France just made all previous Opening Ceremonies look stupid.

And made Los Angeles very, very nervous.

Matthew Durst reshared this.

libramoon diaspora

I am thinking of a brick wall,
hiding dangerous imagery.
Walls upon walls.
High, low, immoderately
bearing illusory murals,
scorched out graffiti
wicked symbols
unclean, unpurified.
Trauma reverberates
messes with circuitry
irreverent irreconcilable
in cellular reproduction,
glitches and stammers
in data processing.
A wall. I am building,
brick by painful brick
cemented with blood and pus,
tall, thick, obscuring
day and night
laughter and warm embrace
secret words of consolation
hidden in humor and homilies.
The walls stand
ready for bombardment
awaiting a destiny of chaotic rubble
when reverberation reaches
critical mass.

Charlotte Walker mastodon (AP)
Is it sacrilegious to say I’m bored of things going along the Seine now? #Paris2024 #ParisOlympics
Charlotte Walker mastodon (AP)
@philip_cardella I’m finding this part quite moving

JdeB mastodon (AP)
#Japan #Specials

I have a special interest in wheelchair mobility. Not for myself. But I used to have a job where had to do a lot of pushing. My late mother was confined to a wheelchair. So I met a lot of impregnable obstacles.
So I was delighted to see this option.

"Special Escalators in Japan" [ < 1 min]
by karyonyou

ForeverExpat mastodon (AP)
What makes the design great is not just the clever escalator platform but that the workers communicate with each other to prepare for the wheelchair's arrival to the next step. So many “designers” stop at the platform/product and don’t think about the system.

earthquake friendica (via ActivityPub)

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Massive wildfires force evacuations, cause "fire tornado" in Calif.

(My hubs spent a career working wildfire, mostly as an Information officer. He informs me that on fires that burn hot enough to breed a pyrocumulus cloud, fire whirls of various types and strengths are not that rare...)

ThisLeeNoble mastodon (AP)
I want Eric Cantona to headbutt the flame into the cauldron. #olympics #Olympics2024

Shonin mastodon (AP)
#RedFire Update | July 26, 2024 | Central Oregon Fire Information
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Chris Trottier pleroma (AP)
Can’t believe this just happened.

I attempted to install Iron Storm on my PC through Steam. But when I click the “Play” button on Steam, it launches Haegemonia from instead.

Never has it ever happened where I try to start a game on one launcher only for a different game to start from another launcher.

Mike Neumann :pci: mastodon (AP)
@dovydas yeah, the stream mix is way distorted again. Happens nearly every time a new band is plugged in.
Mike Neumann :pci: mastodon (AP)
@ChadF yay! stereo and clean. Thanks, y'all! 😀
Good here. They sound so good live.

Civil war (2024) - “What kind of American” full scene HD

Crystal_Fish_Caves mastodon (AP)
#olympics ummm ok so they are sending the caldron to the moon???

Falcon 9’s returns to flight reminds spaceflight industry of past anomalies

[summary]Nearly every rocket that has flown has had an anomaly. With thousands of
components that…

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past anomalies appeared first on (Aaron McCrea)

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Nearly every rocket that has flown has had an anomaly. With thousands of components that all need to work in perfect harmony to have a successful mission, there is likely to be one component that is unable to perform every once in a while.

While witnessing an anomaly in spaceflight is not as improbable as it may seem, it is becoming unusual to see with the cadence of flights increasing. It can be almost expected that the first launch of a new rocket will end up with a failure somewhere in flight. However, when a rocket that has been rapidly flying without any issues for over seven years is not able to deliver its payload, the spaceflight industry takes note.

On Thursday, July 11, at 10:35 PM EDT (Friday, July 12, at 2:35 UTC), Falcon 9 was grounded after a failure on the upper stage caused the loss of the Merlin Vacuum (MVac) engine. The anomaly also resulted in the loss of the Starlink satellites onboard after they fell short of reaching a stable orbit.

Falcon 9 has been an extremely reliable launch vehicle, having only four anomalies to date. Most of these failures occurred while it was in the early stages of the Block 2 and Block 3 vehicle design. Falcon 9 Block 5 has had 297 successful launches until Saturday’s 298th launch, making it one of the most reliable rockets ever to fly.

Falcon 9’s anomaly history

Falcon 9’s first in-flight failure happened on June 28, 2015. Following a nominal liftoff for Falcon 9 Block 2 on the CRS-7 mission, the second-stage liquid oxygen (LOX) tank was overpressurized and ruptured 139 seconds into flight. The tank’s rupture led to the rocket being destroyed 11 seconds later. This mission was planned to resupply the International Space Station using SpaceX’s uncrewed Dragon capsule, which was separated from the rocket before it crashed into the ocean and was lost.

128707 Launch of CRS-7. (Credit: NASA/Charles Babir)

This failure of the vehicle and NASA payload led to NASA’s involvement in the investigation. It was found that a strut inside the second stage LOX tank failed to manage the forces it was expected to withstand. SpaceX solved this issue by replacing the faulty strut with a more robust version and by requiring more audits to be done on the quality of the vehicle before leaving for flight. After the failure, Falcon 9 had a 95 percent success rate, and it took nearly six months for the next mission to fly on Dec. 21, 2015.

See Also

After the failure of CRS-7, routine launches returned, and landings began to succeed for SpaceX. The first successful landing of an orbital rocket took place on the next launch when booster B1019 landed back at SpaceX’s Landing Zone 1. Then, four launches after the failure, the first successful booster landing atop droneship Of Course I Still Love You occurred. SpaceX was gathering more launch and landing successes until September 1, 2016.

Nine months after CRS-7, Falcon 9 experienced another anomaly. AMOS-6 was planned to be SpaceX’s 29th Falcon 9 launch. During propellant loading for a preflight static fire test, a liner inside the composite overwrapped pressure vessel (COPV) tank buckled, causing propellant to collect underneath the liner, igniting a spark caused by friction. This created an explosion that destroyed the entire vehicle. The AMOS-6 anomaly brought Falcon 9’s reliability down to just under 90 percent. On Jan. 14, 2017, SpaceX returned to flight just over four months after AMOS-6.

128708 The AMOS-6 static fire anomaly. (Credit: SpaceX)

Recent anomalies in the spaceflight industry

Early into the development of a brand new rocket and even new iterations of operating rockets, it is almost expected to witness an anomaly. Many up-and-coming startups and even government agencies have had failures come on the first few launches of a brand new system. SpaceX has even begun to take the approach of “fail fast but iterate faster” for rapid design acceleration. No rocket has as much of this idea behind it as SpaceX’s Starship.

Every single one of Starship’s test flights, from Starhopper to the high-altitude suborbital Ship hops to today’s near-orbital flights, has come at a rapid pace. For example, it took five attempts for teams to learn how to land the Ship. However, as the flight tests have progressed, SpaceX has learned from mistakes and has rapidly improved the vehicle in ways that would have never been foreseen if it was just a blueprint. Today, Starship is not a reliable vehicle, but every integrated flight test has completed more of the system’s requirements and succeeded in more and more of SpaceX’s goals. It might not be much longer before Starship is seen as a reliable satellite launcher.

5926518 Starship’s maiden flight. (Credit: Max Evans for NSF)

There are many examples of startup space companies working to develop a rocket to get to the success of a profitable aerospace company. A company that is currently in that process is Firefly Aerospace with its Alpha rocket. Alpha has completed five flights and does not have the best track record. There has been a failure on the first flight, a partial failure on the second and fourth flight, and two successes on the third and fifth flight. Holding strong to the recent success, Firefly looks to continue with another clean launch in October later this year. If all goes well, Firefly may have already passed the inflection point of success.

The European Space Agency (ESA) is the most recent government agency to build and launch a brand new rocket with Ariane 6. The inaugural flight of Ariane 6 went off without a hitch until an hour and 14 minutes into the flight. Ariane 6 successfully entered a circular orbit and deployed a majority of the 11 payloads on board. Then, an auxiliary propulsion system (APU) malfunctioned, causing the planned third deorbit burn to fail. Even with many years and billions of dollars put into development, it is common for one small anomaly to cause the entire mission to end up as a partial failure.

5926532 Ariane 6’s inaugural launch (Credit: ESA)

Another government agency that has gone through this problem and ultimately succeeded is the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan’s space agency. The agency has had a few issues with its new H3 rocket that debuted last year. After the first test flight of TF1 in March 2023 failed due to the second stage engine failing to ignite, it took JAXA just under a full year to prepare for H3’s next flight. On the second flight, H3 successfully reached the planned Sun-synchronous orbit and deployed its satellites. Then, just over four months later, the first-ever designated flight was a complete success.

Rocket Lab follows a similar path to the other aforementioned private companies. On Rocket Lab’s first flight of Electron, it successfully survived stage separation and faring separation. However, due to a software failure that caused the telemetry feed to be lost, the flight termination system was activated — ending the mission. After this launch, Electron successfully flew until its 13th flight. This flight failed during the second stage burn due to a faulty wire that shut down the electric connection to the engine’s turbopumps.

5926536 Visible sparks at the point of anomaly during Rocket Lab’s 41st launch. (Credit: Rocket Lab)

Then, on Electron’s 20th mission, the second stage shut down early due to a fault with the igniter. The igniter failure caused the thrust vector control system to malfunction, straying the rocket off its planned trajectory. 20 more missions went by without any problems until Electron’s 41st mission. Electron was unable to reach orbit due to an arc that induced a short, causing the upper stage Rutherford engine to lose thrust. After the failure, it took Rocket Lab just under three months to get Electron back in the sky. Rocket Lab is now up to 50 launches and has a success rate of 92 percent.

Blue Origin’s New Shepard suborbital rocket has launched successfully 24 times. However, on the NS-23 mission, a failure was caused by the BE-3 main engine, which activated the launch escape system on the capsule. Blue Origin’s booster, Tail 3, which was flying on its ninth mission, structurally failed due to the temperature increases of the BE-3PM engine that was not accounted for on the booster. Fortunately, there were no crew members and only commercial payloads onboard the capsule. The launch escape system worked as intended and brought the payloads back to Earth safely. New Shepard has gained a success rate of 96 percent over 25 missions with only a single failure. It would take over 15 months for New Shepard to return to flight after NS-23 halted Blue Origin’s operations.

5926540 New Shepard anomaly on the NS-23 mission. (Credit: Blue Origin)

Falcon 9 returns to flight

Falcon 9 will return from its short hiatus with the Starlink Group 10-4 mission. Launch is set to occur from the SLC-40 at the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station on Saturday, July 27, at 12:13 AM EDT (4:13 UTC). The FAA announced on July 25 that no public safety issues were involved in the anomaly. This does not mean that the investigation is over, but it does mean that SpaceX can resume Falcon 9 launches.

SpaceX revealed that the issue was most likely caused by a crack that developed in a “sense line” during the first second stage burn. The sense line is responsible for checking the pressure in the second stage LOX tank. When the second stage burn began, the MVac engine had too much cryogenic LOX flowing through it and had become overcooled so much so that the engine was overpressurized. This likely led to an explosion, ending the burn and causing the loss of attitude control. SpaceX mentioned that the sensor connected to the sense line is not used by the flight safety system and other systems make the sensor redundant. Therefore, SpaceX’s plan moving forward is to remove the failed sense line and sensor from the vehicle.

Thanks to the pace we’ve been able to launch, we’re able to gather unprecedented levels of flight data and are poised to rapidly return to flight as soon as Saturday, July 27 →

— SpaceX (@SpaceX) July 25, 2024

It is an anomaly in itself that SpaceX can get Falcon 9 back online in less than 14 days after a second stage failure. With 355 missions and only four failures over 14 years of operation, Falcon 9 is one of the most reliable rockets to ever fly with a 99 percent success rate.

(Lead image: Falcon 9 launch from SLC-40 at the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. Credit: Max Evans for NSF)


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OtownKim mastodon (AP)
That would be BADASS!!

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL television viewing in the US peaked in 2009-10, when the average American household watched 8 hours and 55 minutes of TV per day, and the ’00s saw the greatest growth in TV viewing time of any decade since Nielsen began keeping track in 1949.
#til #todayilearned
Zlasha mastodon (AP)
Average effin 9 hours? Guys, it does not count as watching, if you sleep. If you watch from rising up at 6 to 8, got work from 9 to 5, then there are still 7 hours left till midnight. There is little left to spend more on watching TV.

Doing $10 sketch requests on Kofi to get groceries for my mom and I for the next few weeks

#art #digitalart #artist #mutualaid #commissionsopen #donations #sketch #drawing #kofi #fanart #emergencycommissions #crowdfunding #MastoArt #CreativeToots

Chad :mstdn: mastodon (AP)
I'm getting UP vibes.


Mourning the death of the campfire:

Climate change is killing the campfire, and with it the comradery and fragrant, glowing heat of a crackling blaze.

Dry conditions and burn bans come earlier each year.

Wood campfires have always been a part of my camping experiences - sometimes the best part - until the past few years.

My friends and I have resigned ourselves to propane fire pits that provide heat and light, but do not constitute an equal substitute for a real fire.

Yes, I know that campfires cause air pollution and increase the risk of wildfires. Their smoke is unhealthy to breathe. I should be relieved that society must now move along.

Still, I'm sad that camping with campfires is no longer a thing. I reminisce about the hundreds of evenings spent bullshitting around the fire, poking it with a stick all night, and enjoying food cooked over a flame, flavored by singe and smoke.

#Camping #Campfires #ClimateChange #Environment #BurnBans #Wildfires
Campfires have been a thing for hundreds of thousands of years. (Maybe even millions, in fact.) They’re a part of our societal DNA. Watching the flames of a communal hearth fire was maybe the first entertainment medium, with people sitting around it, listening to someone telling a story of the hunt, or the birth, of the day, seeing the story in the flames and and embers and smoke. Sharing the visions with each other, remembering shared stories from the past.
And now campfires are a luxury we are permitted only certain times of the year, and in the future maybe never.

Generations may grow up never having known the joys of a campfire.

Oh ein Wasser Nebel Feuer. Das ist mal was Neues und nachhaltiger als Gas 😀 #olympics
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

GayDeceiver mastodon (AP)
I saw a trans young man yesterday.

It warmed me to know he was living his life as himself.

GayDeceiver mastodon (AP)
"Could you tell me more about your management style?"
"Today's a good day to die."

Stefano Marinelli mastodon (AP)
“All the VMs should be sharing the same public IP address, but we don’t want to use a reverse proxy for the websites, to keep things easier to manage”.

Ok...well... 😆

#IT #SysAdmin
Tara 🌷 reshared this.
xconde mastodon (AP)
oof. Maybe they’re really good at memorising port numbers.
Stefano Marinelli mastodon (AP)
@xconde They just don't have any idea what a reverse proxy is. However, like many others, they think it's okay to share their opinions on topics they know nothing about.

Rafael Nadal, Carl Lewis, Nadia Comaneci & Serena Williams with the torch on the Seine. Suitable for the Louvre. #OpeningCeremony #Olympics #Paris
Rafael Nadal, Carl Lewis, Nadia Comaneci & Serena Williams with the torch on the Seine.

⚠️🇺🇦Partners refusal to provide air defenses contributes to three more Ukrainians being injured in invader’s air raid on civilian village in Zaporizhzhia region (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL the officer in charge of guarding Abraham Lincoln in Ford's Theater left his post to go drinking at the same bar where John Wilkes Booth was building up the courage to shoot the President.
#til #todayilearned

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Number of Billionaires in 20 countries according to Hurun and the billionaires per trillion dollars in GDP of 2023 according to World Bank #Data #DataIsBeautiful #DataIsBeautiful
Number of Billionaires in 20 countries according to Hurun and the billionaires per trillion dollars in GDP of 2023 according to World Bank

Kim Perales mastodon (AP)
The presidential race b/w Kamala Harris & #TFG is essentially tied, acc to a new WSJ poll that shows heightened support for her among nonwhite voters & dramatically increased enthusiasm about the campaign among Dems.

TFG leads the current VP 49% to 47% in a 2-person matchup, but that's within the margin of error of plus or minus 3.1% points. Trump held a 6-pt lead earlier this month over Pres Biden, before he exited the race & backed Harris.

#Harris2024 #VoteBlue #USPol
VP Harris & TFG:
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

NPR (bot) mastodon (AP)
NPR: After a decades long man hunt the defacto head of Mexico's Sinaloa drug cartel is arrested just outside El Paso. What more do we know about his capture and what impact, if any, will this have on the fentanyl crisis here.#news #NPR
#News #NPR

Carbon Tracker mastodon (AP)
Interesting look at climate transition plans, which go beyond #netzero targets, and the challenges companies face creating and implementing them.

Possible APT28-linked hackers target Ukraine’s scientific institutions
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Security company KnowBe4 accidentally hires North Korea IT worker

Mats Holberg mastodon (AP)
Do right-wingers hassle men who don’t have children? Maybe they do and I just haven’t noticed it, but yet another double standard wouldn’t surprise me.

I’ve always been told I’d make a great dad. But no one has ever said—or seemed to imply—I’m less of a man or shirking anything or being selfish because I’ve never fathered any children.

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Cheney Rips Trump Calling For Her to Be Tried For Treason
OtownKim reshared this.
The daughter of a man whol hot his friend in the face--and his friend apologized?

He thinks going after her is a good idea?
OtownKim mastodon (AP)
@trueslicky I'm waiting for Mr Cheney to do something 😎
newer older

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