Doc Holliday mastodon (AP)

Oh, Canada, my home and native land.
Showing after deck with Canadian flag waving proudly.

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
I'm out, I have harpooned a bacon and egg roll and a coffee ... Just reeling it in ... Giggles

Hugz & xXx
ashwin mastodon (AP)
If the eggs fight,
I'll crack 'em!
If the pig resists arrest,
We'll reel 'em.
And have a feasty-fest!
Melissa BearTrix reshared this.
Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)

Nice ... Hugz

Hugz & xXx

jumky ??

I will edit that later

Bruno J. Navarro mastodon (AP)
We may have suspected it already, but now the science backs it up: unmarried and childless women are the happiest subgroup in the population. And they are more likely to live longer than their married and child-rearing peers, according to a leading expert in happiness.
2 people reshared this

@jerry @mekkaokereke
Mastodon does not suggest and push racist propaganda in your face, you choose who you follow, and that's what you see.

Are nazis using both twitter and mastodon? Of course. They're also using public restrooms, voting in elections, and hailing cabs on your curb. Fascists suck and eliminating their terrible traits is an endless battle we fight.

But at least mastodon isn't run by a nazi suggesting you follow other nazis and creating company policies designed to erode communities that nazis don't like.

Hi Mekka πŸ˜€ Nice to meet you
Quote from Chanda Prescod-Weinstein:
"Tweeps are *more likely* to think for two seconds before they explain to a Black person something that the Black person has been thinking about for 40 years and they've been thinking about for 5 minutes."

She was talking about the phenomenon of white Mastodon users earnestly trying to explain to Black users why the Black users are wrong about their own lived experience, and why Twitter is definitely worse.
If you land on a good, well moderated instance, your experience is better than Twitter.

But if you land anywhere else, your experience is significantly worse than Twitter.

This is "instance roulette," and it sucks.

Most Fediverse instances don't block the most vile, racist instances on the Fediverse. So what happened to Chanda can happen to most Black women that try to join the Fediverse.

The Fediverse needs much better Blocklist and Moderation tools and services.

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Was not wearing my regular protest cap that day, but this is the anniversary of the time I brought my #ClimateStrike placard to the RockyGrass bluegrass festival.
Image of me at entrance to festival grounds with a golf cart and a cliff in the background
⬆️ @GreenFire

That tie-dye shirt! Oof!!!
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.

John Gordon mastodon (AP)
Curious notification shown in my Gmail spam box:

β€œWhy is this message in spam?

Lots of messages from were identified as spam in the past.”

I asked perplexity and apparently belongs to Apple.

Any ideas?
β€œWhy is this message in spam?
Lots of messages from were identified as spam in the past.”

Jeri Dansky mastodon (AP)
I'm underwhelmed with the official Harris merch, but I did buy this T-shirt, thanks to @DrVeronikaCH who pointed me to it β€” and @jodystillwrites who created the store, with a number of great shirts.

"Proceeds go directly to Rock the Vote to help register and empower young voters."

#uspol #cats #democracy
Seafoam-colored T-shirt that says Cat Ladies for Democracy below a drawing of a cat face.

NorCal Lynne mastodon (AP)
A nice vantage point to survey her domain. #Gardening #Invertebrates
A brown and tan female Praying mantis standing atop the curved stem of a sunflower, in the background are trees.

Martin in Toronto mastodon (AP)
Random audio post of my teenage years game that I conquered purely on sound. It sounds utterly boring now. Lol! In this short bit, I get attacked by 2 or 3 snakes, 2 giants and the last one kills me. Oh and the tick tick tick is supposed to be your heart.
Bruce Toews hometown (AP)
Do you remember when you first heard that Stephen Wright immitation of bowling? You rewound it and replayed it and rewound it and replayed it incessantly.

The head of the FBI said it wasn’t clear that a bullet struck Trump. The NYT, of course, said it WAS a bullet.πŸ™„
@sphinx Yep. They’re shameful and I don’t miss them. I feel better about myself for ditching them.
Aviva Gary mastodon (AP)
Who to believe... Who to believe πŸ€”

ErosBlog Bacchus mastodon (AP)
Yeah, no, I'm hoping/assuming that somebody has put it into a plugin already, but serious searching for WordPress plugins is quite hard because the searchable Automattic plugins directory is choked with minimal-functionality free versions of aggressive upgrade-demanding paid plugins. "Tesseract" gives me another helpful keyword; I was aware that there was a FOSS OCR engine but am not enough of a programmer to have ever needed to find out what it was called. Thanks!

ErosBlog Bacchus mastodon (AP)
Lazyweb question for y'all:

What if I've been spoiled by the ability of the Mastodon web client to do a one-push-of-a-button optical character recognition operation on images, as part of the alt-text entry interface?

I know NOTHING about the back-end software, services, or APIs that power that. But I want it in WordPress -- a plugin to grab text from an image as part of "Add Media" operation.

FOSS if possible; sustainable software always preferred!

#WordPress #Plugin #OCR #FOSS #Alt #AltText
ErosBlog Bacchus mastodon (AP)
(I almost never say/request this, but boosts very much welcomed, especially if your followers are WordPress smart.)

Norcal Gma 2 mastodon (AP)
Summer is practicing her superhero dog look.
She is a high flying dog.
Getting a little exercise in before we go back to our indoor chores.
#Summer #DogsOfMastodon
Golden Labrador retriever jumping over a short fence. She is in mid-air coming towards the camera.
Norcal Gma 2 mastodon (AP)
Our oldest grandson modified the photo and sent it back.
#Summer #Superdog
Golden Labrador retriever jumping a short fence, she is in mid-air and has added hand drawn red cape.

Stationkeeper mastodon (AP)
Yup. Vance caught searching for dolphin porn.

The link he ended up posting had "dolphin" and "woman" highlighted, which means those are the search terms he used.

Self owned looking for Dolphin Porn.

What would Flipper say, JD?

No scandal is complete without a good limerick.

To reach a strange state of elation
A man sought the help of cetaceans
Was he caught in a crouch
With a consenting beige couch
Or just lost in a sea of sensation?

George Snorewell mastodon (AP)
JD #Vance is perfect: he says the same stupid shit #Trump says, but somehow breaks the spell.

If Trump talked about never fucking a couch or racist Diet Mountain Dew or childless cat ladies, no one would bat an eye.

Vance does it and suddenly people are like "wait, uh..."

Vance is actually too "on-brand." Trump needed a Pence -- someone who looked "normal" to the disengaged middle
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Kevin LaRose He/Him mastodon (AP)
@gwaldby As I recall Trump wanted to pick the plain vanilla North Dakota governor, Doug something, but both his sons did the macho bro thing and he picked JD instead. He’s going to live to regret it, so it seems.

Laffy mastodon (AP)
β€œOn Friday, Vice President Kamala #Harris called the family of Sonya Massey, a 36-year-old Black woman who was shot by a sheriff’s deputy in her Illinois home, according to Massey’s family members who spoke to NBC News.”
3 people reshared this

Chuck Darwin mastodon (AP)
J.D. Vance in Hot Water for Praising Book Calling Liberals β€œUnhumans”

Donald Trump’s running mate praised a book riddled with conspiracies and calling to β€œcrush” non-Republicans.

♦️Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and How to Crush Them) ♦️was written by the #Pizzagate guy,
Jack #Posobiec,
and ghostwriter Joshua #Lisec,
with a foreword by the recently imprisoned MAGA movement architect Steve #Bannon.

The book supposedly tracks the opponents of conservatism throughout history and endorses a modern-day
#McCarthyism to root out the β€œradicals” from American institutions.

β€œOn a base level, unhumans seek the death of the successful and the desecration of the beautiful,” Posobiec and Lisec claimed.

When comparing the Black Lives Matter movement to the French Revolution, they wrote: β€œThere is no way to reason with those who manipulate the have-nots en masse to loot and to shoot. They simply hate those who are good-looking and successful.”

#Vance provided a glowing promotional blurb about the book, which is included on the website of right-wing publisher Skyhorse Publishing.

β€œIn the past, communists marched in the streets waving red flags.
Today, they march through HR, college campuses, and courtrooms
to wage lawfare against good, honest people,” wrote Vance.

β€œIn Unhumans, Jack Posobiec and Joshua Lisec reveal their plans and show us what to do to fight back.”

Of course, their far-right screed has dark implications.

After Trump was indicted in May on 34 criminal charges, Posobiec advocated for violent revolt against progressives.

β€œTake the path of the hunter, and with one singular voice, we are going to make them the prey,” he said.

Since accepting the nomination at the Republican National Convention last week,
Vance has been consistently embroiled in controversy over his past statements,
including his blatantly sexist comment about β€œchildless cat ladies”
and humiliating rumors about having sex with a couch.

Beneath it all, Vance is still part of the intellectual
β€œnew right” movement,
influenced by pronatalism,
and conservative economic populism.

Evidently, his reading list also includes extremist, conspiratorial material
β€”if he even bothered to read it, before lending his name to it.

Either way, Vance gave Posobiec, and all of his dangerous and ridiculous ideas, a boost.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Bruce Toews hometown (AP)
If Freedom Scientific ever does produce a Focus 40 Sixth Generation display, I want them to discover the secret to perpetual batteries.
Or at least make them hot swappable so one can just keep going and going and while I'm at it I want QWERTY as an option. However, I have a suspicion that hardware just isn't their primary focus these days but that's just my thought and based on nothing outside of my own mind which is not worth much tonight.
Bruce Toews hometown (AP)
@mcourcel That's a very good idea. I marvel at your innovativeness.

Bytes Europe mastodon (AP)
russia is returning bodies of Ukrainian POWs without internal organs.

read this sentence again and let it sink in for a second. every russian behind this must be punished. #Ukraine #Π£ΠΊΡ€Π°Ρ—Π½Π°
russia is returning bodies of Ukrainian POWs without internal organs. 

read this sentence again and let it sink in for a second. every russian behind this must be punished.

Tracy Rosenberg mastodon (AP)
#Texas judge shuts down Ken Paxton's interrogation of Catholic Charities by ruling that the McAllen, TX director does not need to provide a deposition to the Texas Attorney General on the charity's work with #migrants.

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL the first depiction of backward time travel is believed to be in the Chinese novel "Supplement to the Journey to the West" (1640) by Dong Yue, which features magical mirrors and jade gateways that connect various points in time.
#til #todayilearned

Bill Jorth mastodon (AP)
Project 2025 leads to an American Dark Age.

Andra Watkins writes about what it was like growing up in a white Christian nationalist culture in which "every accomplishment that did not lead to me marrying a Good Christian Husband and producing as many Good Christian Babies as God gave me was met with admonitions, guilt trips, and raging disapproval."

She says,

"I’m not sharing stories from 100 years ago. It was the mid-1980s, not the dark ages."

#WhiteChristianNationalism #women

Bruce Toews hometown (AP)
But now I must experiment. I promise you I won't bore you for sixteen or twenty-four thousand characters. I'll abridge the boredom considerably.
Bruce Toews hometown (AP)
Now this is volume 2 of my adventure in boredom. Did you know that ecosystems are composed of biotic and abiotic mater? The science ook I'm proofreading told me so. One more piece of mindless drivel, and that will be it.
Bruce Toews hometown (AP)
And why is this nutbar doing this, you cry. Because I want to see if they'll come out in the right order.
They seem to have for me anyway.
Abiotic mater? The person writing this text book obviously needs more tea ha ha ha see what I did there.
Bruce Toews hometown (AP)
@Pawpower Either that, or I have an infuriating habit of typing double letters too quickly. I wonder which it is. <GRIN>

"I revere this office, but I love my country more. It's been the honor of my life to serve as president but in the defense of democracy, which is at stake, I think it's more important than any title... Nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. That includes personal ambition. So I’ve decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. It’s the best way to unite our nation.”

~ President Biden

#Biden #KamalaHarris #democracy
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
"President Biden’s speech isn’t the only thing that has registered lately. announced a nearly 700% increase in daily voter registrations in the 48 hours following President Biden’s announcement on Sunday that he would step down. That’s more than 38,500 newly registered voters, and younger voters, those between 18 and 34, make up 83% of them."

~ Joyce Vance

#KamalaHarris #Biden #YoungVoters
Andrew Torrez on why the Republical complaint to FEC that Kamala Harris is illicitly taking over Biden's campaign coffers is "horseshit":

"Harris’s name has been on the FEC documents for more than four years, through nine separate filings by the Biden-Harris campaign, which is why virtually every election lawyer agrees that the move is entirely kosher."

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Trump #FEC
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
"The coordinated Harris campaign reported Wednesday morning that they had raised more than $126 million from 1.4 million donors between Sunday afternoon ... and Tuesday evening. FF PAC, also known as Future Forward, the largest outside group supporting Biden, announced $150 million in commitments in the first 24 hours after Biden’s Sunday afternoon announcement."

~ Michael Scherer, Gerrit De Vynck and Maeve Reston

#KamalaHarris #Biden
As Lisa Needham reports, FEC chair Sean Cooksey is a Trump appointee, and has made noises about welcoming Trump's FEC complaint. And:

"The FEC took no action against [Trump] for routing payments through his former campaign manager, Brad Parscale, and refused to open an investigation into his hush money payments to Stormy Daniels."

#KamalaHarris #Trump #FEC
"Musk and Trump seem on the way to merging into a single vortex of wealth and power.

Maybe we should call it the Mump β€” the joining together of two rich and famous narcissists who crave attention, lie through their teeth, enjoy provoking critics, hate labor unions, refuse to be held accountable for anything, and have utter contempt for democracy."

~ Robert Reich

#Trump #ElonMusk
"Speaking of JD Vanceβ€”or James Donald Bowman and James David Hamel as he was previously knownβ€”Axios reported that Elon Musk lobbied heavily for Trump to pick Vance. When Musk was lobbying for Vance, Musk reportedly offered to provide $45 million per month to a Trump Super PAC."

~ Robert B. Hubbell

Musk now denies having committed $45 million/month to Trump.

#Trump #ElonMusk #JDVance
"I do not have an opinion on who V.P. Harris should select. The good news is that she has a very deep bench to choose from. That should give us confidenceβ€”especially compared to the rogues gallery that competed for the Republican vice-presidential nomination."

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Trump #JDVance
The Political Humor site has gathered a nice selection of commentary and memes centering on reports that because J.D. Vance is so spectacularly unpopular, Trump is trying to replace him.

#Trump #JDVance
"CNN aired 18 minutes of Donald Trump's lie-filled rally Wednesday evening, in which he launched attacks on 'radical left lunatic' Kamala Harris, repeatedly whipped up attacks on the 'fake news media,' and falsely claimed the 2020 election was rigged."

~ Oliver Darcy

#KamalaHarris #Trump #media #CNN #FoxNews #MSNBC
"The network, which had moved away after 2016 from airing Trump's rallies at length, later brought on Daniel Dale for a brief on-air fact check. Fox News also aired the rally, sans the fact-checking. MSNBC opted not to broadcast Trump's rally at all."

#KamalaHarris #Trump #media #CNN #FoxNews #MSNBC
"The forces propelling Biden’s decision were less the gales of the past than the headwinds of the future. We are at a juncture where the very sustainability of the United States as a vibrant democratic republic will be contested at the ballot box. One could imagine that if the stakes weren’t so existential, Biden might have continued to run, or perhaps he would have decided to forgo reelection in the first place."

~ Elliott Kirschner

#Biden #KamalaHarris
Wajahat Ali on the stark contrast between Biden's speech last evening and Trump's at the RNC:

"If there ever was an argument to end the dangerous 'both sides'' false equivalence, it was surely tonight. Just compare the speeches of both men. Put the transcripts side by side. Look at the words, the tone, the substance, and the messages of the speeches. There’s no 'both sides.'"

#Biden #Trump #democracy #BothSides
"ONE STRIKING THING ABOUT political talk shows on Kremlin-run television these days is the extent to which they mirror the American right-wing media ecosystem. Clips of Joe Biden stumbling or looking befuddled? Check. β€œLaughing Kamala” supercuts and clips of Harris saying things that, at least out of context, sound cringe or inane? Check. Snide references to woke identity politics in the Democratic camp? Check."

~ Cathy Young

#Biden #Trump #Putin #Russia
Helen Lewis brings the shade about Trump and J.D. Vance"

"[Trump's pick of Vance] looks less like a masterstroke and more like the impulse purchase of a luxury goodβ€”an expensive handbag bought on a credit card the day before its owner gets fired. Trump should have kept the receipt."

#Trump #JDVance

"Biden’s departure allows the Democrats to turn their opponents’ best attack line back on them: Maybe old men whose sentences go off on weird tangents shouldn’t run for president?"

#Trump #Biden #age
As Maya Boddie reports, lifelong Republican and former Lt. Gov. of Georgia Geoff Duncan, who publicly stated in May that he could not vote for Trump and was supporting Biden, has now come out for Kamala Harris, stating,

"I’m committed to beating Donald Trump….. If that requires me to vote for, speak for, or endorse @KamalaHarris then count me in!"

#KamalaHarris #Trump
"Just because Musk says he’s not funneling money to Trump doesn’t make it true. …

Republicans don’t like EVs. Democrats do. And Musk has done everything he can to piss off his customer base.

The problem for Musk is that very few Democrats are now willing to buy a Tesla following Musk's endorsement of Trump in May."

~ Mark Sumner

#Trump #ElonMusk #Tesla
Charles Blow on why we all, and not just Black people, have to form a line of defense for Kamala Harris as she's attacked by racists and misogynists:

"That line of defense, has to be a political force far broader than the Black community because her candidacy, a contest against a man who tried to overturn the results of the last presidential election, represents nothing less than the preservation of our constitutional order."

#KamalaHarris #racism #misogyny
Marv Clowder reshared this.
"If we end up sliding over the cliff into a uniquely American form of fascism, I want it to be unmistakably clear to historians and everyone who comes after us that we knew what was happening. We saw it. We endeavored to prevent it, to arrest the slide, to warn of the perils. We had eyes wide open. We were not blindsided. If it happens, it happened despite our best efforts."

~ David Kurtz

#Trump #Republicans #authoritarianism #fascism
TP reshared this.
"The warnings have come from sitting federal judges, from highly respected longtime Republicans cast out by their party, from conservatives who were previously villains in the progressive firmament, and now from President Biden sitting in the Oval Office having made a substantial personal sacrifice of his own as a way of further sounding the alarm

History will show that we knew."

#Trump #Republicans #authoritarianism #fascism

Kamala Harris' first campaign ad.

"Yesterday FBI Director Christopher Wray said, ironically in response to a question from Rep. Jim Jordan, that it’s not clear whether Trump was hit by a bullet or debris kicked up by the gunfire. I think in context that’s likely a bureaucratic and gentle way of saying Trump probably wasn’t hit by a bullet. But let’s stick to the precise words. 'There’s some question about whether or not it’s a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear.'”

~ Josh Marshall

#Trump #media
Josh Marshall says that, despite the fact that Pennsylvania State Police briefed reporters that Trump had been hit by flying debris and not a bullet, when Trump said a bullet hit his ear, "that was the story followed universally in the press."

Wonder why that would be? Why would the media discount out of hand testimony of eyewitnesses who were on the scene? And why they did no investigating?

I suspect a lot of us know why they allowed Trump to frame the story with a lie.

#Trump #media
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
"The broken mainstream media machine has gone so far past normalizing this fascist menace, they simply cannot be trusted with our time or treasure. I implore you from this little corner of the World Wide Web, to tune them out.

They are up to no good."

~ D. Earl Stephens

Stephens offers a screenshot with two Wall Street Journal headlines, both of pieces by Jason L. Reily, 9 and 23 July 2024: see below. See the media game here?

#KamalaHarris #Trump #media
Two Wall Street Journal headlines of statements by Jason L. Reily, 9 and 23 July 2024
KanaMauna reshared this.
Bruce Mirken mastodon (AP)
Bear in mind that the #WallStreetJournal opinion page has been screechingly right-wing since basically forever.
@BruceMirken Yes, that's well-known, of course. I also think that Stephens is correct to characterize WSJ as mainstream media. To me, it has never appeared much more than a right-wing rag. But to many "centrists," it's a credible, respectable publication β€” capable of the highly unethical practice of publishing these two editorial statements by the same hack within weeks of each other. Shameful and shameless, as if we don't have eyes to see and heads on our shoulders….
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Even prior to Rupert Murdoch buying the Wall Street Journal, they were clearly a rightwing rag based on their denial of climate science.

That anyone still treats them as an honest information broker says a lot about the people still doing that imo.
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.
"Let’s stop repeating the lie that Biden’s age was anything more than a fabricated issue, because if Trump wasn’t too old then how could that apply to Biden? And let’s stop repeating the lie that Biden wasn’t fit for a second term based on a bad 90-minute debate when clear and far more bountiful evidence of Trump’s madness and deranged mental state – "

~Keith Owens

#Biden #Trump #media
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
"including during that same 90-minute debate – can be found in footage of just about every Trump campaign event this year. …

Wasn’t it strange that hardly any of those calling for Biden’s removal noticed that there was a fully qualified Black woman who happened to be the Vice President of the United States sitting right there in plain view? I mean, oh sure, now everyone is chanting Kamala’s name as the Second Coming and the Chosen One."

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Trump
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
"Except that no. It wasn’t. The most obvious choice for a replacement, if that was truly the way to go, barely got a mention. A white woman from Michigan, admittedly popular but hardly a national household name, got all kind of love. A white man with roughly the same credentials – and lack of same – also got love.

But the Black woman already in the co-driver’s seat, ready to go at the drop of a hat, kept getting mostly overlooked."

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Trump
"Donald Trump held no elective office before running for president and filed for bankruptcy six times before becoming a reality TV star. JD Vance has only been in elected office for less than two years, backed by his Silicon Valley benefactor, Peter Thiel. Nothing in their backgrounds suggests serious qualification of any kind for the jobs of President or Vice President of the United States.

So what makes Kamala Harris a 'DEI' hire?"

~ Jay Kuo

#KamalaHarris #DEI
Yes, and the shocking thing about his being a total idiot and how so many of us can see that is that people, especially white men, who have lots of money keep being praised as better and more intelligent than the common lot, when we can all see with our own eyes that this is simply not the case.

mos_8502 :verified: mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Uspol

ParzivalWolfram mastodon (AP)
my copy of PC Interrupts came with an interesting stamp.
Image depicts the edge of a book. Stamped on the edge: "Property of PKWare, Inc."

EAS Watcher mastodon (AP)
#EAS #WEA for CA Butte County: Fire Warning Source: 200450,CA Butte County, ** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#eas #wea

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
'Just a lie': Fox gets shreds claim that Kamala Harris is to the left of Bernie Sanders - Raw Story
FeralRobots mastodon (AP)
yeh Bernie would find that claim pretty surprising.
Thunderstrike mastodon (AP)
I only *wish* she was to the left of Bernie Sanders. She was the attorney general of my state--I *know* she's not more liberal than Bernie, but nevertheless don't threaten me with a good time.

EAS Watcher mastodon (AP)
#EAS #WEA for CA Butte County: BCSO is issuing an evacuation ORDER for Zones 235 in Butte Meadows due to fire. For more information visit or call 833-512-5378 Source: 200450,CA Butte County, ** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#eas #wea
BakersRelay mastodon (AP)
#CAwx #ParkFire #EAS #WEA for CA Butte County: BCSO is issuing an evacuation ORDER for Zones 235 in Butte Meadows due to fire. For more information visit or call 833-512-5378 Source: 200450,CA Butte County, ** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***

The Phanpy experience with Iceshrimp is quite nice! I might just continue hosting it!


BakersRelay mastodon (AP)
#SinnottFire #AKwx #Alaska @AlaskaWx

From Alaska Wildland Fire information: Firefighters taking measures to protect properties, Eagle from Sinnott Fire

unusual_whales mastodon (AP)
Americans are suddenly finding it harder to land a job β€” and keep it, per CNN.

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options
unusual_whales mastodon (AP)
The median duration of unemployment jumped higher last month, to 9.8 weeks from 8.9 weeks in May, and landed at a level not seen since January 2023, Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows.

Read more:

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

EAS Watcher mastodon (AP)
#EAS #WEA for CA Butte County: BCSO is issuing an evacuation ORDER for Zones 235 in Butte Meadows due to fire. For more information visit or call 833-512-5378 Source: 200450,CA Butte County, ** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
Fire Warning -  - 200450,CA Butte County,
#eas #wea

Donald Trump is AFRAID of Kamala Harris.
Because dynamite comes in a small package.
Aviva Gary mastodon (AP)

Christian Ramirez mastodon (AP)
Look! A room full of fascists!
Trump and Bibi

Almost like jumping ... almost

John Hummel diaspora
In my youth, I would have loved this. I hope that, given the chance to do it, I still would.
newer older

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