Darius Kazemi hometown (AP)
Anyone going to be in Portland, Oregon USA for FOSSY next week? I'm speaking about the Fediverse governance research I did with Erin Kissane (not @-ing so she doesn't get @-ed, as you do)

I am also available for recommendations for things to do around town, such as: oscilloscope museum


Alice McFlurry :bc: mastodon (AP)
Just found out this game isn't single player and now I’m panicking.
Very awkward woman with glasses holding a board game called you&me. There is a tag line that says "a game that teaches social skills and social

elbtalpomeranze mastodon (AP)
Im Park des Pflegeheims brachte eine Kollegin kürzlich eine Zwergentür an einem Baum an. Die sorgt bei Spaziergängen mit den Bewohner*innen immer wieder für Spaß. Ich habe dann heute unter Aufsicht zweier betagter Damen eine passende Leiter gebaut.

Falls die Zwerge schon ein bisschen gebrechlich sind.

Man weiß ja nie ...

Am Fuß eines Baumstamms befindet sich eine kleine blaue Tür. Schräg darunter ist eine Leiter aus Ästen, die zusammengebunden wurden, angebracht. Ringsherum wachsen Blätter, z. B. Ahorn und Efeu.
elbtalpomeranze mastodon (AP)
Die Zwergentür verfügt inzwischen über eine Klingel. Außerdem steht ein kleiner Besen vor der Tür ... 😍 [Foto folgt demnächst]
elbtalpomeranze mastodon (AP)
Die #Zwergentür im Park des Pflegeheims hat unterstützende Besucher. So gibt es nun eine Klingel & einen Besen. Oder ist gar eine Hexe zu Besuch??

Es bleibt zauberhaft & spannend.
Und zu Spaziergängen motivierend.😃
Blaue Tür am Fuß eines Baums. Daneben eine Leiter. An der Tür hängt ein Glöckchen an rotem Band. Bei der Leiter lehnt ein Reisigbesten am Baumstamm.

⚠️🇺🇦Former Ukrainian MP Farion's assassin claims he 'didn't do anything to her' (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Harris to Lean on Tight Team

#Harris #Harris2024

⛔️🇷🇴Nothing like exposing a national security weakness openly: Romania has no way to shoot down Russian UAVs over Ukraine, they went down without help, claims Romanian officials (more) #Ukraine #Romania #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Kamala Harris Erases Trump’s Lead

#Harris #Harris2024

Push'em back, Kamala!

Uncle Duke mastodon (AP)
“So then we head down to Florida and… Hey JD are you even listening?”

“Huh? Um yeah, sounds good, boss.”
A close-up photo of a leather couch with cushions that create the optical illusion of human legs and buttocks.
Crystal_Fish_Caves mastodon (AP)
Omgomg did you see the fake ad on Stephen Colberts Late Show for 'Furniture Warehouse'?

Our sectionals are not sexual and our easy chairs are definitely not so slutty they would sleep with #JDVance

I was dying laughing.

Susanne Schneider mastodon (AP)
Ein neuer Tag.
Die einsame Herbstanemone bekommt sonnige Topinamburkonkurrenz! Viele Knospen sind es, die erste ist offen. ☀️
Letzter Urlaubstag des Jahres. #Sommerpause
Erste gelbe Topinamburblüte
Herbstanemone im Knospenmeer der Topinambur
Bärnchen mastodon (AP)
Der Kater passt leider nicht in die Gänge rein.😂
Susanne Schneider mastodon (AP)
@berndchen Die beiden warten, bis sie rauskommen und buddeln auch gern mal nach.

SpaceX's historic Polaris Dawn astronaut mission delayed until mid-August

SpaceX is now eyeing mid- to late August for the launch of the Polaris Dawn astronaut mission, which will feature the first-ever private spacewalk.
Illustration of a Polaris Dawn crewmember conducting the first-ever private spacewalk.

⛔️🇷🇴Romania denies downing Russian drones over Ukraine, says they (either intentionally or accidentally) impacted on their own (more) #Ukraine #Romania #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

si_irini mastodon (AP)
Everyone is looking towards the USA because of women's rights, which are tottering...but watching the Olympics at the same time?
Sorry, I don't understand
The e-sports Olympic Games are going to Saudi Arabia, oh wait I forgot they are pioneers in women's rights

The IOC has sold out just like soccer and we support it when we watch

I don't like to be a bad maker but I think a corrupt system will continue as before unless the majority say no
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
I got so damn mad that a few of my friends went to the World Cup in Russia.

You don't change bad actors by acting like they're not bad actors.
si_irini mastodon (AP)

You Are so right
True words

It makes me so sad and angry

We all, not all but to much, just watching as we are heading towards an abyss
It just felt sometimes like that to me

Did you saw that earlier?👇🏼

One topic of all the Olympic things going on that makes me so sad and angry

For a long time I struggled with myself to not seem like a bully and someone who spreads hate and then I realized I am not alone, there is already a petition 👇🏼👇🏼

Here is my contribution


#ioc #olympics #olympicgames #humanity #social #socialmedia #YouWinAgainSi #mastodon #fediverse #rape #no #olympics2024 #paris2024 #question #betterworld #GiveThemAVoice #news

Enter athletes   Enter    with reverence and honor
The Olympic Games begin
What a mockery in the here and now
This is not the Olympic Games, it is a sadness

Worse yet the IOC propagates here and now to ALL of us without shame naked misanthropy

Here and now the IOC is showing us ALL their real face

I call on the IOC to answer one question for me and for the tens of thousands of people who have already signed the petition

Why is a convicted sex offender allowed to compete at the Olympic Games? A person who raped a 12-year-old girl several times?

You can be banned for life for doping but not for rape?

Rethink your rules IOC

It is now up to ALL of us to show HUMANITY

This is not a hate campaign  or  hate speech

This is a call for silent, non-violent protest

I beg all those who visit these games
not to applaud this particular person
Turn around, leave the stadium, say NO
Or like me, boycott completely

What counts more? Thinking of victims or Olympic gold?

Enter athletes, enter
Leave humanity behind you
Leave honor behind you
Let the modern Olympic Games begin

J.D. #Vance has single-handedly disenfranchised and managed to piss-off every single dog lover in this Country. Which, by the way, dog lovers outnumber cat lovers by a considerable margin.


Jeremy Bray mastodon (AP)
I need this bumper sticker

⚠️🇺🇦Ukraine latest: Russian losses in Ukraine causing 'serious problems' for recruitment, Intelligence officials claim (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

I say this all the time, and people ignore it, but what's the point of getting super mad at people posting pictures without credit when most of the people posting their own work don't make it clear or credit it?

Artists; Claim your work. "This is mine"

Yes, I've said many times we'd be in a different place if that had been there from the beginning.

But companies are making up new graphics formats every week and somehow this doesn't come up.
Mx. Luna Corbden mastodon (AP)
I think there were probably reasons in the early days of the .gif and .jpg, most certainly the .bmp, but no reason we can’t add it to the standards now. Really frustrating.

⚠️🇺🇦Ex-MP Farion's assassin pleads not guilty (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

jamais+37 phil reshared this.

JW Prince of CPH mastodon (AP)
"The platforms have rigged things so that you must have an account with them in order to function, but they also want to have the unilateral right to kick people off their systems. The combination of these demands represents more power than any company should have, and Big Tech has repeatedly demonstrated its unfitness to wield this kind of power..." @pluralistic #cloud #crowdstrike #tech #business

People have always been baffled as to why I refuse to get a Google account or a Discord account, or want programs I actually run locally, subscription-free. @pluralistic explains why:

And no, I don't buy into the "if you're innocent you have nothing to fear" attitude about things like this, or privacy, or the like. I have plenty of experience with authority figures or people in positions of even petty power being arbitrary and untrustworthy.

Strypey mastodon (AP)
Also, here's a couple of short stories I wrote a few years ago, relevant to everything being a cloud service, and online accounts becoming effectively compulsory.

I may have been watching Black Mirror for a while before I came up with this one;



#fiction #SciFi #ShortStories
Strypey mastodon (AP)
I think this one was inspired by another near-future dystopia, a novel written by a kiwi. Sadly I can't remember title or author right now. But I think it was published in the 2010s.

Public Service Networks


Petition to drop the bass earlier, more epically

The Register mastodon (AP)
OpenBSD enthusiast cooks up guide for the technically timid

If you want a simple step-by-step, this is the best we've seen French BSD enthusiast Joel Carnat has written a how-to guide on setting up a laptop with OpenBSD for general use. It's worth a go for the Unix-curious.…
#theregister #IT
Stefano Marinelli mastodon (AP)
@toran It surely would. All @joel articles are an excellent source of information

Chris Trottier pleroma (AP)
Iron Storm has one of the most insane stories of any video game ever. Per Wikipedia:
The game is set in an alternate year of 1964, in which World War I never ended. The Baron Nikolai Alexsandrovich von Ugenberg seized Mongolia in 1921 in an uprising following the Russian Revolution, and later invaded Russia itself to crush the Bolsheviks. His plan was to establish a Russo-Mongolian Empire stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic. With the help of the United States, the Allied nations of Europe were reformed as the United States of Western Europe, or the Alliance, in 1933 to counter Ugenberg’s plan.

Instead of the Great War ending in 1918, it was continued for almost half a century, with the battlelines drawn down Europe’s center in 1929 shifting little for either side for the next several decades. As the USWE could no longer independently contribute to the war, the Alliance army was introduced into the American stock market, allowing private investors to speculate on the lives of the soldiers who carried on the war. The outcome of the war now depended almost entirely on the economy of the Alliance’s member nations.

The player takes on the role as U.S. Army Lieutenant James Anderson, only 19 when he joined the Alliance in 1943, and now a legend among the soldiers in the field. Anderson is recruited for a possibly suicidal mission: to breach enemy defenses and stop the Russo-Mongolians from developing a deadly weapon that could devastate the world. Captain Cecile Newcastle of the Royal Highlands Regiment is Anderson’s immediate supervisor and is responsible for guiding him through his mission. Colonel Mitchell is the commander of the operation, but has an ulterior motive for wanting the mission to succeed.

In case you’re unfamiliar with Roman von Ungern-Sternberg, he is truly one of the most horrific men in history – one of the few people who perhaps was as evil as Hitler. I had no idea any video game could be even more dystopic than Fallout but Iron Storm manages this feat.

And let me tell you, this game makes you feel the horrors of war. It is a brutal, brutal game that’s pure nightmare fuel. You truly feel paranoia because at every angle, you can be killed – and very quickly. Don’t even bother playing this game on “Normal” mode – “Easy” is hard enough.

While the graphics look every bit of their age, there’s a few aspects about them that make me happy. For one thing, you can play this game easily at a high resolution, and with multiple aspect ratios too.

In terms of sound, there’s no music. There’s not really a point since you’re going to have to hear everything that comes your way before you get killed. And you will get killed. That said, the ambient affects are excellent.

You can play Iron Storm on a Steam Deck, and I have. However, if you want the best experience, you’ll need to play this with a keyboard and mouse on a large monitor. Believe me, you will need as much control as you can muster.

4X Studio developed Iron Storm. This was the only game they ever made, and they closed down soon after the release.

Not everyone likes this game, and I totally get it. This is an incredibly difficult FPS, and even dyed-in-the-wool FPS enthusiasts think it is hard. However, if you have the cojones to get good, you will discover one of the richest FPS experiences ever, one that really gets into your head.

Both Steam and sell Iron Storm for C$3.29. It often goes on sale too – often for less than a dollar. At that price, it is an easy recommend, especially for something as memorable as this game.
Iron Storm screenshot (RTX 3080 Ti) Iron Storm screenshot (RTX 3080 Ti)
Iron Storm screenshot (RTX 3080 Ti) Iron Storm screenshot (RTX 3080 Ti)
Chris Trottier Private Message pleroma (AP)
@Brett_E_Carlock I, for one, would love a re-make of this game.
Chris Trottier Private Message pleroma (AP)
@Brett_E_Carlock As it happens, that game is on my wishlist. I hope to pick it up some day.

FreeBSD Foundation mastodon (AP)
Discover the world of FreeBSD through the insights shared by Deb Goodkin, Executive Director of the FreeBSD Foundation, in her recent interviews with CIO Influence and the Sustain Open Source podcast.

Join us in celebrating FreeBSD and be part of a community that values innovation, security, and open-source collaboration.
#FreeBSD #OpenSource #TechCommunity #Innovation
vermaden reshared this.

I think there's a point the #mastodonforharris arguments are missing, and that's that fundraisers _shouldn't ever be a thing_.

Politics, at any level, should not be influenced by who has more money.
Kernou mastodon (AP)
@tchambers That's why it will never happen.
Tim Chambers mastodon (AP)
@Tharpa Not with the current Republican Congress but many forms of public election funding pass in blue states, and would federally with a different Congressional make up. Till then grassroots giving is deeply needed.

Uncle Duke mastodon (AP)
“Ah good, you’re awake. Please don’t bother trying to move. Now, I just have a couple of questions for you. If you answer truthfully, this can all be over quickly, but if I think you’re lying, I will introduce you to my friend Klaus over there, and trust me, you don’t want that.”
Close-up of an orange and white cat with wide eyes and a gray cat with a blue collar in the background.
Crystal_Fish_Caves reshared this.

Mr. Funk E. Dude mastodon (AP)
Just convinced my friend to donate his huge collection of DVD's to one of the public libraries in town.

Many people don't realize that there are those who can't afford the internet, which means they don't have access to all of the streaming services out there.

The library for many is their only access to an internet connection as well as entertainment. Music, movie DVD's, and of course both audio and physical copies of books.

So if you have any laying around, consider donating them.
Crystal_Fish_Caves reshared this.

European Commission mastodon (AP)
Rise and shine 🇪🇺 flag!

A symbol of peace and prosperity, a journey 67 years long defined by cooperation and unshakable solidarity.

And tonight, our boat is sailing through the Seine to highlight proudly those values at the #Paris2024 Olympic Games!

Diversity and inclusion are our strengths.

Let’s go 🇪🇺 athletes!

View of the European boat at the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic games. Credit © Getty images View of the European boat at the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic games. Credit © Getty images
Composition of the EU stars around the Eiffel Tower. © 2024 International Olympic Committee

The lady next door was having tree work done and God, what a racket the chipper made! However, she let me bag up a bunch of chipped wood for mulch for my garden, so score!
And it should help protect the strawberry plants roots from the heat the next heat wave we get. The last one really hurt them, & 2 of them died.

Rusty Bertrand mastodon (AP)
I raelly hope this stupid "feminine fragility" trend end soon.

My body is a vehicle for my mind. It will be as big and strong as it has to be to deter any threat.

After a serious attack that left me for dead, I joined the rugby team and put on 10 kg. No more "feminine" fragility for me. Thank you very much!

Never mistake my empathy for weakness.
it's awful that you had to go through that 😐 many would have been better behaved if a good knee or punch had been strongly thrown at appropriate targets, especially many sharing my general human traits. And that thing about muscle/strength being "unfeminine" doesn't help either 🙄
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
it's a rather ridiculous thing, and worse it's a behaviour that gets emulated by kids thinking that is the way things should be: a homogenous mass that serves only to show off make up, and expensive clothes and accessories.

The ones that don't follow this are automatically either put on the "lesbian bucket" (whether or not they are), or the "crazy bucket" if they get too creative with their style or especially if they have the audacity of showing off a stronger personality. 🙄 🤦

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL that electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is still used today to treat severe depression.
#til #todayilearned

tom w wolf mastodon (AP)
Current mood

The Tyee mastodon (AP)
Ed Struzik: If a fire can burn the town of Jasper in a national park that has the resources to deal with fire, what does the future hold for hundreds of boreal forest towns across the country that don't have the means to accept that fire will come someday?
Shonin reshared this.

Also die Rauch Aktion am Anfang war schick. Darf ich das für den nächsten CSD in Regenbogenfarben haben :rainbow_heart_eyes: #olympics
Französische Flagge in Blau, weiß und rot in Rauch über einer Brücke
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

PerryM ✅ mastodon (AP)
My heavens, what a frightening picture! AI is wonderful isn't it! 🤣 Now I have to change my drawers!
SLCW💥 mastodon (AP)
@PerryM That's what he looks like before he spackles his face with orange putty.

libramoon diaspora
Jung Day

The spell breaks
dangling chrysalis; abrupt
crash, tangle, adumbration.
Shaken, dazed, awareness stirs.
Anxious to return to slumber,
swift fade of so compelling prophecy.
The world is damp, dingy,
filled with discomforts.
Slipped in, potent phantasms,
dashing bits of myth and whimsy.
Softened landing
allows memory to absorb shock and awe.
Bitter wars, forces of survival,
flagged by colors
transcendent and bright.

July 26, 2013

Kim Scheinberg mastodon (AP)
Can someone please teach me how to cook "boneless style"?

"In a 4-3 ruling, the Supreme Court said Thursday that “boneless wings” refers to a cooking style, and that Berkheimer should've been on guard against bones since it's common knowledge that chickens have bones."

This reminds me of when Coke insisted "no consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking VitaminWater was a healthy beverage” — except Coke was forced to settle that case

libramoon diaspora
There Is Only One Sin

Christ died to save us
for the sin of hubris.
But you can't be forgiven
while you persist
in claiming your own definitions
as Truth,
then using this madness
as righteous excuse
to quell self-expression
that you proclaim "sin,"
persecuting lifestyles not
condoned by your kin.
Because, truth is the All
Knowing and Giving
includes multitudes as
expressions of living.
Now, you've been enlightened
to the need for amends
to people outside of
yourself and your friends.
Yes, bend down on your knees
while you open your eyes,
humbled by prime truth,
loving and wise.

July 26, 2008
Speaking of... #Truth ... "Kryptonite" to the Dark Lord of #TrumpVirus

newer older

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