JdeB mastodon (AP)
#USpolitics #JustIn #WomensRights

"White Women, It's Your Turn to Step Up" [ < 1 min]
by Now This


#VoteBlue #UpAndDownTheBallot #ImWithHer

‘The View’s’ Ana Navarro Uses Nude Melania Trump Photo to Defend Kamala Harris

“Some Republicans are out there on TV and social media making vile sexual remarks about Kamala Harris and wanting to make her dating history an issue,” Navarro wrote. “This country deserves a debate on real issues, affecting us all. But you want to make this an issue? Bring it on. I’ve never seen naked pics of @kamalaharris or her spouse. Kamala never partied with sexual predators.”

Watching the #Olympics2024 opening ceremony on France 2 and you do wonder what those outside of France make of it.

Living in France I've at least been exposed to most of the music, but these things are always a bit silly...!
honestly I love it! My favorite so far was the mashup of the republican guard band and Aye Nakamura
@levlaz They are always a bit strange. I liked the European Flag because the British press will have fits of apoplexy... They've just called for peace, that'll upset the press as well...

Lawns are the world's largest and most useless irrigated crop

Pirate Bear mastodon (AP)
A little boost from me here.

Who knew?

#fediverse #politics #friday

#JO2024 les nobles qui tiennent leur tête et l'explosion rouge sang c'était camp désolée
#paris2024 c'est quoi le plus gay entre jouer sur un piano en feu à l'eurovision ou jouer sur un piano coeur sous la pluie sur le pont des arts ?
Le piano en feu arrive finalement #paris2024

Paul Hosking diaspora
Oh, sweet child. That's not how it works. Not at all.

The President's rich benefactors buy the supreme court judge and tells the President to nominate them.

30Yrd Screamer mastodon (AP)
Bit bonkers these French folk

#olympics #paris2024
That’s what we love about the French (and the Brits, too, come to think of it!)

Trump Allies Sure Are Talking A Lot About Civil War

EarthMomma mastodon (AP)
If you dont know; It's pouring for hours in Paris right now during the opening ceremony and not one person cares!

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 272 , Friday 26/07/2024

Morpheus finally caught up with me last night & I got some decent sleep !

Had a shower this morning in there are 3 slightly grated patches on my chest where they sanded it down for the patches !
Now that’s a phrase I never imagined I’d ever say !

Had a call with the OT this morning , he is happy with my progress which is good !

The rest of the day has been quiet. Some nice banter on here kept me smiling & kept the black dog at bay.

My ND self wants constant updates of Henri Hedgehog, but my more rational side is totally aware that there will probably be nothing until Monday / Tuesday of next week.

Final Thoughts.

My final thoughts tonight seem too much like whining, so they will vanish like ice in a sandstorm.

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖

#TimsASDjourney #ActuallyAutistic #Neurospicy #TheMammutMoves

Maj1 🌶️🐿️ mastodon (AP)
Good evening Squirrel Fans.

Many of you, like myself are a) inhabitants of Earth, & b) Computer bods of one flavour or another .
Tonight’s quote from Mr Adams is going to be disconcerting if you fall into either (or both) of these catagories!

“If you are reading this on planet Earth then:

A. Good luck to you. There is an awful lot of stuff you don’t know anything about, but you are not alone in this. It’s just that in your case the consequences of not knowing any of this stuff are particularly terrible, but then, hey, that’s just the way the cookie gets completely stomped on and obliterated.

B. Don’t imagine you know what a computer terminal is.
A computer terminal is not some clunky old television with a typewriter in front of it. It is an interface where the mind and body can connect with the universe and move bits of it about.”
― Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless

What - you thought all my quotes were going to be cheery / inspirational, don’t be nuts! 😜

Where ever you are in your day I hope you’re enjoying it! 😊🫶🐿️🖖
#WeirdFolks #SquirrelsOfMastodon #TheMammutMoves

Todays diary entry is here:

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 272 , Friday 26/07/2024

Morpheus finally caught up with me last night & I got some decent sleep !

Had a shower this morning in there are 3 slightly grated patches on my chest where they sanded it down for the patches !
Now that’s a phrase I never imagined I’d ever say !

Had a call with the OT this morning , he is happy with my progress which is good !

The rest of the day has been quiet. Some nice banter on here kept me smiling & kept the black dog at bay.

My ND self wants constant updates of Henri Hedgehog, but my more rational side is totally aware that there will probably be nothing until Monday / Tuesday of next week.

Final Thoughts.

My final thoughts tonight seem too much like whining, so they will vanish like ice in a sandstorm.

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖

#TimsASDjourney #ActuallyAutistic #Neurospicy #TheMammutMoves

Picture a red squirrel facing away from us holing a blue embroidered umbrella.
The caption reads: “Of course I’m an optimist ! I’m just holding this for a friend! ”

Clarkesworld mastodon (AP)
Just updated my spreadsheet and it looks like we are now 127 shy of returning to the number of subscribers we had before Amazon ended their magazine program. The March continues.

TomSchmidt mastodon (AP)
"'Cause I need freedom, too
I break chains all by myself
Won't let my freedom rot in hell
Hey! I'ma keep running
'Cause a winner don't quit on themselves"

It's as if Beyonce wrote this song exactly for this moment.




7sleepersmusic mastodon (AP)
Strongly agree with their endorsement of #HillHarper for Senate. Disagree with their choice for #Washtenaw county sheriff, I'll be voting for #AlyshiaDyer. Most of the rest of the names are outside of my area and won't be on my ballot, so don't know much about them. August 6 is the deadline, get yr votes in! #Michigan #Detroit #ArabAmericanNews #AAPAC #USPol #Vote2024 #VoteBlue

Diese queere Brücke ist schon sehr nice! #olympics
fink mastodon (AP)
Ja. Ich habe nicht viele Olympia-Eröffnungen gesehen, aber diese ist schon ziemlich queer. Nett.

russia arrests former deputy defence minister on corruption charge

Arrest of dmitry bulgakov is latest high-profile incident in ongoing purge within moscow’s military top brass

ראָב עפֿן mastodon (AP)
Our parents, grandparents, great grandparents imagined memorializing the holocaust in the west would create some level of protection against jew hatred going forward. And maybe it did for a while I don't know.

But by turning it into a macro universalizing experience we lost control over our own destruction story. We can gripe about this shit or the boy in the stupid pajamas all we want but we created this scenario.

Our historic tragedies were inside stories and lessons. Putting it to the outside was a mistake and has backfired.

You can't make a tragedy a combination of sacred and marketing and expect it to retain its meaning.

IRL I tell people I don't discuss antisemitism, the holocaust or Israel with non-Jews. They look uncomfortable for a few seconds and then go the fuck away.

Making that choice ~two years ago has caused me nothing but joy, peace, and happiness.

We should really reimagine why we give a shit about educating the hosts in our host countries.

Sophie mastodon (AP)
Echt mutig diese Eröffnungsfeier. ein bisschen messy, ein bisschen wild, ein bisschen "wir gucken mal obs klappt" Ein ech starker Kontrast zu z.B. London 2012 wo die Story von vorne bis hinten exakt durchgeplant und durchgetaktet war. Wo alle Komparsen von anfang bis ende in einem Takt getanzt haben, wo jeder Kamerablickwinkel exakt vorberechnet, jedes Bild geplant war. In PAris fühlt sich alles viel mehr nach spontan im Moment geschnitten und weniger nacht Timecode an.

Ein Schlumpf 😋 #olympics
Phoibi mastodon (AP)
Hab überlegt, ob der bekannt sein könnte.

Und jetzt sind wir mit Saint Kitts and Nevis bei einem Land von dem ich noch nie gehört hab. #olympics
Manawyrm | Sarah mastodon (AP)
eines der praktischen Laender, die quasi jedem gegen (viel) Geld direkt ne Staatsbuergerschaft und einen halbwegs anstaendigen Reisepass in die Hand druecken 😀
deBaer mastodon (AP)
50.000 Einwohner. Ein bisschen so, als würde Heidenheim an der Brenz an den olympischen Spielen teilnehmen.

Norcal Gma 2 mastodon (AP)
Summer is back to her real job.
Keeping her pal's feet warm and making sure he feels loved. She is pretty good blood pressure medicine for him, too. Her presence is calming.
They are watching the Olympics opening ceremony together.
Golden Labrador retriever laying on a patterned rug and a sock clad foot. She still has her white to cow close.

How do you outwit and out bully, a bully?

Keep watching Kamala Harris’s campaign and find out.


suseoddvibes diaspora
Sir John Lavery, Les joueurs d'échecs, 1929
HU Art Sound (2) reshared this.

Hanse Mina mastodon (AP)
A loophole after the spy bank? Russian and Belarusian "guest workers" can come to #Hungary as families, without vetting.

The Hungarian government has opened the #Schengen national security gate wide, and Russians and Belarusians will be able to come with a so-called National Card from July.

#Ukraine #Russia #EU #Orban
2 people reshared this
Runyan50 mastodon (AP)
How can Hungary flaunt EU security measures? EU better institute border security with them.

Thunderstrike mastodon (AP)
I'm still aghast at the audacity it takes to call a woman who helped raise two stepchildren who obviously love her "childless".

That's going to be a litmus test for me, I think. Anyone spouting that particular brand of bullshit can fuck right off.

Magpieblog mastodon (AP)
' “We grew up thinking we were Hispanics because that’s what we were always being told,” said David Garza, 55, as he flipped chunks of cabrito on a wide charcoal grill outside an old family home in Brackettville, around 20 miles north of the Rio Grande, in February 2022. “It wasn’t until my adulthood I realized why [my parents] kept it from us. They were afraid of getting killed.” '

#NativeAmerican #LipanApache #Texas #identity

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
A British yachtsman’s boat sank after it was attacked by orcas in the Strait of Gibraltar.

Killer whales have launched a spate of attacks in recent years, ramming the rudders or sides of boats. Marine biologists believe that the whales may be attacking out of boredom.

A humpback whale also capsized a small fishing boat with two sailors on board off the coast of New Hampshire in the US on Tuesday.
Pamela :yell: mastodon (AP)
I saw the video of the humpback earlier this week.

It looked like an accident to me.

I doubt if they're bored. (Scientists may get bored, but an air-breathing ocean dweller with fins for hands probably doesn't have a lot of free time to consider how boring life has become.)

I think there are regions of ocean that are becoming over-crowded.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
The only explanation I've seen for the humpback breaching and overturning that boat off the coast of New Hampshire has been that the boat was in a blind spot as the whale was using their bubble net fishing technique so that appears to have just been an accident.

ADisorderlyFashion mastodon (AP)
Huh, did not expect this to be from Raw Story, since I recall them leaning heavily conservative, but that was a good read anyway. 100/10 Couch/Dolphin Boi
3DMK mastodon (AP)
reminds me for some reason of a Simpsons episode: „A fish called Selma“

Norcal Gma 2 mastodon (AP)
More raspberries to use before they spoil.
This has been the best raspberry harvest ever for us. We are getting raspberried out. I'm going to freeze the rest for later.
Not sure who gets this fresh, hot out of the oven, raspberry/blackberry pie.
I will find it a good home one way or another.
#Baking #Pie
Raspberry and blackberry pie with heart-shaped vent design. The pie is cooling on a blue kitchen towel.

Kees van der Leun mastodon (AP)
Time to remove Hungary from the Schengen area.

A loophole after the spy bank? Russian and Belarusian "guest workers" can come to #Hungary as families, without vetting.

The Hungarian government has opened the #Schengen national security gate wide, and Russians and Belarusians will be able to come with a so-called National Card from July.

#Ukraine #Russia #EU #Orban

Callyson mastodon (AP)
The one Democratic criticism that seems to bother Trump the most
Democrats accuse Donald Trump of being a threat to democracy. This increasingly appears to be the one talking point that bothers him most.

unusual_whales mastodon (AP)
Call your weekend.

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL during a soccer match in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a lightning strike killed all 11 members of the opposing team. The home team came out unharmed.
#til #todayilearned

Octopus Diver - The Last Trip Of A Lifetime (Full Album)

Christoph S diaspora
Wu Tang is for the Children on X: "This part of #OpeningCeremony with French band Gojira was badass 🤘" / X

#metal Gojira performance badass

Christoph S diaspora
EPIC Gojira Live Performance at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games

Badass! Meanwhile in #France

Dan Hon mastodon (AP)
Kim Stanley Robinson, sadly reading about its demise from Earth.
newer older

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