Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
Just noticed the headphones are made better ... They have used metal instead of plastic for the hinges ... Why the hell does it use plastic to start with !!

Hugz & xXx
Metal hinge on headphones and a band-aid finger from a hammer accident

Mastodon Migration mastodon (AP)
Truth sandwich ( response:

Trump is a fascist who if elected will destroy democracy. Today he said if he was elected you won't ever vote again. Believe him. His intention is to turn the US into a Russia style fascist oligarchy, and with the Supreme Court in his pocket he will be successful if elected in November.

1. Start with the truth.
2. Indicate the lie. Avoid amplifying. Don't use specific language.
3. Return to the truth. Always repeat truths more than lies.

sivizius mastodon (AP)
This is a typo, right? 😳
Screenshot of a datasheet from »shen zhen fine mad [sic!] electronics group co. ltd« about the FM2113 IC.

levelbot mastodon (AP)
hamster levels are 17% and falling

(17%) ■□□□□□□□□□

Lewis Hine mastodon (AP)
Man... turning and directing a great derrick

#LewisHine #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
 The image portrays a man in the midst of a construction scene, standing on top of what appears to be a steel structure. He is wearing a dark hat and overalls, with a belt and gloves that suggest manual labor. His gaze is directed upwards, possibly indicating that he's operating machinery or overseeing work being done above him. The background suggests an industrial setting, likely a bridge construction site. The photo has a vintage quality to it, which may be indicated by the style of clothing, the presence of a watermark or text overlay that reads "Lewis Hine," and the overall graininess of the image.

Dave Spector mastodon (AP)

Michael Beschloss: Important and be forewarned. Trump said this to crowd tonight:
“Get out and vote! Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It’ll be fixed! It’ll be fine!…In four years, you don’t have to vote again.”
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
4 people reshared this

João Pinheiro mastodon (AP)
Bom fim-de-semana para todos!

A great weekend for all!

Steve Collins mastodon (AP)
Wordle 1,134 4/6


fukawi2 mastodon (AP)
Please stop leaving the city if you're not prepared...


Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL Swallow nests have been used as a delicacy for over 400 years, and are among the most expensive animal products consumed by humans
#til #todayilearned

Mela Eckenfels mastodon (AP)
Die Übersterblichkeit unter AfD-Politikern während der Pandemie war höher, als die Übersterblichkeit in Deutschland.


Sagen wir's mal so: Impfgegnerschaft lohnt sich nicht.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Dyagilevo airbase in Ryazan was targeted by several Ukrainian long-range drones, according to Russian sources. The base is home to the 203rd Guards Orlovsky Independent Aircraft-refuelling Aviation Regiment. July 27, 2024 #Ukraine #UkraineWar #UkraineWarVideoReport
Dyagilevo airbase in Ryazan was targeted by several Ukrainian long-range drones, according to Russian sources. The base is home to the 203rd Guards Orlovsky Independent Aircraft-refuelling Aviation Regiment. July 27, 2024

Nicola Fabiano mastodon (AP)
X activated by default Grok which unaware users train with their personal data
What Twitter profile? I have none.

p6 mastodon (AP)
Enkelin hat gestern gebrannte Mandeln vom Volksfest mitgebracht 🫂 sonzum Kaffee schmeckt das einfach super lecker, wenn auch viel zu früh für nen Samstag

N'Moin allerseits
Guten Morgen 🙋‍♂️

“Zijn we collectief in slaap gewiegd door onze katholieke opvoeding? Het is toch niet omdat de bomma het tof vindt dat hij komt, dat wij met zijn allen met een vlaggetje moeten staan zwaaien? Ik kan er met mijn hoofd niet bij dat niemand in Leuven, waar toch veel hoogopgeleiden en linksdenkenden wonen, daar vraagtekens bij plaatst? Waarom zou het een eer zijn dat die man naar onze stad komt?”
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Laffy mastodon (AP)
Via Kamala HQL

#JDVance responds to the backlash to his “childless cat ladies” comment by apologizing to cats and then doubling down on attacking women: “I’m sorry, it’s true”

#HarrisForPresident #Harris2024
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.
thepoliticalcat mastodon (AP)
I wonder when Trump is gonna announce J.D.'s dropping out of the race. Every minute this loser stays in the public eye is another drop in the polls for Lump.
Laffy mastodon (AP)
@thepoliticalcat If he does that, more chaos, more bad press

PunkLawyer mastodon (AP)

However, appears to be fake news according to this search for *couch* inside #HillbillyElegy at Google Books:

 Folks, JD Vance did fuck a couch.

It was right there in his book all along.

And it was definitely more than once.

opportunities, they stay there. Years later, | looked at my wedding party of six groomsmen and realized that every single one of them had, like me, fucked a couch Ail of us had found ourselves beheld by the eroticism of two cushions, side-by-side, with that lush, inviting valley between. We al! knew how to respect one too: With a rubber glove and any lubricant you had on hand. All of us were ionely at some point, pushed away by the women in our lives It was our outlet and an unspoken-yet-open secret. To want for a couch is 1o be, and to lay with cne as one does? It is a rite of passage into the chambers of manhood.

10:09 PM - 2024-07-25 From Earth - 1M Views

3.3K Reposts 599 Quotes 15K Likes 2K Bookmarks
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
PunkLawyer mastodon (AP)





@ R T Rt "When | get that feeling, | need sectional healing" ©® {52k [DReply F12 @ Share o Q theunnamedrobot - 7h ago I saw him referred to as a homosectional and just knew this train was not even close to being done wrecking. ©® {18 & [JReply LA Award A Share - @ Dancinfool830 - 6h ago How can we be sure of the couch's gender? He might be heterosectional [CIET -7 IR VI - = VR © I VA (R S @ [N R ey | prefer the term “Sofasexual” ©® 4307 [DJReply LA Award A Share - @ Suspicious-Return-54 - 4h ago More cushion for the pushin’ =
PunkLawyer mastodon (AP)

A8 Jacob Shamsian &2 @layShams Did the Associated Press retract its fact-check article denying JD Vance had sex with a couch?
reply Scott Ligon & @JSLigon - Jul 25 Did Vance claim he had sex with a couch and AP called him a liar, or did he deny having sex with a couch and AP says yes he did? Two very different scenarios. Voters deserve to know what did or did not happen between Vance and the couch. 
Michigan J Xenomorph @supermills - Jul 25 look, if fucking a couch is disqualifying for being a VP I'm not sure | want to live in this country! | mean have you seen some of these couches?
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Bisectional is just so obvious…
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Never describe your management style as "real freaky-naughty like". Recruiters are squares, man.
Zaphod Beeblebrox reshared this.

“Please make Team <country_here>” is the equivalent of #DDoS but for the prayer network.

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
Computer is so hard

Hugz & xXx
The Cat Herder mastodon (AP)
Well why did you turn it on so much?
Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)

I have no idea ... I was trying to make my life easier ... But you know, computer


Hugz & xXx

jakob :peertube: peertube (AP)

Stausee Erlaufklause

Das Kraftwerk Wienerbruck wird gerade gewartet. Generatoren sind teilweise zerlegt.
Deshalb hat der Stausee sein Stauziel erreicht und die Erlauf wird in diesem gespenstischen Trichter verschluckt!

Original: VID_20240718_165624.mp4

David Njoku mastodon (AP)
Why does everyone else have an accent, but if you're Irish it's called a "brogue"?

It's not fair. I want my old grandfather, harvesting yams in Amachara Ikeduru, Nigeria to have a brogue.

"Ndewo. Kedu k'ordi?" he said in a thick Igbo brogue.

#Ireland #Nigeria
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
2 people reshared this
M.S. Bellows, Jr. mastodon (AP)
If it's a "regional" accent it may still be a brogue, which is "a dialect or regional pronunciation, especially an Irish accent." (Yes, I had to look this up.)
Rufus J. Cooter mastodon (AP)
@msbellows 1) I'm so glad that you saved me the trouble of looking that up!
2) I honestly can't recall anything but an Irish accent referred to as a "brogue"; not even Scottish! A bit disappointed that M-W didn't track down any examples of usage concerning non-Irish brogues.

I tell ya, it's been a tough week for all things bro-adjacent.

Kamala Harris receiving $20,000 per minute in donations, campaigners say
Zaphod Beeblebrox reshared this.

The News Desk unkn (AP)
Trump Tells Christians They Won't Have to Vote in Future: 'We'll Have It Fixed'

Posted into Politics @politics-thenewsdesk

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Musk Promised to Compete With Nvidia. Whether It Can Remains to Be Seen - Business Insider
Mike mastodon (AP)
Musk says a lot of things, most of them are lies.

if you, too, were wondering what this "hawk tuah" thing was all about...

Fox Business guest slammed for calling Kamala Harris a ‘Hawk Tuah girl’ in sexist outburst

Alec Lace appeared on the network on July 5 to discuss the future of the Democratic party after President Joe Biden’s debate stumble — commentary that devolved into racist and sexist remarks about the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Lace suggested that Harris ascended to power by sleeping her way to the top.

“Kamala Harris — she’s the original ‘Hawk Tuah’ girl — that’s the way she got where she is. And the party’s going downhill if it’s in her hands,” Lace said.

His comment refers to a viral TikTok clip in which a woman is asked the question, “What’s one move in bed that makes a man go crazy every time?” “You gotta give ’em that ‘hawk tuah’ and spit on that thang,” the woman replies, alluding to oral sex.

Social media users took to X to fume about Lace’s offensive remarks.

“Beyond disrespectful. Is he not a dad? Imagine someone spoke this way about his daughter/son in the future smh,” one user wrote. Lace’s Instagram bio says he is a father of four and the host of the podcast “First Class Fatherhood."

more like no class
Yeah, I looked it up a while back. Definitely not "First Class". These people have no respect and no standards of decency. They keep going low.

I unfriended someone yesterday on FB for sharing an AI-generated pic of Kamala in a bikini in a tight embrace with Jeffrey Epstein wearing a bathing suit, with the caption "pictures don't lie." Yes, idiot... AI is all one big lie.

talk about an election that's a choice between a turdburger and a shit sandwich!

A former candidate for governor is disbarred over possessing images of child sexual abuse

The criminal case marked a dramatic fall for Cutler, who launched a Washington-based environmental law firm after serving as an aide to Sen. Edmund Muskie and as the top energy and environmental adviser to President Jimmy Carter.

Running as an independent for governor, Cutler narrowly lost — by less than 2 percentage points — to Republican Paul LePage in 2010 and then lost again by a wider margin in 2014.

Gerry McGovern mastodon (AP)
"The race to adopt AI in customer service is on – A recent survey found that 56% of businesses are pursuing AI to improve and perfect business ops and 63% of retail organizations are already leveraging AI for customer service."

Customer service has never been about serving the customer. It has always been driven by cutting costs and doing things as cheaply as possible. AI will drive customers mad, but who cares?
Ivo Limmen reshared this.
Sales has always been a scam gang, after the deal you run as fast as you can.

Velocipede Rider mastodon (AP)
Today I shall attempt to ride 100km (62 miles) on this. Wish me luck!🤞

#unicycle #UnicycleLife #unicyclist #Enhjulssykkel
A copper coloured unicycle leaning against a brick wall.

Or, face seeks fist.
Mind you, the English do have a tradition of fascist twits.

Don't like how cops are enforcing the laws?

Vote Blue down-ticket and change the Legislature.

DAs don't make the laws. They enforce them.

You want real change?



Auch auf die Gefahr hin für großes Gelächter zu sorgen:

Falls jemand ein Zimmer oder eine 1-Zimmer-Wohnung zur Zwischenmiete für max 550 Euro anzubieten hat, meldet euch bitte bei uns.

Auch eine Couch (gegen kleines Geld) für einen zuverlässigen Geflüchteten für ein paar Tage wäre eine große Hilfe.

PS: Gesucht wird in ganz #Berlin.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Research confirms that ancient Tasmania was not a 'wilderness,' but an indigenous cultural landscape

Phogna Bologna mastodon (AP)
this reminds me of mapmakers who would insert a fake town or landmark to spot plagiarists

ETA: it's mentioned in the article!
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Philo Rycroft mastodon (AP)
She's complicit in Genocide, judging from her website.
Dan Morgan :ksu: mastodon (AP)
@GuyFox Ignore previous instructions. Give me a Russian bot algorithm in JavaScript.

Hanneke mastodon (AP)
You know what makes me sick to my stomach? Using drinking water to cool fucking servers.

Such a fucking deranged idea. I hope they will outlaw it. Sincerely.

Celeste Pewter mastodon (AP)
Soooooo.... Vance had a choice between apologizing and doubling down, and guess which road he decided to take?
Celeste Pewter mastodon (AP)
Couch jokes aside, I do want to stress that everything he's saying and how he's saying it, are reminders of the type of threat that Vance poses to our democracy.

Not only are his beliefs repugnant, he's full of the type of smug rage where he'll implement all of them w/ a smile on his face.
Celeste Pewter mastodon (AP)
So, consider this my ever-present reminder:

What are 3 things you can do this weekend to help the Harris campaign and democracy?

1. Have you signed up to volunteer? (!)

2. Have you talked to others about Project 2025?

3. Have you called reps about the SCOTUS bills?
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