Charlotte Walker mastodon (AP)
I’m settling in to watch the Olympics opening ceremony while drinking chocolate milkshake. I bet you wish you were me.

stux⚡ mastodon (AP)
Sometimes, Washy thinks he’s a dinosaur. A ‘Needy Saurus Rex’ to be precise :dino22:
BT mastodon (AP)
I hear that all too well...

My wife isn't allowed to have anything on her lap while she works aside from Dr. Zoidberg 😅

Matthew mastodon (AP)
more than 160,000 people on a zoom call is just wild
helgenug mastodon (AP)
context pls.
Matthew mastodon (AP)
@helgenug sorry i realise that was quite vague - there was a fundraising for K H zoom call last night that i saw people talking about, i was just shocked at the size of it.

(reposting with her initials only because you may have filtered her name to avoid politics but didn't want you to think i was ignoring your question if so)

cobalt mastodon (AP)
Oh the simple joy for me of opening boxes of my cookbook collection,unseen 2 years from our move here. Going to make peanut butter cookies and I want THAT recipe in THAT community cookbook, but where is it? Of course I can look up a general recipe online but hey, once you find a very special recipe, nothing else will do. Fundraiser cookbooks from the Midwest are treasures. My #TipOfDay is don’t disregard “homemade” cookbooks passed down in your family. There may be just THAT recipe you miss.
3 fundraiser cookbooks decades old: Kansas City, St Donatus Iowa, and Beaumont Texas. All have classic plastic binder spines and the covers look very Old Skool drawings and lettering.
cobalt mastodon (AP)
Also PS. Thank you Grandma Clark, for writing your notes and changes with a recipe. I have a feeling for the major of people those treasured community collection recipes and notes are likely to be a thing of the past. Yes, I may save recipes to my computer files and write notes but it is not at all the same as seeing the handwriting from my grandma. #TipOfDay
Sharonbw mastodon (AP)
One of my favorite cookbook is a copy of Diet for a Small Planet. It was given to me by my sister in law decades ago, with handwritten notes, suggestions and tips. Priceless!
cobalt mastodon (AP)
@davepolaschek oooooh thank you so much! And at least 4 recipes have rhubarb, hot-cha!!!

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Das gemeinsame Ehebett wird romantisch überhöht. Und Paare die sich gar freiwillig eine Bettdecke teilen, haben die Kontrolle über ihr Leben verloren.#Paarbeziehungen #wochentaz #Schlaf #Bett #KolumneStarkeGefühle #Kolumnen #Gesellschaft #Serie

Marcus mastodon (AP)
Detroit, Michigan, June 2024

#Photography #StreetPhotography #NewTopographics #Detroit
Color photograph looking down an empty street that ends at a cross street where there's a broad, squat church building with a Christian cross in the center of the wide eaves above the street level. It's a bright day. There's a red car parked on the sidewalk in front of the church. Color photograph looking at an empty, grass-covered lot on the corner of a block on a bright sunny day. There's a billboard stand in the middle of the load holding an advertisement to join the Detroit police featuring three officers (a white man, a Hispanic man, and a Black woman) looking happy and text that says "Now Hiring $55,120-$87,000+ Academy Graduates, Serve and Protect." At the other end of the block, behind the sign, an old disused brick building is surrounded by more empty lots
Color photograph looking diagonally across a wide street on a bright sunny day. The lots across the street are mostly empty, with trees and and some houses packed in tightly further down from the big street Color photograph looking across a wide gray street on a bright sunny day at a small boxy storefront building, painted gray, with boarded up windows and entrance

JdeB mastodon (AP)
#Ukraina #Monument #DutchAid

The Dutch FryCooks [re]visit a monument on the border of Dnipro and Donbas. They meet voluteer fighters and exchange badges. They want to share their amazement on the number of signatures on it.

"Monument full of memories on the way to Donbas" [6:53 min]
by Franky And Coen into the breach

Quote by FaCitB:
"Jul 25, 2024
This monument is located along the road from Dnipro to Donbas, right on the border of these two provinces. Every day, many soldiers gather here, often on their way to the front. They remember their fallen friends and share their experiences. The monument is adorned with hundreds of flags and covered with thousands of signatures and messages from soldiers and volunteers. Each signature and badge represents the experiences of someone who has left a memory here. It deeply affects us that many of them gave their lives defending Ukraine."

We, Coen and Franky, are two French fry bakers from the Netherlands and bake free fries and snacks in Ukraine for refugees and soldiers.
Soon we will be baking again and providing help in Ukraine in other ways. After all, it is even more needed now than before. Unfortunately, attention for Ukrainian refugees has slackened. For refugees who have not had the opportunity to flee the country there is even less help.
We do not want to forget these people! We are therefore going to offer help on the ground again with our mobile restaurant. We are a small organization with only 2 people (and local help). You can follow everything we do there on our social media.
All help is welcome and sharing this page and our social media is greatly appreciated!
Many thanks,
Franky and Coen

Donations very welcome at -> <-

#SlavaUkraini ! #HeroyamSláva! #RussiaIsATerroristState

Jamie Teh mastodon (AP)
REAPER 7.19 change log:
"in new projects, primary click is higher-pitched than secondary click by default"
The primary click being lower pitch has never made sense to me, and even though you can easily configure it, this is a very welcome change IMO. 😀
Kara Goldfinch hometown (AP)
Completely agree. Can't believe it's taken them going up to 20 years to sort it but it's done now.
Onj 🎶 mastodon (AP)
About time! About, damn, time!

Content warning: Naked Melania Trump

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.

Ann K. mastodon (AP)
The curiosity is worldwide.

Also "Dagbladet" sounds like something Yosemite Sam would say. (I love you Scandinavia!)


Blog Oklahoma mastodon (AP)
⚾ The Blackwell Flycatchers will return to the Pecos League for the 2025 season. The Flycatchers will remain in the Pecos League North. 2025 will mark the third season of Flycatchers Baseball in Oklahoma. To follow the Flycatchers in the offseason visit:

#Oklahoma #Baseball #BlackwellOK

Do they provide a clean change of underwear afterwards? (Yikes!)

Letzte Generation mastodon (AP)
"Hunderte Millionen Euro für Wiederaufbau"
Wer genau richtet hier maximalen Schaden an? Und wieviele Termine zu jeweils 9900€ müsste Volker Wissing verkaufen, um das wieder reinzuholen?

Wehr dich mit uns!
Screenshot von SWR Aktuell Webseite mit Bild von Hochwasserschäden (zerstörte Straße) und Headline "Landesregierung rechnet mit hunderten Millionen Euro für Wiederaufbau"

impfmilf mastodon (AP)
#freitag #fahrrad #landleben
Heute auf dem Weg ins Nachbardorf entdeckt. Ich lieb's.
Kommt heil ins Wochenende!
Ein lebensgroßer Dummy steckt mit dem Oberkörper in einem runden Strohballen. Eine gründe Arbeitshose und Gummistiefel ragen fast senkrecht aus dem Stroh. Daran lehnt ein Fahrrad.

It sounds like Donald wants to Duck the debates...


M.S. Bellows, Jr. reshared this.
ᴚ uɐᗡ mastodon (AP)
oh sweet Jesus fuck what happened now

Denise Gutzmer mastodon (AP)
The Evaporative Demand Drought Index (EDDI) is an experimental #drought monitoring and early warning guidance tool showing where drying dynamics are intense, such as along the West Coast and on the border of Kentucky and West Virginia. #EDDI offers early warning of unusual drying.
The Evaporative Demand Drought Index shows areas of anomalous drying demand across the US.

defense_news mastodon (AP)
Space Force mulling nuclear protection for missile-tracking satellites

The study could drive changes to future tranches of Space Development Agency and Space Systems Command satellites.
#defense #miltodon #defence #defense_news


Found @Clara Listensprechen's Account,

No more orange stains, enjoy!

I made daisy chains this weekend with my little boy so I crocheted one for him to bring to creche this morning. They then spent the morning working on daisy crafts ☺️ #crochet #crafting #summer #daisies
Crocheted daisies connect by a green crocheted chain

Der Heinz mastodon (AP)
Na sowas:
Als ich vorhin mit dem #Fahrrad zum Einkaufen fuhr, wurde ich - bergauf fahrend - gleich zweimal von Autofahrer*innen an Engstellen vorgelassen, an denen sie eigentlich Vorfahrt hatten!
Muss ja auch mal gesagt werden, bei all den negativen Nachrichten...

Command Line Magic mastodon (AP)
If you ever need to test keys on your keyboard in X windows, a nice program to use is xev. You can run it like this from the shell:

xev -event keyboard

Then make sure its window has focus and start pressing keys. To stop, close the window.
A screenshot of the xev window with the terminal window showing keycodes pressed behind it.

Whoever started that couchfucking rumor needs to be canonized as the new patron saint of internet trolls. #uspol #chaoticgood

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Petition seeking a ban on using smart phones in school #luxembourg
Petition seeking a ban on using smart phones in school

popey mastodon (AP)
TIL: Linux Mint ships yt-dlp on the ISO.


Sam Wade mastodon (AP)
Britain drops its challenge to ICC arrest warrants for Israeli leaders

AaronDavid mastodon (AP)
If you see someone doing a crossword today, lean over them and say 7 up is Lemonade.

Gestern habe ich von @Lady_Amalthea diesen Song der Künstlerin Sarah Lesch empfohlen bekommen. Wir hatte da so ein Thema in der Fediverse Sprechstunde. Ich kannte den noch nicht. Aber der sollte gerade hier in Sachsen und Thüringen verbreitet werden. Ich mach das gleich mal auch in anderen Kanälen. 😉 Guter Text! Nie wieder!

Paul mastodon (AP)
Subscribed to Amazon Prime as film club have had a few choices from there recently and they’re not always available elsewhere (usually I’ll buy the DVD if it’s an older film). Figured out I may as well get my money’s worth so started watching Clarkson’s Farm.

OMG it’s hilarious. Like Top Gear, I’m sure a lot is scripted, and the co-stars haven’t yet got the bonhomie of Hammond and May, but I’m really enjoying it and, surprisingly, learning a lot about farming.
Paul mastodon (AP)
I knew farming was tough and not very profitable, but I didn’t realise how much difference a few days of stopping planting due to rain made (1/3 loss of yield in the example they used). Yes Clarkson is making a hash of some things for comedic value, but it looks incredibly hard work for negligible reward, unless you can convince Amazon to commission you to film it…

Richi Jennings mastodon (AP)
Hundreds of PC models from vendors such as HP, Lenovo, Dell, Intel, Acer and Gigabyte shipped with useless boot protection—using private keys that aren’t private.

#SecureBoot is completely broken, scream the headlines. Why? A team of researchers from Santa Monica have found countless flaws in the way major PC vendors manage the #crypto keys that keep your PC’s boot process trustworthy. And the problem started at least 12 years ago.

The researchers are calling it #PKfail. In #SBBlogwatch, we scramble to rotate our keys. At @TechstrongGroup​’s @SecurityBlvd:

Rechtsruck Stoppen mastodon (AP)
📢 Einladung zum Plenum! 🚫👣 #RechtsruckStoppen

🗓️ 31.07.
🕕 18:00 Uhr
📍 Carl-Zeiss-Straße 3, Hörsaal 4, #Jena

🌟 Newcomer? Kommt um 🕟17:30!
👥Bringt gern Freunde mit!

Vor den Landtagswahlen in Thüringen: Lasst uns für ein solidarisches Thüringen stark machen! Treffen, austauschen, Aktionen planen – wie das bevorstehende System Change Camp (5.-11. August, Erfurt).

#wirsinddiebrandmauer #afdverbotjetzt
Ein Bild mit Informationen zu einer Veranstaltung. Der Hintergrund ist ein Farbverlauf von Blau zu Lila. Der Haupttext lautet "RECHTSRUCK STOPPEN!" in großen weißen Buchstaben. Darunter steht "Großes Plenum am 31.07". Rechts ist eine einfache weiße Linienzeichnung von zwei Händen, die sich fest umklammern, als Symbol für Zusammenhalt. Weitere Informationen:

- "Du kommst zum ersten Mal dazu oder brauchst nochmal einen ersten Überblick? Dann komm zum Newcomer-Treffen um 17:30!"
- Zeit: 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr (angezeigt durch ein Uhr-Symbol)
- Ort: Hörsaal 4 | Carl-Zeiss-Straße 3, 07743 Jena (angezeigt durch ein Standort-Symbol)

Das Design ist schlicht und informativ, mit klaren Kontrasten.
Ein quadratisches Bild mit einem Verlauf von Dunkelblau zu Lila im Hintergrund. Oben in großen, weißen Buchstaben steht "WIR BRAUCHEN DICH!". Es folgt der Text: "In 37 Tagen sind Landtagswahlen in Thüringen: In den letzten Monaten wurden für den August super viele verschiedene Veranstaltungen/Camps/Demos/Socializings etc. gegen den Rechtsruck organisiert. Damit diese jetzt stattfinden  können, braucht es ganz viele Menschen, die mit dabei sind, also es braucht genau dich! Komm zum Plenum, unterstütze uns bei unseren vielfältigen Aktionen und sei Teil des antifaschistischen Augusts!" Am unteren Rand des Bildes ist das Symbol "rechtsruck stoppen" mit zwei ineinander greifenden Händen abgebildet.
⚠️🇺🇦AFU defenders repel major Russian mechanized assault in Donetsk Oblast. The ISW reports that Russian invaders launched its largest mechanized assault since October 2023 in western Donetsk Oblast, which was blunted by AFU defenses. #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Tony the Mechanic mastodon (AP)
This is another win-win from the Biden-Harris administration made possible by the administration’s 2021 Infrastructure Law.

#CleanEnergy #Harris2024

Clean energy element needs could help clean up Appalachian coal mines | 90.5 WESA:

Adrian Roselli mastodon (AP)
“Adobe exec compared Creative Cloud cancellation fees to ‘heroin’”

This excuse is rich. Apparently simple math is too hard for Adobe.

So glad I canceled my Adobe subscription.
I asked Rao why the order screen doesn’t just clearly display the termination fee, which would solve a lot of the FTC’s problems, and his explanation was that calculating and displaying that price isn’t easy since the fee is 50 percent of a customer’s remaining term. “It will always depend on when you cancel. That’s how the fee is determined.”
Adrian Roselli mastodon (AP)
@starbreaker Maybe the attorney meant the LLM chatbot Adobe used to replace humans could not do it?

Tony the Mechanic mastodon (AP)
Thanks to the Biden-Harris Administration for providing this funding to help protect and strengthen coastal communities from the effects of climate change, including flooding and extreme weather.

Republicans and Project 2025 plan to completely ignore climate change and eliminate our agencies that help us deal with it. #ElectHarris2024

Biden puts $575 million toward making coastal communities more resilient to climate change:
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.

⛔️🇫🇮”No Clear Intent” Will Be NATO’s Claim Not To Act: Russian Vessel Violates Finish Territorial Waters (more) #Ukraine #Finland #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Steve Silberman mastodon (AP)
If anyone thinks Trump's statement to his nephew that disabled people should "just die" (actual quote) is just empty talk, the GOP's Project 2025 will put it into action by framing the deficit as a "Medicare and Medicaid problem" instead of a GOP billionaire donor problem. If you want the disabled people in your life to "just die," vote red.
KalleMP mastodon (AP)
Both parties are captured by the same exact corporate interests. By design. The only hope for America and the rest of the world is to vote independent and vote for rational solutions that do not require half of the citizens to be wrong. A country should fix everything and anything possible where all people are in agreement and keep discussing those things that people are in disagreement until a universally fair solution is found.

Using the bully power of 51% of the media indoctrinated people to force the 49% to do what the media wants is horrible. If the media is taken out of the equation then most people want to do the right thing and be left alone and will leave others alone. The mainstream media in the hands of just few billionaires is used to divide people on mostly irrational, irrelevant, non political and emotional grounds into opposing caps that think they have nothing in common with each other.

If you actually want the medical system to be fixed the only small chance is going to be RFK Jr.

Check his policies, and decide which other candidate has the same priorities.

ethergear mastodon (AP)
Never mind the brain worm, RFK Jr was behind the worst measles outbreak in Samoa. 5700+ sickened, 83 dead, mostly children. He's never apologized.

To protect children around the world from disease, vote for Kamala Harris.

#kennedy24 #antivax #mastodonforharris #MicrobeTV

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL Zhang Shuhong was a Chinese businessman who committed suicide after toys made at his factory for Fisher-Price (a division of Mattel) were found to contain lead paint
#til #todayilearned
newer older

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