muıııo mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Literal thirst trap, look away

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (AP)
US-Präsident Biden betont die Notwendigkeit einer schnellen Einigung zur Geisel-Freilassung. Harris unterstützt das Recht auf israelische Selbstverteidigung.#BenjaminNetanjahu #KamalaHarris #JoeBiden #Geisel #Geiselnahme #Hamas #Nahost-Konflikt #Nahost #Politik #Schwerpunkt

COVID is having a summer wave. Here's what it means for older people

What's with the uptick in COVID cases? There's a pattern that's been repeated each year since COVID started -- a late summer wave. Older people and those who are immuno-compromised should be careful.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2
libramoon reshared this.

The Register mastodon (AP)
Customer bricked a phone – and threatened to brick techie's face with it

There's a difference between a warranty and insurance. In this story the latter could fight back On Call Friday is the day the working week goes to die for most people – unless, like many a Reg reader, they're on call to provide tech support at all hours. Which is why we use this day to celebrate those hardy souls with a fresh instal…
#theregister #IT

Tony Novak CPA mastodon (AP)
Most of the people in my life who I love, enjoy being with, and admire have the opposite beliefs from mine on almost every issue ranging from religion, politics, education, and human rights. That includes my family, friends, neighbors, work peers, and clients. I love, respect and support them all.

But this support and respect is not reciprocal. I follow a simple and clear Acceptable Public Behavior Policy in all public and business dealings to avoid overt bigotry. I have received death threats and been physically attacked for my public advocacy of beliefs. I have been rejected for work and community leadership positions because of my fundamental beliefs. I am scared for our future.

I'm here for 6 months of Dark Brandon

'Major prongs of Project 2025 have already been enacted': legal expert

Although Joe Biden on Sunday, July 21 dropped his bid for reelection, the president has promised to implement US Supreme Court reform during his final six months in office.

Last week, The Washington Post reported that Biden urged the Congressional Progressive Caucus on a phone call to "back his Court reform plan, which he hinted would soon be made public."

The president said, "I’m going to need your help on the Supreme Court, because I’m about to come out — I don’t want to prematurely announce it — but I’m about to come out with a major initiative on limiting the court … I’ve been working with constitutional scholars for the last three months, and I need some help."


Hans mastodon (AP)
Der Baccardi steht auch nur noch im Schrank Rum. 🤔 #nurmalso
Gondoliere mastodon (AP)
Dito. Ist das Alter.

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
The Life and Death of the ‘Biden Is Dead’ Conspiracy Theory
Skip Lacaze mastodon (AP)
“Can we demand some proof of life from Boebert’s brain?”

Das geht leider gerade völlig unter: Die Frankfurter Polizist*innen, die in einer Chatgruppe übelsten Rassismus und Volksverhetzung teilten, werden nicht strafrechtlich belangt, weil es in einer geschlossenen Gruppe passierte und der "Belustigung" diente.
Um ein Verbreiten im strafrechtlichen Sinn handele es sich erst, wenn die „konkrete, durch tatsächliche Anhaltspunkte belegbare Gefahr vorliegt, dass der Inhalt an eine unbestimmte Anzahl von Personen weitergegeben wird und der Täter dies billigend in Kauf nimmt“. Dass eine Whatsapp-Nachricht leicht weitergeleitet werden kann, reicht dem Gericht zufolge „unter Berücksichtigung verfassungsrechtlicher Anforderungen“ nicht aus, um ein „Verbreiten“ beim Einstellen von inkriminierten Inhalten in eine Whatsapp-Gruppe anzunehmen. Artikel 5 des Grundgesetzes, der die Meinungsfreiheit garantiere, erfordere vielmehr konkrete Anhaltspunkte dafür, dass der Empfänger den Inhalt weitergebe und der Sender dies billigend in Kauf nehme.

Im Fall der Polizeichats hingegen lägen keine konkreten Anhaltspunkte dafür vor, dass die Chatgruppenmitglieder damit gerechnet und es billigend in Kauf genommen hätten, dass die Inhalte weitergegeben und damit einer „nicht mehr überschaubaren Anzahl von Personen“ übermittelt werden würden, argumentierte das Gericht. Im Gegenteil: Ihnen sei bewusst gewesen, dass eine Weiterleitung vor allem der nationalsozialistischen und ausländerfeindlichen Inhalte dienstrechtliche Konsequenzen hätte haben können. Zweck der Gruppe sei es gewesen, durch Einstellen schockierender Inhalte die Chatmitglieder zu „belustigen“, führte der Senat aus. Darauf weise bereits der Gruppenname „Itiotentreff“ hin.
Gondoliere mastodon (AP)
@vatolin @silbaer @EngelMichelmann als ob eine Krähe der anderen ein Auge ausmacht...
silbaer mastodon (AP)
@vatolin @EngelMichelmann Wenn Rassismus in einer geschlossen Gruppe (strafrechtlich) nicht verboten ist, dann ist es erlaubt. Dass das in keinem Fall ok ist, steht leider auf einen anderen Blatt. Und das an Beamte da strengere Maßstäbe angesetzt werden sollten ist eigentlich keine Frage. IMO hat jeder Polizist der sich an solch einer Chatgruppe beteiligt seine Eignung zum Staatsdienst verwirkt.
Ändert aber nichts an meiner Aussage. Laut Artikel hat das OLG Frankfurt entschieden.

Robert Reich mastodon (AP)
You've Been Lied to About Inflation I 10 Economic Myths Debunked #9

Liz or Aliz mastodon (AP)
It was hard for me, when she first became VP. (( might be some undiagnosed learning disabilities - back then, they would just say “ oh, they’re dumb “ hardly ! Now, I just visualize the graphic that she had provided back then; , la
Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
@Aliz66_75 Randy Rainbow did a video where he bounced off the theme from stuck in my mind and helped.

(I'm a nut about King Arthur stories, and Camelot has many meaningful memories for me)
Skip Lacaze mastodon (AP)
Rightwingers like to call names. They have often referred to the “Democrat Party” for the past 100 years just to tick us off. It took off with McCarthy, Goldwater, and, I think, Reagan. It was official since Gingrich. Since they are now officially opposed to democracy in general, maybe they could start using “Democratic Party,” since it sounds like an insult anyway.

jakob 🇦🇹 ✅ friendica (via ActivityPub)

Emelia 👸🏻 mastodon (AP)
LMFAO: imagine trying to paint Kamala Harris as "not good for women & girls" because she won't support your transphobic views — it's implying indirectly that Trump would be good for women & girls, when he'd absolutely not be, sending us back decades.

@Flipboard I think you're really going to need to improve curation because in the last week you've sent me push notifications for a scam and now transphobic bullshit.

Sometimes I read a toot and I can sense the Earth vibrating as reply guys clamor over each other to correct an obvious but meaningless goof.

Chris Rodgers mastodon (AP)
I love being "thanked for my cooperation"
Like it's always either a weird quasi-threat, or the person is actually asking me not to have a meltdown
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Dan Gillmor mastodon (AP)
Regarding the hit-by-bullet assumption:

"It seems quite likely that the story Trump has been telling constantly over the last two weeks simply isn’t true, that he and his campaign know it’s not true or at least that there’s no evidence for it. And the press has too."

As Josh Marshall makes clear, this is another willful failure of Big Journalism. Refusing to do the basic stuff is the norm now.

(Free link)
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
I was questioning this shortly after the shooting and complaining about the lack of press analysis. The press is failing to due diligence of the truth. I have always called this an alleged shooting.
Jeff Craig mastodon (AP)
@tmstreet I mean, it's absolutely a shooting, and appears to be a legitimate assassination attempt, but shrapnel doesn't make his survival seem nearly as lucky/miraculous, so he lied.

I mean, the fact that I also can't reject the idea that he had a razor blade in his pocket and bladed himself for the sudden photo op is also a reason that something more official should be said.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) We knew Trump would do this! Pathetic! #PoliticalHumor #PoliticalHumor #Politics #UsPolitics
We knew Trump would do this! Pathetic!

Reticent Turnip mastodon (AP)
Hell yeah I go dancing at a young people's dance club. You may know it. It's called Romper Room

Axios mastodon (AP)
Scoop: Dolores Huerta, the labor activist who co-founded the United Farm Workers with Cesar Chavez, has formally endorsed Kamala Harris for president.
2 people reshared this

The FSF believes every computer user deserves freedom and tirelessly demonstrates how to do almost everything with #freesoftware. Not only do we provide resources and information on how to realize #softwarefreedom in your daily life, the FSF itself also runs entirely on free software. Support the FSF and help us reach our goal of 200 new associate members by July 26: #BecomeAnFSFAssociateMember
A girl writing a text in LibreOffice Writer. Paper flying around her.
corrado937 mastodon (AP)
#haveBeenUsingLinuxSince say openSuse 8, since the last time I installed #winzozz on a computer of mines, it decided, on its own, to mess up with the second HDD, which used to store lots of my backups...

And... I saw Richard, he's a real human being:
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (AP)
Die Unesco hat entschieden: Herrnhut wird Teil einer Weltkulturerbestätte. Die Organisation würdigt damit eine Freikirche, die eine solidarische Idee des Christentums vertritt. Ein Ortsbesuch.#Unesco-Welterbe #Unesco-Kulturerbe #Görlitz #EvangelischeKirche #LandtagswahlSachsen2024 #ReportageundRecherche #Gesellschaft #Schwerpunkt

Europe Says mastodon (AP) What does this mean? #germany
What does this mean?

Russell Garner mastodon (AP)
Provenance unclear
A picture of a lobster, labelled: Crustacean

A picture of a place for buses to stop: Bustacean
Ah Preston bus station! I’ve never got a bus from there but I once called in at about 3am, supporting a team of students in the early seventies, walking the famous ‘Bogle Stroll’ 55 mile charity walk from Lancaster to Manchester.

Juliet E McKenna mastodon (AP)
We're convinced we have two regular hedgehog visitors, observing distinct differences in posture and gait. Last night, we definitely had a third, new and much smaller one.

The hedgehog in the colour photo is the bold creature that comes into the house if the back door is open, looking for cat food.
Colour photo of a hedgehog on a paved garden path.
Black and white infrared camera of a different hedgehog on the same paved garden path.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
Foraging by day and coming close to humans suggests a real problem with the food chain. Their patch can be constrained by the way fencing is set out. Are there ways through the fences at hedgehog height so they can widen their feeding ground?
Juliet E McKenna mastodon (AP)
@christineburns Yes, there are several ways in and out of our garden which we have seen them use, as well as other potential routes. We see hedgehogs of different sizes out and about on people's front lawns if we come back late at night. This is a quiet residential close.
They definitely appreciate the water bowl.

taz mastodon (AP)
Den ganzen Text findet ihr auf!6026028
„Wenn Kinder ‚Ausländer‘ raus singen, sind sie nichts weiter als ein Spiegel der Gesellschaft, in der sie aufwachsen. Politiker sollten das als Alarmsignal begreifen.“  taz-Redakteurin Gaby Coldewey über Kinder aus Pirna, die den Hitlergruß gezeigt und Hakenkreuze gemalt haben

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (AP)
Ein Gericht entscheidet, dass ein abgeschobener Marokkaner doch nicht zurückgeholt wird. Gleichzeitig gestehen die Behörden erstmals Fehler ein.#Abschiebung #Sachsen #Flucht #Deutschland #Politik #Schwerpunkt
eeepee reshared this.
Nike Leonhard mastodon (AP)
Mit anderen Worten: Der deutsche Behörden haben verhindert, dass die Eheleute einen gemeinsamen Wohnsitz haben und ein deutsches Gericht nimmt den fehlenden gemeinsamen Wohnsitz als Anlass, die Abschiebung nachträglich zu rechtfertigen und die Rückholung zu verweigern.
#Schande #Unrecht #Abschiebung
Marcel Geveler mastodon (AP)
@Nike_Leonhard und mit solchen Urteilen sind #NieWieder und #Brandmauer auch nichts weiter als leere Phrasen um Nachts besser schlafen zu können.
Nike Leonhard mastodon (AP)
Aber unabhängig von Rechtsruck und Rassismus ist es ein Riesenproblem, wenn sich Politik und Verwaltung nicht (mehr) an Gerichtsentscheidungen und Gerichte nicht (mehr) an gesetzliche Vorgaben gebunden fühlen. Dann leben wir nämlich jetzt schon in einem Unrechts- und Willkürstaat.
Marcel Geveler mastodon (AP)
@Nike_Leonhard Diese Gerichtsurteile sind ja gerade Teil des Rechtsrucks / Rassismus. Man siehts ja anhand von Sachsen was da derzeit auf Rechsstaat Ebene abgeht nur um paar Ausländer*in loszuwerden.
Marcel Geveler mastodon (AP)
@Nike_Leonhard Und wir ignorieren jetzt mal das ich gerade erst gemerkt hab das Chemnitz Teil von Sachsen ist und ich Geographisch ne absolute Null bin 🙈
(Brainworm 🪱) mastodon (AP)
Sollen einfach ihr rassistisches Nazidenken einräumen! ✊😡

Tom mastodon (AP)
Heute: Friday Night Skating
Fr 26.7.2024: Sonnwendviertel

Es geht ins #Sonnwendviertel. Die Routenlänge ist rd. 14,8 km und hat ein paar steilere Abschnitte – wer sich auf Skates nicht so sicher fühlt sollte seine Teilnahme überdenken oder mit dem Rad mitfahren


Regeln für unterwegs:

Frontfahrzeug und vorderste Rolling Guards nicht überholen. Dont overtake Rolling Guards and first car.

Radler:innen immer rechts fahren, Abstand zu den SkaterInnen halten. Cyclists ride on the right, keep distance to the skaters.

Arme hoch! Handzeichen geben beim Bremsen sowie bei Gefahrenstellen (Schienen, Bodenunebenheit, Hindernis, Unfälle etc.) Hands up when you brake.

Platz auf der Seite lassen, bei „Spurenwechsel“ Rücksicht nehmen, keine unvorhersehbaren Manöver. Careful when overtaking.

Nicht am Gehsteig fahren. Wenn wir schon mal die Fahrbahn benützen können, dann bitte auf der Fahrbahn bleiben. Don’t ride on the pavement.

#FridayNightSkate #Wien
Friday Night Skating
Route für Freitag, den 26.7.2024: Sonnwendviertel

"I think Congress has made a terrible mistake in inviting Netanyahu. First of all, he does not represent the majority of Israelis. He clings to power because of a coalition which includes some very, very extreme people."

~ David Harel, president of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities and professor of computer science and applied mathematics at the Weizmann Institute of Science

#Netanyahu #Israel #Palestine #Congress
"More than a hundred lawmakers, mostly Democrats, skipped Netanyahu’s address, including Senators Dick Durbin, majority whip; Chris Van Hollen; Jeff Merkley; Patty Murray; Elizabeth Warren; and Bernie Sanders. Vice President Kamala Harris declined to preside over the Senate chamber during his address. She instead was in Indianapolis."

~ Amy Goodman

#Netanyahu #Israel #Palestinians #Congress
Mehdi Hassan debunks five of Netanyahu's biggest lies to Congress yesterday.

#Netanyahu #Israel #Palestinians #Congress

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL about Shizo Kanakuri, a Japanese runner who dropped out of the 1912 Olympic race (he fell asleep during his rest mid-race), but returned 54 years later to officially finish it. Kanakuri joked: “It was a long trip. Along the way, I got married, had six children and 10 grandchildren.”
#til #todayilearned

Gerry McGovern mastodon (AP)
"Ad revenue is Google’s bread, butter, knife to spread it with and plate to serve it on. Now, Google is so enamored with AI, it has decided to undermine its keyword search business model."

AI is making it harder for Google to make money on ads.

"The big lie with AI is that there is a return on the investment. It seems pretty clear that some of the investors who have ridden this AI wave understand that the premise of ROI is false, and they are getting off."

Auschwitz Memorial mastodon (AP)
A drastic example of the betrayal of ethics is the participation of German doctors in medical experiments in concentration camps. Listen about experiments in Auschwitz.



Several people in medical uniforms - three men and one woman, are standing around a table.

Dan Gillmor mastodon (AP)
Please support the people who work so hard to keep Mastodon and other fediverse options alive.

I contribute $10 a month to this instance, and gladly.

This moment reminds me of one of those old black and white westerns, my dad called them “shoot’em ups”, when all the town folk are FINALLY fed up, band together, beat the shit out of the town bully, and run him out of town 🥊

Meanwhile in Space, American astronauts are contributing to the decline in standing of Boeing as a builder of aircraft.... yes, they are still trapped on the international Space Station while Boeing's engineers try to figure out why their space craft won't work.

Both NASA & Boeing deny the astronauts are stranded.... but then still they have not returned.

Its not a good look for Boeing.....

#boeing #space

taz diaspora
Herrnhuter Brüdergemeinde

Mission „Welterbe“ erfüllt

Von Thomas Gerlach, Pawel Sosnowski

Die Unesco hat entschieden: Herrnhut wird Teil einer Weltkulturerbestätte. Die Organisation würdigt damit eine Freikirche, die eine solidarische Idee des Christentums vertritt. Ein Ortsbesuch.

Schwerpunkt: Landtagswahl Sachsen 2024

#taz #tageszeitung #Unesco-Welterbe #Unesco-Kulturerbe #Görlitz #Evangelische #Kirche

Boney M. - Rivers of Babylon


4:09 min music video
#music #pop #dance #disco #BoneyM
newer older

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