Hello! Hi! I have book news!

I can't thank my agent enough for this, and also @MarkStout, because it was his words on my thesis, which sparked the idea that Tsien's story needed to be a book.
Megan Abbate at Bloomsbury has bought, at auction, former political staffer, strategist and activist Celeste Pewter's Infinite Sky: The Story of Tsien Hsue-Shen, the Scientist Who Took Two Countries into Space. The middle-grade biography explores the life of a young Chinese immigrant who arrived in the U.S. in 1935 to study at MIT, becoming a professor at CalTech's Jet Propulsion Laboratory before anti-Communist paranoia prompted the U.S. to deport him back to China. Publication is set for winter 2026; Molly Ker Hawn at the Bent Agency negotiated the deal for world English rights.

Christoph S diaspora
What Medieval People Thought of Different Religions: Insights from Francesco Suriano -
Have you ever wondered how people in the Middle Ages viewed those of different faiths? You might think they focused on moral and religious differences, but one medieval Italian writer, Francesco Suriano, offers a surprising perspective: the real differences lay in everyday habits like clothing, food, and pets.


Tindra mastodon (AP)
Denial of keyboard attack by my local Adorable Purring Threat.
#CatsOfMastodon #FediCats #WorkingWithCats
A dilute calico cat lays on a desk with her head resting on a keyboard.

Christoph S diaspora

Bismarckplatz, vor der Straßenbahn

Meinung | Danke RNV... Nicht!

Welcher Spezi kommt eigentlich auf die Idee für die Straßenbahnlinie RNV5 die kürzesten verfügbahnen Modelle einzusetzen? Die RNV5 mit der ich gerade vom Hans-Thoma-Platz zum Bismarckplatz gefahren bin war rappelvoll. So voll das nicht alle rein kamen obwohl die Leute sich in Sachen Aufrücken an sich sehr gut verhalten haben. Auf einer solchen Strecke um die Zeit so kurze Bahnen einzusetzen gehört bestraft. Zumal wenn man bedenkt das der Bahnverkehr durch die Sanierung der Dossenheimer Landstraße eh schon ausgedünnt ist!

#Meinung #ÖPNV #Heidelberg #Rhein-Neckar #Straßenbahn #RNV #RNV5 #Verkehrsplanung #Verkehrswende #2024-07-27 @Heidelberg @Stadt Heidelberg @Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar @ÖPNV

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
In einem kleinen ABC der Olympischen Spiele ziehen wir unseren Hut vor A wie Athletinnen, B wie Thomas Bach und C wie China – oder so.#Sport #OlympischerSport #OlympischeSpiele2024 #Schwerpunkt

BerlinFokus mastodon (AP)
Sachma @BMWSB_Bund nehmt ihr euch überhaupt noch ernst?

Wieso sollen denn #DieReichen die NICHT arbeiten nun genau DA wohnen wo die #Jobs, #Schulen & #SozialeInfrastruktur sind, während #DieArmen im #Homeoffice aus dem Umland die Straßen fegen und gärtnern?

WIE fucking #weltfremd kann man als #Ministerin überhaupt sein?!

Oder ist das #Satire?

#KlaraGeywitz 🤦‍♀️

Gondoliere mastodon (AP)
nee, das ist #nofdp -DNA

Christoph S diaspora

CrowdStrike Offers $10 Gift Card as Apology for Shutting Down Basically the Whole Earth

CrowdStrike, the cybersecurity firm behind last week's epic global computer meltdown — seemingly the largest IT outage in history — is offering its partners a hilariously inadequate mea culpa: a $10 Uber Eats gift card in apology.

It's a hilariously inadequate gesture for a slip-up that cost Fortune 500 companies more than $5 billion in direct losses, according to a new analysis by insurance firm Parametrix, and forced countless IT professionals to work around the clock over the weekend.

Adding insult to injury, at least some of the gift cards were "canceled by the issuing party" and were "no longer valid," according to TechCrunch.

Muse diaspora
Be positive
BWS is a chain of Beer Wine and Spirits shops in Australia.
Below is some of our finest humour! hehehe!

downix mastodon (AP)
After giving both Bluesky and Threads a go, I still find Mastodon the Twitter successor with the fewest glaring issues.
With far less censorship, racism or sexism, as well.
We're decent human beings here, for the most part. And certainly decent cats!

Did you know that the FSF has a #WorkingTogether fund? You can donate to assist projects such as GNU Guix, GNU Mailman, GNU MediaGoblin, GNUstep, GNU Toolchain, and/or Replicant. Read more, and, if you can, please donate:

Muse diaspora
Be Leaving
Awww, but these poor strangers have been waiting up and down the boulevard!

Gazeshift mastodon (AP)

#Wordle 1,134 3/6


Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
Oh, got to feed the cats

That's right I don't have cats

Hugz & xXx
Amro has melted mastodon (AP)
Don't pout... Feed them love and headpats :Blobhaj_Hug:

Love and headpats for you!
Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)

Hugz ... Pat pat pats ... Giggles

Hugz & xXx

Hacker Memes mastodon (AP)
#caturday linux run levels
INIT 5 - *alert cat*
INIT 6 - *big yawn*
Ihar Filipau mastodon (AP)
This entry was edited (2 months ago) ActivityPub
Generating sudokus for fun and no profit: interactive explainer for the various ways to code a Sudoku solver
Dan Neuman hometown (AP)
@xerophile Exceptional article, and I love having the working algorithms to test. For generating a valid starting Sudoku, my understanding is that you can start with a grid of ordered numbers [1-9], then just randomly swap rows and columns. Each swap should maintain validity.

It depends on what your definition of "couch" is.
Reticent Turnip mastodon (AP)
And...did you stick the cigar *in* the couch??

Help a Black single father feed his kid and keep a roof over their heads!$macck101 #MutualAid @MutualAidNet

Jeff Jarvis mastodon (AP)
Lydia Polgreen was the first in the columnists corps to say Kamala could win:
I Was a Kamala Harris Skeptic. Here’s How I Got Coconut-Pilled.

AkaSci 🛰️ mastodon (AP)
🤣 🤣 🤣

(For those puzzled by the image, look up the Alt text 👇).
Tweet from Nick Moscato 
"Guy says he’s from Appalachia and then talked about drinking DIET Mountain Dew."
Pic from the film Inglourious Basterds where Lt. Hicox makes the wrong (British) “three-finger” gesture when ordering drinks, giving himself away to German officer Major Hellström.

Embedded tweet from Acyn showing J.D. Vance at rally with text - "Vance: I had a Diet Mountain Dew yesterday and one today. I'm sure they will call that racist."
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Marv Clowder reshared this.
AkaSci 🛰️ mastodon (AP)
Now we need a "Men for Harris 2024" event, so we don't feel left out 🙍‍♂️

Eric Swalwell shows us how to do it in style 😅

#KamalaHarris2024 #AnswerTheCall2024 #WomenForHarris #MenForHarris
Tweet from Andrew Solender, showing Rep. Eric Swalwell coming down the Capitol steps, coconut in hand.
California Rep. Eric Swalwell coming out of votes carrying a coconut.
“Staying hydrated,” he tells reporters
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
AkaSci 🛰️ mastodon (AP)
HV4H - Haley Voters for Harris - response to Haley's Cease and Desist letter:
"We will neither cease nor desist."

My translation - "Go lay an egg" 🐔

Tweet from HV4H -

We have formally responded to @NikkiHaley's cease and desist letter.  

We have deep respect for Ambassador Haley's patriotism and sacrifices. 

We also believe that @KamalaHarris will be better for the country than Trump.

We will neither cease nor desist.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Deniz Opal mastodon (AP)
Trump has a big brain and hires all the best people.

Trump's assassination searches overshadowed by Vance dolphin searches.
Deniz Opal reshared this.
kaia akkoma (AP)
what's going on? :FireWhat:
Why is JD Vance being accused of having a dolphin fetish?
JD Vance accused of having a dolphin fetish following couch allegations · As Raw Story reported, many people pointed out to Vance at the time
Deniz Opal mastodon (AP)
@kaia he shared a news article about a woman and a dolphin complaining that the world is going to shit, people pointed out the words "woman" and "dolphin" were highlighted and he was obviously searching 🤣

Russia tightens 'undesirable organizations' law

Russian authorities will soon be able to ban any foreign organizations they find inconvenient by labeling them "undesirable," making cooperation with them a criminal offense.

flo mastodon (AP)
Liebe #FahrradBubble & Interessierte,

im Moment schwappt eine Erregungs-Welle auch hier durchs #FediVerse:
Das #Verkehrsministerium plane angeblich ein Gewichtslimit für #Fahrradanhänger von maximal 50 kg.

Allein: es stimmt (so) nicht.

Es ist die (leider üblich) verkürzte, reißerische Darstellung in verschiedenen Medien, was die Aufregung auslöst (siehe Screenshot aus dem FahrradWohnwagen-Forum).

Der Hersteller "Hinterher" schreibt im CargoBikeForum:
"Demnach dürfen Fahrradanhänger zukünftig maximal 50 kg Gesamtmasse aufweisen, ansonsten brauchen sie ein eigenes Auflaufbremssystem."

Der Hersteller bietet aktuell wohl keine Modelle mit Auflaufbremse an.

Weiterhin schreiben sie aber:
"... tatsächlich gibt es zu der ganzen Geschichte bisher keine belastbaren schriftlichen Aussagen von Seiten des Ministeriums und der BASt."

Ergo: erst mal alle wuschig machen, obwohl noch nichts offiziell ist?

Im FahrradWohnwagen-Forum postete der User "Tomy": 

"Verkehr: Verkehrsministerium plant Gewichtslimit für Fahrradanhänger (

Verkehrsministerium plant Gewichtslimit für Fahrradanhänger - Wirtschaft - DIE RHEINPFALZ

Verkehrsministerium plant Gewichtslimit für Fahrradanhänger (

Verkehrsministerium plant Gewichtslimit für Fahrradanhänger (

Wissing plant 50-Kilo-Limit für Fahrradanhänger (

Wissing plant 50-Kilo-Limit für Fahrradanhänger (

Wissing plant 50-Kilo-Limit für Fahrradanhänger (

Wissing plant 50-Kilo-Limit für Fahrradanhänger (

Wissing plant 50-Kilo-Limit für Fahrradanhänger (

Verkehrsministerium plant Gewichtslimit für Fahrradanhänger - WELT

Verkehr: Verkehrsministerium plant Gewichtslimit für Fahrradanhänger | ZEIT ONLINE

Das geht ja gerade VIRAL in den Print Medien, lesen die alle unseren Chat ?? 😉

Natürlich geht alles auf eine Quelle zurück und alle zitieren diesen tweet."
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
flo mastodon (AP)
Meine Vermutung ist, dass die zurückgenommen wurde, bevor Hinterher das jetzt losgetreten hatte.

rostundrad mastodon (AP)
@mastobikes_de @fedibikes_de das ist die große Frage. Es gab ja wohl eine Veranstaltung mit Herstellern und Ministerium. Und bis zum Vorpreschen von #hinterher keine Veröffentlichung zu dem Thema. Betrachte ich so die verschiedenen Kampagnen zu der Gefährlichkeit von Lastenrädern und Kindertransport mit Anhänger und Fahrrad scheint mir ein heimliches Freidrehen des #BMDV durchaus im Bereich des Möglichen.

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@parunenuitdete Envoie de doux bisous dans ta direction 😘 😘 😘 😘

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@GrangeBlanche Bisous du samedi JM 😘 😘 😘 😘

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@kawoua Bisous du samedi ma kawouette 😘 😘 😘 😘

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@BergereGuerriere Bisous du samedi BG 😘 😘 😘 😘

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@Kelissen Bisous du samedi Kelissen 😘 😘 😘 😘

1,5 Tonnen Munition in den Händen eines irrationalen Trolls mit Verschwörungsmythen und der festen Überzeugung in einer GmbH zu leben.
Kannst du dir wieder nicht vorstellen.
Gondoliere mastodon (AP)
schickt den Krempel in die Ukraine. Und die Typen gleich mit!
Gondoliere mastodon (AP)
@Aileen22 Win:win - Wir wären Ihn los und die Ukrainer haben keine Berührungsängste im Umgang mit 'Durchgeknallten'

#TimothySnyder Havel, Unpredictability and Freedom | Borders of (Un)Freedom conference; #video 49 mins; lecture in Prague

Exploring new ways of thinking about the present state of the World and about the possible futures.

Conference page:

Christoph S diaspora

Tuto en image pour réaliser vos liens interpod

Bonjour !

ça faisait un petit moment que je voulais améliorer mon précédent post sur le #LienPermanent. Vous savez, celui-ci !

L'idée est donc de proposer ici un tutoriel en image.
acceuil diaspora-fr
J'utilise le navigateur Firefox depuis un ordinateur de bureau. Si vous utilisez un autre navigateur, ça devrait marcher aussi. Depuis un ordiphone, ça peut être plus délicat, mais ça reste faisable : j'en ai fait plusieurs depuis le fond de mon lit 😀

Première étape : repérer le post vers lequel on veut créer un lien interpod
Comme je sais que ce post contient le #motdièse LienPermanent, je fais une recherche :
recherche mot dièse

Je trouve le post en défilant la page !
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Je copie le lien présent dans l'icone 🔗
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Je colle ensuite ça dans une zone de texte, soit celle de rédaction de mon message, dans une autre fenêtre, ou bien ailleurs, un fichier de note, un .txt, etc...

Je copie l'adresse de l'utilisateur en survolant son avatar avec la souris
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Ce qui me permet de finaliser la rédaction de mon lien permanent interpod de la manière qui suit :
Rédiger le lien interpod

J'ajoute les images de ce tuto et ...
Vous obtenez ce post
Et bien sur, c'est un #LienPermanent !

Rasta mastodon (AP)
"When I turn 33, I'll retire. That's the time when a man has to dedicate himself to other things. I don't want to be a rock star all my life" - Mick Jagger #Quote #MickJagger #Age #Rock #RockNRoll #RockStar
The well-aged and wrinkled face of Mick Jagger, now 81 years old, quoted above from his early days, "When I turn 33, I'll retire. That's the time when a man has to dedicate himself to other things. I don't want to be a rock star all my life" - Mick Jagger

taz mastodon (AP)
Basketballer Dennis Schröder trägt bei der Olympia-Eröffnung die deutsche Fahne – als erster Schwarzer und Muslim. „Ein starkes Zeichen“, sagt er.!6022895

Pat mastodon (AP)

Zhi Zhu 🕸️ mastodon (AP)
" #Harris is nobody’s “hire.” She was elected district attorney of #SanFrancisco, elected attorney general of #California, elected #US senator & elected vice president of the #UnitedStates.

...She put her vision, skills & judgment before the voters & let them decide. And, yes, like other achievers of a darker hue, Harris has had to overcome the odds & obstacles thrown in her way, such as Conway’s hoary slur"

#KamalaHarris #Harris2024 #Democrats #Politics #News #USA
News headline and photo with caption.

Headline: Opinion
We have seen the attacks on Harris before

Donald Trump and his supporters are using racism to paint the vice president as inferior.

Photo with caption: 
Vice President Harris speaks at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on the White House complex on Thursday. (Julia Nikhinson/AP)
Callalily reshared this.
Zhi Zhu 🕸️ mastodon (AP)
"You are going to see your candidate subjected to the most blistering, vile & specious personal attacks based on her #race & #gender. The effort, to be sure, is aimed at villainizing her with those who are undecided. But it’s also intended to tear her down in your eyes; to distract & demoralize you; to dampen the high spirits that are driving you toward the one goal that is above all this presidential #election year — winning — which depends on #voting"

Text from article:
Why reprise the spirit of John Sharp Williams, why echo the malice of today’s political right? We elders have heard it all before. Some of us have also been on the receiving end. It’s not about us.

This is a heads-up to the energized and enthusiastic young voters who are being drawn to the Harris campaign in huge numbers.

You are going to see your candidate subjected to the most blistering, vile and specious personal attacks based on her race and gender. The effort, to be sure, is aimed at villainizing her with those who are undecided. But it’s also intended to tear her down in your eyes; to distract and demoralize you; to dampen the high spirits that are driving you toward the one goal that is above all this presidential election year — winning — which depends on voting. Let nothing stop you from getting to the polls. Because Election Day 2024 will decide who will govern and uphold democratic values.

Bärnchen mastodon (AP)

Manche Tomaten sind kleine essbare Kunstwerke. Die Sorte 'Jazz' im frühen Stadium. Reif schmückt sie sich in Rot mit goldenen Streifen.

#tomato #tomate
Grüne, rot und gelb gestreifte Tomaten.
Susanne Schneider mastodon (AP)
Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich mal Jazz fotografieren könnte. 😅
Tomaten der Sorte Jazz, noch grün
Susanne Schneider mastodon (AP)
Kunst macht derzeit Baba bei uns.
Halbrote Tomate der Sorte Baba

Bread and Circuses mastodon (AP)
Despite what our capitalist rulers want us to think, everything is not fine...

The northern hemisphere has had a large number of intense wildfires in the first half of summer, carrying vast amounts of smoke across Eurasia and North America.

These wildfires are generally caused by long periods of hot and dry conditions in areas of high vegetation, and have resulted in increased carbon and smoke emissions.

Large-scale and intense wildfires have developed throughout the late spring and summer, with numerous fires burning in Canada, Alaska, and eastern Russia.

Guillermo Rein, a professor of fire science in the department of mechanical engineering at Imperial College London, said: “In recent years the fire season is expanding, starting earlier and lasting longer. But it’s not just the fact the wildfire season is widening, it’s also that the intensity of wildfire season is becoming unprecedented.”

According to official Russian figures, the number of wildfires this year has decreased by 30% compared with the previous year, but the area burnt is 50% larger, highlighting the intensity of the wildfires.


See more below... 🧵 1/3

#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual
Screenshot from top of linked Guardian article. Headline says: "Large scale and intense wildfires carrying smoke across northern hemisphere. Late spring and early summer blazes in Canada, Alaska, and Eastern Russia add to carbon emissions." Below this is a photo of a wildfire burning in British Columbia.
Bread and Circuses mastodon (AP)
🧵 3/3

Here's an overview of the situation in Canada: 935 active fires, 414 of them out of control, with 2.2 million hectares burned so far...


#Canada #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual
Screenshot from the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Center, showing numbers and locations of wildfires, as described in post.
Luuk_Aalders mastodon (AP)
Every three lost in the fire is one to many and will be missed.
newer older

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