Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Vice President Harris's presidential campaign begins with a bang

#Harris #Harris2024

Kim Scheinberg mastodon (AP)
Quite the cover (and cover story) for this week's The New Yorker

Art by Anita Kunz
July 22, 2024

Nine seated Supreme Court justics. There's Brown, Sotomayor, and Kagan.

The other six have been replaced with pictures of Donald Trump wearing a red tie and justice robes
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
3 people reshared this

Europe Says mastodon (AP) “A Su-34 military aircraft crashed in the Volgograd region The incident, as reported by the Russian Ministry of Defense, occurred during a scheduled training flight in the Serafimovichevsky district. The crew ejected, there is no threat to the lives of the pilots.”-Crimea Realities telegram channel #Ukraine #UkraineWar #UkraineWarVideoReport
"A Su-34 military aircraft crashed in the Volgograd region The incident, as reported by the Russian Ministry of Defense, occurred during a scheduled training flight in the Serafimovichevsky district. The crew ejected, there is no threat to the lives of the pilots."-Crimea Realities telegram channel

Good view on religion

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL the term " white elephant gift exchange " comes from a legend about the King of Siam giving rare albino elephants as gifts to those who displeased him. The idea was that the upkeep costs would financially ruin them.
#til #todayilearned

BrianKrebs mastodon (AP)
The story about Trump's remarks where he told a rally to vote for him so that they wouldn't have to vote anymore in the future is "above the fold" on WaPo's website, but the headline they used is baffling given everything else he said: "Trump Calls Harris a 'Bum,' Complains About Biden" misses the mark by a wide margin.

Trump being a big baby and calling people names is not new. To my knowledge, this is the first time he has actually voiced his ideas about an authoritarian government.
A picture of the WaPo front page has the story about Trump's comments above the fold with a headline: "Trump Calls Harris a 'Bum,' Complains about Biden."
4 people reshared this
Harbinger of Salem mastodon (AP)
This is the first time he has outright said it, becaus ehe is desperate and afraid

But if you didnt get it when news about his Secretary Of Revenge became public knoweldge, you were trying not to believe it

Costa Samaras unkn (AP)
I, a normal, actually want to be able to vote 4 years from now and after that too. Voting is cool and fun ya weirdos
Dan Neuman reshared this.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Ukraine hackt Geldautomaten in ganz Russland im Rahmen eines anhaltenden massiven Cyberangriffs #Nachrichten #News #WorldNews
Ukraine hackt Geldautomaten in ganz Russland im Rahmen eines anhaltenden massiven Cyberangriffs

Costa Samaras unkn (AP)
The Biden-Harris climate laws made clean energy cheap, including energy storage. And now energy storage installations are booming!

Costa Samaras unkn (AP)
We put all of the solar, wind, and grid battery storage projects that have been announced since the start of the Biden-Harris Administration on the map. These are the green dots on this map. And there are $160 billion dollars worth of these investments already! Many more on the way too.
Map of the US from showing lots of green dots

Drew Johnson mastodon (AP)
Observation: Americans keep buying larger and larger trucks

Observation: truck beds are shrinking

Observation: truck cabs are growing

Conclusion: The Minivan is the ideal American vehicle

#Urbanism #TheWarOnCars
Mina mastodon (AP)

Compared to Godzilla!

Lot⁴⁹ reshared this.

Lauren Weinstein mastodon (AP)
Trump tells Christian group that "you won't have to vote anymore" if
he's elected president, "it'll be fixed."

Europe Says mastodon (AP) We’re throwing a birthday party for a friend and we made him a cake. How do y’all like it? #UnitedKingdom #Wales
We're throwing a birthday party for a friend and we made him a cake. How do y'all like it?
Lowri mastodon (AP)
ardderchog! 😅

Chuck Darwin mastodon (AP)
One of the lead authors of #Project2025,
the disturbing blueprint for a potential second Trump presidency,
has close ties to a controversial international Catholic group, #Opus #Dei.

The Guardian reports that #Kevin #Roberts, president of the #HeritageFoundation,
receives weekly spiritual guidance from the 🔸Catholic Information Center 🔸( #CIC ) in Washington, D.C., led by an Opus Dei priest.
He attends the institution weekly for mass and religious guidance.

In a speech last year at the CIC, Roberts echoed some of the same extreme measures that the Project 2025 manifesto is infamous for,
such as outlawing birth control,
and called on conservatives to adopt “radical incrementalism” to achieve their policy objectives.

Opus Dei has been criticized as radical, cultlike, and secretive.
The organization was founded in 1928 in Spain to combat the anti-Catholic left in the country,
and was later granted special rights and privileges by Pope John Paul II to respond to the rise of progressive liberation theology in Latin America.

Opus Dei does not believe in the separation of church and state,
seeing a symbiotic relationship between the two,
and its American adherents view the United States as the last stronghold of Christianity.

Roberts’s ties to Opus Dei don’t end with the CIC.
He founded a school in Louisiana, John Paul the Great Academy,
that recognizes the organization’s founder, Saint Josemaría Escrivá,
as its patron.
He also was involved in an Opus Dei–affiliated high school leadership program in Austin, Texas,
and has spoken at other Opus Dei-linked schools.

Roberts isn’t the only leading conservative close to Opus Dei, either.
#Leonard #Leo, the Federalist Society co-chair who has led the conservative takeover of the judiciary up to the Supreme Court,
is also linked to the CIC, even accepting an award from the organization in 2022.
In his acceptance speech, Leo praised the center and called his political adversaries
💥“vile and amoral current-day barbarians, secularists, and bigots” 💥influenced by the devil.

Donald Trump and the GOP have been trying, unconvincingly, to distance themselves from the radical Project 2025,
and now comes the news that
⭐️the 900-page document’s leading author also has ties to a powerful religious organization opposed to the separation of church and state.

Leo’s involvement only appears to be stronger evidence of
⭐️the conservative movement seeking to impose a radical religious agenda if Trump wins the presidential election in November.

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Harris is holding her first fundraiser as the likely Democratic nominee as donors open their wallets - ABC News

#Harris #Harris2024

Tendar mastodon (AP)
Ukrainian M2A2 Bradley hammering a Russian BMP. The precision of the 25mm Bushmaster cannon even in automatic-fire mode is really impressive. Almost every bullet is a hit. The Russian crew must be going through hell if not being killed already.

The war, which Russia has started against Ukraine, couldn’t have exposed in a clearer way the superior quality of Western weapons in virtually every metric.

Source of video: X-Twitter / Osinttechnical mastodon (AP)
Asking for help with small things is a great way to build up the confidence to ask for help with bigger things, too!

Ali Velshi mastodon (AP)
Tomorrow marks 100 days until the election. With Biden out, Harris in, & the fallout of the attempt on Trump’s life, the race is unpredictable. Tomorrow, @MSNBC has a full day of special coverage. I’ll be on 10a-12p and again 7pET, talking the race and the danger of #Project2025.

Eugen Rochko mastodon (AP)
Windermere in the morning.

📷 Pentax KX
🎞️ Fuji Superia X-tra 400
🔭 Pentax M 50mm/1.7
⚗️ Come Through Lab

#BelieveInFilm #FilmPhotography #AnalogPhotography #35mm #TheLakes #LakeDistrict #Cumbria #Windermere
A large body of water with a red boat in it. Behind, a landscape.
Kaito mastodon (AP)
Windermere in the evening, Windermere in the afternoon…
Lawrence mastodon (AP)
Hey I did this little edit for fun wonder what you think? Love you work
Edits version of original post

taz mastodon (AP)
In einer Nike-Kampagne erwähnte ein Rapper Kurdistan. Jetzt ist der Song entfernt. Kein Wunder! Mit Rückgrat kennen sich Konzerne einfach nicht aus.!6023654

Just texted with my super pessimistic kid who now actually has hope for the future. They said young people are “extremely animated” and that there would be "massive turnout if the momentum keeps up." They said they had great hopes for down ballot candidates. The other twin said he’d never been politically optimistic in his adulthood before. They’re 29.
5 people reshared this
zendao42 mastodon (AP)
I wasn't politically active in college but it became important around that age when the world started changing, EVERYTHING'S different now
@zendao42 It is. We’re all pioneering this together.

Marsmädchen mastodon (AP)
Meine Frau hat mich innerhalb 4 Stunden kaputt gespielt.
Nicht was ihr denkt.
Ich bin einen Berg rauf und wieder runter.
Einen kleinen Berg.
Glaube der hatte so ca 500 Höhenmeter.
Mina mastodon (AP)
So'ne sportliche Liebste hat doch was, oder?

PS: Mich hätte sie auch damit fertiggemacht.
Marsmädchen mastodon (AP)
@mina Wir sind eigentlich beide nicht so sportlich. Aber wir versuchen es. Meistens sind wir beide danach ziemlich fertig. 😅

Scott Dworkin mastodon (AP)
Who else agrees Trump will try and be a dictator if he gets back in the White House?

wandklex® mastodon (AP)
"Und, wie war deine Woche so?"
Hier kommt wieder mein #wochenmedley: 100 Bilder meiner vergangenen Woche. Mit viel #wandklex, #bloomscrolling ausm #klexenhaus, allerhund #Atelierhütehund und von @Friesenfliesen bemalte Keramik als unverzichtbare #MoinWelt Ausstattung.
Viel Spaß!

Even as a kid I preferred the Caturday morning cartoon where they replaced the dog with a car. #Cartoons #Saturday #Speedbuggy
Picture of my living room TV playing a Speedbuggy cartoon from the 1970s.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

taz diaspora
Attentat in der Ukraine

Iryna Farion ermordet

Von Bernhard Clasen

Sie galt als glühende Nationalistin und war in ihrer Heimat hoch umstritten. Die Philologin und Politikerin Iryna Farion ist einem Anschlag zum Opfer gefallen.

Schwerpunkt: Krieg in der Ukraine

#taz #tageszeitung #Ukraine-Konflikt #Ukraine #Swoboda-Partei #Mordanschlag
Kurt Lupin diaspora
kann mir mal jemand helfen? sind das dann richtige nationalisten oder sind das nur wir-wollen-nichts-mit-russland-zu-tun-haben-*innen?

Brian Jopek mastodon (AP)
“Fixed” as in rigged, you fascist fuck?

“And again, Christians: Get out and vote! Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore! Four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore. In four years you don’t have to vote again, we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not gonna have to vote.” - Donald Trump, 27 July, 2024
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
myrmepropagandist mastodon (AP)

Content warning: US pol: nothing "cryptic" about this

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.
myrmepropagandist mastodon (AP)

Content warning: US pol: I will eat your face

Naturgarten diaspora
Die Große #Kapuzinerkresse stammt ursprünglich aus Südamerika und wird dort vor allem von #Kolibris bestäubt (siehe Link*). Kolibris ernähren sich primär von Nektar und sind Bestäuber von mehr als 7000 Pflanzenarten. Bei uns in Europa besuchen hauptsächlich Hummeln die Blüten.
Normalerweise überwuchert die Kapuzinerkresse alles schnell, aber in unserem #Garten ist sie in diesem Jahr den Kürbissen unterlegen.

2 people reshared this

This is one of Bob Newhart’s all-time great routines.
Adam Hunt diaspora
While it was funny in 1964, slagging women drivers does seem a bit dated in 2024.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Naaan mais d’toute façon y s’ressemblent tous ! #france #Memes #rance
Naaan mais d’toute façon y s’ressemblent tous !

Can you imagine if someone, anyone had said, "You won't have to worry about voting in 4 years.", during the Cold War?

How are they all not being investigated as threats to the nation?!
5 people reshared this

Dodo III. mastodon (AP)
Siesta. #dogsofmastodon
Two Chihuahuas and a Castro Laboreiro sleeping.

Project 2025 mastodon (AP)
Page 9:

"there are many executive tools a courageous conservative President can use to handcuff the bureaucracy … bring the Administrative State to heel"


Project 2025 mastodon (AP)
Page xiv:

'we are forming agency teams and drafting transition plans to move out upon the President’s utterance of “so help me God.”'


oh looky, more Republicans frauding

Campaign volunteers indicted in Queens voter fraud scheme

Six campaign volunteers, including the daughter of a City Council candidate in Queens, were indicted Thursday on voter fraud charges for allegedly submitting bogus absentee ballots, officials said.

The suspects were charged with trying to rig a Council race for Republican candidate Yu-Ching James Pai, who was running in a June 2023 primary for the District 20 Council seat in Queens.

tomgrzybow diaspora
parts of Queens

My brother who lives in Queens tells me that many of the Filipinos there are Trump fans. I'm guessing that if you come from a place where Marcos and Duterte were presidents, Trump seems quite OK.
tomgrzybow diaspora
"Republicans, They are a virus disease."

I leave the rest up to your imagination.

Zack Labe mastodon (AP)
A record hot June - red shading shows warmer than average temperatures...

The average global air temperature was:
+1.21°C above 1951-1980 baseline
+1.38°C above 1921-1950 baseline
+1.50°C above 1880-1920 baseline

Data source code:
Global map showing surface air temperature anomalies in June 2024 across the entire planet. Most all areas were warmer than average, except for parts of Antarctica and Southern Ocean. This data set is from NASA's GISTEMPv4 using anomalies with a 1951-1980 climate baseline.
Bargearse ActivityPub
Look at eastern Australia that's where I am, down the bottom, usually Aus. is the outlier but the other way. Very weird but oddly also very average

-3C predicted here tomorrow.

they've finally identified a culprit

Boar's Head recall: USDA lists 9 products to toss as listeria spreads - The Baltimore Banner

Boar’s Head recall list: 9 products

The Boar’s Head recall of over 200,000 pounds shipped nationwide applies to meats sliced at a deli counter, not prepackaged meats. It includes a number of multi-pound packages stamped with an Aug. 10 sell-by date.

Consumers who might still have the recalled meats shouldn’t eat them, and officials said they should thoroughly clean their refrigerators to prevent contamination of other foods.
  • Strassburger Brand Liverwurst Made in Virginia
    • Virginia Ham Old Fashioned Ham
    • Italian Cappy Style Ham
    • Extra Hot Italian Cappy Style Ham
  • Bologna
    • Beef Salami
    • Steakhouse Roasted Bacon Heat & Eat (sell-by date of Aug. 15.)
    • Garlic Bologna
    • Beef Bologna


JFC, they've knuckled under to his tantrum

FBI says Trump was indeed struck by bullet during assassination attempt

“What struck former President Trump in the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from the deceased subject’s rifle,” the agency said in a statement.
Bob Lai diaspora
... fragmented into smaller pieces ...

AFAIK, a bullet does not spall unless it hits something first.

If the injury was a scratch across the upper edge of DJT's ear, where's the rest of the !!@#$% bullet? If it hit something else first, what was it? What would that be?

There would have to be other fragments traveling outward, but nothing else was apparently hit (including DJT) by these fragments? But, just as a shattered teleprompter would support the 'debris' theory, seeing an actual injury, hearing a credible report from an attending physician, and not this fakery with a pristine white gauze pad gently taped over DJT's ear would convince me there was some kind of significant injury.

You have the gun. You have whatever was left in his clip. You know EXACTLY what kind of ammunition he used, and whether or not it is cheap-ass, bargain-bin shit, home-made, or from Clippy the Ammo Vending Machine.

It's time to give us the facts, and not sea stories.

levels checker mastodon (AP)
reaching dangerous deceit levels

(98%) ■■■■■■■■■□
newer older

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