Rockaxis mastodon (AP)
**¡Feliz cumpleaños, Mick Jagger!**

Hoy celebramos los 81 años del legendario vocalista de los Rolling Stones. Con su inigualable estilo y energía, Jagger ha dejado una huella imborrable en la historia del rock.

Para conmemorar su día, te invitamos a leer nuestra reseña de *Sticky Fingers*, uno de los discos más icónicos de su carrera.

Lee la reseña aquí 👉🏼

#MickJagger #RollingStones #StickyFingers #Rockaxis


A propósito de mantenerse bien con la edad, hoy está de cumpleaños su Satánica Majestad, Mick Jagger. Cumple 81 años muy bien llevados. 🤘🏻

#MickJagger #TheRollingStones #Cumpleaños #nx


**¡Feliz cumpleaños, Mick Jagger!**

Hoy celebramos los 81 años del legendario vocalista de los Rolling Stones. Con su inigualable estilo y energía, Jagger ha dejado una huella imborrable en la historia del rock.

Para conmemorar su día, te invitamos a leer nuestra reseña de *Sticky Fingers*, uno de los discos más icónicos de su carrera.

Lee la reseña aquí 👉🏼

#MickJagger #RollingStones #StickyFingers #Rockaxis


#Debate: What happened to "anywhere, anytime, anyplace", Donald? — @ProjectLincoln #quotes #quote #Trump #KamalaHarris

🤣 🤣 🤣 WtF I love this election now...
Kamala riding a shard with a car battery on its head and Trump running away in terror.
I’ll be any way I want, I’m sick of having to see sludge in my timeline because someone else decided they didn’t want to think about their actions for .2 seconds
Right - but know that not all people share your knowledge or your perspective. If you want the fedi experience to be good, kindness is the best way to engage with others @itsjustjenn
I’ve unfollowed you and you can unfollow me - easy as that
I already beat you to it after you share that garbage 😂
All for the good, then.
I don’t honestly give a shit about people who think it’s fine to normalize the use of ai generated theft, for all I care they can rot in a garbage dump
the beauty of mastodon is that I don’t have to mince words, and I don’t have to censor myself for an algorithm, and I can just say hey, eat shit if you’re sharing AI
No, they want to be holier than thou apparently. Before I would have been happy to have a conversation about it. But now they get to go feel smug while enjoying their block.

This is why people don't want to come use this platform, the holier-than-thou, you're doing it wrong attitude.
enjoy this instance suspension

Rachel A. Rosen mastodon (AP)
#WritersCoffeeClub 26: A snippet of a favourite scene

After basically hijacking Cascade with his Main Character Energy despite not being a POV character, this is the first bit we get (unless you have read the limited edition tie-in chapbook) from Ian. Here, he's reflecting on three years of captivity and torture (fun).
You’re a field mouse. A fuckin’ field mouse. And at first, you have nothing but choices.

From your low vantage point in the tall, golden grass, the sky is azure and big as God. Your tiny mouse heart flutters, your tiny mouse brain incapable of contemplating the infinity that dwarfs you. You can run in any direction. The grass is a forest, an ocean; you grasp a stalk with your tiny mouse hands to hoist yourself to the surface. Here, a hawk swoops; there, the steel teeth of a combine lie in wait to crush your small body in its jaws. Here a creek sings to pull you under and fill your straining lungs with water; there, a snake scents your blood. You’re a field mouse. A fuckin’ field mouse. And at first, you have nothing but choices.

From your low vantage point in the tall, golden grass, the sky is azure and big as God. Your tiny mouse heart flutters, your tiny mouse brain incapable of contemplating the infinity that dwarfs you. You can run in any direction. The grass is a forest, an ocean; you grasp a stalk with your tiny mouse hands to hoist yourself to the surface. Here, a hawk swoops; there, the steel teeth of a combine lie in wait to crush your small body in its jaws. Here a creek sings to pull you under and fill your straining lungs with water; there, a snake scents your blood.
With each direction, a death, inconsequential to the murderer, apocalyptic for you. With each direction, a closing of possibilities, an extinguishing of your small selfhood. And what was once an open field is now a labyrinth, through which you may scurry, hunted by the world, and from which you will never escape.

Until the day that steel slams shut on all sides of you, and there is only the gleam of cold metal, your own starved and deformed reflection stretched in its sheen, only one path forward. Not a labyrinth of bad choices but a trap of none, no longer a field mouse but a lab rat. No longer a thing to be hunted but a thing to be vivisected, to lie pinned and flayed at the world’s mercy. To live, and suffer, and die, and live again, the air forced into your lungs and your heart squeezed into beating. And you marvel, a skinless, bleeding nub, thrashing beneath the scalpel, at how powerful you once thought the hawk. With each direction, a death, inconsequential to the murderer, apocalyptic for you. With each direction, a closing of possibilities, an extinguishing of your small selfhood. And what was once an open field is now a labyrinth, through which you may scurry, hunted by the world, and from which you will never escape.

Until the day that steel slams shut on all sides of you, and there is only the gleam of cold metal, your own starved and deformed reflection stretched in its sheen, only one path forward. Not a labyrinth of bad choices but a trap of none, no longer a field mouse but a lab rat. No longer a thing to be hunted but a thing to be vivisected, to lie pinned and flayed at the world’s mercy. To live, and suffer, and die, and live again, the air forced into your lungs and your heart squeezed into beating. And you marvel, a skinless, bleeding nub, thrashing beneath the scalpel, at how powerful you once thought the hawk.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

JdeB mastodon (AP)
#USpolitics #NoUseDenying #Trump=P2025

"Trump Is Project 2025 | Robert Reich" [2:04 min]
by Robert Reich

Quote by RR:
"Jul 23, 2024
Trump wants you to believe he has nothing to do with Project 2025. Nonsense! He IS Project 2025."

#VoteBlue #UpAndDownTheBallot #ImWithHer
#CapitalismIsFailingYou #WorkersUnite

The Register mastodon (AP)
CrowdStrike meets Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong will

And boy, did last Friday's Windows fiasco ever prove that yet again Opinion CrowdStrike's recent Windows debacle will surely earn a prominent place in the annals of epic tech failures. On July 19, the cybersecurity giant accomplished what legions of hackers could only dream of – bringing millions of Windows systems world…
#theregister #IT

Robert Reich mastodon (AP)
Trump is Toast | The Coffee Klatch with Robert Reich
Ramin Honary mastodon (AP)
oh man, if there is any group of people who are better at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, it is the Democratic Party, so much so I think they lose deliberately. They could still fuck this election up badly.

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Als Präsidentin könnte Kamala Harris Abtreibungsverbote abschaffen. Doch für eine echte Reform braucht es das Parlament, sagt Christian Nunes.#Frauenrechte #Abtreibungsgegner #ReproduktiveRechte #US-Wahl2024 #Amerika #Politik #Schwerpunkt

Europe Says mastodon (AP) A second Trump term would actively make climate change worse #Environment
A second Trump term would actively make climate change worse

statisticsworld mastodon (AP)
Do you regret taking Covid vaccines 💉 🤔

  • Yes (6%, 2 votes)
  • No (93%, 29 votes)
  • I'm Unpacking (0%, 0 votes)
31 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

Marc Hurwitz mastodon (AP)
Update -- Taco Azul could be one step closer to opening in Boston's Beacon Hill by next week, and we now have an address (the old Emory space).

#boston #restaurant #beaconhill

Covidiocracy mastodon (AP)
Eswatini is a new one to me, I only ever knew it as Swaziland.

Mondoweiss 🇵🇸 mastodon (AP)
For some in Iran, the West's relentless punishment has weakened the revolutionary fires of 1979. But for countless others, they are being rekindled by the Palestinian resistance in Gaza.

#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel

LEOMCY mastodon (AP)
Looking desperately for people with BRCA gene mutation.
Please retoot!

Je cherche désespérément des personnes avec la mutation BRCA, faites tourner svp !

Suche vergeblich nach Leuten mit BRCA Genmutation. Bitte retroeten!


Reminder: Ripley from the Aliens franchise was a Childless Cat Lady.

You don't fuck with the Childless Cat Ladies.

#ChildlessCatLadiesForKamala 🌴🌊🌴🥥🌴
She also didn't become a cat lady until after she kicked that xenomorph's ass. Don't fuck with childless women. Full stop.

SpaceX moving Crew Dragon splashdowns to West Coast after multiple space debris incidents

The four astronauts flying aboard SpaceX Crew Dragon are supposed to launch no earlier than Aug. 18 and splash down near Florida. Future crews will go to the west coast due to space junk concerns.
a cone-shaped spacecraft splashes down into open sea under three parachutes

The News Desk unkn (AP)
Nebraska Supreme Court upholds law restricting both medical care for transgender youth and abortion

Posted into Top Stories in News @top-stories-in-news-thenewsdesk

Ham on Wry mastodon (AP)
I like watching Gordon Ramsay cooking shows like Master Chef and Hell’s Kitchen.

I try to imagine myself doing the challenges, but somehow I always end up getting yelled at by Ramsay while a medic sews my fingers back on.

#masterchef #hellskitchen
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Chon Torres mastodon (AP)
@lisamelton I stream these shows while cooking for large family gatherings. It is so much fun hearing Ramsey yell as I am making Thanksgiving dinner for 20 people.

p.s. I’ve only nearly lost a finger a few times…
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

JdeB mastodon (AP)
#GazaProtests #USpolitics #Tlaib

"Tlaib Says Netanyahu 'Should Be Arrested' in DC"
by Brett Wilkins for Common Dreams [Jul 23, 2024] [bird video incl]

"It is a sad day for our democracy when my colleagues will smile for a photo-op with a man who is actively committing genocide."

"Netanyahu is a war criminal committing genocide against the Palestinian people," Tlaib (D-Mich.)—the only Palestinian American member of Congress—said in a statement ahead of the Israeli leader's scheduled speech on Wednesday. "It is utterly disgraceful that leaders from both parties have invited him to address Congress. He should be arrested and sent to the International Criminal Court."

"While the ICC has not authorized Netanyahu's arrest, its chief prosecutor has applied for warrants to apprehend the far-right prime minister and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for alleged crimes including extermination and forced starvation, as well as three Hamas leaders for war crimes allegedly committed during the October 7 attack on Israel."

"Dozens of Democratic U.S. lawmakers and Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont have said they will skip Netanyahu's speech. Vice President Kamala Harris—the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee—has declined to preside over the prime minister's address as Senate president, although she is reportedly planning to meet privately with him on Thursday."

"It is hypocritical to claim to be concerned about the massive death toll of innocent civilians, and then turn around and welcome the person responsible for these war crimes to our Capitol," Tlaib added. "Their silence is betrayal, and history will remember them accordingly. Our government must stop supporting and funding this genocide now."

"Sarah Leah Whitson, executive director of Democracy for the Arab World Now, said Tuesday that "it's hard to imagine a greater blow to American credibility and standing around the world than for our Congress to host the prime minister of Israel, an indicted and hopefully soon-to-be-arrested war criminal, responsible for the gravest mass atrocities against Palestinians the world has ever seen. "It's a great stain on our nation that our elected leaders have chosen to honor the leader of a country facing prosecution for genocide, apartheid, and illegal occupation," Whitson added."

#CeaseFireNow #JailForNetanyahu

Joop mastodon (AP)
Johan Vollenbroek krijgt weer gelijk: Nederland op de vingers getikt omdat water veel te vies is

AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Ah... that quiet couldn't last forever. #tropics #TropicalWx
Tropical wave with some chance of formation in the Atlantic
Shonin reshared this.

Kamala Harris said 19 words in 2018 that taught us all we need to know
zendao42 mastodon (AP)
She made him cry

katharine mastodon (AP)
Nez was a failson

Mathzy mastodon (AP)
You'd think the Parisians would be nervous about putting flames anywhere near historic buildings.

Turns out: non.

#Olympics #OpeningCeremony #Paris2024
MrC mastodon (AP)
"They've survived centuries of riots, what's the worse that could happen?" -Parisians probably

Frozen Canuck mastodon (AP)
Financial Time's Edward Luce makes a compelling argument for why Kamala Harris should pick Pete Buttigieg as her VP running mate.

"Each lacks something that Pete Buttigieg, Biden’s transportation secretary, possesses: a close relationship with Kamala Harris"

Kamala, pick Pete!

#KamalaHarris #Democrats #VoteBlue

#HarrisWalz2024 mastodon (AP)
Which #iOS App ?

  • Mona (44%, 12 votes)
  • Ice Cubes (33%, 9 votes)
  • Mammoth (0%, 0 votes)
  • Comment below 👇🏻 (22%, 6 votes)
27 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago


AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Full video of the rotation I pointed out yesterday on the Park Fire, BBC calls it a "firenado" #ParkFire

Joerg Fliege diaspora
"Massive attack" on French high-speed rail network. (Article in German.)

Details unclear, but mostly arson and sabotage, affecting trains in the North, East, and along the Atlantic coast.

Relevant other news:

Man arrested with explosives near Paris airport was part of vast Russian sabotage campaign

Russia plotting sabotage across Europe, intelligence agencies warn
seems like a bad thing

Qasim Rashid, Esq. mastodon (AP)
Super excited about this and hope to see you at the world premier in Chicago on August 17!

THE CANDIDATE - documents progressive democrat Qasim Rashid as he battles xenophobia, covid, and corporate interests in two different congressional races against well-funded incumbents; first against a Virginia republican in 2020, and in 2024 against an Illinois democrat.

BerlinFokus mastodon (AP)
Uh .. #TaxTheRich (global) hat ne kleine Hürde genommen.

Im Moment bremsen v.a. noch die #USA & #Deutschland .. aber nach November vllt. sogar nur noch Dtl.

Seh schon #ChristianLindner (🖕) als allerletzten aufrechten Kämpfer gegen alle anderen Länder der Welt antreten. 🤪

Carmen Zedler reshared this.
Carmen Zedler mastodon (AP)
das stimmt wohl. Aber #afdwirkt. #kleinklein
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
BerlinFokus mastodon (AP)

Nur so um das aufzudröseln:

die #fckafd ist völkisch - nationalistisch - libertär

die #fckfdp ist rechtskonservativ - klassistisch - libertär

letztere braucht erstere also nicht unbedingt um Politik für #DieReichen zu machen

Stilgherrian mastodon (AP)
Today, Friday 26 July, is (Inter?)National System Administrator Appreciation Day. Pat a nerd today.
Chuck mastodon (AP)
And for those who don't celebrate it, I'm sorry that you cannot log into your computer any more.

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
Bonne soirée les Mastochoux, je vous laisse à vos contre soirées ou vos visionnages d'ouverture, moi, je vais me coucher, continuer l'opération on reprends des forces ^^ Des bisous, des calinoux, des coqs dans la boue. A demain

@pasqualeberesti Toi, oh toi, viens que je m'occupe de toi 💋 💋 💋 💋 💋 🥰 ❤️ :blobcatheart:

Chu 朱 mastodon (AP)
Woman who denies #ClimateBreakdown is a thing and cut funding to fighting forest fires shedding crocodile tears for the forest fires she doesn't give a crap to do anything about.
Olympia Indivisible reshared this.
JustAFrog mastodon (AP)
Saw her on TV news in the Netherlands.

Got mad.

Fuck off with that bullshit, you nasty piece of shit.

But of course, yelling at the screen is not much use.

I'll keep telling people about how the oil pipeline in Jasper got priority protection.

Good morning lovely people 💕
It's Friday 😁
Sending love and hugs to all 🥰🥰
Mug of tea on a kitchen countertop. With white rim and handle, orange text saying Cake Wars on a black background
Sharonbw reshared this.
Maj1 🌶️🐿️ mastodon (AP)
I am Lovely , I’m glad you’re enjoying yours ! 😊🫶🐿️🖖
Maj1 🌶️🐿️ mastodon (AP)
Here’s hoping your mum appreciates the treasure !

Cider & pizza - it’s what Fridays are for!


Mx. Aria Stewart mastodon (AP)
Hide yo couch
Hide yo wife
Ethan Marcotte mastodon (AP)

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
In Belarus wurde ein Deutscher zum Tod verurteilt. Jetzt fleht er im belarussischen Staats-TV um Gnade. Nach wie vor bleibt der Fall nebulös.#Belarus #Todesstrafe #Menschenrechte #Europa #Politik

ADHDean mastodon (AP)
Which personality category is you?

  • Micky Dolenz (7%, 3 votes)
  • Davy Jones (10%, 4 votes)
  • Michael Nesmith (56%, 22 votes)
  • Peter Tork (25%, 10 votes)
39 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

newer older

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