Andrew Pam diaspora
Israel tried to frustrate US lawsuit over Pegasus spyware, leak suggests
The Israeli government took extraordinary measures to frustrate a high-stakes US lawsuit that threatened to reveal closely guarded secrets about one of the world’s most notorious hacking tools, leaked files suggest.

Israeli officials seized documents about Pegasus spyware from its manufacturer, NSO Group, in an effort to prevent the company from being able to comply with demands made by WhatsApp in a US court to hand over information about the invasive technology.

Documents suggest the seizures were part of an unusual legal manoeuvre created by Israel to block the disclosure of information about Pegasus, which the government believed would cause “serious diplomatic and security damage” to the country.

Pegasus allows NSO clients to infect smartphones with hidden software that can extract messages and photos, record calls and secretly activate microphones. NSO’s clients have included both authoritarian regimes and democratic countries and the technology has been linked to human rights abuses around the world.

Since late 2019, NSO has been battling a lawsuit in the US brought by WhatsApp, which has alleged the Israeli company used a vulnerability in the messaging service to target more than 1,400 of its users in 20 countries over a two-week period. NSO has denied the allegations.

The removal of files and computers from NSO’s offices in July 2020 – until now hidden from the public by a strict gag order issued by an Israeli court – casts new light on the close ties between Israel and NSO and the overlapping interests of the privately owned surveillance company and the country’s security establishment.

The July 2020 seizures were made after Israeli officials and the company appear to have discussed how to respond to WhatsApp’s requests for NSO to disclose internal files about its spyware, raising questions about whether they coordinated to conceal certain information from US legal proceedings.
jamais+37 phil reshared this.

Thomas 🔭🕹️ mastodon (AP)


Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
More and more Republicans view 'weird far-right' Vance as major liability for Trump campaign -

Newsman chyrons basically make a case for #voting #Harris 2024 #politics #USelection
A series of inflammatory statements that sound just dandy

AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
We don't want to hear about wildfires and heatwaves,
Or other scary stuff,
Things falling apart and breaking
We've really had enough

We just want to go through life,
without the slightest clue
We just want happy thoughts,
so sorry, I guess we've got to block you.

(alas, a poem for people who have unfollowed me, LOL)

#poem (human)
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AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Well, here you go, if you're concerned about heatwaves (surviving one!) here's a great guide on creating cool rooms:
AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
@cy Here's also a guide on how to recognize Heat Cramps, Exhaustion, and Stroke
uring extremely hot and humid weather, your body's ability to cool itself is challenged. When the body heats too rapidly to cool itself properly, or when too much fluid or salt is lost through dehydration or sweating, body temperature rises and you or someone you care about may experience a heat-related illness. It is important to know the symptoms of excessive heat exposure and the appropriate responses. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides a list of warning signs and symptoms of heat illness, and recommended first aid steps. Some of these symptoms and steps are listed below.
Heat Cramps

Heat cramps may be the first sign of heat-related illness, and may lead to heat exhaustion or stroke.

    Symptoms: Painful muscle cramps and spasms usually in legs and abdomen and Heavy sweating.
    First Aid: Apply firm pressure on cramping muscles or gently massage to relieve spasm. Give sips of water unless the person complains of nausea, then stop giving water. 

    Seek immediate medical attention if cramps last longer than 1 hour.

Heat Exhaustion

    Symptoms: Heavy sweating, Weakness or tiredness, cool, pale, clammy skin; fast, weak pulse, muscle cramps, dizziness, nausea or vomiting, headache, fainting,
    First Aid: Move person to a cooler environment, preferably a well air conditioned room. Loosen clothing. Apply cool, wet cloths or have person sit in a cool bath. Offer sips of water. If person vomits more than once,


"Snakes appear in the Russian north as the Arctic warms
Climate change also drives #spiders and #herons out of their natural habitat "

#Arctic #GlobalWarming #Environment #Science #WildLife #Europe #Politics #2024Election #Democrats #MAGA #GOP #Republicans #Habitat

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Kamala Harris Taunts Trump For Backing Out Of Debates Pact

#Harris #Harris2024
Paul_stilgar mastodon (AP)
yes it's true, we are a little naive on this side of the Atlantic.
education should be the priority of every state.
Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
@Paul_stilgar As a retired educator who spends hours every day trying to add to the knowledge of my followers, I 100% agree.

Today marks 102 years since the birth of James #Lovelock and 2 years since he passed away. A major biography by @JonathanWatts is coming later this year, but for now, interested readers can revisit my four-parter on the #Gaia hypothesis:

Lauralee Dukeshire mastodon (AP)
We and our children are being denied of our rights to clean indoor air in hospitals and schools. Here's how we can achieve our right to clean air!
#CleanAir #LongCovid #CovidIsNotOver #H5N1 #Covid #YallMasking #SaltingTheVibes #Disability

Ann K. mastodon (AP)
The Houseplant Inspector is back!
Lulu the cat amongst some houseplants.


the #NationalPark „Niokolo-Koba” in #Senegal was removed from the endangered list. Due to positive steps from the government, the park (part of Unesco’s #WorldHeritage list) recovered and became healthy again with regards to animal diversity, plant life & human disturbance.

source: #Tagesspiegel / #Unesco
an image of a tropical river meandering through a dense green forest // in the national park Niokolo-Koba in Senegal // photo: #wikipedia

Asphalt burns, delirium, body bags: extreme heat overwhelms ERs across US #Extremeweather #Climatecrisis #Extremeheat #Arizona #USnews #Health #Texas

My question of the day is that when Harris does get elected, her title will be "Madam President," correct? Is it all right to address letters to her as "Ms. Harris"?
Etiquette is such a sticky thing. it'll take some getting used to. At least the "Your excellency" won't have to change!

earthquake friendica (via ActivityPub)

RIP Aunty Cathy
tweet from Jackie English quote tweeting Miners Strike
Miners Strike tweet:
A good time to remind everyone of this scottish lady who was interviewed when margaret thatcher died.

"i'd put a stake through her heart and garlic round her neck to make sure she never comes back"
video of older woman standing in George Square holding an umbrella

Jackie English tweet:
It’s with great sadness that my Auntie Cathy (Rutherford) has very suddenly passed away this week. Born in Glasgow my Auntie Cathy was a trade unionist to the core and remained politically active her whole life. This famous clip shows you exactly where she stood.

Matthew Bittorf mastodon (AP)
With several large fires spreading across the Pacific Northwest, we will see an uptick in smoke across the upper Midwest. Over the weekend, it will be noticeable but probably not terrible. Depending on the spread of wildfires over the weekend, wind patterns next week will be such that it will almost be a direct route for the smoke to spread into the region. We'll keep an eye on it, but early indications are that next week could be bad. #wiwx #wildfire

Joerg Fliege diaspora
Rivet Joint sends its regards:

UK Leads Crimean Air Reconnaissance Operations Against Russian Air Defenses
A Royal Air Force Boeing RC-135W aircraft operating over the Black Sea on Wednesday played cat and mouse with Russian forces for almost four hours as it probed Russian-occupied Crimean Peninsula air defenses. [...] Two RAF Typhoon Eurofighters launched from Mihail Kogălniceanu airport, a NATO air base near the Romanian port city of Constanta, tailed the Rivet Joint, flying escort patterns ranging close-in, at 50 kilometers (31 miles) distance, flight data showed.

Typically, the surveillance aircraft has a 20–25-person flight crew and equipment technicians. The last time NATO mounted a deep penetration manned flight towards Crimea, was on June 28, when an RAF RC-135 operated some 200 kilometers from the occupied peninsula.

Well, this time they got down to 90km distance.
At the same time as the Rivet Joint headed out from the Romanian coast, the usually little-used airspace was being used by a US Navy Poseidon maritime patrol plane, three Romanian civil air helicopters flying search and rescue patterns, and a civil Airbus 321 airliner flying, a little strangely, in tight circles with no apparent clear destination.

If that was a civilian Airbus you can call me Shirley.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Halla fær rafbíl á sérdíl #iceland
Halla fær rafbíl á sérdíl

Kim Perales mastodon (AP)
EARN <$10/HR!

When employees have brought concerns re reports of missing paychecks & repeated, sometimes fatal, incidents of armed robberies to the co’s attention, corporate -locked them out of HG +tossed out 450 worker-signed petitions.

W/o a way for co-approved recourse, some workers in Columbia, SC, began a series of concerted worker actions with a walkout last July, to demand an end to a co policy -forces workers to buy a WH meal, each shift.

#Union #WorkersRights
Kim Perales reshared this.

Steve Herman mastodon (AP)
Next Thursday, Vice President Harris will return to Atlanta for a campaign event. It will be her sixth visit to Georgia this year. - White House
#Harris should do two events in Georgia that day. One in Atlanta and one out in rural GA. Take the fight to Trump!

I’ll likely be there.

Watch live: NASA holds briefings on Crew 9 mission as SpaceX nears return to flight

[summary]Watch live as NASA holds briefings at the Johnson Space Center in Houston
on the upcoming Crew 9 mission and SpaceX rolls out a Falcon 9 as it
prepares to return to flight with its workhorse rocket.

" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">[/summary]

Watch live as NASA holds briefings at the Johnson Space Center in Houston on the upcoming Crew 9 mission. A SpaceX Dragon capsule is due to ferry NASA astronauts Zena Cardman, Nick Hague, and Stephanie Wilson and cosmonaut Aleksandr Gorbunov to the International Space Station in August. Meanwhile at Kennedy Space Center SpaceX is rolling out a Falcon 9 for the first launch of its workhorse rocket since an upper stage failure on July 11 suspended flights.

Shonin mastodon (AP)
Many new fire starts in Eastern Oregon, Idaho, Montana (flame icon on yellow background) >>

ArcGIS - US Wildfire Activity Web Map!
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Rick Thoman mastodon (AP)
High temperatures in and around Alaska on Thursday. Another hot day for central and eastern portions of the North Slope, Brooks Range and northern Yukon Territory. Deadhorse high temperature of 80F (26.7C) is a record high for the date. Much cooler over southwest mainland Alaska than earlier in the week. #akwx #weather @Climatologist49
Map centered on Alaska showing site-specific high temperatures (ºF) on Thursday, July 25, 2024.

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
'Oh boy': Onlookers say Trump is 'big mad' that people are questioning if he was shot - Raw Story
PaulNickson 🕊️ mastodon (AP)
Which ofc automatically proves it was not a bullet.

When the Carter Center began leading the international campaign to eradicate Guinea worm disease in 1986, there were an estimated 3.5 million cases in at least 21 African and Asian countries. During the first three months of this year, not a single case has been detected worldwide. #upliftingnews
eeepee reshared this.

3 people reshared this

Brandi Buchman mastodon (AP)
Woman imprisoned for abortion, wrongfully charged with murder, will be allowed to sue prosecutors, sheriffs for $1M
Marion Donnelly reshared this.

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
The worst VP pick ever - The Warning with Steve Schmidt
BoredomFestival mastodon (AP)
Remember when we all thought Dan Quayle was bad? Simpler times, man
Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
@BoredomFestival LOL. I thought Quayle was perfect (as a jester)

John Spurlock mastodon (AP)
something that occurred to me yesterday:

the cost of fuzzy answers is going to zero => massive demand for non-fuzzy answers in the future

get good at providing non-fuzzy answers! an increasingly scarce resource

short clippy, long calculators

Thomas 🔭🕹️ mastodon (AP)
Today’s shitty camera, CASIO QV-120 (0.3MP, 1997)

#shittycamerachallenge #vga
Taking a picture of Zaha. The camera doesn’t have a viewfinder but relies on incredibly janky live view that eats up batteries. The lens can be tilted so you can see the screen better as off-angle viewing is impossible.
Zaha the cat with the front of the camera that proudly proclaims “VGA”
Thomas 🔭🕹️ mastodon (AP)
@agebhard they cost practically nothing on eBay (if you're patient)
Andreas Gebhard mastodon (AP)
aaahh yes, that makes sense 😀

Marion Donnelly mastodon (AP)
Why is that @nytimes

I'm actually considering forming a #polarbears for Harris.
I don't know any, but you gotta start somewhere, right?
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frater chaos diaspora

Universal Hub mastodon (AP)
Court asked to decide if a local public-access channel can enforce a #copyright its livestreams of city-council meetings against people who post snippets from them

#Massachusetts #Waltham #YouTube

Canayjun mastodon (AP)
An old friend from back in the day just released a new tune. Bill Wood was a rocker back in the 80’s with Juno nominated Eye-Eye. I knew Bill when he and his wife ran a weekly community dinner and food bank for street kids at an Out of the Cold program. Heart of gold that man. He’s still writing music and singing - more rockabilly country now with his friends living out in PEC. This tune is Big Wheels, tells a story of “progress” in small towns. #indiemusic #Canadian
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Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL the Foxconn suicides were a spate of suicides linked to low pay and brutal working conditions at the Foxconn City industrial park in Shenzhen, China, that occurred alongside several additional suicides at various other Foxconn-owned locations and facilities in mainland China.
#til #todayilearned
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