“we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote.”

WaPo this morning: (free link).

The fuck you will, you bloated shrieking coward.


dangrsmind mastodon (AP)
Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Made Simple Once and For All

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Surprising element found in traces of Tyco Brahe’s alchemy lab confounds scientists | CNN

Gammitin (Ben) 💾 mastodon (AP)
I'm trying to identify this Pentium 3 board on The Retro Web, it's going to need a cleanup and recap, but has AGP, PCI and ISA! 👍
hangin’ on with a single ISA slot!

Ali Velshi mastodon (AP)
#Project2025, the right-wing plan for a new Trump term, is dangerous, but it’s also dense—900+ pages of policy in technical language. We read it so you don’t have to. Every week, I’m looking #InsideProject2025, explaining its aims for the disbanding of gov’t agencies. #Velshi
^——Use This Hyperlink
⛔️Youtube shortcuts blocked⛔️
⚡️🇺🇦Nightly Address by President Volodymyr Zelensky on Day 884 of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine |Day 3810 of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (July 26) dubbed into English (UATV News VIDEO) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow
(v——-YouTube Shortcut Blocked)

Gerard mastodon (AP)

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Are Canadians still considering getting rid of their #CarbonTax or are they now thinking of doubling it?

AkaSci 🛰️ mastodon (AP)
Lady Gaga at the Olympics Opening ceremony today.

Here is a description in her own words of the song, its history and her preparation for the sensational performance.
Long tweet by Lady Gaga describing the song, its history and the preparation for the performance.
And 4 images of her from the performance.
AkaSci 🛰️ mastodon (AP)
Celine Dion sang for the first time in public in 4 years at the Olympics in front of the Eiffel Tower.

She had been sidelined due to stiff-person syndrome, a debilitating neurological disorder.

Dion told Vogue France in April that she's chosen to "train like an athlete" to better navigate her symptoms. "5 days a week I undergo athletic, physical and vocal therapy. I work on my toes, my knees, my calves, my fingers, my singing, my voice."
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
AkaSci 🛰️ mastodon (AP)
Here is the video of the mysterious masked and hooded character that carried the Olympic torch across Paris.

The mysterious torchbearer was inspired by a number of characters from French culture: Belphégor, the Iron Mask, the titular character from “Phantom of the Opera,” Fantomas, Ezio from “Assassin's Creed” and Arsène Lupin.

⚠️🇷🇺3 Russian helicopters damaged in Ukrainian sabotage operations, source says (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #Russia #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

⚠️🇺🇦Ukraine's presidential couple make visit to Okhmatdyt children's cancer hospital (PHOTOS, VIDEO, and more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

George Penney mastodon (AP)
Things spotted on market day in Aotearoa #newzealand :

A small human with his face and hands covered in chocolate ice-cream being told by his mum "Fin, keep your hands to yourself." He spreads his hands as wide as possible, grins cheekily and roars "NO!"

A guy with bare feet (20s?) and a British accent talking to a stall owner. He says "I came here six months ago. I only meant to stay for two weeks but I can't bring myself to leave yet." Stall owner nods in sympathy.

A small human and his grandma walking along. Grandma on small human's heels as he instructs her how to ONLY step on the shadows because stepping in the sun is bad luck. Both seem to be thoroughly enjoying the game. Later seen in line for a crepe. (Standing on shadows.)

The owner of a pottery stall explaining to a woman (80s?) with arthritically bent hands that he makes sure his cups have handles that anyone can hold. She makes a delighted noise when he shows her a cup that she can grip easily.

A macaron vendor explaining to three small humans (8 and younger?) how he makes his macarons. They are all completely focussed. He says "The trick is, don't sift the almond meal. They all tell ya to do it, but don't believe them!" All three small humans nod solemnly.

Any typos spotted in this post are not typos, they are poetry. Or at least that's what this author is claiming and I am totally prepared to do an interpretive dance to any typo poetry to back it up. (With kazoo accompaniment. Because poetry.)
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
3 people reshared this

Hi. First post on this account. Very recent late Dx #ActuallyAutistic here. Special interests in my bio. Probably should include Autism as a special interest because I'm still in that phase. Nice to meet you. 👋

jesse jarnow mastodon (AP)
summer backyard fun with the sloppy heads & a buncha @WFMU associated bands in #montclair #newjersey today/this evening.
drawn flyer for Backyard Bash at 148 Forest St in Montclair
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

A happy cat #Caturday timeline cleanse this sunny Saturday morning🌻

#Cats #CatsOfMastodon #Fedicats #Mastocats
A close up front on photo of a small tabby cat resting it's head on a red and yellow apple. Its eyes are blissfully closed, white whiskers extended. Its white paws sit on either site of the apple
Zaphod Beeblebrox reshared this.

Jeremy Mallin mastodon (AP)
I have got to learn to take off my glasses before opening a hot oven. A rush of hot air, they fog, and I'm instantly blinded. 😵‍💫
#Cooking #Baking
For the past couple of weeks just getting out of the car (in southeastern US) has been a problem. 😎

NATO mastodon (AP)
NATO Allies train and exercise together on land, air and sea to test and maintain our readiness and ability to defend every inch of Allied territory 🛡️

Original tweet:

⚠️🇺🇦Ukraine's Defence Minister comments on medical support for the AFU (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

KoPPeR ⚙️ mastodon (AP)
... ähm nein, ich lass das mal so stehen!

*Wieder darauf aufmerksam geworden durch "Welke und Pastewka" - und danke, Hr. Sträter.
(Lief von 1973-1984 im Kinderprogramm)
Mina mastodon (AP)
Damals war es echt emanzipatorisch, die Begriffe für die Geschlechtsteile so offen zu benennen.

Heute würde das die Moralkontrolle wohl nicht mehr passieren.

Den allerersten Teil "Das weißt du doch, was du bist", kann man auch heute so noch stehen lassen.

Die Sponsoren aus der Spielzeugindustrie wären auch mit ungegendertem Spielzeug nicht glücklich.

‼️🇺🇦President Zelensky: Medical information system to be deployed in Ukrainian military units by year's end (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
This is a misogyny emergency. A huge outpouring is coming in the runup to the US election | Carole Cadwalladr | The Guardian

#Harris #Harris2024
muıııo reshared this.
Martha mastodon (AP)
The issues laid out here are largely true as far as they go. What is different this time is that she and we are expecting it and the Harris campaign has already developed plans to counter it.
The other important factoid is the even as the target of horrific misogynistic attacks Mrs Clinton STILL got 2.9 million votes than Count Flatula. This is not 2016.

tomgrzybow diaspora
Maybe poor shooting skills had something to do with it?

⛔️⚠️Another War Crime: Invading Russian Terrorist’s attack on Sumy residential district kills teenager, 12 more people injured, mostly children (PHOTOS and more) #Ukraine #ICC #ICJ #Mastodon #PACE #OSCE #CoE #France #Paris #IOC #UN #Olympics #Hague #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

⛔️🇺🇦Syrskyi looses more of Ukraine: Russian invaders claim capture of Vovche in Donetsk Oblast (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow
Mark Kraft mastodon (AP)
"Syrskyi looses more of Ukraine"

loses, not looses. Also, I see no evidence here that Syrskyi was responsible for losing Vovche, or that the positioning of Ukrainian troops wasn't done with an emphasis on maximizing Russian losses while minimizing Ukrainian losses.

Russia is pushing hard. They also lost about 1250 men yesterday.

Alex Haist mastodon (AP)
Tiny squirrel says they will fight the whole world in a six foot radius.
An adolescent red squirrel (smaller head, round eyes) is crouching on the deck with a sunflower seed in their forepaws. Their posture is tense, tail curled against their back and limbs close in, and the top tuft of their tail is missing. They have a cream belly and red orange fur.

D. B. Stuck mastodon (AP)
#OlympicGamesForIntroverts #HashtagGames

The Saturday Morning Social Media Scroll and Rant

Lee mastodon (AP)
WHITE toast! Doomedald Jackass Trumpe with Last Chance Vance are a couple made in hell. If they were GAY, it'd be a LOVE MATCH.

Gail Waldby mastodon (AP)
Join, Taking the Hill, and the National Military Spouse Network to support VP Harris' campaign for President!
Sunday July 28, 2024, 04:00 PM ET
#YesWeKam #YesWeKam2024 #DemCast #BlueWaveRising #WeChooseKamala #Harris2024

BakersRelay mastodon (AP)
BakersRelay would like to take a moment to thank the dedicated team at Watch Duty, whose information I relay here on Mastodon. Listening, verifying, reading posts from several sources and posting that info in a timely manner is not easy. Bravo Zulu folks!

Russian and Chinese bombers intercepted off of Alaska - ABC News

"This is the first time we’ve seen these two countries fly together like that, they didn't enter our airspace" Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told reporters Thursday at a Pentagon news conference.
tomgrzybow diaspora
This is pure stupidity on Russia's part. They will more easily fall under the "soft power" of China than that of the EU. And after that, it is only a matter of decades before they are essentially assimilated.
enter image description here
at the risk of repeating myself...

brucy mastodon (AP)
Siri, remind us to ask the DNC in January what the plan was for the next four years if they did get Joe's corpse over the finish line.

Kamala Harris Fundraiser Breaks Zoom Record With 100,000 Supporters Raising Over $1.8 Million

The demo of Thursday night’s record-breaking call was white women. An additional planned Zoom for this Sunday will be open to all, organizer and host Elizabeth Minnella noted.
#harris #women

Dear friends from #Africa. I have been reading for quite a while now and to me it feels like a reliable source of news by people from Africa and not news by people reporting *about* Africa from a remote western view. Would you agree or am I missing out on better news sources?

Luca Hammer mastodon (AP)
Die Abfahrt verzögert sich aufgrund von defekten Scheiben. Bisschen Klebefolie wird es richten. #tyrol24
Luca Hammer mastodon (AP)
“Kisten mit Wasser und Kisten mit Fahrgastrechten stehen im Boardbistro bereit.”

Ich hätte gerne zwei Kisten Rechte. #tyrol24
Luca Hammer mastodon (AP)
Außerplanmäßiger Halt. Lokführer wartet auf schriftliche Anweisung, dass er den kaputten Bahnübergang befahren darf. #tyrol24

Adam Hunt diaspora
very vicious!

AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Massive traffic accident on the I-15, a truck carrying lithium batteries this morning. Northbound I-15 is closed (and jammed beyond jammed). #I15 #Barstow
CHP log for giant accident on the I15 N
Taggart :donor: reshared this.
AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA oof. I wonder how many people are stuck out there. #desert #disaster #mojave
Area of CHP call indicating where people are off stuck -- looks like 4WD dirt roads
Street view of desert road leading to...nowhere.
AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Darn, we have yesterday's traffic there, but not today. Will check another satellite. Cool thing: if you are lost in the Mojave in a vehicle, you ARE VISIBLE on Sentinel-2 satellite.

Bad thing: it takes several days... maybe 4-5... for an update.
Shiny reflections on black tarmac, they are vehicles and trucks visible from space
AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Oooh... that sucks Caltrans CCTV map showing that traffic jam out in the freaking middle of nowhere. It's hot. Nowhere to stop. Nowhere to get gas. Nowhere to get water. #mojave #i40
Hundreds and hundreds of cars suck on a freeway that is not moving
AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Google maps showing I15N closed to vegas
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AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
How's YOUR Friday Night. Be glad you're not on the I-40 in the Mojave. #Mojave #jam
Traffic jam as far as the eye can see Southbound I-40
AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Oooh. Road rage in the desert, someone pounding on the door of someone else stuck in traffic. Someone screaming and running across lanes. Semis have roadblocked I40/Kelbaker. (thinking the Semis actually might be doing some good by not pushing more people into that mess, tho). #I40 #Vegas #Mojave
Someone pounding on someone else's car Incident: 0619 Type: Traffic Hazard Location: 140 E / Kelbaker Rd Onr Loc Desc: ~LatlLon: 34.721251 -115 672047

Detal Information

Report of someone yelling and screaming
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.
AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Oooh, look what route you get from Barstow to Las Vegas tonight, LOL. (Routing through Death Valley ☠️ )
#desertdisaster #Mojave #Lasvegas
Google Maps from Barstow to Las Vegas... through Death Valley National Park
AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Here's the other route it gives you... Interesting bit of routing in the middle. Barstow to Las Vegas via the I-40 (with a detour in the desert)! #desertdisaster #LasVegas #Mojave
Route through the desert from barstow to Vegas
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AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Aha, here's where there are "100's of cars" in the desert per CHP, around Lavic. I-40. #Mojave #DesertDisaster #LasVegas
Jog into the desert near Lavic and Ludlow
AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Oh my... Google is most certainly directing people through a network of 4WD dirt track... I suspect a bunch of traction-challenged sedans got bogged down and now... no one can go anywhere. #DesertDisaster #LasVegas #Mojave #I40 #GoogleMaps
CHP descriping as "100's of vehicles all over the place"
Plus "several vehicles driving wrong way and blocking traffic"
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.
AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
4 hour 13 min delay on the I-40 per Bing Maps 💀 #I40 #DesertDisaster #Mojave
4 hr 13 min delay in the Mojave
AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
98F in Goffs there. 98F stuck in traffic, hoping you don't run out of gas and lose your A/C, and that you have enough water to survive the heat. #DesertDisaster #Mojave #I40
98F right now in Essex, CA
Spocko mastodon (AP)
"I can see my house from here!" - Jesus probably
newer older

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