senior army generals in Russia have been arrested in a corruption scandal. The generals were responsible for the equipment of the armed forces during the Russian attack on Ukraine. They are accused of living luxuriously while soldiers were inadequately supplied.

Ok, what I'm NOT going to do is take on the responsibility, that Mastodon developers continue to fail at, of reading racist and violent comments to my posts just so that I can block them

Moving forward, I will be muting my posts which means it's up to you "good white folx" to report this shit because I will NOT sacrifice my mental health and wellbeing in service to helping y'all understand white supremacy/anti-Blackness AND your role in maintaining it

Auscandoc mastodon (AP)
Canada is proposing to lead on #climate – but it’s doubling down on oil “Canada remains the only G7 nation to emit #GreenhouseGases far above its 1990 levels – while now also planning to extract and export record volumes of oil. (1/2)
Auscandoc mastodon (AP)
“The nation’s analysis also concluded the environmental risks of an increase in tanker traffic or an oil spill were too high, and would have “absolutely cataclysmic” consequences for marine life. “We’ve spent decades trying to be stewards of this land and these waters,” George said. “My son told me the other day: we won’t be the generation that stops trying to fight for this place.”
Auscandoc mastodon (AP)
“For Colgan of the #ClimateSolutions Lab, the government’s decision to invest billions in a piece of infrastructure, in an industry that is among the least globally competitive because of its high extraction costs, makes as little sense today as it did then.

“It seems very unlikely Canada can continue to increase its #OilAndGas output and also make its #ParisCommitments. I just don’t think those two are compatible.” (11/11)
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Hank G ☑️ friendica (via ActivityPub)
BBC managed to do something the US media hasn’t: talk to and profile Harris voters. After almost a decade of hearing almost exclusively about Trump voters in diners I’d love to see a lot more of this please. Thanks! #uspoli #Election2024

Sex Testing at the Olympics: The History of Discrimination Against Trans Athletes and Women | Teen Vogue
The modern Olympics started in 1896, founded by Pierre de Coubertin, a French aristocrat. He had conflicting motives. On one hand, his idea for a global sports competition stemmed from anxieties about French masculinity following a war defeat. He saw sports as a way to masculinize French men.
Behind the history of discrimination against trans athletes.

Put Nebraska on the map as being a state where abortion is linked to gender health care.
Republicans are such fucked up mental cases.
Professor_Stevens mastodon (AP)
I simply cannot wrap my head around the Republican definition of "freedom." Apparently, it means passing laws against things other people do.
Neither can I , because from where I sit, Republicans are deeply afraid that somewhere, someone is using freedom to do something the Republicans don't approve of-and that's EXACTLY what they're voting for.

Mike Sheward mastodon (AP)
My favorite thing about the #olympics coverage is I get to be an expert in sports I didn’t know existed at the start of the broadcast.
gary mastodon (AP)
I specialize in curling so i have to wait a while

The News Desk unkn (AP)
AI could force 12 million workers to switch jobs in coming years, causing unprecedented competition

Posted into Business @business-thenewsdesk
Shonin mastodon (AP)
Or maybe "starvation coming" ... imma go break up some automated looms ...

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

The Lost Map That Changed American Travel Forever

In 1917, one idea changed road maps and traveling forever. However, it might be lost.

If you have or know where to find this missing map please go thru to Youtube and Let the Emperor Know. This is a research rabbit hole.

#History #BreakfastVideo #AmericanHistory #Cartography #Mystery #RandMcNalley
Whuffo diaspora
I remember traveling on business. Long miles in a rental car with the Rand McNally open on the seat beside me.
newer older

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