Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@ezrine Bisous du samedi Ezrine 😘 😘 😘 😘

Christoph S diaspora
SWEDISH Bio Weapon

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@Eomerj Bisous du samedi mon Eo 😘 😘 😘 😘

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@Qi2Navet Bisous du samedi ta Majesté 😘 😘 😘 😘

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@VieilOgre Bisous du samedi mon Ogrouh 😘 😘 😘 😘

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@dodosan Bisous du samedi mon Berthold 😘 😘 😘 😘

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@MadameMollette Bisous du samedi ma Clef des Songes 😘 😘 😘 😘

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@Emmaf_77 Bisous du samedi mon Emma 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘

taz mastodon (AP)
Nach dem Rückzug von Joe Biden setzen die Demokraten ganz auf Kamala Harris. Und die macht innerhalb weniger Tage eine erstaunliche Wandlung durch.!6023604

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@FoucPerotin Bisous du samedi mon Foucauld 😘 😘 😘 😘

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@transcendentempress Bisous du samedi ma Jennifer 😘 😘 😘 😘

Boerps ☑️ mastodon (AP)
Richard Wagner
Parsifal - Act I

Amfortas - George London
Titurel - Arnold van Mill
Gurnemanz - Ludwig Weber
Parsifal - Wolfgang Windgassen
Klingsor - Hermann Uhde
Kundry - Martha Mödl

Hans Knappertbusch, conductor
The Bayreuth Festival Chorus and Orchestra

Recorded on June 30, 1951

#music #classic #oper #history

Contrast this sad story of Harold Wilson's life after Parliament with the self-aggrandising, money-focussed, self-promoting life of more recent holders of the office (see post from a few days ago on limiting PMs post-office activities)....

For many (including me) Wilson, while not without his faults, was one of the stand-out post-war politicians... and makes the current set of ex-PMs look like self-obsessed profiteers.

to be fair I never liked his politics, but Heath as well. His post PM time, not his status as a disastrous PM.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Glyn Moody mastodon (AP)
Extreme heat poses ‘real risk’ to #Spain’s mass tourism industry - "Public health adviser says higher temperatures caused by climate crisis pose danger for visitors not used to them" and not only there... #ClimateCrisis

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@athenavocat Bon Samedi Athéna 😘

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@greener77176 Bisous du Chamedit 😘 😘 😘 😘

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@Clailou Bisous du Samedi Camarade 😘 😘 😘 😘

Boerps ☑️ mastodon (AP)
Bedřich Smetana - ZWEI WITWEN

National Moravian‐Silesian Opera Orchestra
Marek Šedivý

#music #classic #oper

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@MaitreCrevettes Bisous du Chatmedit 😘 😘 😘 😘

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@1HommeAzerty Bisous du Chatmedit Monsieur Pffff 😘 😘 😘 😘

Content warning: Mysogynie und Transfeindlichkeit in der Politik

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@Septie Bisous du Chatmedit ma Septie 😘 😘 😘 😘

Est-qu'il y a des gens de la team #archives / archivistes ici ? Et des gens de la team #Bretagne ? Voire quelqu'un qui se situerait pile à l'intersection de ces deux cercles et serait intéressé.e par des archives bretonnes ?
(#RT bienvenus)

Je suis en train de vider le lieu dans lequel mon grand-père, notaire, a travaillé toute sa vie, et je tombe dans le grenier sur des trucs qu'il me paraîtrait dommage de brûler.
Cf ce contrat époque Louis XVIII ("par la grâce de Dieu, roi de France et de Navarre")

#histodon #genealogie
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
ploum mastodon (AP)
: rha, ça me fait trop penser à ma nouvelle "le figurant" (qui est aussi dans mon recueil)

AnitaWorks mastodon (AP)
Frühkindliche Bildung ... kann doch jeder

*Zynismus off*

Eltern sollen dazu zwar grundsätzlich nicht in der Lage sein, aber wenn sie als Quereinsteiger in einem Kindergarten / einer Kindertagesstätte arbeiten, kommt das Wissen darüber von alleine.

*kopfschüttelnd ab*
das nächste bitte mastodon (AP)
Und weil das ja jeder kann, bekomme ich regelmäßig Anrufe von Eltern, die fragen ob es in unserem Waldkindergarten nicht noch freie Plätze gebe. Weil ihr aktueller Kindergarten geht garnicht. "Wie die da mit den Kindern umgehen! Und von Ihrer Kita höre ich soviel Gutes."
Natürlich, denn wir sind alle Fachkräfte, multiprofessionell und bilden uns regelmäßig fort.
Update: Tippfehler korrigiert
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Kernou mastodon (AP)
Mike Rothschild (no relation)
"In four years, you won't have to vote again."

There's nothing sly or subtle about this. He's just telling us the plan. If he wins, he and his inner circle will do whatever it takes to make him or his chosen successor president for life. All we have to do is believe him.

Streeting appeals for blood donors. He could try renationalising blood service


Blood plasma service was sold to massive venture capital company criticised for starving businesses it runs, who quickly sold it on
I just wonder how many turned their back on donating?

So something which was for the many and free (ie. Nationalised so they could keep fighting!) at point during WW2 war where many young & old lost their lives & oddly paid for by them for 76 years now ripped to pieces by the grasping few for their own ends?

It is now finding what people think about the rape & destruction of our nhs?

Odd that?

Tofu Golem mastodon (AP)
Trump tells his followers that they won't have to vote anymore if they give him a second term.

The fact that this didn't cost him their support tells you everything you need to know about Republican voters.

Guten Samstagmorgen, liebe Rüsseltierchen. Endlich konnte ich ausschlafen. Und jetzt muss ich meine Pflanzen düngen, staubsaugen und sonstiges erledigen.

Macht Euch einen netten Tag. Erholt Euch gut. ☘️🌻🍀🙋👋🤗😘😊🙏🦣🐘

Kristina Gehrmann mastodon (AP)
The Wings of the Pirate King - One Piece fanart. 😀
Zoro and Sanji from One Piece, standing in fighting poses on deck of the ship. In the background, canon-typical chaos.
Darbales🏴 mastodon (AP)
Cool 🤩
Kristina Gehrmann mastodon (AP)
Thank you 😀

Some of my illustrations for "Geheimnisvolle Welt des Mittelalters", a nonfiction book about the Middle Ages for children ages 8+.

This is the kind of illustration I've always wanted to do: detailed paintings of historical scenes!
A medieval city street between houses, facing a cathedral. In the foreground, a knight on a horse looking at us. Two scenes from a monastery: monks writing in the library, and monks preparing a meal in the kitchen.
A medieval town scene with a market, showing various stalls and people.
Jack Taylor mastodon (AP)
These are all really lovely! I can totally imagine this being some kids favorite book

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Trump Says 'I Don't Know How a Catholic Can Vote for the Democrats'

Biden and Pelosi are Catholics. My hubs is a definite Catholic and a Dem. Harris is a Baptist (he tries to take that away from her too, just like they tried to take Obama's Christianity away from him). Trump behaves like a pretend Christian who uses faith when he thinks it'll get him votes.

Now going for that Christian Taliban holy war vibe, I guess
I was going to reply to this, but fuck him.
Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
@cynblogger by their fruits you shall know them...and his are pretty damn rotten, even if his followers pretend otherwise.
Not even close to authentic Christianity/Catholicism.
P Regina mastodon (AP)
He doesn’t know anything, so it’s hardly surprising.

Toby mastodon (AP)
Many of you have been in touch, complimenting me on my Writer’s Block

Book Challenge: 20 Bücher, die dich geprägt haben. Ein Buch pro Tag, 20 Tage lang. Keine Erklärungen, keine Bewertungen, nur Buchcover. #20books Buch 1:
Buch: die grüne Paperbackausgabe des Herrn der Ringe.
Und auf eine wundervoll sanfte Art Sex zu entdecken.
Mina mastodon (AP)

Härteres Zeug haben wir gefunden, als wir den Bücherschrank meiner Großeltern ausräumen durften, bevor sie von München zurück nach Berlin zurück zogen.

Da gab es BDSM-Comics und einige Romane.

Lotte mastodon (AP)
Die Vorbereitungen für morgen sind fast komplett abgeschlossen, seit heute Mittag wurde geschnibbelt, gebacken und geputzt was das Zeug hält.

Und jetzt gibt’s Schaum. Viel Schaum. Bis zu den Ohren. Und dann fall ich mit Anlauf ins Bett. Was freu ich mich darauf. 🥰

Habt einen wunderbaren Abend und eine gute Nacht 💫
Elsa & Balou mastodon (AP)
Herzlichen Glückwunsch, liebe Lotte, und alles, alles Gute dir für die kommenden 5er-Jahre! 🥳 🥂 🍾
Mach was Tolles aus deinem Tag, genieße ihn, feier schön und lass dich verwöhnen! 🎉 🎈
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

2 other masked people have entered the airport. That makes 3 of us, total.
That's better than the last time, isn't it? 😪
Steve Williams mastodon (AP)
circle the wagons!

Kernou mastodon (AP)
Decoding Fox News
How does someone get grazed by a bullet and show no signs of an injury this soon afterward? He was injured. Someone shot at him. A man was murdered and two others were critical injured. Trump’s injury doesn’t make sense for a bullet.
Kernou mastodon (AP)
@selzero What I want to know is why there are no signs of injury to his ear, did Jesus come down and heal it?
Deniz Opal mastodon (AP)
it was just a graze from shrapnel

Cazimodo Creative mastodon (AP)
Good morning Fellow Travellers around the Sun 🌞 I am feeling well enough to be back on #parrot duty this morning after a decent night's sleep without pain, thank goodness. Ziggy is currently cuddling up in my hand, making little grumbles of contentment, Toby is munching (goes without saying 😊) and Jadie is patiently waiting for Ziggy to go back to her cage so she can have her breakfast. She keeps whispering "Good girl" at me, which she certainly is 😊 #petsofmastodon #birdsofmastodon #BirdsOfFediverse #goodmorning

Today I need to cook up the broth mix for the #parrots and make some fresh chop, but after that I am going to do some #gaming for sure. I still haven't found a way to fix the graphics x window issues on Linux on my Chromebook, so my website updates will need to wait. I might try to remove Linux and reinstall it next and see if that helps. But not today 😁

Have a lovely day, whatever you get up to 🤗
Good morning lovely 🌹
Sorry to you've been unwell. So glad to see you back, sending love to you Ziggy, Zadie & Toby.
Cazimodo Creative mastodon (AP)
@DoubleTreble Morning DT, and thank you 🌞 Hope you have a lovely day.

Ben :bc: mastodon (AP)
Funny to think that CrowdStrike was a year ago now

Dan mastodon (AP)
i don't get to choose when my brain works and i don't want to waste the opportunity when it does.

sorry if activity spikes come at odd hours. it will happen again.

Lotte mastodon (AP)
Tierarzt ist doof. Ich schließe jetzt ein PETA-Abo ab.
Purzeline im Auto mit dem Dackelblick, der weiß, dass jetzt was ganz blödes passiert.
newer older

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