BethPDX mastodon (AP)
All they had to say was: “President Biden served his country for five decades and at this moment we thank him for that service. Tomorrow our campaign begins against his replacement. Bring her on.”

I can guarantee you that is what Biden would have said if the shoe were on the other foot. Because he is not a bully.
PerryM ✅ mastodon (AP)
I think the NYT got it backwards Beth. They should have asked the question "What's wrong with the people who voted for them?"

That's where the real problem is!

Christian Ramirez mastodon (AP)
Kamala Harris is so popular that there's now a Wikipedia page just for all her endorsements! 🔥

Bugspriet mastodon (AP)
We do not discuss Süßer Senf hier

  • Bauzner Senf (Osten) (41%, 5 votes)
  • Bauzner Senf (Westen) (25%, 3 votes)
  • Löwensenf (Osten) (0%, 0 votes)
  • Löwensenf (Westen) (33%, 4 votes)
12 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

A UK judge has ruled that Maya Forstater, head honcho of gender critical lobby group "Sex Matters", is NOT an expert on sex and gender. She joins Helen Joyce, Kathleen Stock, JK Rowling, Rosie Duffield , Joanna Cherry and Sharron Davies as being wholly unfit to pronounce on the trans and non-binary lives of others.

#trans #lgbtq #uk #ukpolitics #nonbinary

Someone think of the poor ... billionaires.

Michael mastodon (AP)
The US Must Stop Arming Israel

I like to learn something new every day.

Protons look like peanuts, rugby balls, bagels and spheres.

Dr. Michael Blume mastodon (AP)
Ohne Worte…

In Russland ist abermals eine prominente Person nach einem Sturz ums Leben gekommen. Wie die staatliche Nachrichtenagentur Tass unter Berufung auf Rettungskräfte berichtet, kam die bekannte Ökonomin Valentina Bondarenko bei einem Sturz aus dem Fenster ihres Apartments in Moskau ums Leben. (Dass passiert im #Putin-Regime erstaunlich oft…) #Russland #Fenstersturz #Ökonomin #Bondarenko
Diese Fensterstürze sind nichts ungewöhnliches. Sie sind auf die mangelhaften Bauvorschriften zurückzuführen. Gott sei Dank haben wir in D bessere Vorschriften. Lieber nicht gebaut, als Fensterstürze.
helgenug mastodon (AP)
Schön, dass Peskow endlich einen socialmedia-Assistenten gefunden hat.

Hey, JD!

ZZ Bottom mastodon (AP)
#News #Truth #LawrenceOdonnel

I hate when they put me in the turtle
guards walking beside a giant turtle with a cage formed into it's back with a girl inside

this is actually what it feels like to be a trans who is not a furry
In a world of anthropomorphic animals, Belle Lablac was born as the only human being. Having no fangs, fur, or scales, she was called "Faceless," and she lived a lonely life with no one else she could identify with. "I want to be part of the world..." With such longing in her heart, she decides to set out on a journey to find her roots, carrying the Runding, a great sword as tall as she is. She doesn't know how many adversities await her along the way...

earthquake friendica (via ActivityPub)

I made a quick trip to the store this morning and a family of cranes was out and about

It looks like two parents and grown young ones…

#cranes #summer #myphotos

A good pun is its own reword.

✈️🇺🇦 "Ukraine will not use F-16s on the front line", — Syrskyi

👀 Fighter jets will be used to strengthen air defence. F-16s will destroy Russian cruise missiles and strike ground targets, but will remain "40+ km from the front line" due to the risk of being shot down.

Facing #NGC6946

#Astronomy #Picture of the Day

eeepee reshared this.

Downshift 🍁 mastodon (AP)
The world's richest one percent increased their wealth by a total of $42 trillion over the past decade, #British #NGO #Oxfam announced ahead of a #G20 summit in #Brazil where taxing the super-rich is top of the agenda.

Oxfam said that despite the reported windfall, taxes on the rich had plummeted to "historic lows", warning of "obscene levels" of inequality with the rest of the world "left to scrap for crumbs".


Content warning: uspol, current thing

Te Weta mastodon (AP)
West Bank #Hamas leader "dies" in Israeli "custody"
Mustafa Muhammad Abu Ara had been subjected to #torture and denied medical treatment


taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Nach dem Rückzug von Joe Biden versammeln sich die Demokraten hinter dessen Vize Kamala Harris. Nun bekommt sie auch den Segen von ganz oben aus der Partei.#KamalaHarris #BarackObama #MichelleObama #JoeBiden #DonaldTrump #US-Wahl2024 #Amerika #Politik #Schwerpunkt

murchadhfinn mastodon (AP)
“Starmer adopted the same strategy to get elected as Tony Blair and Gordon Brown in 1996-7 … In fact he’s sticking to the Conservative fiscal policy which was designed to run down services further and to make further cuts to benefits.”
~Brian Feeney, The Irish News

Linda mastodon (AP)
Starmer is a puppet. He has been groomed for this job - the real power pulling the strings and writing policy is the Tony Blair Institute and Starmer’s private office is staffed by Blair’s men. He is not a politician, but an ‘elite’ pleaser. His time at the DPP was controversial- throwing staff under a bus and not accepting responsibility being a re-occurring event. When asked to jump by the Gov he asked how high. We’re in for a rocky ride.
the Blair Bitch project one might say....

Miia Mustang mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Elon Musk is an absolute pile of shit of a person

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Charlotte Walker mastodon (AP)
Morning. Slept badly due to coughing and I feel like my head is full of cotton wool. Still, another night with no fever, so I think I’m generally on the up. Annoyingly we have to go and pick up a prescription in a different town and take it to yet another town to be filled. I just want to rest but I can’t do without my psych meds. Life, eh? How’s everyone today?
Helen Clayton mastodon (AP)
generally on the up sounds good. Annoying about the prescription expedition though.

I’m eating a chocolate hobnob (or two) after prepping the garden wall for painting. I hate prepping (probably why I’m having to paint it again). Would rather be out for a bimble. Sigh.
@helenclayton Not sure about a Bimble, but I think a meander might be on the cards later.
Helen Clayton mastodon (AP)
@Thebratdragon meandering is good. I might meander to the shop later.
@helenclayton slumping is good, my cats vote for slumps, as the last 2 days they have had lots of slump as I watched the rugby 7s at the Olympics.

Paid positions with #Harris for President campaign.

Includes video creatives, IT, mobilizing and more

Chill Arrow mastodon (AP)
Wow...the knockout punch came.

I do expect MAGA to get rowdy. However, they do not have any governmental support to support them, like in the North American Civil War. Label them terrorists, and clean them out.

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL that for as little as $500,000 you can get your very own airworthy fighter jet (though, it might cost $1,000,000/year to own & operate…):
#til #todayilearned

Everybody calling out openSSL for holding back HTTP3 (or more specifically QUIC) for many years is great to see.

pixelfed reshared this.
#HarrisWalz2024 mastodon (AP)
Yoooooo that is dope af. Congrats Team and @dansup
Newsmast unkn (AP)
This looks so cool 🧡 Well done

Terence Eden mastodon (AP)
"For the most part, the experiences of adults without children and the reasons they give for not having them **don’t vary much by gender**. "

Big brunch crowd at the Falls today #katmaibears . It really is remarkable that there aren’t more skirmishes. Speaks to how fighting is the last resort for animals, for obvious reasons. The bears grumble, growl, yell, shove but fighting is always their last resort.
About a dozen brown bears near and on top of the Falls
4 people reshared this
Simply, wow.

How long are you im Alaska?
@HistoPol oh I’m not this is from a live cam on My bad- I have been lax in crediting the photos I post.
Oh, I see.
Less envy, then. 😉
Karen Strickholm mastodon (AP)
Thanks this shot made my day!

Chill Arrow mastodon (AP)
Geisha were performed by men. In Shakespeare's time ALL actors were men. Peter Pan was treladitionally played by a woman.

Conservatives are dumb, manipulative fuckers.

Barack and Michelle Obama endorse Kamala Harris for president

Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential bid in a video released Friday.

#News #Politics #Trump #Democracy #Democrats #Harris #KamalaHarris

Former astronaut Mark Kelly on shortlist for Harris' VP pick

Arizona Senator Mark Kelly, a former NASA astronaut, is on Vice President Kamala Harris' shortlist to be her running mate as she pursues becoming the next president of the United States.
a well-dressed woman shakes hands with a bald man in a suit while a well-dressed woman looks on

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Barack Obama officially endorses Kamala Harris #america #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #UsNews #usa #UsaNews #WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates
Barack Obama officially endorses Kamala Harris

taz mastodon (AP)
Die Hitzewelle ist Vergangenheit, sagen die Vereinten Nationen. Künftig würden Extremtemperaturen im Sommer einfach bleiben.!6026124
newer older

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