Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL of the 20 editions of basketball in the Olympic Games, only 4 were not won by the American team (1972, 1980, 1988 and 2004)
#til #todayilearned

James DeVol mastodon (AP)
Well...darn...the Clydesdales were here yesterday and I missed it...oh, was nice that the power outage only lasted about an hour yesterday when I really expected them to take a day or must have just been a reset of the transformer in the alley...I did see the mama deer and her twins this morning and it appears they have moved to the shoreline of Muskegon Lake since I saw them there yesterday, too...and I saw my first Garter snake yesterday in the heat...pretty cool...

Blue hydrogen from CCS is a con with a big carbon footprint
Hardly a day goes by without controversy over hydrogen and its role in making Australia a renewable energy exporting superpower. It’s not surprising, given that there is a $2 billion Hydrogen Headstart program and the $6.7 billion Hydrogen Production Tax Incentive as part of the Albanese Government’s Future Made in Australia initiative up for grabs.

The fossil fuel lobby want to add these taxpayer funds to their bag of subsidies from the Federal government. ‘Australia’s subsidies to fossil fuel producers and major users from all governments totalled $14.5 billion in 2023-24,’ reported the Australian Institute following the Federal Budget in May this year. This includes funds provided to mining companies to use dirty diesel fuel when green alternatives are readily available.

Researchers Howarth from Cornell University and Jacobson from Stanford University published their peer reviewed paper ‘How green is blue hydrogen?’ in 2021. “Far from being low carbon, greenhouse emissions from the production of blue hydrogen are quite high, particularly due to the release of fugitive emissions,” they wrote.

This is consistent with analysis by Longden and team at our own Australia National University.

“We find that emissions from gas or coal-based hydrogen production systems could be substantial even with CCS [Carbon Capture and Storage], and the cost of CCS is often higher than assumed,” wrote Londen et al.

The proposition that the carbon intensity of CCS-derived (AKA ‘blue’) hydrogen could be as low as 0.8 kilograms CO2 per kilogram hydrogen produced is misleading and fanciful.

The federal and state governments have been investing over a billion taxpayer dollars in CCS technology for decades and we have zero to show for it. ‘Gorgon’ is the only operating CCS project In Australia, developed by United States oil and gas giant Chevron, has been a dismal failure operating at just a third of its capacity.

Roni Laukkarinen mastodon (AP)
What's the best thing you have encountered today?
Ham on Wry mastodon (AP)
A cup of strong, black coffee.
Roni Laukkarinen mastodon (AP)
@HamonWry Mmm, coffee. Sounds amazing. :blobcatcoffee:

T. T. Perry mastodon (AP)
Talking about the virtues of parenthood and family is one way that men brainwash women into accepting abuse and submission. Some men see children and families as a way to control women. It's built into their patriarchal definition of family.

#Familism #Heteroactivism
Nazani mastodon (AP)
Other men think they need to produce offspring to be "a real man." Complete capitulation to social convention, surrender of individuality.

Mastodon Statistics hubzilla (AP)
#Mastodon #Statistics 2024-07-27 10:00 CEST
Number of active instances: 11 991
Number of users: 8 891 132
Number of statuses: 1 076 978 107
Number of users last 4h: 374
Number of statuses last 4h: 54 921
Image/photo Image/photo Image/photo Image/photo

Sharonbw mastodon (AP)
Happy #SlackerdaySaturday! The house windows are wide open on this lovely cool morning. I even had to briefly reach for a sweatshirt when I got up.

It will be a great day to sit on the porch. That’s the extent of my intentions today, so far. For now I’m content to sit + enjoy the quiet and wait for the opportunity to go get a second cup of coffee. Lucy is currently curled up next to me, napping, and it would be rude to disturb her, especially on #Caturday.

Have a great day!
Good morning Sharon. I have The Dude on my lap receiving his morning massage and combing.
I’m happy to hear you are enjoying a comfortable day, a brief sweatshirt even! 😌
I pick up my grandson later today.
Happy SlackerdaySaturday and Happy Caturday to your furbabies. 😻
Sharonbw mastodon (AP)
Good morning! Starting the day off with cat company is always best.💗 Enjoy your grandson's visit. Will this morph into the Chicago birthday trip?
Have a lovely #Caturday! Enjoy the snuggles.😺😘😎🌞

earendil diaspora


Vader by Colin Craker

earendil diaspora

Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream


earendil diaspora

Butter Swim Biscuits


earendil diaspora


Glow Worm Caves, New Zealand by Daniel Kordan

Morning Sheep Time 27 Jul 2024

taz mastodon (AP)
Konzerne könnten versuchen, Braunkohle-Folgekosten abzuwälzen, fürchten NGOs. Brandenburg und Sachsen sollen das verhindern.!6022806

D. B. Stuck mastodon (AP)
#OlympicGamesForIntroverts #HashtagGames

Social media post written and deleted time trials.

This account is the official and real account of Kamala Harris, the next President of this great nation. Anyone who disagrees is clearly a paid actor by the Trump campaign. Mastodon asked for Harris. Mastodon received Harris. Mastodon will have Harris.

Laffy mastodon (AP)
No, it is not her real account. That’s not even the handle she uses for campaigning.

Not to mention, Kamala Harris would never use this instance. And she would not use a blue check on Mastodon.
Laffy mastodon (AP)
2/ @kamala Reporting for impersonation, and blocking. #Toodles
'It' is the admin of the instance. I'm blocking the entire instance.
Laffy mastodon (AP)
Oh, good. Thanks.
Tim Chambers mastodon (AP) Block and report. Not a parody account, just a troll.
Steve's Place mastodon (AP)
I blocked the domain. Should I ever feel a need to experience the output of Russian troll farms, there's always Fox News, and any Sinclair station, waiting to fully envelop me in the spew.
Jerry Lerman mastodon (AP)
I also blocked that domain on this server. It's full of imposters who have very low IQs and only post stupid, insulting, hateful nonsense.
Laffy mastodon (AP)
I did. That’s why I posted

2/ @kamala Reporting for impersonation, and blocking. #Toodles

Kamala Harris has a significant lead over Donald Trump in New Hampshire, according to new polling data.

In the first public survey of New Hampshire voters since Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race, Harris has a lead of 6 points over the former president.

The poll conducted by the University of New Hampshire between July 23 and 25, shows Harris with a 49 to 43 percent lead over Trump. The poll surveyed 3,016 people and had a margin of error of 1.8 percent.

🇺🇸🇺🇦Galushchenko, Brink discuss bolstering air defenses to protect Ukraine's energy industry (PHOTOS and more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Martin 🐦 mastodon (AP)
#criticalmass in #München:
Eine Mischung aus Folklore zur Belustigung von Touristen und einer Opferparade vor Autoposern und Ballermännern(frauen&diversen). Eher sinnlos und so wenig produktiv wie behütete Tiere im Zoo auszustellen. Aber es muss ja nicht alles Sinn machen, oder?
Martin 🐦 mastodon (AP)
Vielleicht dort fahren wo der Verkehr ist?
Ich weiß nicht ob du München kennst, hier kannst Du als CM an proppevollen Cafés, Bars vorbei fahren und 90% des Publikums zucken mit keiner Wimper, geschweige denn den Kopf zu drehen. Verkehr gibt es am Freitagabend in der Innenstadt kaum, außer Taxis, Auswärtige und Poser. Sonst hätte die Münchner Polizei den Zinnober längst unterbunden.

7B'JaJaDa diaspora
sun bittern
Looks like a butterfly.

pzmyers 🦑 mastodon (AP)
How not to acknowledge a professional colleague: "I am adding your name not because I think you deserve it or are entitled to it, but because it is the noble thing to do."
Charles Conteh

Pax, the Queen of Chaos, is pondering what mischief she can get into on this beautiful #Caturday morning.

Good morning, afternoon or evening to you. Happy #Caturday!

#Pax #CatsOfMastodon #Animals #Cat #Cats #Tabby #CatsOfFediverse #Purr #MastoCats #FediCats #Feline #Catstodon #Katzen #Pets #Katze #Neko #Kat #Chat #Gata #ILoveCats #AdoptDontShop
A young tabby cat is lying with her head up on top of a kitchen cabinet.  She is looking downward as if deep in thought.  Both of her little white front paws are dangling down over the edge of the cabinet.
Sharonbw mastodon (AP)
She looks like she's giving the mischief a lot of thought. Maybe she'll get distracted by daydreaming herself into a nap.

Enjoy this gem of a day! 💗
@Sharonbw Good morning Sharon! Happy #Caturday to you, your family and four-footed angels.😺😘

‼️🇺🇦President Zelensky visits wounded Ukrainian soldiers undergoing treatment (VIDEO and more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

⚠️🇷🇺Ukrainian air raid attack, targeting military objects inside Russia, hit three Russian air bases, damage supersonic bomber (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #Russia #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

7B'JaJaDa diaspora
Black Lory (Chalcopsitta atra), family Psittaculidae, order Psittaciformes, endemic to West Papua, New Guinea

photograph by Crisco 1492

7B'JaJaDa diaspora
Palm Cockatoo (Probosciger aterrimus), family Cacatuidae, order Psittaciformes, North Queensland, Australia

Photograph by Roger MacKertich Photography

7B'JaJaDa diaspora
Dracula Parrot aka Pesquet’s Parrot (Psittrichas fulgidus), family Psittaculidae, order Psittaciformes, endemic to New Guinea

photograph by Kow Hao Rui

7B'JaJaDa diaspora
Puya raimondii.. (Queen of the Andes.)

"The largest and most impressive of the bromeliad species, Puya raimondii is native to the barren highlands of the Andes of Bolivia and Peru, where it can be found between 3,200 and 4,800 meters. It forms a giant rosette of broad, stiff leaves on a robust plant. Its extraordinary spikes (flowers) appear after 80 years of vegetative growth , and is relatively well adapted to warm-temperate climates, without extremes of heat and cold.

"patriarchy is the root cause of so much of what scares & saddens me about the world: fascism, colonialism, slavery, war, industrial capitalism, environmental destruction, racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, men’s violence against women, men’s violence towards each other.

Johnson characterizes our rel'n w patriarchy like a fish’s rel'n to water: So ubiquitous as to be almost impossible to perceive."

A reflection on the book: The Gender Knot, by Allan G. Johnson

Feminism can explain why your agile transformation is failing

In this post I want to talk about feminism: why I have personally embraced it, why I encourage you to, and — since you may be reading this because you’re somehow involved in the agile software development scene — how it can explain why your “agile transformation” is probably going to fail.
Last summer, I had a few days to myself, doing a road trip through the beautiful Columbia Basin, camping, hiking and mountain biking. Just me and the dog.


With a few hours to spend behind the wheel, I picked an audiobook from my wish-list, almost at random. A few days later, I was so rapt, I was sitting by the campfire in the evening with my headphones on so that I could finish it before the end of my trip.

I started to glimpse an insight about agile that had been nagging and frustrating me for years.

What was the book? The Gender Knot by Allan G. Johnson.

I recommend this book to anyone, but especially to men.

I thought I knew about feminism, and understood about the patriarchy, but this book brought me to a whole new level of comprehension.

I realized that patriarchy is the root cause of so much of what scares and saddens me about the world: fascism, colonialism, slavery, war, industrial capitalism, environmental destruction, racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, men’s violence against women, men’s violence towards each other.

Johnson characterizes our relationship with patriarchy like a fish’s relationship to water: So ubiquitous as to be almost impossible to perceive.

Patriarchy is everywhere, and yet we almost never talk about it.

So what is patriarchy?

The patriarchy is not some big conspiracy. It’s a kind of “stable state” that our complex social system has settled into, and it’s very good at reinforcing itself. It can be found everywhere people interact, from social norms, our language, to our literature, TV and movies.

Johnson says that patriarchy's defining elements are its male-dominated, male-identified, and male-centered nature. Let’s break that down:
  • Male-dominated: patriarchy is a hierarchical social system that puts some people, generally men, at the top in positions of power and others, generally women, in lower, subordinate roles. Men tend to dominate others in this system.
  • Male-identified: patriarchy’s culture tells us the traits that are desirable and normal in a person are traits that are also associated with its ideal version of masculinity. Being strong, aggressive, self-controlled and competitive are celebrated, while “feminine” traits such as sensitivity, collaboration, caregiving and kindness are looked down on as inferior, weak. Men who display these traits are often subject to ridicule. Women who try to break out of their stereotype and exhibit masculine traits are similarly ridiculed.
  • Male-centred: in patriarchy, the world revolves around men. They are the stars in our TV shows and movies, the famous inventors, heroes and leaders in our history books. Patriarchy emphasizes the achievements of men, while ignoring or minimizing the contributions of women.
And because patriarchy puts men at the top of its power dynamic, without us nothing can really change.

Yet despite the very real privileges it gives us, men suffer from the patriarchal system too. Patriarchy’s idea of masculinity leaves no room for fallibility, vulnerability, or intimacy.

As bell hooks said, Feminism Is for Everybody.

OK, but what does this have to do with agile software development?

Lightbulbs were going off for me all over the place as I read this book, but the insight that’s relevant to agile software development centres around this:
Patriarchy is a social system of dominance, control and fear.

Patriarchy reinforces its grip on our social systems by encouraging those at the top to maintain their dominance through control and fear.

Does this sound familiar?

When I read this, my mind kept returning to the way we talk about “command-and-control cultures” — the miserable way so many people are treated, and treat each other, at work.

It strikes me that what I would regard as the true essence of agile software development — the self-organizing, transparent team that works in a trusting, collaborative relationship with its stakeholders — is an example of feminist principles in action.

It turns out I’m not the only person who thinks this.

Why your agile transformation will eventually fail

Over and over again, I have experienced the same frustrating problem at different companies all around the world:

Eventually, at some point, any movement towards agility within an organization seems to come up against an invisible barrier. A force that, without careful, deliberate and ongoing attention to protect and nurture that movement, will undermine and ultimately destroy it.

What is that force? What makes it so powerful? Why do I keep coming up against it again and again in different organizations all over the world?

If we accept the premise that our entire society operates on this undercurrent of dominance, control and fear then it stands to reason that our workplaces will have same background hum. The invisible force.

It’s no wonder that agile transformations so often fail: they’re coming up against the patriarchy.

AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Looks like Borel moderated overnight, will need to watch this carefully today -- risk to Lake Isabella. Reports on the scanner last night of structures burning in Bodfish. #BorelFire
Low burning fire in the Sequoias, currently tamped down due to evening cool weather and lack of sun heating
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

⚡️🇺🇦Ukraine cancels import duties and VAT on imports of energy equipment (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

⚡️🇺🇦Ambassador: Russia is unable to establish production of high-tech components for weapons (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Bugspriet mastodon (AP)
Der Moment, in dem der Zustand Übermotivation ohne Vorwarnung in "Hefeteig" übergeht, und man vergessen hat, vorher aufzustehen
Fitness -Abroller/Bauchtrainer auf dem Boden vor einer Yogamatte

Callyson mastodon (AP)

Mock Paper Scissors wordpress (AP)
Small wooden treasure awarded to Joey Bishop by the Friars Club in 1968. The chest is painted brown with gold detailing. A plate engraved
Small wooden treasure awarded to Joey Bishop by the Friars Club in 1968. The chest is painted brown with gold detailing. A plate engraved “Friar Joey Bishop” is attached to the top of the chest. The chest has a hinged lid that opens to reveal a King’s Ransom Scotch whiskey bottle and has three glasses, one tumbler, and two shot glasses.
(Image credit: National Museum of American History, Smithsonian)

…especially on the confluence of National Scotch Day and Take Your Houseplant for a Walk Day (“One thing leads to another,” says I picking up Tevya the Wandering Jew plant in my north window), but we would be remiss if we did not alert you that our pal Burr Deming has posted his best-of-the-web links complete with wry commentary at the essential blog Fair and Unbalanced.

We will of course keep this post on top and fresher posts —if any!— will be below.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

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