One of the Shahed-type attack drones struck a residential dormitory in the city of Nizhyn in Chernihiv Oblast, injuring one person overnight, regional Governor Vyacheslav Chaus reported. Earlier in the evening a nationwide air raid siren was issued.Dmytro Basmat (The Kyiv Independent)
Kunstmuseum Den Haag tour sparks senses of people with dementia and their carersSenay Boztas (The Guardian)
In Paris, 15 Russian athletes will compete at the Summer Olympics under the “neutral.” Some of them support the war and Putin. Among the neutral Russian athletes: ◾️Tamara Dronova (cycling).Telegram
Analýza osmistéhoosmdesátéhotřetího dne ruské invaze na Ukrajinu 25.07.2024 Ukrajinské letectvo dnes oznámilo sestřel 25 z celkem 38 dronů Šahed, vyslaných nad ukrajinské území
Женщинам необходимо рожать не меньше трех детей для борьбы с кадровым дефицитом, заявил гендиректор фонда капремонта Свердловской области Станислав Суханов в эфире телеканала ОТВ, на его высказывание обратило внимание RTVI.Русская служба The Moscow Times
Boston Police report seizing more than 20 scooters in take-out-heavy areas in the Back Bay, Fenway and the South End yesterday. Read more.Universal Hub
Wishing you a happy belated Coral Reef Awareness week.Meredith Garofalo (Space)
This is how Feldman Ecopark in Kharkiv looked like after the Russian attack on July 24 The stable building caught fire. The animals were not injured in the fire: employees took all the horses out of the burning stable at the risk of their own lives.Telegram
Si l'idée que l'avion a un impact important sur le réchauffement climatique commence à faire du chemin, de nombreuses idées reçues continuentThomas Wagner (bonpote)
We know from experience that Saffy should be treated like Hannibal Lecter: restrain or get your face bitten off. Saffy, our feline housemate who is almost 15, has a toothache. How do you know if a …JessicarulestheUniverse
An installation dedicated to Ukrainian sportsmen and women who died because of the war unleashed by the Russian occupiers has been opened in central London.Telegram
Will someone lose its j*b today? by CourtesyPoliceLUEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM) tundub, et laiemas maailmas on huvi suur meie ükssarvede vastu by tupsununnuEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)