Mark Wollschlager reshared this.
That's what I'm talking about.

Nazani mastodon (AP)
Glad to hear it. Even though many of us are sick of Youngkin trying to dismantle our progress, there are still too many who are comfortable & complacent.

⚡️🇺🇦Stefanchuk: Parliament to revisit legislation related to oligarchs once Russia’s invasion is fully repelled (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Tage nach dem Rücktritt von Dirk Neubauer spricht sich Sachsens Ministerpräsident für Zusammenhalt aus. Doch die Linke kritisiert: Es fehlt ein Plan.#Sachsen #MichaelKretschmer #Parteien #RechteSzene #RechteGewalt #LandtagswahlSachsen2024 #Deutschland #Politik #Schwerpunkt
Kwit mastodon (AP)
es wäre vielleicht voll gut gewesen, der #nichtmeinministerprasident #kretschmer hätte sich in der Vergangenheit rhetorisch auch demokratischer ausgedrückt.

Snowshadow mastodon (AP)
🇺🇸 Dear US Women.
In 1920 with the ratification of the 19th amendment to the US constitution you were finally granted the right to vote.
Believe it or not, that right is under threat by the Republicans. In red states they are removing the right to healthcare so it's not a stretch of imagination other rights will vanish.
You have the opportunity to have a woman President so let's make sure that happens.
You successfully organized once before you can do it again.

#Harris #VoteBlue #Election
Gail Waldby reshared this.
Snowshadow mastodon (AP)
The entire Republican party is a threat to women's rights. Always vote #Harris. #VoteBlue

I have said from the beginning that #Hamas #Oct7 attacks were timed for #ElectionInterference in #US #Election2024.

Never has this been more obvious than now.

Members of BOTH #Arab and #Jewish diaspora in #US have ratcheted up their attacks on #Democrats since #KamalaHarris became the presumptive nominee.

I have noted at length Rashida #Tlaib's role under that hashtag. Below, I note some from the #Israeli side.

BOTH groups are holding #Harris hostage to extract concessions for their side.

⬆️ @Nazani

>> #Harris reportedly told #Netanyahu she wanted a #ceaseFire & supported a #TwoStateSolution

#KamalaHarris also unequivocally reiterated #Israel's right to defend herself.

That was as solid a signal of #US support as an ally.

To put things in perspective, #Palestine and Israel have not been able to solve their problems in 100+ years.

It is irresponsible to expect Harris to articulate a solution in 100 days and hold her #hostage pending that.
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Nazani mastodon (AP)
This interview helped me understand why, no matter how disgusted we get with Israel, we might see even worse bloodshed if we "cut them loose."

emilie_stims mastodon (AP)
Ugh, 7am adventures and I'm already uncomfortably hot.
Shiri Bailem friendica (via ActivityPub)
@emilie_stims wait, I thought you were always uncomfortably hot? -rimshot-

They lied, it's still too damned hot for a bun🙄 for everybun that has an AC like me sleeping nearby the air entrances maximises coldsies without it being too much 🤭
#luaBun #rabbits #bunnies #bunniesOfMastodon #rabbitsOfMastodon #petsOfMastodon
Lua laying right next to one of the air entrances of a portable AC
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Penny and Patch mastodon (AP)
Oh nos, they lied to you, Lua 😔? We hope it gets cooler soon and the hot weather goes away! 🧊
Humum says you look super floofy and sweet anyways 😍👋💞
@PennyPatch hopefully they get it right today 🤔 the weatherhoomins said colder and then it was barely any colder at all 🙄 I could not even enjoy a sunbeam because they were too hot 🙄 thank you Humum 🥰🥰🥰
phi1997 mastodon (AP)
The floof is melting!

Here’s the feed for Bands at Bitcoin that the Costello’s are doing.

Search for “Bands at Bitcoin” in your favorite 2.0 app.

I believe the times are Central Time.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Mike Neumann :pci: reshared this.
Mike Neumann :pci: mastodon (AP)
times are indeed US Central time.

⚠️🇷🇺Russian KIA numbers in Ukraine causing 'serious problems' for recruitment of more terrorist invaders (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #Russia #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Gabe Ortíz mastodon (AP)
Weird James David Vance "endorsed a new book co-written by a far-right conspiracy-monger that calls progressives 'unhumans' and claims they are waging an 'Irregular Communist Revolution' against American civilization":
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Gabe Ortíz mastodon (AP)
Jack Posobiec “is a well-known alt-right agitator and conservative media personality who promoted the bonkers Pizzagate conspiracy theory."

The Trump campaign was asked if “Vance read the book before giving it a thumb’s up. It did not respond.

Nevertheless, Vance opted to boost Unhumans.”
Gabe Ortíz mastodon (AP)
According to this weird book, "the dangerous unhumans are everywhere. The Civil Rights movement? Mounted by unhumans. Critics of hate speech? Unhumans. The Black Lives Matter protests? Organized by unhumans."

unusual_whales mastodon (AP)
The unemployment rate rose to a three-year high of 4.1% in June, with 6.8 million people unemployed.

At that time a year ago, the unemployment rate was at 3.6% and 6 million people were unemployed.

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

Tony the Mechanic mastodon (AP)
This is what an Environmental Protection Agency that wants to make the United States better and actually protect the environment does. #ElectDemocrats #DemocratsDeliver #Harris2024

EPA Gives Greater Cleveland $129.4M for Five Solar Arrays, Reforestation-
USEPA funded this effort among 25 projects nationwide because Cuyahoga County’s application said it will deliver the following benefits to reduce greenhouse gases and support communities:

Invest in the development of utility-scale solar for Cuyahoga Green Energy, Cleveland Public Power and Painesville Muni Electric to support the transition to clean energy production and reduction of community dependency on coal power.
Create over 200 new jobs and offer job retraining and transition for individuals who are employed at the Painesville coal-fired power plant.
Revitalize contaminated brownfield sites through reforestation and conservation efforts. Plant 4,000 trees, reforesting 80 acres, and creating over 400 acres of native meadow and pollinator habitats that provide communities with accessible recreation.
Improve the water quality of Lake Erie, which supplies drinking water to 11 million people, including all residents of Lake and Cuyahoga Counties.
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Those solar panels, that are being built in the USA by union workers because of Joe btw, are going to replace coal fired power plant so should stop about a hundred million tons of more carbon pollution getting spewed into our already polluted, thin, precious atmosphere too.
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.
Bellison22 mastodon (AP)
@GreenFire @ldmay65 I appreciate that others suffer through it ...for me, Ewwwwww

Laffy mastodon (AP)
What’s the opposite of WompWomp…

Mike Lindell Avoids MyPillow Eviction

An eviction lawsuit against Mike Lindell's MyPillow company has been dropped after an agreement was reached regarding hundreds of thousands of dollars in overdue rent.
Liz mastodon (AP)
He embodies the word "twat"

⚠️🇷🇺Russian Central Bank raises interest rate to 18% amid 'accelerated' inflation (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Russia #NoUSRepublicans2024
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Bud... minding his own business in the Pacific, bothering no one. #TropicalStormBud #Bud #cyclone
Tropical storm wandering around the Pacific... not near anyone. Maybe disturbing fish.

Via #KamalasWins, #KamalaHQ @ 9:39pm on July 25, 2024


In a stunning leak, #JDVance is found to be calling for a federal response to stop #women from traveling from red states to blue states to receive #ReproductiveHealthcare. Retweet so all Americans hear this devastating leak.
cobalt mastodon (AP)
@CindyWeinstein Sadly I doubt I can believe such an audio recording because it’s so easy to alter and/or take out of context. If it’s real then I’d expect the sentiment to be proudly sent out as a policy objective by those evangelical GOP.
obscurestar mastodon (AP)
@cobalt @CindyWeinstein

I'm waiting to repost it until I see confirmation myself.

However, he tries to frame it as, 'the dems are the real racists, not the GOP!' by using 'mostly black women' instead of 'poor'. The particular dialectic knife that's used to misrepresent reality while not technically lying seems pretty plausible.

Mastodon Migration mastodon (AP)
Harris Campaign Video

7/25 - Barack and Michelle Obama Endorse Kamala Harris For President

Harris Video Index >>> #HarrisVideo

[Watch and form your own impressions without the media telling you what to think. Feel free to discuss below in the comments.]

Harris Video Index

Throughout the rest of the campaign will be posting links to Harris and Harris related videos. All posts hashtagged #HarrisVideo. This thread will serve as an index.

7/24 - Harris delivers remarks in Indianapolis >>> (

7/23 - Kamala Harris First Campaign Rally For President Of The United States - Wisconsin >>> (



This entry was edited (2 months ago)

OMFG 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Please boost this.

#USPOL #NYT #nytisbroken #youcantmakethisshitup
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Marv Clowder reshared this.

⚡️🇺🇦Demobilization of any kind could repeat Ukraine's 'mistake' in 1918, parliament speaker says (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

josh :floppies: mastodon (AP)
the vibes are good

Laffy mastodon (AP)


Don Jr tanking his dad's campaign with one of the worst veep choices of all time is delicious

#Trump #JDVance
Screengrab from CNN showing Dan Quayle polls up 15, Palin up 26, Vance down 5 in polls taken immediately after the RNC.
Huh! Negative bounce. Must be an old couch! 😉
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Exactly right in my opinion. Trump very likely sold the VP position to the highest bidder and so is satisfied with the deal he got in that regard.

That said, I'm not so sure that he's not talking with Nikki Haley right now hoping to get Vance's name out of the news cycle because there's no chance he'll give the money back and ELoon has backed out of the deal anyways.

Abysim 🇺🇦🇧🇬 friendica (via ActivityPub)
Оплатив чергову річну підписку на PhpStorm і заодно додав у бандлі плагін для Laravel, хоч на роботі фреймворк не використовуємо, але для особистих проектв він мені подобається - економія часу.

Цього місяця щось вийшов дуже помітний мінус у грошах - схоже, що треба шукати другу роботу чи монетузувати якось особисті проекти, котрі розробляти подобається та цікаво.

Хоча не можна монетузувати поточний постинг світлин великих котячих, бо зараз там показую також і фото котрі не можна використовувати в комерційних цілях, але є інші ресурси де багато безкоштовних зображень для комерційного використання.

Compromised US saying they suspect "Leftists and Anarchists" do they? I mean those two groups always work together don't they lads, just the same really, aren't they, always getting on well with each other...../s

Blog Oklahoma mastodon (AP)
Have gun ammo vending machines been installed in Oklahoma? - Oklahoma Watch


#Oklahoma #OklahomaWatch #FactCheck

UFW mastodon (AP)
Ricardo just planted pumpkins in Atwater CA. These young plants will be ready for many of us to use for our fall celebrations. The temp was 87° on its way to a high of 100° this day. #WeFeedYou
A field where pumpkins were just planted with a shovel sticking up in the earth

shi3zグル mastodon (AP)
いしたにさんにはVisionProとHHKB Studioとアダプタだけを快適にもちあるける「見えるビジョプロバッグ」を作っていただきたい

shi3zグル mastodon (AP)
今日も暑かったけど映画好きの友達に久々会えたしドリフト好きの友達にもこれから会いにいくしまあまあ楽しい。そしてVIsionProとHHKB Studioの奇跡のコラボが良すぎて死ねる

I keep forgetting it's Friday.

It's like a weird emotional energy roller-coaster.

Die Spanischen Proteste gegen Massentourismus werden erstmal nur die rücksichtsvollen Touristen fernhalten. Die Saufurlauber werden nicht auf ihr Reiseziel verzichten. Genauso läuft es in allen Bereichen: die Anständigen nehmen sich zurück und überlassen das Feld den Rücksichtslosen. Wir bräuchten einen Aufstand der Netten, sonst sind wir bald am Arsch.
Hajoda mastodon (AP)
Jap. "Die Menge macht, dass es ein Gift ist." Gilt nicht nur für die Medizin.

Wendelin Meyer mastodon (AP)
@mina ich hab mal gehört, dass die Superreichen 1/3 der Welt weiten Emissionen verursachen. Die sind alles andere als Masse. Und in Ernst Tolles "Masse Mensch", das freilich eine ganz andere Perspektive hat, wird diese "Masse" auch anders dargestellt. Unser System braucht die dummen Konsumentinnen. Es ist eine Frage der Wirtschaftsethik, nicht der menschlichen Einstellung. Was für ein Scheiß ist aus dem Proletariersport Fussball geworden?!

Week in images: 22-26 July 2024


Exoplanet Epsilon Indi Ab (MIRI image)

Week in images: 22-26 July 2024

Discover our week through the lens

#news #space #science #esa #europeanspaceagency
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Fedi.Video mastodon (AP)
The National Infrastructure Commission for Wales / Comisiwn Seilwaith Cenedlaethol Cymru has an official video account at:

➡️ (in English & Welsh)

If the videos haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at

You can also follow their general non-video account at

#FeaturedPeerTube #Wales #Welsh #Cymru #Cymraeg #Infrastructure #Government #WelshGovernment #PeerTube #PeerTubers
FediFollows reshared this.

Shonin mastodon (AP)
Saint John wind farm undercuts N.B. Power electricity prices by more than half | CBC News

Blog Oklahoma mastodon (AP)
Sunset of Counselor Corps Leads to Budget Cuts, Staff Reductions - Oklahoma Watch

#Oklahoma #OklahomaWatch
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