Kamala Harris' presidential bid is being cheered on in her ancestral village in India

In the village in southern India where some of her ancestors lived, Kamala Harris’ race for the White House has led to celebrations — and some reflections.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Charlotte Walker mastodon (AP)
Ooh I’m sleepy again. I’ve only been up 3 hours! #Covid
Sharonbw mastodon (AP)
I imagine it will take a little bit of time to regain your stamina. Pace yourself and rest whenever you feel like it.
Charlotte Walker mastodon (AP)
@Sharonbw I don’t think I’ll be running for a while yet!

⚠️🇷🇺Russians unable to withdraw cash, DIU cyberattack intensifies - source (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #Russia #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

⚠️🇺🇦War Crime: Lack of allied provided air defenses contributes to civilian Industrial facility being targeted and damaged by Russian air raid in Poltava region (more) #Ukraine #ICC #ICJ #Hague #Mastodon #Press #ECHR #OSCE #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Khurram Wadee reshared this.

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL during the 18th century, you could pay your admission ticket to the zoo in London by bringing a cat or a dog to feed the lions.
#til #todayilearned

Shonin mastodon (AP)

#Shingletown cam

Watch Duty Wildfire Map
Cam capture, watermarked UC San Diego, of the


#Shingletown cam

Watch Duty Wildfire Map
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Idea: "retro" portable CD player that buffers the entire disc to RAM as soon as you switch it on and then shuts the motor off until you switch discs
Elissa mastodon (AP)
The dream.

[background WHIRRRR of cd over an otherwise great album taunts, distantly]

Bud Talbot mastodon (AP)
There's no place like home. #Maui was quite awesome and we had a great time. But it's nice to come home when you love where you live.

In the meantime, my team got ordered to a #wildfire in ID while I was traveling home, so I'll have to miss this roll.
M.S. Bellows, Jr. mastodon (AP)
The only time I missed a callout, the fire jumped the line and my team had to use their shake-n-bakes. Most people would feel grateful; of course, I've lived for forty years with a small regret for missing the experience. 😀 (No one was seriously hurt.)
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Dovydas mastodon (AP)
This was fun!

@ericpp, @nickmalster, @dave, Mr. 2514, @Meremortals, @merryoscar

I promise I'm not on drugs, despite how my eyes look.
Dave mastodon (AP)
If you are then I am too. Lol.
Martin Lindeskog mastodon (AP)
Thanks for sharing! I recognize a cool t-shirt, Kyrin! What did you drink? I am not using drugs, but I am for legalization. I will talk more about this topic on my podcast (with co-host, Adam Tinkoff), High Five for Hemp.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Embrace daddyness 😏
muıııo mastodon (AP)
We're all very ready to embrace your daddyness 🫦

Benaldo :bc: mastodon (AP)
Just text my wife who's downstairs to tell her she's left her phone playing some video in the bedroom

Edit - I don't know why everyone is reading this as she was having a wank. It was Instagram. I just thought it was funny that I text her to the phone that was in front of me when she was downstairs without her phone, to tell her she'd left her phone playing Instagram upstairs. When she was downstairs. As far as I know she was not wanking. She might have been I suppose? But it wasn't my first thought. I just saw her phone was playing Instagram videos and wondered if she'd realised she'd left it playing. I didn't look to see what the videos were. Could have been sexy videos. But I assume I would have noticed. I'll be honest - if your first thought when hearing the word 'video' is 'wank' that seems like that might be a you issue. X
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Reticent Turnip mastodon (AP)
@purplepadma I understand your concern, but I don't think that's really gangbang. POSSIBLE. I mean possible. Possible gangbang. GAAHHH
Charlotte Walker mastodon (AP)
@ReticentTurnip This thread is making me genuinely LOL and my husband is giving me funny looks. I don’t think I’ll read out what I’m finding so amusing like I normally do

Tom Hamby mastodon (AP)
Listening to Lights On with Jessica Denson (Kamala SURGES as MAGA Quickly FALLS APART (w Simon Rosenberg)):

What an extraordinary week, with one of the most selfless and accomplished presidents in American history passing the torch to our would-be first woman president to save democracy from the felon-autocrat takeover of Donald Trump and J.D. Vance. The support for Kamala Harris is off the charts, and MAGA is in disarray. #LightsOn #MeidasTouch

Who amongst us has fucked a couch?
#USpolitics #Shitposting

  • I have! (0%, 0 votes)
  • No but I've fucked other objects (40%, 2 votes)
  • My genitals are for my partner only (60%, 3 votes)
  • Teddy Ruxpin gets stuffed (0%, 0 votes)
5 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Oregon Wine Woman mastodon (AP)
"You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians" he added.
😳 W T U F is the man saying now? He'll "fix" it?
Nazani mastodon (AP)
No doubt what he meant, autocracy. The only question is if the next leader would be hereditary or chosen by our oligarchs.

Bytes Europe mastodon (AP)
Trump promises: “In four years you won’t have to vote anymore” #DE #Deutsch #Deutschsprechenden #Europe
Trump promises: “In four years you won’t have to vote anymore”
8Petros [Signal: Petros.63] friendica (via ActivityPub)
Essentially, Biden could use his immunity to nip the whole thing in the bud. He no longer needs to ba a nice guy, and letting fascists taste their own medicine would place him firmly in the history.
Matthew mastodon (AP)
The ruling came with the asterisk that SCOTUS gets to decide what is and is not official.

Interesting boot.

Take two!

My first version said “Kamala 2024” …

A viewer pointed out – correctly – that using a woman’s first name in this context is often done in an effort to deliberately demean her.

Not my intention!

Also – my first post said “Why should childless cat ladies have all the fun? ; )” Let me shout this out:

Childless cat ladies *deserve all the fun!* It’s not a zero-sum game.

#cat #cats #catsofmastodon #kamala #harris #kamalaharris #harris2024 #childlesscatladies #childlesscatdudes
Childless Cat Dudes for Harris 2024!
Take two!

My first version said “Kamala 2024” …

A viewer pointed out – correctly – that using a woman’s first name in this context is often done in an effort to deliberately demean her. 

That was absolutely *not* my intention; still, good point. Here’s the updated version! Feel free to use anywhere and everywhere.

Also – my first post said “Why should childless cat ladies have all the fun? ; )” Let me shout this out:

Childless cat ladies *deserve all the fun!* It’s not a zero-sum game.

Shonin mastodon (AP)

Off Buck Creek Rd, West of Sugarloaf Mtn
Humboldt & Trinity Counties, CA
Acres 7,224
Containment 44%

Watch Duty Wildfire Map

[MARX_IN_SPACE] mastodon (AP)
Oh cool, a doom hashtag. 🗡️

Let’s go for one of my all time fave bands and one of their classic catchy numbers.

Reverend Bizarre - Doom Over The World


Uncle Harvey mastodon (AP)
Good morning, y'all, n happy #Slackerday Saturday. 👋
It's another dark, muggy n sunless starr to #myday again #today. A tad warmer at 73deg. A tad less muggy at the start with a dew point of only 74% 😰. But the rain predicted to #joinin on ruining #myday, flowed (and is flowing still) just to the north of us. So, at least there's that. 😏

I didn't get it outside to tackle any Honey-doins out there yesterday. By the time it was dry enough to do anything, I had sorta spent my supply of spoons doin my indoor Honey-doins. So, I sat n sipped on my comfy couch instead. I would like to think I'll make up for it #today. But this continuing rotten weather is enticing me to just sit n sip and pop a PHUKITAL pill 💊 and call it a #Slackerday well slacked.

I suppose my morning pondering over my coffee sipping n window watching will eventually decide such important things. 🤔
So, I suppose I best get started.
Y'all have a delightful #Slackerday #today and happy #Caturday to all who so cuddle. 👍🖖
Sharonbw mastodon (AP)
Good morning! The weather gods are definitely putting you through it lately. Luckily, #Slackerday has come along at the right time so that you can relax guilt-free. If you manage to get anything done outside, that will be a bonus.

At least the Olympics are on, so you can live vicariously through the athletes’ accomplishments if you’re so inclined. 😊
Uncle Harvey mastodon (AP)
Nope. I can't do that either. For some stupid reason, the channel broadcasting the Olympics has cut back on their transaction strength and no longer makes it out to my area anymore. Didn't really care that much since they haven't broadcasted anything worth watching in a long time anyway. So, I guess I'll have to catch any results in any news stories on other channels.
@Sharonbw I'm in a similar boat for a different reason. We don't have any TV and don't subscribe to any cable, so I can't watch the Olympics even on the internet other than news highlights.
Sharonbw mastodon (AP)
Oh dear, you're going to be forced to nap the afternoon away!

Stargate SG-1 started 27 years ago today!

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Trump promises Christians he will install dictatorship so they won't have to vote again - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Stoneface Vimes mastodon (AP)
appropriate song. "I went home with a waitress, the way I always do.
How was I to know, she was with the Russians too.
Send lawyers guns and money
Money lawyers and guns"

⚠️⛔️War Crime: Partners unwillingness to provide air defence contributes to invading Russian terrorists targeting and attacking civilian power facilities in Chernihiv and Dnipro regions over past day (more) #Ukraine #ICC #ICJ #Hague #Mastodon #ECHR #OSCE #PACE #CoE #UN #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
How Harris’ identity is driving fundraising and organizing over Zoom - POLITICO

#Harris #Harris2024

Shonin mastodon (AP)
Off Upper Park Road in Upper Bidwell Park, East of Chico
Butte, Plumas, Shasta, & Tehama Counties
Acres 307,368
Containment 0%

Watch Duty Wildfire Map

Nicholas Guarracino mastodon (AP)
I love watching the obscure sports that you only really see during the #Olympics. This morning, we've seen badminton, equestrian, fencing, and canoe.

:kafeneio: Fou mastodon (AP)
όλα τα σφάζω, όλα τα μαχαιρώνω, πάρε πάρε καλέ κύριε Μακρόν
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
@foufoutos ειναι ζαχαρη ειναι μελι τα καρπουζια του Βαγγελη

In 2018 the EIA predicted that the U.S. would have 40GW of energy storage installed by 2050. Their latest predictions are for the US to have 40GW of energy storage installed by 2025. Storage is the fossil fuel killer. But the fossil fuel industry, like many, didn't see this coming.

WTF Sports Basement
A sign saying "face coverings that conceal identity are not permitted." 
Then in smaller font "We welcome the use of face covering for medical or religious reasons. Thank you!"
scott f ActivityPub
if questioned i'd say i'm wearing it for a medical reason (not getting covid)

but i concur: WTF
M.S. Bellows, Jr. mastodon (AP)
2027: Gotham City collapses into a criminal hellhole because Batman wasn't allowed to exercise.

Floating LEAVES Could Characterize Venus’s Atmosphere

[summary]Venus’s atmosphere has drawn a lot of attention lately. In particular,
the consistent discovery of phosphine in its clouds points to potential
biological sources. That, in turn, has resulted in numerous suggested
missions, including floating a balloon into the atmosphere or having a
spacecraft scoop down and suck up atmospheric samples. But a team of …

Continue reading "Floating LEAVES Could Characterize Venus’s Atmosphere"

The post Floating LEAVES Could Characterize Venus’s Atmosphere appeared
first on Universe Today.

Universe Today: (Andy Tomaswick)

" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">[/summary]

Venus’s atmosphere has drawn a lot of attention lately. In particular, the consistent discovery of phosphine in its clouds points to potential biological sources. That, in turn, has resulted in numerous suggested missions, including floating a balloon into the atmosphere or having a spacecraft scoop down and suck up atmospheric samples. But a team of engineers led by Jeffrey Balcerski, now an adjunct at Kent State University but then part of the Ohio Aerospace Institute, came up with a different idea years ago – use floating sensor platforms shaped like leaves to collect a wide variety of data throughout Venus’ atmosphere.

The Lofted Environmental and Atmospheric Venus Sensors (or LEAVES) project was funded by NASA’s Institute for Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program in 2018. The mission design is simple enough: design lightweight platforms with a wide surface area, attach some low-cost and weight sensors to them, release them from a mothership transiting into orbit around Venus, and let those platforms float down through the Venusian atmosphere over the course of a few hours, all the while sending back atmospheric, chemical, and temperature data to the mothership.

There are a few enabling technologies behind the idea. The first is a lightweight yet robust and deployable structure that could support a platform of sensors and not be destroyed by Venus’s notoriously hellish environment. Designing this structure required understanding expected flight times and geolocation requirements, as well as the requirement that the system must be trackable by orbital radar in order to communicate back to the mothership. The resulting design resembles the famous inverted pyramid at the Louvre.

Venus is one of the most interesting planets in the solar system – and has captured Fraser’s imagination.

Inside that structure, the second enabling technology sits—harsh environment sensors designed to operate in Venus’s extreme environments. Chemical, pressure, and electrical sensors have undergone extensive development work over the past few years, and some are approaching readiness for use on Venus. They are also lightweight, allowing the structure to descend slowly, which is necessary to complete its mission goals.

After receiving the NIAC Phase I grant, the team led by Dr. Balcerski got to work modeling LEAVES’ structure and mission design. They quickly realized that delivery methodology and a system’s light weight would be critical to future missions. As such, they modeled depositing a series of upwards of 100 LEAVES throughout Venus’ atmosphere, each of which would be networked back to the mothership that deposited them as part of its planned orbital maneuver. They also thought there were several planned Venus missions, such as DaVINCI, which could easily take LEAVES on as a secondary payload with no real risk to mission success or uptime, as the LEAVES would fall and be destroyed by the lower Venusian atmosphere in a matter of hours.

But those hours of data, relayed back to the mothership and then on to Earth, could provide invaluable insights into the inner workings of Venus’s atmosphere. LEAVES would be able to reach a wide altitude range—it is estimated to operate between 100 km and 30 km in altitude. It could also be spread literally all over the world, allowing for a more complete picture of the Venusian atmosphere than other mission designs, which would only capture a small vertical slice of the atmosphere.

Venus’s environmental is rough on technology, to say the least. Fraser discusses the new technologies that could one day survive on its surface.

Given the potential impact of what we might find in the Venusian atmosphere, any mission designs that allow us to capture a large amount of information about a wide swath of it would be welcome. Dr. Balcerski and his colleagues think they have advanced the LEAVES concept to a Technology Readiness Level of 3-4. However, they haven’t yet received further support for LEAVES, and development appears to be on hold. But, given the increasing interest in exploring the Venusian atmosphere, perhaps it’s time to look at this lightweight, inexpensive way of doing so again.

Learn More:
Balcerski et al. – LEAVES: Lofted Environmental and Atmospheric VenusSensors
UT – There are Mysteries at Venus. It’s Time for an Astrobiology Mission
UT – Scientists Have Re-Analyzed Their Data and Still See a Signal of Phosphine at Venus. Just Less of it
UT – The Clouds of Venus Could Support Life

Lead Image:
Artist’s depiction of several LEAVES falling through Venus’s atmosphere.
Credit – Balcerski et al.

The post Floating LEAVES Could Characterize Venus’s Atmosphere appeared first on Universe Today.

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Balloon Juice - Saturday Morning Open Thread: The Torch Has Been (Is Being) Passed...

#Harris #Harris2024

Costa Samaras unkn (AP)
Earnest posting: the flag, this idea, this future, belongs to all of us

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
I'm educated enough to remember that when the last time so many athletic young people sailed up the Siene looking for gold and silver France gave Normandy away.

Scoiattolo unkn (AP)
Lebron James crossing the Seine
A photograph showing a large group of people on a boat, enthusiastically waving American flags. Lebron James in a light-colored jacket is prominently holding a large American flag in the foreground. The crowd appears to be celebrating, with smiles and raised flags. In the background, a banner reads "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA." The overlay text at the top of the image reads "WHAT A NIGHT TO CELEBRATE." At the bottom right corner, there's an overlay box with the text "UNITED STATES" alongside the American flag icon and "ATHLETES: 594."

AmyFou 🥥🌴 mastodon (AP)
Good morning, friends -

It's a lovely post-monsoonal morning out here. The 🌵 and the 🐇 and the 🦎 and the 🐦 all seem to be enjoying things. Us too.

#Niko #Gracie #dogs #dogsOfMastodon #fediDogs
Two dogs are wearing their leashes and halters having a treato break on their walk.  The sun is coming through the clouds behind them, and in the background there is lots of green desert vegitation.  They look happy.
newer older

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