AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Full video of the rotation I pointed out yesterday on the Park Fire, BBC calls it a "firenado" #ParkFire

Joerg Fliege diaspora
"Massive attack" on French high-speed rail network. (Article in German.)

Details unclear, but mostly arson and sabotage, affecting trains in the North, East, and along the Atlantic coast.

Relevant other news:

Man arrested with explosives near Paris airport was part of vast Russian sabotage campaign

Russia plotting sabotage across Europe, intelligence agencies warn
seems like a bad thing

Qasim Rashid, Esq. mastodon (AP)
Super excited about this and hope to see you at the world premier in Chicago on August 17!

THE CANDIDATE - documents progressive democrat Qasim Rashid as he battles xenophobia, covid, and corporate interests in two different congressional races against well-funded incumbents; first against a Virginia republican in 2020, and in 2024 against an Illinois democrat.

Stilgherrian mastodon (AP)
Today, Friday 26 July, is (Inter?)National System Administrator Appreciation Day. Pat a nerd today.
Chuck mastodon (AP)
And for those who don't celebrate it, I'm sorry that you cannot log into your computer any more.

BerlinFokus mastodon (AP)
Uh .. #TaxTheRich (global) hat ne kleine Hürde genommen.

Im Moment bremsen v.a. noch die #USA & #Deutschland .. aber nach November vllt. sogar nur noch Dtl.

Seh schon #ChristianLindner (🖕) als allerletzten aufrechten Kämpfer gegen alle anderen Länder der Welt antreten. 🤪

Carmen Zedler reshared this.
Carmen Zedler mastodon (AP)
das stimmt wohl. Aber #afdwirkt. #kleinklein
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
BerlinFokus mastodon (AP)

Nur so um das aufzudröseln:

die #fckafd ist völkisch - nationalistisch - libertär

die #fckfdp ist rechtskonservativ - klassistisch - libertär

letztere braucht erstere also nicht unbedingt um Politik für #DieReichen zu machen

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
Bonne soirée les Mastochoux, je vous laisse à vos contre soirées ou vos visionnages d'ouverture, moi, je vais me coucher, continuer l'opération on reprends des forces ^^ Des bisous, des calinoux, des coqs dans la boue. A demain

@pasqualeberesti Toi, oh toi, viens que je m'occupe de toi 💋 💋 💋 💋 💋 🥰 ❤️ :blobcatheart:

Chu 朱 mastodon (AP)
Woman who denies #ClimateBreakdown is a thing and cut funding to fighting forest fires shedding crocodile tears for the forest fires she doesn't give a crap to do anything about.
Olympia Indivisible reshared this.
JustAFrog mastodon (AP)
Saw her on TV news in the Netherlands.

Got mad.

Fuck off with that bullshit, you nasty piece of shit.

But of course, yelling at the screen is not much use.

I'll keep telling people about how the oil pipeline in Jasper got priority protection.

Good morning lovely people 💕
It's Friday 😁
Sending love and hugs to all 🥰🥰
Mug of tea on a kitchen countertop. With white rim and handle, orange text saying Cake Wars on a black background
Sharonbw reshared this.
Sharonbw mastodon (AP)
Good morning! We’re seeing the sun today! 🌞 I can’t wait to get out and get some weeding done.
Hope your Friday is a good one!
Good evening lovely, sounds like you've had a good day 💖

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
In Belarus wurde ein Deutscher zum Tod verurteilt. Jetzt fleht er im belarussischen Staats-TV um Gnade. Nach wie vor bleibt der Fall nebulös.#Belarus #Todesstrafe #Menschenrechte #Europa #Politik

Mx. Aria Stewart mastodon (AP)
Hide yo couch
Hide yo wife
Ethan Marcotte mastodon (AP)

ADHDean mastodon (AP)
Which personality category is you?

  • Micky Dolenz (7%, 3 votes)
  • Davy Jones (10%, 4 votes)
  • Michael Nesmith (56%, 22 votes)
  • Peter Tork (25%, 10 votes)
39 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

MikeDunnAuthor mastodon (AP)
And libs wanted this guy for POTUS?

Over 180,000 unhoused people in California. How many of those booted from encampments will get a shelter bed, let alone permanent affordable housing?

Tommy Seiler: "The lesser of two evils, indeed. If you look at the massive 'homeless budget' of CA, you will find only a small fraction goes to building units. Of course. The top rungs of the Dem party are controlled by real estate speculators, and big finance scum. They are not going to build say 40,000 or so units, to try and replace the ONE MILLION that have been lost in just ten years in CA. That would be competition for the rich landlords and their rising rents, and evictions to convert etc. So when he says, in another article, "this is to put pressure on the cities to do their job", he knows damn well cities DO NOT have the money to build tons of affordable units. cites have NEVER had that money. It always was mostly fed and state money. So here you go....the ruling opens up , even though it was legal to sweep before note that, tickets and jailing of homelessness. LA is such bad shape. My god. "There were still 45,253 homeless people counted in the city and 75,312 people unhoused in the county, the authority reported."

#homelessness #SCOTUS #potus #newsom #california
Some do. For years I have thought he was too slick and would not support his—seems likely—Presidential run until he got nominated.

But, always remember that in California politics, the Republicans have, despite terrible results since Schwarzenegger, never moved to the center. Even with the obvious note that Schwarzenegger did not mess with all the things, like culture wars, that the current GOP emphasizes. Thus we vote in Democrats who disappoint over the troglodytes.

Miguel Dante mastodon (AP)
#Historic town of #Jasper in #Alberta, ravaged by devastating #wildfires, dangerous #fire conditions persist across large areas of #Canada & #US: #climate #weather #crisis

For #Trump, the #legal and #political are now inseparable. Is Trump’s refusal to schedule the next debate really about #Harris not yet obtaining the nomination? Or does it reflect the understanding his New York conviction likely will stick (at least through November), reinforcing the prosecutor vs. criminal frame that could benefit her? — Lisa Rubin #quotes #quote #Debate #LawAndOrder #ConvictedFelonTrump
b ste mastodon (AP)
he is shaking in his boots as his paper bag reality collapses before his eyes! thanks for posting!

Memo diaspora

Erstmals Wölfe in Wolfsburg entdeckt: Welpen tappen in Fotofalle

Drei #Wolfswelpen haben am Mittwoch in #Wolfsburg eine #Fotofalle ausgelöst. Für die Jägerschaft Wolfsburg ist das ein entscheidender Hinweis dafür, dass sich in Wolfsburg ein #Rudel angesiedelt haben könnte. Der Jägerschaftsvorsitzende Ralph Schräder spricht von einer Sensation. Es sei das erste Mal, dass #Wölfe hier nachgewiesen wurden, so Schräder. Eigentlich sei eine Stadt wie Wolfsburg wegen des eingeschränkten Platzes kein geeigneter Raum für Wölfe. Laut Schräder reicht den Tieren aber schon eine gesicherte #Nahrungsgrundlage und sie siedeln sich an.

#Natur #Umwelt

Birne Helene diaspora
#Tiktok hat mir gerade vorgeschlagen, Roland Kaiser zu folgen. Was geben die ihrer KI zu essen?
dead key diaspora
Exakt das ist für mich ein Grund, kein Spotify zu nutzen. Die generierten Vorschläge sind an Geschmacklosigkeit nicht zu toppen.
Die KI kennt deine geheimen Bedürfnisse, die du nur nicht auslebst...

Shonin mastodon (AP)
Central Oregon Interagency Dispatch Update | July 26, 2024 | Central Oregon Fire Information

"[Millennials don't know what video stores were like]"

Hey Gen X internet person, even elder Gen Z know what video stores were like. There are millennials that have grandchildren. Do you think video stores ended when the Cold War did? Oh wait, elder millennials remember the Cold War too!

My first German class used a book with West and East Germany in it, and it was only 2 years out of date.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Dewoo Alt-dog pleroma (AP)
"There are millennials that have grandchildren."

mikochi surprised
racist teto pleroma (AP)
@dwaltiz millenials start at 1981 + 20 years (2001): zoomer kids + 20 years (2021): grandchildren
racist teto pleroma (AP)
@dwaltiz we arent used to it but lower classes do make kids generally around age 16-20 in europe. I had a couple of classmates who did.
vt mastodon (AP)
I wonder if this is the mirror to that thing where people call everyone older than them "boomers".

Real opportunity for GenX and Millenials to bond over.

As if.

Shonin mastodon (AP)
#CrazyCreekFire & #KittyCreekFire Update – July 26, 2024, 10 a.m | Central Oregon Fire Information

Blaft Publications mastodon (AP)
Wondering if you can contribute to the THE BLAFT BOOK OF ANTI-CASTE SF Kickstarter in Indian rupees? The answer is *YES*. If you get a failure message, you might need to enable international purchases in your card settings from your bank app. If you're having trouble, please contact us!
Babasaheb Mech Head by Priyanka Paul
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Shonin mastodon (AP)

Tino Eberl ✅ mastodon (AP)
Die neue britische Labour-Regierung hat das Verbrenner-Aus auf 2030 vorgezogen und damit eine Entscheidung der Konservativen rückgängig gemacht. Dies soll der #Autoindustrie #Planungssicherheit geben. Der Verband der #Automobilhersteller fordert nun finanzielle Anreize wie eine #Mehrwertsteuersenkung und die Befreiung von Zusatzsteuern für #Elektroautos.

#Großbritannien #VerbrennerAus #Elektroautos #LabourRegierung #Elektromobilität
Carmen Zedler reshared this.

paulrickards mastodon (AP)
Plotting with light on a vintage oscilloscope!

Tangentially related to pen plotters 🙃

A time lapse of an oscilloscope screen showing an outline in cyan of a cube rotating over time.
paulrickards mastodon (AP)
I bolted on WAV output to my pen plotter workflow to drive the oscilloscope. It’s all just X and Y all the way down.

#oscilloscope #PenPlotter #PenPlotterArt
Oscilloscope display in cyan of a repeating flower pattern. Oscilloscope display of the Picasso Mac icon.
Oscilloscope display of a wireframe Vespa scooter.
paulrickards mastodon (AP)
Stop using Twitter.
An oscilloscope with the words STOP USING TWITTER drawn in cyan outlines.
4 people reshared this

Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish — Euripides #quotes #quote #Wisdom

CNBC RSS Bot mastodon (AP)
FAA approves SpaceX to resume Falcon 9 rocket launches after two-week hiatus

JdeB mastodon (AP)
#Ukraine #Message to #GlobalLeaders

A highly regarded [by me JdeB] vlogger on Ukraine has a message on diplomacy:
do not appease with Russia. You can't make us.

"Why appeasement policy toward russia and putin is a mistake?" [< 1 min]
by Anna from Ukraine

#SlavaUkraini ! #HeroyamSláva! #RussiaIsATerroristState

Shonin mastodon (AP)
#MicrowaveTowerFire Update | July 26, 2024 | Central Oregon Fire Information
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Israel to participate in 2024 Paris Olympics
#cartoon by #Rahma Cartoons

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL Senator John Edwards of NC, USA cheated on his wife and had a child with another woman. He tried to deny it but eventually caved and admitted his mistake. He used campaign funds and was indicted by a grand jury. His life story inspired the show "The Good Wife" by Robert & Michelle King
#til #todayilearned

Wiley Miller mastodon (AP)

Oh, how I wish they could appear at the DNC and perform it.

Shonin mastodon (AP)
#CourtrockFire Update | July 26, 2024 | Central Oregon Fire Information
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Die Letzte Generation blockiert mal wieder – diesmal Flughäfen. Aktivisten müssen mit harten Strafen rechnen.#LetzteGeneration #FrankfurterFlughafen #Klimawandel #Deutschland #Politik #Schwerpunkt

8xTeilzeit mastodon (AP)
Weiss jemand ob es einigermassen problemlos ist als deutsche mit KFZ nach Transkarpatien (Ukraine) einzureisen und sich dort einige Tage aufzuhalten?

Gerne RT.
Gondoliere reshared this.

unusual_whales mastodon (AP)
The hottest bearish and bullish option chains on Unusual Whales today:


See more:

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

Ste5e mastodon (AP)
Put all the Elder Scrolls books on my new #Kobo #ereader
Reading "The Real Barenziah" from The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind on an e-ink screen Kobo Libra Colour
Ste5e mastodon (AP)
@Matt_thoms I'm very happy with it so far, just waiting on the stylus to come in!

Insa van den Berg mastodon (AP)
"'Es ist kein durchgängiges Phänomen, dass Landrätinnen und Landräte in Deutschland bedroht werden', sagte Verbandspräsident Reinhard Sager der Deutschen Presse-Agentur (dpa). Grundsätzlich funktioniere die Arbeit in den Landkreisen gut, und man könne auch gestalten. Allerdings räumt auch Sager ein, es würden in der #Kommunalpolitik 'mehr oder weniger alle auch mit polemischer Kritik konfrontiert, auch mit anonymen Beleidigungen'." #Demokratie

As the CD-R edition is now sold out, it feels appropriate to offer this collection as a complete download.

#TheLegendaryPinkDots #music

Die Linke mastodon (AP)
Die Bahn will 30.000 Stellen streichen. Wenn irgendetwas noch funktioniert bei der Bahn, dann nur Dank dem immensen Engagement der Beschäftigten. Dass sie die Zeche für das Missmanagement ihres unfähigen Vorstands zahlen sollen, schlägt dem Fass den Boden aus!
Auf dem Bild sieht man den Rapper Drake, der folgende Aussage ablehnt: "Mehr Bahn mit weniger Personal" Darunter steht: "Bahnvorstand kündigt brutalen Stellenabbau an". In der unteren Hälfte sieht man Drake, wie er der Aussage zustimmt: "Mehr Bahn mit weniger unfähigem Bahnvorstand" Rechts unten sieht man das Parteilogo
newer older

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