taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Biden kann wieder mit seinem Schäferhund kuscheln, Rechte lässt man links liegen und Scholz grinst vorm Urlaub. 5 Dinge, die wir diese Woche gelernt haben.#JoeBiden #OlafScholz #Kokain #Haie #OlympischeSpiele2024 #Alltag #Gesellschaft #Schwerpunkt

Mastodon Users mastodon (AP)
15,302,761 accounts
+106 in the last hour
+2,600 in the last day
+15,331 in the last week
Four time-based charts

Upper blue area: Number of Mastodon users
Upper cyan area: Hourly increases of number of users
Lower orange area: Number of active instances
Lower yellow area: Thousand toots per hour

For current figures please read the text of this post

Phil Plait mastodon (AP)
Fun fact: You can see stars during the daytime*!

It's just really hard.

[*Not including the Sun, duh]
Dan Neuman hometown (AP)
I think a blue-blocking filter might work (orange gelatin filter)

JuneSim63 mastodon (AP)
Yasmine Ahmed, UK Director of Human Rights Watch (HRW) has said that it is “absolutely critical” that the UK does not continue to challenge the right of the ICC to seek arrest warrants for the Israeli prime minster, Benjamin Netanyahu, and defence minister, Yoav Gallant, who the court’s chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, believes could bear responsibility for crimes against humanity.

#Israel #ICC #WarCrimes #LabourGovernment #UKPolitics #HumanRights #HRW #Netanyahu
JuneSim63 mastodon (AP)
And it's happened...

Britain drops its challenge to the ICC request for arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant, the correct course of action. Now ban arms exports...

#ICC #Israel #Netanyahu #Gallant #UKPolitics

BerlinFokus mastodon (AP)
🤔 🤔

Vielleicht sollte #Mastodon auch vollkommen ausgedachte "#View" - Zahlen und #Bots die eure Posts sinnlos ins Nirgendwo boosten einführen, damit die Honks die noch auf #Twitter aktiv sind ihre Fake-Reichweite mitnehmen können.

[ haha .. bloß nicht 😏 ]
BerlinFokus mastodon (AP)

Ja ich fühl mich hier auch recht wohl.

Drüben hatte ich zwar auch meine kleine Community & das war spannend und z.T. echt hilfreich .. aber mensch war Fremden gegenüber wirklich immer sehr feindlich als Grundposition eingestellt.

Hier hör ich mir erst mal alles an, schlaf ggf. ne Nacht drüber, und siehe da, so einige Konflikte stellen sich oft einfach nur als Missverständnisse raus.

Das hat der Eugen gut konzipiert & wir füllen es gut.

Klar gibs auch A-Löcher. Aber sehr wenige.
@energisch_ True. Ich hab auf Xitter fünf Mal so viele Follower wie hier, aber null Interaktion. Keine Replies, keine interessanten Gespräche, keine Retweets, keine Likes. Schlicht und ergreifend kein Feedback, das darauf hindeutet, dass überhaupt wer irgendeinen Post liest, außer diese komische Impression-Zahl. Und wenn doch mal eine Reaktion kommt, ist es fast immer ein persönlicher Angriff. Daher hab ich mich hier her verkrümelt, ist so viel angenehmer. @berlinfokus

Old Man in the Shoe mastodon (AP)

Old Man in the Shoe mastodon (AP)

Old Man in the Shoe mastodon (AP)
I'll never understand why Obama didn't order a drone strike on Trump because of the birther stuff.

Old Man in the Shoe mastodon (AP)
People who can stand criticism of their lives but are begging for your help are condemning your behavior. They feel justified too.

taz mastodon (AP)
Besitzen UnternehmenserbInnen mehr als 26 Millionen Euro, müssen sie eigentlich Steuern zahlen. Ein Schlupfloch erlaubt ihnen, das zu umgehen.!6023578

#ParkFireChico / #ParkFire - Chico, Butte & Tehama Counties, California - 7:45 am update

164,286 acres
0% containment

Structures Threatened: 4,200
Structures Destroyed: 134

Total Personnel 1633
Engines 142
Water Tenders 17
Helicopters 6
Dozers 54
Hand Crews 45
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Shonin reshared this.

Chris Northwood mastodon (AP)
Someone in the party has sent me a Home Office commissioned report on "gender variance" he thought I might find interesting... despite being a bit initially "oh fuck is this going to be TERFy bullshit" it's not, it's from 2008 and it's actually really interesting that everything we're seeing today (people presenting younger, especially the huge growth in children presenting with gender dysphoria, and the gender balance) was expected in 2008! A few choice quotes from the exec summary in thread

PodcastsLive :pci: mastodon (AP)
Bands at Bitcoin, Embassy Suites, Downtown Nashvi… is going #live!

Day 2—Bands at Bitcoin

stream url:

<p>Live music from the <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="">Embassy Suites</a> in downtown Nashville!</p> <h2>Schedule</h2> <p>(All times CDT)</p> <p>11:00 AM—CHARLEY T<br> 12:00 PM—ALICIA STOCKMAN<br> 01:00 PM—THE HIGHER LOW<br> 02:00 PM—ZHAKLINA<br> 03:00 PM—JOJO SCOTT<br> 04:00 PM—HERBIVORE</p>
Mike Neumann :pci: mastodon (AP)
@jcostello Same! I came home with 1,333 (heh) photos and videos but none of them do it justice. Didn't run across Moritz or Absolut Absolem, but that woulda been cool. 😀

Good grief, she's got brass pipes!

Quinn Norton mastodon (AP)
Congratulations to everyone out there who has gotten Covid several times and have barely even noticed it. May I invite you to fucking shut your pie hole about it already and put a mask over it, you abelist dickweed.

nd.Aktuell mastodon (AP)
Mit Drohnenangriffen zerstört die #Türkei zivile Infrastruktur in #Rojava. Der kurdische Halbmond setzt auf den Aufbau von Solaranlagen und eine internationale Unterstützungskampagne.

Sean Eric Fagan mastodon (AP)
Cached US Kindle giveaway: 10 copies of C.S. Friedman's This Alien Shore (The Outworlds series Book 1) (which, btw, caused me to find out there's a sequel). I not only have this, but have read it! (Although I took the jacket off the hardcover, because the young lady on the cover bore a striking resemblance to someone and it was an unpleasant reminder.)

The setting reminds me of Cordwainer Smith, and I can't think of a higher compliment.

Joshua Holland mastodon (AP)
Nine years ago, Hillary said around half of Trump's supporters were bigots of various stripes and despite that being a generous estimate, the right hasn't stopped whining about it since--and they convinced the press that it was a consequential slur.

This will be forgotten in 2 days...

#vance #fascism #media #election2024
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
De-humanising your enemy makes it easier to herd them into camps and kill them. Vance knows this of course.

John Spurlock mastodon (AP)
‘Rising consumer concerns around internet privacy, and the requirement that publishers easily allow readers to opt-out of cookies, have seen the number of people accepting them drop substantially

Consent or pay strategies seek to address this challenge’

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Here's what J.D. Vance's old blogs expose about Trump's V.P. pick - Raw Story

#OtD 26 Jul 1937 British authorities in Barbados secretly deported Clement Payne, a worker who was trying to start a trade union, to Trinidad, where police were waiting to arrest him for possessing prohibited literature. More info here:
Dan Neuman reshared this.

Rich Felker mastodon (AP)
I'm really disappointed in all the anti-campaign-fundraising rhetoric going around here.

Yes mutual aid is much more impactful dollar-for-dollar, and it's disappointing that nowhere near as much cash has gone to mutual aid requests. (Hey, if you can do both, please do!)

But political fundraising serves very different and important purposes.

Rich Felker mastodon (AP)
Is this a just system? Absolutely not. That's not the point. It's a matter of how you make most effective use of the unjust system we live in now to steer it in a better direction.
Rich Felker mastodon (AP)
But the same principles about feeling staked in the outcome apply to other types of fundraising too, including mutual aid. I don't have data to support this, but I would not be surprised if people who have experienced donating for a political cause subsequently find it easier to give to mutual aid requests, *and* think and care more about their outcomes.

Andrew Pam diaspora
Israel tried to frustrate US lawsuit over Pegasus spyware, leak suggests
The Israeli government took extraordinary measures to frustrate a high-stakes US lawsuit that threatened to reveal closely guarded secrets about one of the world’s most notorious hacking tools, leaked files suggest.

Israeli officials seized documents about Pegasus spyware from its manufacturer, NSO Group, in an effort to prevent the company from being able to comply with demands made by WhatsApp in a US court to hand over information about the invasive technology.

Documents suggest the seizures were part of an unusual legal manoeuvre created by Israel to block the disclosure of information about Pegasus, which the government believed would cause “serious diplomatic and security damage” to the country.

Pegasus allows NSO clients to infect smartphones with hidden software that can extract messages and photos, record calls and secretly activate microphones. NSO’s clients have included both authoritarian regimes and democratic countries and the technology has been linked to human rights abuses around the world.

Since late 2019, NSO has been battling a lawsuit in the US brought by WhatsApp, which has alleged the Israeli company used a vulnerability in the messaging service to target more than 1,400 of its users in 20 countries over a two-week period. NSO has denied the allegations.

The removal of files and computers from NSO’s offices in July 2020 – until now hidden from the public by a strict gag order issued by an Israeli court – casts new light on the close ties between Israel and NSO and the overlapping interests of the privately owned surveillance company and the country’s security establishment.

The July 2020 seizures were made after Israeli officials and the company appear to have discussed how to respond to WhatsApp’s requests for NSO to disclose internal files about its spyware, raising questions about whether they coordinated to conceal certain information from US legal proceedings.
jamais+37 phil reshared this.

Thomas 🔭🕹️ mastodon (AP)


Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
More and more Republicans view 'weird far-right' Vance as major liability for Trump campaign -

Newsman chyrons basically make a case for #voting #Harris 2024 #politics #USelection
A series of inflammatory statements that sound just dandy

AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
We don't want to hear about wildfires and heatwaves,
Or other scary stuff,
Things falling apart and breaking
We've really had enough

We just want to go through life,
without the slightest clue
We just want happy thoughts,
so sorry, I guess we've got to block you.

(alas, a poem for people who have unfollowed me, LOL)

#poem (human)
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Well, here you go, if you're concerned about heatwaves (surviving one!) here's a great guide on creating cool rooms:
AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
@cy Here's also a guide on how to recognize Heat Cramps, Exhaustion, and Stroke
uring extremely hot and humid weather, your body's ability to cool itself is challenged. When the body heats too rapidly to cool itself properly, or when too much fluid or salt is lost through dehydration or sweating, body temperature rises and you or someone you care about may experience a heat-related illness. It is important to know the symptoms of excessive heat exposure and the appropriate responses. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides a list of warning signs and symptoms of heat illness, and recommended first aid steps. Some of these symptoms and steps are listed below.
Heat Cramps

Heat cramps may be the first sign of heat-related illness, and may lead to heat exhaustion or stroke.

    Symptoms: Painful muscle cramps and spasms usually in legs and abdomen and Heavy sweating.
    First Aid: Apply firm pressure on cramping muscles or gently massage to relieve spasm. Give sips of water unless the person complains of nausea, then stop giving water. 

    Seek immediate medical attention if cramps last longer than 1 hour.

Heat Exhaustion

    Symptoms: Heavy sweating, Weakness or tiredness, cool, pale, clammy skin; fast, weak pulse, muscle cramps, dizziness, nausea or vomiting, headache, fainting,
    First Aid: Move person to a cooler environment, preferably a well air conditioned room. Loosen clothing. Apply cool, wet cloths or have person sit in a cool bath. Offer sips of water. If person vomits more than once,


"Snakes appear in the Russian north as the Arctic warms
Climate change also drives #spiders and #herons out of their natural habitat "

#Arctic #GlobalWarming #Environment #Science #WildLife #Europe #Politics #2024Election #Democrats #MAGA #GOP #Republicans #Habitat

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Kamala Harris Taunts Trump For Backing Out Of Debates Pact

#Harris #Harris2024
Paul_stilgar mastodon (AP)
yes it's true, we are a little naive on this side of the Atlantic.
education should be the priority of every state.
Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
@Paul_stilgar As a retired educator who spends hours every day trying to add to the knowledge of my followers, I 100% agree.

Today marks 102 years since the birth of James #Lovelock and 2 years since he passed away. A major biography by @JonathanWatts is coming later this year, but for now, interested readers can revisit my four-parter on the #Gaia hypothesis:
newer older

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