taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Das Schnellzugnetz wurde von einem massiven Anschlag getroffen, teilt die französische Eisenbahngesellschaft SNCF mit. Großflächige Ausfälle folgen.#Sabotage #SNCF #Paris #Verkehr #Bahnverkehr #OlympischeSpiele2024 #Öko #Schwerpunkt

David Nice mastodon (AP)
All the hallmarks of the Russians' arson attacks on eastern European countries which are helping the Ukrainians. No fatuous conspiracy theory.

Sam at BLAG mastodon (AP)
What are your favourite sign painting / lettering / calligraphy / typography cartoons? I'm working on a gallery of humourous examples for an online article, and keen to share as many as I can.

Pictured is 'At the Sign Shop' by Hana Sunny Whaler from BLAG 02:

Boosts appreciated 😃

#cartoons #comics #humour #humor #SignPainting #lettering #calligraphy #type #typography #boost
Cartoon sketch about a sign painter taking an order for an art dealer's sign. The dimensions are given over the phone as 2 x 8 meters.

When it comes to the instal the sign, the visual gag is that the sign was supposed to be 2 x 8 landscape, rather than the 2 x 8 portrait sign that's been painted.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

once seen can never be unseen

«Die AfD und andere Rechtsradikale planen nichts weniger als die Zerstörung der offenen und vielfältigen Gesellschaft. Das dürfen und werden wir nicht zulassen.»
– Ulrich Schneider, Paritätischer Gesamtverband

#noafd #rechtsradikal

Schroedinger mastodon (AP)
The reason the "hippies" were so derided in the media and wider culture is primarily because they rejected a Capitalist Narrative. Not because they were into free love or dreamy music. Because they rejected and challenged capitalism.

They were right in doing that. We need to re-embrace this idea, and live in rejection of the commercial imperative.

(Edit - dreamy music, not freamy. freamy is not a word. Yet.)
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Denis Buckley mastodon (AP)
'But if this is the way in which the next five years are going, Keir Starmer's in for a rough ride. He got in on a very shallow base of support, like a big puddle that was only two inches deep. It's going to evaporate very rapidly if this is the sort of thing he's going to do, then he's going to be facing a lot of public opposition, and he'll deserve it. He has to find his moral compass, or he's in trouble.'

Labour needs to find its moral compass on child poverty
if he holds to this course, upholding policies of deliberate harm, austerity and continuing the tory racism in its asylum and immigration policies, in 2 years he will be in the same level of dissaray as Johnson was.....

iamBullivant mastodon (AP)
The billboards write themselves, really.

#USPolitics #KamalHarris
Picture of billboard with a picture of Kamala Harris and the word 'Prosecuter' on one side and Donald Trump and the word 'Felon' on the other side.
Cheradenine Zakalwe reshared this.
Nazani mastodon (AP)
Nice to see MadDog is still hard at work.

Hat mich sehr gefreut, beim RBB Radio über den Umgang mit Verschwörungsideologien im privaten Umfeld sprechen zu dürfen. Die Sendung ist jetzt zum nachhören online:

#Urteil des #Landgerichts #Darmstadt – Zehn Jahre #Haft für 15-Jährigen wegen #Mord an Obdachlosem

Ein Obdachloser wurde mitten in Darmstadt mit Schlägen und Tritten getötet. Nun ist ein Jugendlicher in dem Fall verurteilt worden – zur höchstmöglichen Strafe. Im Prozess um einen zu Tode geprügelten Obdachlosen hat das Landgericht Darmstadt einen 15-Jährigen zu einer zehnjährigen Freiheitsstrafe verurteilt. Es sprach den Schüler des Mordes aus niedrigen Beweggründen,…

An einem eiskalten Morgen um 5.30 Uhr mit eiskaltem Wasser zu duschen, ist etwas für die wirklich Mutigen, und ich gehöre dazu... 😁

Die Warmwasserdusche ist wieder ausgefallen! 🥶🚿

Oh, nein!!! 🤣😬🥶

Dan is at FRZ! 🦣 mastodon (AP)
Can we get #78yearoldcriminal trending today?

nixCraft 🐧 mastodon (AP)
The minimal version of Debian Linux 12/11 does not install sudo. When performing a network installation for Debian, the usual approach is to use the minimum version, which only installs the essential packages. Most Linux container images based upon Debian also skip sudo, and if your project needs sudo, then read on how to install and configure sudo and grant access to a user on a Debian Linux version 12/11. #linux #sysadmin #debian
This image shows the Debian logo in the Linux terminal with various commands.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
waaheute mastodon (AP)
I prefer installing #doas more ligther
aspragg mastodon (AP)
I am often slightly perplexed by people who perform a "minimal" installation of anything, and then seem surprised or complain when it doesn't have <some feature>.

Yes, I wanted the install to be as small as possible, but as small as possible while including the features *I* need/am used to.

Without the PRESS Act, "journalists reporting confidential source information are at risk of losing their freedom. This I know better than most," writes journalist Vanessa Leggett, who spent 168 days locked up for refusing to burn sources in 2001.

kim_harding ✅ mastodon (AP)
Why courts favour cars, not the climate
“These are political sentences and climate activists [have] become political prisoners,”
“Removing the politics of climate change from the courtroom doesn’t change that.”
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Mat Bradshaw mastodon (AP)
Just the idea/suggestion. What if birds aren't singing, they're screaming? Totally fascinates and freaks me out.

There's more than a grain of truth in it. We communicate different things through speech, birds are no different. Birds songs are warnings, check ins, territorial announcements, sexual intentions etc. but the term screaming suggests an angst, a trauma, so removed from the pretty song of a Blackbird for instance, that when viewed like that, take on a horrific alternative narrative.

It's just words and concepts, but it tickles my brain, accompanied by a lullaby soundtrack.

This was my Ted talk, goodnight and don't have nightmares.
Reticent Turnip mastodon (AP)
Maybe woodpeckers don't really care about bugs or whatever. They just need to bang their heads on wood out of sheer rage.

Rae mastodon (AP)
I can do this...only another bus, some RAM, and an FPGA to go...
KiCad schematic showing a 16-bir ISA bus, and 9 level shifters bussed together
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
looks pretty shifty to me
Rae mastodon (AP)
@jpm Very shifty indeed!

ShredderLivesOn mastodon (AP)
Just when I thought the Manchester Airport incident couldn't get any worse...

30p Leenoch has joined his deputy leader Richard Tice in praising a police officer both kicking and stamping on someone's head, as well hitting another person in the back of the head while holding a taser, and pepper spraying someone for filming what happened.
He also went further, and said that the police should receive a medal.
ShredderLivesOn mastodon (AP)
@Thebratdragon They unfortunately didn't come off that badly.

If this had been someone in the media openly defending Jimmy Savile, or Rolf Harris, then the odds are their careers would have been finished.

Both Vine and Johnson still work at the Daily Mail and LBC respectively.
helps that both are tories.

Remember the biggest protector of Saville (and Leon Britten) was Margaret Thatcher....

Otari Wilton's Bush #Wellington
Looking out over dense native forest from a raised platform. Tall podocarps, tree ferns and broadleaf.

Sabrina✨ mastodon (AP)
Should I start making content again when the musical is done? I have so much I was in the middle of but idk who wants it
Deniz Opal mastodon (AP)
If the voice is alive inside, create whatever will manifest it outside.

Don't create because others want it. That's backwards.

Create because it wants to exist.

And find your people. They will want it.
2 people reshared this

Deniz Opal mastodon (AP)
Appreciation toot for everyone on #Mastodon following, interacting, and being awesome on this platform and helping grow the federated community.

You get one wool heart each.

I have three options in front of me and in need to make a pretty huge choice next week. I'm not currently at liberty to discuss the details and I don't know which one I'll pick. Let's see what you all reckon!

This isn't binding of course. I'm not having you lot tell me what to do.

I'll tell you if you were right someday though.

  • Option A (15%, 6 votes)
  • Option B (41%, 16 votes)
  • Option C (43%, 17 votes)
39 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
option C is definitely the “do nothing / keep going” option

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Getur einhver útskýrt þetta fyrir mér #iceland
Getur einhver útskýrt þetta fyrir mér

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL that sloths only poop once a week. Their metabolism is so slow that they can digest food over several days and only need to defecate occasionally.
#til #todayilearned

BushHut mastodon (AP)
What causes, triggers, people who are oppressed, put upon, harassed, to rise up against those in power oppressing them?

I imagine that the first criterion is the recognition of oppression.

As long as people accept their treatment by their government, then obviously they see no need to even consider fighting back.

As long as people have the opportunity to vote in a supposedly democratic process, they assume that they have democracy & whatever they think that means.

The fact that whichever "side" they elect is in no significant way different to the other "side" is blurred over by the propaganda mass media conducting a charade of opposition between the two "sides". That they are both owned by the same people who would conduct them as puppets for their fascist, neofeudal purposes, serfdom, slavery in whatever form it would take in this age of the oligarchs.

Not Fascist as in Italy or Germany, not Feudal as in the Middle Ages, but whatever allows the modern oligarch autocrats to rule their fiefdom, obtained by their willing purchase of the corrupt politicians & their parties who have access as elected governments to an unconstrained flow of national currency & all the brute physical power of State.

#politics #auspol #ukpol #uspol #fascism #neofeudalism #Neoliberalism

Julie Hughes mastodon (AP)
Ok White dudes...your turn to show up! "White Men Against #MAGA"

japanese localizers: hey so do you want us to use the english title of your game or the katakana you have in the subtitle in the store page text?

me: ... good question. i'll just look at what final fantasy does!

final fantasy xiv: katakana
final fantasy x|x2 remasters: english
final fantasy dawntrail: BOTH, SOMEHOW???
JustAFrog mastodon (AP)
Make an animated splash screen which switches between big latin with smol kana on top, and big kana with smol latin on top.

Make sure the animation starts at a random point in the loop whenever it starts up.

Just refuse to choose.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Nejmenší obce v ČR se dřív nebo později budou muset sloučit do větších celků. Nebo alespoň spolu zajišťovat některé služby – vzdělávání, sociální služby, zdravotnictví. Nebo je tradice jednotlivých malých obcí důležitější než efektivnější financování státu (např. více než 4 tisíc základních škol)? #CzechRepublic
Nejmenší obce v ČR se dřív nebo později budou muset sloučit do větších celků. Nebo alespoň spolu zajišťovat některé služby - vzdělávání, sociální služby, zdravotnictví. Nebo je tradice jednotlivých malých obcí důležitější než efektivnější financování státu (např. více než 4 tisíc základních škol)?

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Dragonflies Reveal Path of Mercury Pollution - Yale E360


Helianthus mastodon (AP)
#JDVance and #MAGA hate this 😭, so please don't re-toot or share it in any other way! 🤣

Credit where credit is due:
xitter . com / MarshSongs/status/1814682124693217698
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Der Präsident der serbischen Teilrepublik, Milorad Dodik, wollte mit einem eigenen Wahlgesetz Fakten schaffen. Jetzt stoppt ihn das Verfassungsgericht.#BosnienundHerzegowina #MiloradDodik #RepublikaSrpska #Europa #Politik

Hanse Mina mastodon (AP)
The #US Defense Department has identified another $2 billion worth of accounting errors in its estimations of military aid sent to #Ukraine, a U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report revealed.

Due to the errors, the Defense Department can send a further $2 billion in weapons to Ukraine to cover the amount already approved by U.S. President Joe #Biden.

Tony Novak reshared this.

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL Birds aren't actually blue, but appear to be due to an optical illusion caused by light interacting with the 3D structure of their feathers.
#til #todayilearned
tintinaujapon ActivityPub
this is how human perception of colour operates.

Chris Trottier pleroma (AP)
I prefer indexes and do not invest in individual stocks.

But what I know is that, for a mature company, a P/E ratio between 5-20 is generally a fair valuation.

For a “growth” company, you can afford a higher P/E but only if the revenue growth potential is realistic—otherwise we enter into euphoria and the multiple represents risk.

If we are to believe the P/E ratio, Tesla has greater potential for growth than Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon.

And I have to ask, based on what?

Personally, I don’t believe Tesla is a technology company in the same vein as the other companies I mentioned. All those tech companies have monopoly power in their respective industries, and have used their monopoly power to leverage growth in new industries.

Tesla has no monopoly power and yet it has a higher P/E ratio.

And because it’s a megacap, it puts the greater market at risk when—not if—its share price plummets to a saner valuation.

You may say the market is always forward looking, and this is true. But “forward looking” is often just a fancy way of saying “wishful thinking”.
"#Tesla...puts the greater market at risk when—not if—its share price plummets to a saner valuation."

My question is: can this insane valuation be traced back to some "leader of the pack," trendsetting investors?

I prefer indexes and do not invest in individual stocks.

But what I know is that, for a mature company, a P/E ratio between 5-20 is generally a fair valuation.

For a “growth” company, you can afford a higher P/E but only if the revenue growth potential is realistic—otherwise we enter into euphoria and the multiple represents risk.

If we are to believe the P/E ratio, Tesla has greater potential for growth than Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon.

And I have to ask, based on what?

Personally, I don’t believe Tesla is a technology company in the same vein as the other companies I mentioned. All those tech companies have monopoly power in their respective industries, and have used their monopoly power to leverage growth in new industries.

Tesla has no monopoly power and yet it has a higher P/E ratio.

And because it’s a megacap, it puts the greater market at risk when—not if—its share price plummets to a saner valuation.

You may say the market is always forward looking, and this is true. But “forward looking” is often just a fancy way of saying “wishful thinking”.

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Reddit blocking all major search engines, except Google

JustAFrog mastodon (AP)
Oh, nice.

They're making a sequel of that recent game.

Very recent game.

Totally not old.

Stefan Eissing mastodon (AP)
A FOSS project like OpenSSL should be able to explain their choices without resorting to unverified, wishy-washy statements.

This has gone on long enough. Debian sid is now shipping curl with gnutls to enable HTTP/3. Gentoo is considering its options.

Talk to your distro of choice, if you want access to modern internet protocols. The alternatives are there.

kcco 💫 ActivityPub
Boeing 🙃

taz mastodon (AP)
Minderjährige in der Bundeswehr dürfen den Bundestag nicht wählen, aber Töten lernen – das ist absurd. Sie sind nichts anderes als Kindersoldat:innen.!6022795
newer older

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