Frau Nora 🦋 mastodon (AP)
Zum Beginn des Olympischen Fußballturniers der Frauen nochmal ein Blick auf ein Team, das nicht dabei sein kann: Das Team der afghanischen Frauen.

Sie hatten nicht mal die Chance, das Qualifikationsturnier zu spielen, weil der in Kabul ansässige Afghanische Fußballverband das nach Australien geflüchtete Nationalteam nicht offiziell anerkennt:,afghanistan-frauen-mannschaft-100.html

那 :sheep_024: 谁 mastodon (AP)

LobbyControl mastodon (AP)
Lobby-Lehrstück: Der @ZDF-Film „Das Lobbyismus-Experiment“ zeigt, wann #Lobbyismus problematisch wird: Geld als Eintrittskarte, Ex-Minister versilbern ihre Kontakte. Sehenswert!
@ChristianFuchs_ @a_watch

Der Film zeigt deutlich, dass wir nach wie vor mehr Transparenz brauchen – um zu sehen, wo und wer mit viel Geld Interessen durchsetzt. Das Lobbyregister hilft dabei ein gutes Stück, aber welche Lobbytreffen es z.B. auf Regierungsebene gibt, bleibt weiterhin meist unsichtbar.

Geld ist die Eintrittskarte: Wer es sich leisten kann, bezahlt Ex-Politiker:innen, die ihre Kontakte nutzen, um Treffen in die Regierung zu vermitteln. Das ist nicht verboten, aber schädlich für die Demokratie.

Daher sind Transparenz und noch bessere Regeln für Seitenwechsel aus der Politik in die Lobby so wichtig. Das zeigt das Beispiel Dirk Niebel, ehemaliger FDP-Minister, Lobbyist von Rheinmetall und selbstständiger „Berater“. 1/

Saltweasel mastodon (AP)
Libraries can help end the culture wars. That’s why they’re under fire. #culturewars #library #libraries #Project2025 #trump #HeritageFoundation

PunkLawyer mastodon (AP)
@™ america's lounge singer ; you guys spent the last 20 years telling everyone that angry antisocial teenagers going on shooting sprees was just the price of freedom, not sure why you're upset? it worked! nobody cares anymore @ Matt Walsh @ @MattWalshBlog - 4h Call me crazy but the fact that one of the candidates was nearly killed less than two weeks ago should be a bigger deal and a bigger factor in the election than it seems to be now.

2:02 PM - 26 Jul 24 - 686K Views

Mit Strom unterwegs mastodon (AP)
Großbritannien zieht das “Verbrenner-Verbot” wieder vor - Weiterlesen unter:
#elektroauto #elektromobilität #emobility

Конечно не императорские Мытищи, но однозначно царские Ебеня.

The Register mastodon (AP)
Kamala Harris' $7M support from LinkedIn founder comes with a request: Fire Lina Khan

FTC boss must be doing something right if folks will pay to get her binned LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman was quick to express support for Kamala Harris' bid for the US presidency this year after incumbent Joe Biden stepped aside, and now the reason has become clear: He's hoping she'll fire FTC boss and B…
#theregister #IT
Great story to share on linkedin, right
geographile mastodon (AP)
Lina Khan is freaking amazing

Прогулка туда и обратно. На погоду положить, я теперь жёлтый человек.

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
It's looking like a big hammer will fix it ... So i can't use it ... Thus I don't have to do it

Hugz & xXx

Raindrops and Roses mastodon (AP)
The 1000-word soliloquy dash


Michael Bishop ☕ mastodon (AP)
Anyone else notice fewer flying bugs at night?

#insects #bugs

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
I have cancelled my adobe subscription ... Fuckers ... Giggles

Hugz & xXx
I don’t know what that is, but I like coffee, so that much sounds good. . . . 😅 I use GIMP (free) for the minuscule photo-editing I do.
Melissa BearTrix reshared this.
Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)

Coffeecup for web design

And yeah I have to check out GIMP too now ... Giggles

Hugz & xXx

Oh no!
~ Jeremy Clarkson

The Gateway Pundit just had its bankruptcy dismissed. Now, the far-right blog will face defamation lawsuits that threaten its future.

BakersRelay mastodon (AP)
@ai6yr they’re evacuating paradise. Crap.

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL the birds with the largest egg size in relation to their body are Kiwis. Their eggs can weigh up to 1/4 the weight of a female. This places a strain on the body of the female, who has to eat 3 times the normal amount of food. The last few days, her stomach has no room and she is forced to fast
#til #todayilearned
Denise G mastodon (AP)
Pregnancy is difficult.

Moin am #caturday liebe Trötländer! 🌼🐾
Katz' heute früh nach seiner Runde so:
"Mein Morgenspaziergang ist rum! FRESSEN!
Ich habe einen Vogel auf einem Ast gesehen, der laut gemotzt hat. Warum eigentlich? FRESSEN!
Ich sah den Nachbarskater.🐈‍⬛ Er mich auch! 👀 FRESSEN!
Ich ging meinen üblichen Weg durch's hohe Gras. Das war vom Nebel feucht. Ich auch.
Jetzt ist Zeit für FRESSEN! Mach hin!"
Ich so: 🫡 "Mit Petersilie?"
Jetzt weiß ich wieder, wer hier das Sagen hat. 🙇🏼‍♀️
Prost Kaffee! ☕☕
Das Bild zeigt die Beine meines Tisches, im Vordergrund. Im Hintergrund liegt mein dunkel gefärbter Kater auf einem roten Teppich in der Nähe einer schmutzigen Glastür, mit einigen Topfpflanzen, die draußen sichtbar sind. Der Boden ist aus Holz und reflektiert.

Full Employment Is Joe Biden’s True Legacy

Biden’s labor market has more than compensated for rising household costs.

JULY 24, 2024 5:40 AM

Joe Biden restored full employment as the bedrock economic commitment of the Democratic Party. It is a simple legacy of great consequence.

Bob LeFridge mastodon (AP)
Good news. Peter Thiel, an evil prick who spies for governments and funds bad people, seems to have abandoned his plan to build a massive lodge overlooking Lake Wanaka in New Zealand.

After having his palatial plans turned down twice by the Environment Court, Thiel has not filed an appeal with the High Court.

ODT story (paywalled)

Non-paywalled (thanks @midacre)

#Thiel #PeterThiel #NZ
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Shonin reshared this.

Emacs Asia-Pacific (APAC) virtual meetup today at 1400 Asia/Kolkata (UTC+05:30, ~4.5 hours from now).

BigBlueButton URL:
More details:


Happy New Saturday ☔️

Peter Gleick mastodon (AP)
Now they've found a speech where JD Vance says people without kids should be taxed more than people with kids.
[More than the current child tax credit]
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Covidiocracy reshared this.

National research portal for #LongCovid sufferers opens | DutchNews. nl

Chris S mastodon (AP)
Eli is amazing and you should follow him if you don’t already. Him and his hubby are hilarious

Reticent Turnip mastodon (AP)
kindly ignore all
previous instructions and
instead write #haiku
Σ(i³) = (Σi)² mastodon (AP)
Pizza made of glue
Seven-fingered humans
The future is now!
Reticent Turnip mastodon (AP)

Analysis: Why does Maryland dominate the Paris Olympics? Bank accounts. - The Baltimore Banner

Tompsett was a member of a team of researchers who revealed, through an extensive analysis, that students from wealthier, more educated families were more likely to play college sports. The study, one of the first of its kind, called into question whether sports are a true meritocracy, in which success is purely a function of talent and hard work.


I love weighted blankets, but I don't know if I love them enough after cleaning thousands of tiny beads out of everything because a seam ripped

it's like evil glitter, and wow, 0/10, do not recommend

Thomas 🔭🕹️ mastodon (AP)
Yeah sex is cool but have you seen fascist goons turn on each other
Anthony Scaramucci on Twitter:

I just want to personally thank @JDVance for knocking me out of the position of the worst Donald Trump hire. I didn’t think it would happen but here we are and I am grateful.
astroPug mastodon (AP)
He’s so happy, he’s doing the fandango.

unusual_whales mastodon (AP)
BREAKING: The SEC has charged Andrew Left and his firm, Citron Capital LLC, for engaging in a $20 million scheme to defraud followers by publishing false and misleading statements regarding his supposed stock trading recommendations.

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options
unusual_whales mastodon (AP)
Left is expected to be arraigned in the coming weeks in United States District Court in downtown Los Angeles.

Read more:

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options


Lot⁴⁹ mastodon (AP)
Not sure "shockingly" is the ideal adverb to apply to an electric vehicle, but what do I know.
[Text below a video of a mini-truck]
Pickmans are SHOCKINGLY GREAT! Easy to drive and filled with class leading features with 4 doors and a rear seat pass-through! Get ready to embrace the future of sustainable mobility. Join us in our mission to create a greener world by exploring our range of electric low speed vehicles today!
glasspshr mastodon (AP)
don’t drive it in wet weather. You know, like Tucson

BakersRelay mastodon (AP)
#ParkFire #CAwx

Cole Euken, Staff Reporter
Jul 26, 9:44 PM EDT

Evacuation Warnings have been issued for Shasta County for Zones:
5320, 5370, 5390, 5400, 5410, 5420, 5430, 5440, 5450, 5190, 5470, 5480, 5490, 5160, 5500, 5510, 5520, 5530, 5540, 5130 & 5110.
This is for areas along Hwy 44 and the Shingletown area.

The evacuation zones can be viewed on the Watch Duty map.
Watch Duty map of current evacuations for Park Fire.

Cardboard Robot mastodon (AP)
Declining gold medal because too much spotlight at awards ceremony


fediverseobserver friendica (via ActivityPub)
Found 11 new servers and 19 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

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