Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
Breast ... They are just a problem ... Am I right ladies

Hugz & xXx
Briala mastodon (AP)
They're a problem when they're too big. They're a problem when they're too small. They're a problem when you have some. They're a problem when you don't....
Melissa BearTrix reshared this.
Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)

Giggles ... So true . . 💋

Hugz & xXx
Caiotekit Creations mastodon (AP)
They're especially a problem when you're old. GRAVITY. 🤪

GoatsLive mastodon (AP)
Violet stayed on the deck while I brushed between her horns from below her.
#ヤギ #goats #GoatsOfMastodon
A man sits in a wheelchair next to a deck that surrounds an old oak tree. Standing on the deck, a brown goat with horns, her head lowered toward the man as he brushes between her horns with an old orange hairbrush.

JillStrong mastodon (AP)
Hello peeps,
Here's an image from my solo exhibition called 'ILLISIBLE' (which is French for 'unreadable'). It's Au Tribouli, Crest, France.
Because I'm a sign painter, people often concentrate on the word I've written rather than enjoying the letters. So I took my trusty old Makita jigsaw to a load of practice signs and made these.
DM me to buy one 🙂

#jillstrongsigns #jillstrongart #popart # letteringart #alwayshandpaint #alwayshandletter #illisible #artexhibitioncrestfrance
Brightly coloured squares of wood with small segments of both latin and sanskrit lettering painted by jill strong

Deadpool 3 was originally envisioned as a kind of cinematic Rick Roll and I am so sad that it didn't happen
they just did an episode of Hot Ones and talked about this plan.

What a great day to be on the bike. Just witnessed a Schnauzer wearing green Crocs pee on a post from my perch on this bench.

#GladysOTR #BikeTooter #random
My cruiser bike, Gladys, is parked next to a low-profile park bench. There is a glass bottle full of water and a ripe banana placed at the end of the bench. Behind her, a bright sunny day at the park is visible.
I just witnessed Captain Lycra zoom past — hunched over his handlebars and going full bore as if he was competing in the Tour de France. Dude. Slow your roll fr.

These are internal footpaths that wend throughout the park. Train on the main roads of the park — before you crash into a kid or a dog or an old person getting their steps in for the day. Cyclists must model respectful behavior if they expect it.


Europe Says mastodon (AP) Hike in Orkney #Scotland #UnitedKingdom
Hike in Orkney

OtownKim mastodon (AP)
Shitbilly Vance was definitely not vetted. Im so glad 😂😂😂😂😂😂
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
He was vetted, but it was by people with the same shitty ideas and ethics as him.
Timo mastodon (AP)
That the vetters didn't see anything wrong with Vance is one of the reasons the Harris campaign can 'otherize' the MAGA ticket the way the repubs do to dems like Carter, Kerry, and Obama. And it may be working.

Cindy Weinstein mastodon (AP)
Excellent reading of #Harris's laugh:

"This is what Trump and others on the right hate about Harris’s laugh: She thinks she has the right to laugh whether they like it or not, and not behind her hand with a little “tee-hee-hee” but with real joy."


the downside of everyone being energized w/ Harris is that now i'm getting tons of donation request texts..
Callalily mastodon (AP)
Same & emails too.
I want a federal response to stop JD #Vance from traveling to fuck a couch.


Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
"yes sir they are called breasts"

"Do you mind not staring at me"

Hugz & xXx
Ashwin Dixit mastodon (AP)
Well, if you want to work in marketing and promote the show,
there's also a missionary position. Just let me know.

Melissa BearTrix reshared this.

Andrew Pam diaspora
Megawatt charging stations able to re-power electric trucks within regulatory rest breaks
The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is working with industry partners and research institutions to develop a megawatt charging system that would enable battery-powered trucks to perform long-distance cargo transport.

The first prototypes of a charging post capable of delivering peak power of 1 megawatt (MW) was presented to the public on 19 July. The new charging posts will make it possible to sufficiently charge electric trucks for 4.5 hours of operation within the regulatory rest period, with no additional waiting time, said the university.

“The necessary infrastructure for the effective use of electric trucks is still lacking along the main transport routes,” Markus Lienkamp, TUM’s chair of automotive technology, said. He is leading the research consortium NEFTON, which is developing the required technical and infrastructure solutions.

“The technology for megawatt charging represents an enormous step forward.” Lienkamp added that battery-powered trucks have an efficiency of around 75 per cent, much higher than alternatives such as trucks powered by fuel cells with a 26 percent efficiency, and eFuels with a 14 per cent efficiency.

Frederik Zohm, executive board member for research and development at Man Truck & Bus, said that the project has demonstrated that electric trucks and megawatt charging are “the perfect combination for comprehensive decarbonisation of road-based freight transport.”
jamais+37 phil reshared this.

Just discovered in amazement that in Bash scripts, any variable named `SECONDS` will automatically increment every second. Bash is bonkers
John Socks mastodon (AP)
I have to admit I have never heard of this, but once you know you know.

SECONDS is a system reserved word, and we reuse it at our own risk.

(All uppercase a giveaway tbh.)
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

M 5.1 - 17 km NNE of Hermleigh, Texas

Time 2024-07-27 00:28:29 (UTC+10:00)
Location 32.766°N 100.659°W
Depth 3.3 km

iamdtms mastodon (AP)
Oracle releases #VirtualBox 7.1 Beta with a refreshed #UI, ARM virtualization for Linux, more - Neowin

Drew mastodon (AP)
oh this looks fun #christmas #doctorwho

decryption mastodon (AP)
minions, the lowest form of entertainment

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

James DeVol mastodon (AP)
Well..have the rides done and now I get to have a cup of coffee and sit for a while...lots of kamikaze bunnies on the trail today running out in front of me and I still can't figure out why...I mean they are already hidden in the brush..hmmm..have a little cooking to do today...or I should say assembling since I cooked the ingredients for the potato salad today will be a break day..I do need to make another batch of pickles and look for a taco seasoning recipe.good morning!
Sharonbw mastodon (AP)
Except for dodging bunnies, it sounds like a good day. 😄

We've finally got decent weather, so I've been able to get some outdoor stuff done. 👏 So nice to see the sun again.

Enjoy your potato salad and whatever you have with it.
James DeVol mastodon (AP)
@Sharonbw Hi, Sharon ...glad finally got some nice weather...still no rain here but it's not too warm so that's okay...hope you had a good day!

Tristan Snell mastodon (AP)
BREAKING -- Manhattan DA claps back at Trump with blistering brief arguing NO official immunity for paying hush money to a pornstar -- so Trump's 34 felony convictions should stay in place.

If Judge Merchan rules the convictions stand, Trump will be sentenced September 18.
Callalily reshared this.

Brett mastodon (AP)
Also I just caught up with the news about the #Canadian #WomensSoccer team, and WTF? Canada of all places?
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
If you've ever paid any attention to the fossil fuel industry in Canada than you would know that there are just as many unethical people up there as anywhere.
Brett mastodon (AP)
I think their treatment of indigenous people is also .. about as bad as anywhere else on the planet, and comparable to what we did.

But still, I suspect their fossil fuel industry is more about capitalism than Canadianness, their reputation is all about politeness!

And poutine, Can't forget the poutine.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Jason Gorman mastodon (AP)
Has anyone else noticed how, as the rich get richer, the planet gets hotter?

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Is Russia Trying to Poison Finland’s Water?
DB mastodon (AP)
No doubt

LAUREN mastodon (AP)
Need any other clues that our society is teetering on the abyss?!

Virginia 11-year-old arrested on charges of threatening to bomb, shoot up Florida schools over 20 times - Axios Richmond

MacOS does not allow you to remove a variety of folders and files even when you are root.

Guess the computer isn't really mine is it? More power to #Linux
diesUndDas mastodon (AP)
Windows also makes it difficult to access certain folders with system backups, which means that you always have two backup copies of various files on the computer, which cannot be easily deleted and clutter up the hard disk. It feels like you have lost control.
this whole day has been a learning experience of all the crap Apple stores on your machine and that you can't delete or even read/open the file. MacOS is all hype and i don't care for it anymore.

Callyson mastodon (AP)

Martin Kostera hubzilla (AP)

Analýza osmistéhoosmdesátéhočtvrtého dne ruské invaze na Ukrajinu 26.07.2024

Ukrajinské letectvo dnes tvrdí, že došlo k sestřelu dvaceti z celkem dvaadvaceti ruských sebevražedných dronů Šahed.  V noci na dnešek pak došlo k několikanásobnému zásahu ruské letecké základny Saki na západě poloostrova....

Voice of America mastodon (AP)
📷 Smoke in the colors of the French flag are set off Friday in Paris, France, at the start of the opening ceremony for the 2024 Summer Olympics.
📷 Smoke in the colors of the French flag are set off Friday in Paris, France, at the start of the opening ceremony for the 2024 Summer Olympics.
📷 Smoke in the colors of the French flag are set off Friday in Paris, France, at the start of the opening ceremony for the 2024 Summer Olympics. hubzilla (AP)

Analýza osmistéhoosmdesátéhočtvrtého dne ruské invaze na Ukrajinu 26.07.2024

Ukrajinské letectvo dnes tvrdí, že došlo k sestřelu dvaceti z celkem dvaadvaceti ruských sebevražedných dronů Šahed.  V noci na dnešek pak došlo k několikanásobnému zásahu ruské letecké základny Saki na západě poloostrova....

Harbinger of Salem mastodon (AP)
Mastodon is terrifying to the donor class because it is decentralized and they cant control it. When you see techbros and ai researchers selling you solutions to a problem you never see but random people you dont kniw bring up you should be skeptical
nus mastodon (AP)
That's why everything went cryptocurrency and then AI. These things look good to investors, not human beings. The human beings are going to get sold out, left, right, and center until those investors can figure out a way to make profits actually stick.

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
Stop spitting on me, you bloody clouds

Hugz & xXx

Jessica mastodon (AP)
Oh my god I just had a real life conversation in ASL on the train
ASL is one of those "I'd love to be able to master this but my executive function will not allow it" things. I have many of those things.


JD Vance: *screams*

GayDeceiver mastodon (AP)
Who plans a team meeting at 1630 on a Friday?

Someone who might need a hug because their home life is going up in smoke (according to the rumor mill).
Reticent Turnip reshared this.
@ReticentTurnip I used to work for a subsidiary of a major auto company in the US. You could always rank the quality of managers' marriages by comparing their enthusiasm for being called to a meeting in Detroit. Inverse proportion.

Andrea Clayton Vail mastodon (AP)
Really obvious no-fly zone over France tonight.

#OpeningCeremony / #Paris2024 / #Olympics / #FlightRadar24
A screenshot of the FlightRadar24 website showing all the flights over Europe, but with no plane actively over France.

9to5Mac mastodon (AP)
X reveals security incident that made your ‘private’ likes public
newer older

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