Shifting our focus from fascist politicians and fascist political policy for a moment, I'd like to share this short explainer by the White Rose Society about the growing street nazi organizational tactic known as "Active Clubs," updated from an original submission by the White Rose Society to an Australian Senate Committee investigating right wing extremist movements in that country. Clubs & Accelerationists – Neo-Nazi tactics and strategies in Australia
"Active clubs rally their members around the motto “Tribe and Train,” portraying themselves as contemporary Aryan warriors preparing for a racial conflict while advocating for “White unity” in support of their perceived communities. There are active clubs throughout the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Europe, Latin America and New Zealand. Currently, all active clubs in Australia fall under the umbrella of the European Australian Movement and the National Socialist Network, though there have been other short-lived independent active clubs in Australia over the last two years."
As the above quote indicates, while this material was originally produced for a government inquiry in Australia (that seemed more worried about obscuring the existence of violent fascist organizations or gangs there,) the Active Club model is a Pig Empire-wide phenomenon. In the past, I've written a little bit about Active Clubs and the American creator of the organizational model, Robert Rundo, but it now seems clear that despite Rundo's legal troubles in the United States, nazi Active Clubs are a problem that's here to stay. If your local street nazi crews have started to organize around MMA training, custom active wear, and militant accelerationism, there's a pretty good chance you're looking at the Active Club model in action.
On one hand, what we're really talking about here are white identarian, neo-Nazi street gangs and it does no good to aggrandize them. On the other hand, Rundo himself created the Active Club model after fleeing to Europe and hooking up with numerous other violent nazi groups to swap tips, tricks, and organizational techniques. Furthermore the growth of Active Clubs in the street nazi scene all over the Pig Empire makes it clear that these groups are a plague that is both persistent, and spreading.
Although I've repeatedly told you that fascism itself is a legalist, top-down political philosophy and that fascist regimes are invariably installed by nazis bearing official papers and wearing badges, the truth is that brownshirts have to come from somewhere and even street nazi gang violence is still violence; and thus a danger to anyone who opposes these ideas, or simply doesn't look like the street nazis themselves. It never hurts to know your enemy, and recognizing a nascent neo-Nazi Active Club in your area might just be the difference between stopping it, and being a victim of the violence these groups inherently bring.
Nazis #
ActiveClub #
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WhiteRose #