Dan Neuman hometown (AP)
#Poilievre is trying to make a mountain out of a decriminalization molehill. What he says is a secret plan to decriminalize hard drugs was posted onto an open government website, and only states that the Trudeau government will work with any jurisdiction that wants to use decriminalization to reduce opioid deaths in the area. It isn't a national plan at all. #CanPoli #CDNPoli
Nick Pilon mastodon (AP)
@crispius I think the part to 🙄 at isn't the decriminalization side, it's the idea that this is a "secret plan" that Trudeau is going to "force" on the country.

This is (at least) the second time this year that the cons have run the "secret Liberal plans" script, and rather than explaining every time how gov't works, the response needs to be making fun of them for being fools.

Grantscherm mastodon (AP)
Wenn heute für dich alles schief gegangen ist, ist das kein Wunder.

Wir haben Freitag, den 26. Das ist doppelt so schlimm wie Freitag, der 13.

Onkel Schrullich mastodon (AP)
"Welchen Geschmack soll ihr Kaffee haben? Vanille, Cookie Choko, Lotus Biscoff, Macadamia, Haselnuss?"
"Kaffeegeschmack wäre toll."

Flock of Nazguls mastodon (AP)



Der Schwarze Holunder ist übrigens die #Heilpflanze des Jahres 2024. Die schwarzblauen Beeren sind vielseitig in der #Küche und #Naturmedizin verwendbar, sollten jedoch nie roh gegessen werden. Sie enthalten den #Giftstoff #Sambunigrin, der durch Erhitzen unschädlich gemacht wird. #Holunderbeeren sind reich an wertvollen Inhaltsstoffen wie #VitaminC, #Kalium und #Flavonoiden, die antioxidativ wirken.

#Heilpflanze2024 #SchwarzerHolunder #Gesundheit #Kochen

There was a young lady named Bright,
Who could travel much faster than light.
She departed one day,
In a relative way,
And returned the previous night.


Wolven vallen steeds vaker schapen en andere dieren aan. In de eerste drie maanden van dit jaar zijn 267 aanvallen op dieren vastgesteld, in dezelfde periode van 2023 waren dit er nog 77.
In vrijwel alle gevallen hadden de landeigenaren geen hek of prikkeldaad om hun grond staan of andere preventieve maatregelen genomen om schade door wolven tegen te gaan.

Dat zij wettelijk verplicht zijn hun vee te beschermen staat er helaas niet bij.

Inertial Invites mastodon (AP)
I have plenty of prejudice. It's okay. You do too, and that doesn't mean you're a bad person. What decides your character is what you choose to do about it. Fight against it. Choose to reject the easy route and actively work to counter your own prejudices. In fact, you should assume that everything you think and do is informed by your prejudices, and adjust accordingly. It's not easy, and you're going to fuck up. I do all the goddamn time. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try every goddamn time.

We can all be better than we are. That's terrifying and awesome and hard and impossible some days, but it's worth it when you break down some part of yourself and realize what that wall was hiding from you.

And fuck it, even if you get nothing out of doing the work, you've got to do it anyway because that's what you have to do. Because other people matter too. If they stop mattering, what's the point?
TheDarcBird mastodon (AP)
As The Doctor says:
Never be cruel or cowardly.
Inertial Invites mastodon (AP)
I'd rather a kind coward than a cruel brave person, honestly, but neither is preferable to either or both, definitely.

bakkus mastodon (AP)
Finally joined the #electriccar revolution. Welcome to the family, Dory (see if you can spot why we chose that name?) #Peugeot #Peugeot208
Peugeot e-208, in a VERY blue livery in a sunny parking lot
just keep swimming!

Mary Austin mastodon (AP)
Exasperated fact checkers: what's with you people, Hillbilly Elegy does not say JD Vance fucked a couch!

All of us: Bwahaha, we don't care, he's so creepy he musta done something like that 💀

Did we call it or what

#JDVance #VP #MAGA #SaveTheDolphins
Complaints like this coming from '#TeamLiar" seem a 'tad' disingenuous.

Si voter pouvait vraiment changer quelques choses ; ce serait illégal

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL that in the 1630s there was a song only played in the Sistine Chapel. The Vatican kept the composition of "Miserere Mei, Deus" secret for 140 years until 14-year-old Mozart listened to it 2 times, transcribed it from memory, and produced one of the earliest records of musical piracy.…
#til #todayilearned
By that time it would have become public domain even in the US, so no piracy.

@blk_intellect mastodon (AP)
Alabama AG opposes federal marijuana changes, says drug linked to ‘welfare dependence’
Dan Neuman hometown (AP)
Sounds like mixing up correlation with causation.
Cartoon of man in a white lab coat at a chalk board that says "EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO CONFUSES CORRELATION AND CAUSATION ENDS UP DYING"

between this and his buddy Kim giving him the brush-off, I wouldn't want to be a bottle of ketchup right now

Christopher Wray Says FBI Not Sure A Bullet Hit Trump's Ear | HuffPost Latest News

“It’s conceivable, although as I sit here right now, I don’t know whether that bullet, in addition to causing the grazing, could have also landed somewhere else. But I believe we’ve accounted for all of the shots in the cartridges.”

Bob Lai diaspora
".... could have also landed somewhere else. But I believe we’ve accounted for all of the shots in the cartridges."

I hate being right. I kept hammering on number of shots, who was standing where, who got hit in what order, because it tells us what Crooks was aiming at and if he misjudged windage/bullet drop or was just a shitty marksman.

If we know how many shots were fired, then we'd better find an equivalent number of bullets. Behind DJT was a grandstand of people on a stair-stepped stage, but only four out of 5-10 shots hit anything? Where are the other bullets? Did someone from the campaign conceal evidence to support the courageous-hero-rising-defiant-and-unbowed narrative?

These are details I would expect the FBI/USSS to know.

So I'm sitting down, weeding my pollinator garden (I'm plagued with crabgrass but I refused to spray, paranoid about chemicals hurting bees and honey) and my husband says, "See I'd have no idea what was a weed."
Me: It's only a weed if it's unwanted.
@HistoPol I live in the country now, the only reason I mow is to keep the tick population in check.

I haven't mowed my chicory is because the flowers are a really pretty color.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Russian-Indian S-400 Deal Details Leaked by Cyber Group #ConflictInUkraine #Ukraine #UkraineConflict #Ukrainian #UkrainianConflict
Russian-Indian S-400 Deal Details Leaked by Cyber Group

Indiefotog diaspora
Thank you for re-sharing this photograph @Christoph S

unusual_whales mastodon (AP)
The median duration of unemployment jumped higher in June, to 9.8 weeks from 8.9 weeks in May, and landed at a level not seen since January 2023, per the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

Posters up and about in Paris 👏👏
#Olympics #Israel #Palestine
Drawing of the medals stand with text: when it comes to killing for sport.  There's no competition.  From using starvation, to bombing hospitals, There's no war crime off limits for this team.

Mock Paper Scissors wordpress (AP)

Cat Ladies

Black cat sitting on a shelf in a kitchen reaching for a knife in block on the counter below.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) slams JD Vance for denigrating voters:

“My God, they went after ‘cat people,’ good luck with that! Turn on the internet and see what cat people do when you go after ‘em.”

“It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.”

— Heartland Signal (@HeartlandSignal) July 25, 2024

Word-up! Muffin and her littermates are an army, and cats and their people do not take prisoners.

This guy is really good, btw:

The more you watch @Tim_Walz the more you like him. I think he would be an incredible VP. Watch him destroy Republicans talking points below ⬇️

— David Hogg 🟧 (@davidhogg111) July 26, 2024

Russia would lose up to 1.8 million troops and take 5 years to capture the 4 Ukrainian regions it wants: UK army chief

I am afraid Putin will see this as a bargain.
Gen. Sir Roly Walker said he'd based his estimation on the "current rate of attrition of dead and wounded" faced by Moscow's forces in Ukraine, according to UK media. [...] "If they carry on as they are, it would probably take the Russians five years to grind their way to their minimum objectives of the four oblasts," he added, referring to Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia.

Laffy mastodon (AP)
EVERY damn headline from WaPo and NYT is anti-Biden BS.

No need to tell me you've canceled subscriptions, I already know and good on ya.

But we need to counter this stuff.

We need to blast.

And we need to tell them DIRECTLY, as many of you have done, to stop this and go after FASCIST TRUMP and his cohorts.
Ultra Verified mastodon (AP)
Not saying give up, but once 'conventional wisdom' (fabrications, speculations and outright lies) are pronounced by pundits and so-called 'journalists' it can't be retracted.

Judith Miller's lies about Iraq led us directly to war. People should have been sent to prison for that.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
It seems almost impossible to undo the damage that their lies cause in a large part because ELoon's dismantling of Twitter has been so successful.

Frank Sonderborg mastodon (AP)
What a Knob😉
Image shows a Black T-Shirt with the Text: Don't Let The Old Man In.
It was bought by a Trump MAGA Supporter. Who now wants his money back as he can't wear it in front of his MAGA pals;-)

T-Shirt Brand: Retro Funny T-Shirt: Don't let the old man in with: Don't let the old man in vintage American Flag Funny T-Shirt. 
Amazon Customer Complaint: Reviewed in the United States on July 22, 2024:  
I bought this shirt for Joe Biden, but now that he isn't running it looks like I'm making fun of Trump. I can't wear this in front of my friends. Amazon won't refund me even though  they removed Biden in a coup. Waste of $16.99! . 
One person found this helpful Helpful Report Product details Fabric type Solid colors: 100% Cotton; Heather Grey: 90% Cotton, 10% Polyester; Dark Heather and Heather Blue: 50% Cotton, 50% Polyester; OR Dark Heather, Heather Blue 
Posted in r/PoliticalHumor by u/Fresh_Macaron_6919 @ reddit
almondtree reshared this.

This is the Handmaid's Tale future waiting for us in every state if Republicans get their way. You can't have a safe, legal abortion. If you self-medicate, the hospital will call the sheriff on you and you'll get hauled off to jail.

It's only 2024 though, and federal judges still let you sue when Texas does it. This one is even a Trump appointee, but we'll still be much safer with VP Harris-nominated judges.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) German gunsmiths from Rheinmetall will build a weapons production plant in Ukraine. This will create additional jobs and allow Ukrainians to fight for their freedom more effectively. #Ukraine #UkraineWar #UkraineWarVideoReport
German gunsmiths from Rheinmetall will build a weapons production plant in Ukraine. This will create additional jobs and allow Ukrainians to fight for their freedom more effectively.

Gary Brolsma isn't the hero we deserve but he's the hero we need right now

Saskia unkn (AP)
I went back to X this week with @newsmast

It's fallen further than expected but you can read more in my latest blog post:

If you'd like to keep up with my thoughts on social media, X, and the future of the Fediverse and wider Social Web - please subscribe. It's free!

#Twitter #X #Fediverse #Mastodon #SocialMedia #Masculinity #Blog #Barbie
Newsmast unkn (AP)

We'll give them a follow!

It blows my mind that, in 2024, there are men younger than me who think all women want is to bag a man and start a family. AND any woman that didn't do this from the jump is miserable, and the cure for that is to bag a man and start a family. Get fucking real, man.
OtownKim reshared this.
I wonder what gain those that brownpill those poor saps expect.
Are facistonaires really so simple minded they expect "more poor people, more profit, for infinity" to continue working? Or is it smaller leeches sending their preprogrammed message on repeat, like a sos beacon next to a decaying corpse?
CynAq🤘 mastodon (AP)
@admitsWrongIfProven rich people and their fans don’t expect it to go on forever. They just believe they’re shielded enough from the real world that they will still come out on top (and alive) when all hell breaks loose.

They’re betting on everyone killing each other to bring the population down to manageable numbers, after which they will achieve sustainability without changing a dang thing about their lifestyles, if not improve upon what they have now.

That’s the reason for things like the AI push and cryptocurrencies before that. They envision themselves the rulers of a post-apocalyptic tech dystopia where traditional governments don’t exist.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Russische Zentralbank erhöht Leitzins auf 18% angesichts „beschleunigter“ Inflation #Nachrichten #News #WorldNews
Russische Zentralbank erhöht Leitzins auf 18% angesichts „beschleunigter“ Inflation

Frog and Toad Bot mastodon (AP)
‘I am not hungry now,’ said the Dark Frog. ‘I have eaten too many tasty frog children. But after I jump rope one hundred times, I will be hungry again. Then I will eat YOU!'

Original Post von Mario Sixtus auf Bluesky (

Seltsam, gemessen an dem, was so in der Öffentlichkeit am lautesten debattiert wird, könnte man auf die Idee kommen, dass Klima-Aktivisti die größte Gewalt ausüben. Dabei sind es — Surprise! — Faschisten!

Gewaltbereite noAFD-Fans

Thomas 🔭🕹️ mastodon (AP)
Feel very vindicated that finally pointing out GOP opinions, actions & behavior is socially unacceptable is becoming a thing.

These people and their voters (clearly) do not respond to reason. They will respond to social pressure.

Point your figurative and literal fingers at them and laugh and call them out.
ADisorderlyFashion mastodon (AP)
Sure does seem like it's been a hot minute since I've seem a conservative person use the term "facts don't care about your feelings"

levels checker mastodon (AP)
beatlemania levels are 83% and falling

(83%) ■■■■■■■■□□
newer older

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