Der kleine Herr B. mastodon (AP)
Dass Journalisten, die bereits mit der Rechtschreibung Schwierigkeiten haben, gebeten werden, etwas über Fakten, Zahlen und statistische Analysen zu schreiben, bringt eindrucksvoll zum Ausdruck, an wen sich diese Artikel wenden.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Optimist mastodon (AP)

Ein Erwachsener kennt im Schnitt rund 40.000 Wörter. Als Sprach- und Gedächtnisforscher sind wir daran interessiert wie ein jeder diese Wörter im eigenen mentalen Lexikon ablegt.

Die Teilnahme an der Wortassoziationsstudie dauert fünf Minuten (und macht Spaß).

Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff blasts JD Vance's 'stupid, uninformed' comments about Kamala Harris being a 'childless' cat lady: 'It hurt my feelings'

Vance continues to show his Vulgar true feelings every time he opens his mouth.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump
Kamala Harris husband Doug Emhoff

Grateful Dread mastodon (AP)
Over 40 DOJ alumni endorse 'best choice' Harris — fearing Trump takeover via

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Unter hohen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen fand am Freitag die Eröffnung der Pariser Sommerspiele statt. Sie stellte sich als sehr feuchte Angelegenheit heraus.#Paris #IOC #ThomasBach #LadyGaga #OlympischeSpiele2024 #Sport #Schwerpunkt

I see the moon...

Photo with translucent-seeming clouds piling up on the right-hand side, white in places but mostly grey. Most of the rest of the picture is blue sky, shading to deep blue in the top-left corner. The moon, appearing very small, is on the left. The blurry silhouette of a building jags across the bottom-left corner.

levels checker mastodon (AP)
tests are showing emptiness levels at 49%

(49%) ■■■■□□□□□□

Anni Bürkl Autorin mastodon (AP)
Es gibt noch Leute, die freiwillig in der Sonne liegen.



taz mastodon (AP)
Unter hohen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen fand am Freitag die Eröffnung der Pariser Sommerspiele statt. Sie stellte sich als sehr feuchte Angelegenheit heraus.!6026221

Hart mastodon (AP)
Den Flugzeugherstellern geht #Klimakrise am A**** vorbei, sie machen ganz einfach Bedarfsanalysen & orientieren sich an Profit/Dividende, selbst knappe Ressourcen interessieren nicht
-sie sind ja endlos vorhanden WTF

Found an unopened box of 5.25” floppies during a clean up.

The sticker on the sealed box was unexpected.

Sealed box of 3M 5.25” floppies with a sticker saying, “You’re purchase helps to support the 1992 U.S. Olympic Team.”
Back of the box with marketing material but a very clear gold easy open strip that’s intact.

Die schwangere Kim Kardashian ist mal mit ihrem Privatjet nach Paris geflogen, weil sie einen ganz speziellen Käsekuchen essen wollte.
Und wir denken, wir könnten die Welt retten, wenn wir die Deckel an den Colaflaschen befestigten..
Gondoliere reshared this.

#til about Virginia rep. Jennifer Wexford living with PSP
She addressed the house of representatives using a ai assisted voice.

Muse diaspora
enter image description here
What Is Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)?

My Australian friends may not be familiar with the term DEI, until you say what that acronym stands for. So, I found this article to share with them. the vid is a hoot
"Simon...what the fuck are you talking about?!"
Muse diaspora
@clarice overhere They are a hoot! I love the logo BTW!


8t3v3n mastodon (AP)
What the gas giants knew all along
"He warned there was “considerable evidence” that the burning of oil, gas and coal was changing the chemical composition of the atmosphere and that “subtle changes of global significance are already evident”." Knew at least from 1969
HeavenlyPossum reshared this.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Surprise Mother*****er #Ukraine #UkraineWar #UkraineWarVideoReport
Surprise Mother*****er

Zumbador hometown (AP)
@actuallyautistic #ActuallyAutistic

Something I'm struggling to make sense of.

I recently spent two months in Turkey. Our tickets and stay were paid for by family, otherwise this is something we could never afford to do.

I don't know how to think about the trip. It was amazing and magical. But it was also incredibly difficult, painful and unpleasant.

It was hard for both myself and my husband (who is also autistic) to be out of our routines and familiar environment. I struggled especially with the bright sunlight, constant low level conflict with family, and almost never being alone.

At times I was on the edge of melt down and getting constant intrusive thoughts about self harm.

But the places I saw and things I experienced were absolutely amazing.

I'm struggling with anger at being forced so far out of my window of tolerance, but I agreed to do this so that seems unfair of me. Also, it was a gift, I didn't have to pay? And it was genuinely amazing?
JustAFrog mastodon (AP)
Some experiences are mixed.

It's good to acknowledge that.

Not a personal failing, at all.

Maybe you simply underestimated how taxing this would be, because you had no good frame of reference to estimate it.

BushHut mastodon (AP)
What is going to stop fascism in America, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada. India?

Not who, what?

What action? By whom maybe.

#politics #uspol #auspol #nzpol #cdnpol

irisvank mastodon (AP)
Buenos días 🧉🧉🧉
Mina mastodon (AP)
¡Muy buen día, Iris!

¡Gracias por los matecitos!

My new book, Why Your Parents Are Hung-Up on Your Phone and What To Do About It, is available for pre-order now!

From screen time to privacy to toxic influencers and beyond, it's all explained to the younger reader in accessible, fun (but scientifically accurate) ways, to give them the tools they need to deal with these things while retaining their independence.

Hope you like!
#Book #Phones #Brains #Parenting

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@sri_raoul Bisous du samedi 😘 😘 😘 😘

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@syderiaos Bisous du samedi miel Syd 😘 😘 😘 😘

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@LoboTom Bisous du samedi mon MajorD'âme 😘 😘 😘 😘

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@TalaStark Bisous du Chatmedit Tala 😘 😘 😘 😘

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@AugierLe42e Bisous du samedi mon Mignon 😘 😘 😘 😘

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@tsadiq et là 😘 😘 😘 😘

João Pinheiro mastodon (AP)
There’s nothing better to start a weekend than a picture of Trump with Netanyahu… Oh… Putin is missing… and some others…

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@tsadiq Bisous ici 😘 😘 😘 😘

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@Troll Bisous du samedi mon Trollounet 😘 😘 😘 😘

Youtube knipst euch gerade euer liebstes Spielzeug zum Teilen von Videos aus.
Du bist noch nicht betroffen? Warte noch ein wenig ab. Schon bald ist es soweit und dann wird auch euer Node gesperrt sein.

Wechselt daher jetzt auf die vorhandenen Tools des Fediverse.

Fedi-Video-Plattform Alternative:oderwenn der Inhalt indirekt von Youtube kommen soll.

Es ist Zeit sich ein wenig zu bewegen.

#fediverse #peertube #invidious #piped #youtube #google

frater chaos diaspora
Orange Hitler says: “You won’t have to vote anymore. Four years, it will be fixed, it will be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore. In four years, you won’t have to vote again."
tomgrzybow reshared this.
tomgrzybow diaspora
Much more efficient. You stay home, or work. Work is good. We need people working not talking. Then there will be much more money...

Gus mastodon (AP)
My fridge has a WIFI header and a UART For Test header...

I'm honestly worried about what I might do with this information.
Back of a fridge, the lower section, with the shielding cover off and the control circuitry box open
Close up of the fridge circuit board showing the "UART for Test" and "WIFI" pin headers
Gus mastodon (AP)
@stib Yeah... Maybe also it'd be useful to monitor the compressor duty cycle over time so you can tell when it might need regassing or new door seals. But... meh
Gus mastodon (AP)
@jpm @nickzoic @stib The feature creep on my busted fridge light has practically broken into a run... 😂

Deborah Sampson mastodon (AP)
Regarding the #misogyny & #racism of #gop attacks on Kamala…this piece spells it out.

“This stuff is vile to watch. But as w/drained pus, it’s got to be exposed to the air. Because it’s not just talk. It reveals what a #trump presidency would mean.”

“…(the)hatred will continue to ooze from their mouths. Disgusting as it, pay attention. Because sexism & racism are not just talk.
They’re policies – the calamitous policies a 🤡 presidency augurs.”🔮

Just slaves with Stockholm syndrome

Погода стоит или моросит или дождь переходящий в ливень. Судя по тому как одеваются, % 99 - они реально дебилы. Зонт не панацея, а если на ногах не ласты или резиновые сапоги, лучше ходить босиком. Ладно так делают мигранты и местные точно так же ходят. Вообще-то мне плевать на них, просто смешно.

mhoye mastodon (AP)
I hope everyone saw this go by, that “fork to private repo, test with private key, delete fork” has been revealed as a dangerous antipattern and any access tokens or other secrets you might have tested through this pattern should be revoked promptly.

Part of secrets management _has_ to be understanding that if you put credentials through systems that aren’t purpose-built for managing credentials - like any SAAS-VCS! - you need to assume near-term compromise.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

muıııo mastodon (AP)
muıııo mastodon (AP)
@ohjames Don't be upset... It just got really hot here, my head needed it 🥵
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