Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
Ouchies ... I just got my finger with a hammer ... No I didn't mean it ... Right where the nail joins the finger ... Pout

Hugz & xXx
GentleMan Gef mastodon (AP)
Might as well paint them all black now...

A quick message for the "but why don't they do protests without inconveniencing the public" brigade.

Cardboard placard.
4 people reshared this
if the Oligarchs had empathy, we would not need to protest like this.

the 'Ruling classes' bring it upon themselves by self interested deafness to issues.
@Thebratdragon ...but nobody is complaining about inconveniencing the ruling classes, they complain about inconveniencing the people that just go along with everything.
@darkwiiplayer the ones who the ruling class have told are inconvenienced.....
helgenug mastodon (AP)

Save your victimblaming for whoever gives a fuck.

myrmepropagandist mastodon (AP)

Content warning: US pol: cat ladies

Mx. Luna Corbden mastodon (AP)

Content warning: US pol: extra votes for teachers

myrmepropagandist mastodon (AP)

Content warning: US pol: extra votes for teachers

Mx. Luna Corbden mastodon (AP)

Content warning: US pol: extra votes for teachers

n8chz mastodon (AP)

Content warning: US pol: extra votes for teachers

Mx. Luna Corbden mastodon (AP)

Content warning: US pol: extra votes for teachers

Callalily mastodon (AP)
I may have to go & get my car washed.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Dr Joe Pajak mastodon (AP)
Now experiencing the latest COVID surge in the UK, due to new variants circulating, waning immunity, failure to adopt optimum ‘infection protection and control' approaches in much of the health and care sector.
Complacency rules! Not OK!
Dr Joe Pajak mastodon (AP)
‘Lessons from the early years of the pandemic will surely be on lawmakers’ minds, as the US grapples with an outbreak of bird flu on poultry and cattle farms as well as a summer surge in COVID cases, with wastewater data showing spikes across the country.’

Josh Butts mastodon (AP)
Twisters is a great movie.
Ben Ramsey mastodon (AP)
I was kind of avoiding it because the studio passed over Helen Hunt’s proposed story/script. She’s not in it, is she?

I mean, if it’s entertaining, it’s entertaining, so maybe I’ll see it.
Josh Butts mastodon (AP)
@ramsey we thoroughly enjoyed it. And no, she is not in it. It’s not what I’d call a sequel in any way, it’s just a fun movie about tornadoes.

EarthMomma mastodon (AP)
Guess who's ear.

Dr Joe Pajak mastodon (AP)
‘Lessons from the early years of the pandemic will surely be on lawmakers’ minds, as the US grapples with an outbreak of bird flu on poultry and cattle farms as well as a summer surge in COVID cases, with wastewater data showing spikes across the country.’

Elle Plaster mastodon (AP)
Yes, I would like to purchase the space boots. #Olympics2024

Servelan mastodon (AP)
MAGA ex-CEO threatens cops with 'piano wire' if they don't lay off his ally: report - Raw Story

Gail Waldby mastodon (AP)
There is never a time when politicians or Judges know better than the Patient, what is best for them.
#RoeYourVote #YesWeKam #AbortionIsHealthcare #AbortionRights
Supreme Court Justices and elephants proclaiming they know best

Woman in doorway stating "But I'm the Patient!"
DopeGhoti mastodon (AP)
Pardon me, but I just have to take a moment to admire the wit and craftspersonship that has gone into the composition of the "RoeYourVote" tag.
Gail Waldby mastodon (AP)
@DopeGhoti It's from, most likely created by the great Jamie Carter.

alright, updated the website even further, staged a ton of empty links in the navbar so I can add to them later and I don't forget what I was doing lol

Lola @HerNaneIsLola is efficient at showing us what she can and will destroy. We got her a nice wooden toy box but forgot to get one that was unfinished. This one lasted five seconds before we took it away from her. She hopped over to it, tore a chunk out of it, looked at me like “seriously?” and hopped off.
🤭🤭 we humans fail to sometimes account for the power of the mighty little teef on a bun willing some new bunStruction work 🤭

Look at that. Masks and Vaccines save lives.

“Between 118,000 and 248,000 more Americans would have survived the Pandemic if all states had followed some restrictions practiced in Northeastern states, according to a new JAMA study.”

#COVID19US @auscovid19


JAMA study:
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Watch: Trump Fumbles Big-Time Trying to Attack Kamala Harris

At his first rally since President Joe Biden endorsed Harris for the candidacy, Trump attempted to give his “radical” new opponent his full attention—but he couldn’t seem to muster the specifics necessary to actually attack her policies.

At one point, he appeared to mix her up with another Indian female politician.

“And you know, they’re talking about, he was talking about, she was talking about re—lifting the retirement age,” Trump said. Only, that policy is not part of Harris’s platform. It was a part of Haley’s, though.

From Yahoo!News:

“You know they go crazy when I say ‘the late great Hannibal Lecter.’ They say, ‘Why would he mention Hannibal Lecter, he must be cognitively in trouble,’” Trump said. “No. These are real stories. Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lamb.”

I saw a suggestion that Trump referenced Hannibal Lecter because he confused immigrants seeking asylum with the second definition of asylum (an institution offering shelter and support to people who are mentally ill).

That may be, however, what is more telling is Trump saying "they go crazy." Donald Trump clearly craves attention. Regardless of why he is mentioned he seeks the attention. Of course as such addictions go it is never enough. The crowds must get ever bigger, the TV, Newspaper and Radio references must always be more and more.

Cheers, -Randy

“You won’t have to do it anymore. Four years, it will be fixed, it will be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore. In four years, you won’t have to vote again.”

-- Trump

Hypolite Petovan friendica (via ActivityPub)
#MiniReview #Movies Disney's Descendants (2015) is the worst kind of direct-to-video Intellectual Property milking production. I didn't know until tonight it existed, and I couldn't forget it soon enough.

OhSnap!Dragon mastodon (AP)
If you're not an independently wealthy one-percenter, and have to actually work for a living, do you like your boss? Is your boss a decent, humane person that you respect at least, maybe admire at most?
Does you boss look out for you and fight for you?
✅ ✔️ ☑️
#poll #polls

Please Boost ♻️ this post for more responses. Does a Boost really cost you so much? 👀

  • I love my boss (platonically) (5%, 1 vote)
  • He / She is OK, decent (55%, 11 votes)
  • I have reservations (25%, 5 votes)
  • Total butt munch! Fuck Them! (15%, 3 votes)
20 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

Sid :mw: mastodon (AP)
It’s been a minute since I have been in the #mastodon world.

I was diagnosed with stage 2 grade 2 clear cell renal carcinoma. I’m 32 years old and soon to be 33. I was given the “go home and don’t come back convo” from my oncologist which is great.

My first scans on May 31st were clean, and my next ones are October 31st. Would love to connect with other #cancer folks here if there are any.

If this doesn’t apply to you, that’s fine, but boost if you can ❤️👏🏻❗️

#cancer #youngadultcancer
Georgiann Baldino mastodon (AP)
Best wishes for continued great results. I've learned wellness has 4 parts: cell biology [which we can't control] but 3 parts we can, namely lifestyle, medical care, and emotional intelligence. Stay well.
Linda Rose Smit mastodon (AP)
@obtener we can have could medical care if we are lucky enough to live in a country where it is available and affordable.
Shonin mastodon (AP)
I'm in my 70s but I do see an oncologist. It's just CLL, though; so far nothing like what some folks go through.

Deniz Opal mastodon (AP)
So the Olympic Torch Relay event was introduced in the 1936 Berlin Games as symbolism that the games are the heritage of the Aryan race culminating in the Third Reich, and the idea that "The Olympic flame should never die" was first introduced by Adolf himself with obvious connotations...

... Anyway... 😬
Deniz Opal reshared this.
@stevewfolds mastodon (AP)
Knew a man who attended the 1936 Olympics, b 1912 in Milwaukee. He toured the Baltic Sea by bicycle that summer & had some crazy stories.
Deniz Opal mastodon (AP)
@stevewfolds Sounds amazing. I wish he had had some kind of memoirs.
@stevewfolds mastodon (AP)
Some days it is a curse, recalling peaks of past joys and bottomless pits of despair.

Smell of skin is the first sense and hearing is often the last to go.
- grandmother’s bread baking came 2nd
damnit. i had no idea. thanks for sharing.

Ricardo Harvin mastodon (AP)
#Alberta #Canada #Premier #DanielleSmith fucked around:

and found out:

She fought against #legislation intended to help minimize or avoid catastrophes like the #Jasper #wildfire, and now the citizens and #environment are suffering.

If she doesn't radically change her past position, then her display of emotion was insincere.

#Conservatives everywhere are a danger to everyone and everything. Never trust them.

#ClimateChange #CAPol #fafo
Dan Neuman reshared this.

OpenBSD Now! mastodon (AP)
I like manual pages, it's a native documentation format in a Unix environment. Using man(1) and apropos(1) is more convenient than online html pages in a web browser.

First of all OpenBSD has nice written manual pages for every component of the operating system.

Documentation for other projects formatted in mandoc:

Lua 5.1 C API manual pages

C++ 98/11/14 manual pages for Linux/MacOS

x86 and amd64 instruction reference manual pages

Formatted C++20 stdlib man pages (cppreference)

Stop X from using your posts to train [Elmo's] AI

X, formerly known as Twitter, has added a setting that allows users to opt out of allowing the platform to use their posts to train its artificial intelligence, known as Grok.

According to 9to5Mac, it’s unclear exactly when the setting was enabled, but users were opted in by default. The outlet reported that X has been using public posts and interactions to train its AI since May, but now, users can opt out.

To opt out, users must use the web version of X. A post from the platform’s Safety account said the ability to opt out will be rolling out to the mobile app at a later time.

How to opt out:
  • Visit the Desktop version of X
    • Click “Settings and privacy” under the “More” menu on the left
    • Click “Privacy and safety”
    • Under “Data sharing and personalization,” click “Grok”
    • Uncheck the box that says “Allow your posts as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok to be used for training and fine-tuning”
frater chaos diaspora
I chose number 1

always have, always will
Bob Lai diaspora
Don’t have to quit something I never started. (I never joined, because the station had a social media policy, and you couldn’t post freely. They wanted to know your handle, which means someone was playing thought police.)

2 is an acronym.

Richard diaspora
I dislike regular expressions. A lot. So I'm glad to say that I found ChatGPT useful for providing a python regular expression that, with some modifications, parsed tcpdump output.
Richard diaspora
Next time I'm on the clock I'll see if specifying tcpdump version will make the regex more accurate.

Bruce Toews hometown (AP)
The last 45 single I ever bought was for its B-side:
Bruce Toews hometown (AP)
@mcourcel But I still don't recognize any of the "songs"

Servelan mastodon (AP)
'It will be fixed': Trump tells supporters 'you won’t have to vote again' if he wins -

newer older

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