Russian Opposition mastodon (AP)
Before the assassination attempt on Trump, the shooter searched for the distance from which Lee Harvey Oswald killed John F. Kennedy

The RNC just keeps shooting themselves in the foot with Kamala.

They posted a clip of her dropping the F-bomb our of context - and people cheered!

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Nach zwei Anläufen gibt es immer noch keine Regierung. Scheitert auch der dritte Versuch, sind die Wäh­le­r*in­nen erneut zur Abstimmung aufgerufen.#Bulgarien #Neuwahl #BojkoBorissow #Europa #Politik

Mike Sheward mastodon (AP)
Use Amazon Visa rewards points $13.37 available

Joel Michael mastodon (AP)
Whoever came up with the phrase “spherical torus” show yourself because I need to yell at you until you understand that a sphere and a torus are two different things
Comrade elronxenu mastodon (AP)
Depends how small you can get the hole bit.

Mx. Luna Corbden mastodon (AP)
I have a definition of purity politics, since I had that conversation several times tonight.

But you’ll have to wait till tomorrow.

Mx. Luna Corbden mastodon (AP)
Psychologically speaking, this period of US politics is a tug of war of what they call psychological reactance, which is that when a perceived freedom is being taken away, people tend to get extremely upset and will go to extremes to protect the freedom, as opposed to little reaction if they never had that freedom, it feels normal.

As the arc of history bent towards justice, increasingly in recent decades, the right perceived their freedoms (to discriminate, to rule, to be rewarded more highly for mediocrity, to be deferred to, etc), which led to them taking political power as their base became fired up.

And with that power, they increasingly took from us OUR hard won freedoms, many of them only recently won. (Freedom of expression, racial equities, sexual freedom, women’s rights, ending Roe, etc.)

Time will tell, but it sure seems like they took enough freedom from us to trigger *our* reactance, and that it’s going to be greater than theirs.

#USPol #psychology #AbuseCulture

Guten Morgen liebe Trötinauten! :ablobcatwave:
Der Freitag weiß noch nicht genau wie er heute werden will.
Sonnig? Wolkig? 🌥️
Egal, Hauptsache anschließend ist Wochenende. 🌻
Ich wünsche euch einen angenehmen Start in den Tag!
Seid gut zu euch! 🌼
Prost Kaffee!! ☕☕🍀
Blick vom Balkon nach Westen:
Unter einem wolkenverhangenen Himmel sieht man den hügeligen Horizont. Er wird zum großen Teil, ebenso wie ein Haus der Nachbarschaft, von meiner Balkonbepflanzung  (Sonnenblumen, Lavendel, Weidengrün), verdeckt.
AmiW Streetart 🍃 mastodon (AP)
Mooiiiiiiiin ☕🥐🥐👋🏼 Wolkig! 🤗
Ja. 😀
Bedeckt! Ganz angenehm. ☝️🙂‍↕️

The Register mastodon (AP)
Omnissa, VMware's old end-user biz, emerges with promise of 'AI-infused autonomous workspace'

We think this means easier-to-administer virtual desktops with extra shiny Omnissa, the newly independent business created by Broadcom's spinoff of VMWare's end-user compute arm, has proclaimed it will become a source of "AI-infused autonomous workspaces".…
#theregister #IT

Welcome to my first #FactFriday post, and it's about... #Facts themselves. 🙂 What is a #Fact actually?

1. Let's start with any person who says "we don't want to be an arbiter of truth" is being disingenuous. My profile here has "Facts aren't arbitrary". Rain makes us wet and heat dries us off are facts. They are independently observable and verifiable, not decided/agreed upon,not arbitrary. These people are really saying "I don't want to ban the lies of people I agree with" #Misinformation
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
The other point is the other end - whenever someone says "there is no evidence", treat that as a HUGE red flag. So, scientifically, you have gone and asked every single person in the world, and literally not a single person has any evidence for that? Yeah, nah. In fact often it relates to something I have direct experience with and I know there most definitely IS evidence. These people have a view to push, and they want to convince you they're right and not bother looking for yourself.

Where does AI research come from? This person got the 2,634 papers from the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2024 conference, extracted the "institutions" (universities, big companies, and AI startups), and used a 5-step geocoding algorithm to place them on a map.

The papers were downloaded from a site called OpenReview, the affiliations were extracted using a local LLM (gemma-2) from the first page of the PDF, the 5-stop geocoding algorithm uses Nominatim, a local LLM (ollama gemma-2) to verify, a Google search with the LLM parsing the results if the verification fails, and Google Maps paid API if nothing else works, and Python folium was used for creating the map.

What the map reveals is that AI research comes from the US, China, and Europe.

Within the US, it comes from California, the East coast, the Pacific Northwest, and to a lesser extent, the rest of the country. California contributes heavily from both the San Francisco Bay Area (Silicon Valley) and the LA area. The Pacific Northwest is predominantly the Seattle area. New York dominantes on the East Coast but Boston makes a considerable contribution. Various other cities like Austin, TX, Chicago, IL, Madison, WI, Atlanta, GA, and Washington, DC also register.

In China, it's pretty much all Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen. The place names are in Chinese so if you want more, you'll need to read Chinese ;)

Seoul, South Korea, also contributes a lot. Tokyo, Japan also makes a significant contribution.

For Europe, London dominates, followed by Paris, and it looks like, Zurich, Switzerland, Munich, Germany, Amsterdam, in the Netherlands, Berlin, and some from various other places: Warsaw, Copenhagen, Stockholm.

Other notable places include Singapore, Israel, Belgaluru in India, and Australia (Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane). Canada has Montreal which is a significant contributor.

My state, Colorado, didn't make a very good showing -- only 3 papers, all from Boulder.

All in all, a pretty interesting map. I wonder what the numbering algorithm is -- it looks pretty smooth. You can zoom in and see contributions from all over the country, all over Europe, and around the world. You can zoom in on the hot spots like Silicon Valley and see where within the SF Bay Area contributions come from (Stanford, Berkeley, the city of SF itself where there are lots of startups, the San Jose region with the tech company heavy hitters, etc).

ICML 2024 Institutions and Associated Papers

#solidstatelife #ai #cartography
Explanation of how the institutions were geolocated:

Peter Coles mastodon (AP)
I tripped over in the garden earlier and fell into a flower bed. When I got up I realized that when an older person falls you say they "had a fall" rather than they "fell". I'm not sure at what age this transition happens, but I insist that I fell.
Strypey mastodon (AP)
> I realized that when an older person falls you say they "had a fall" rather than they "fell". I'm not sure at what age this transition happens

The age at which you break rather than bounce when it happens ; )

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
Exhausted, general soreness all over, it must be Friday afternoon

Hugz & xXx

#US #pentagon #war #ukraine
There is a God.


-*The Pentagon has found $2bn worth of additional errors in its calculations for ammunition, missiles and other equipment sent to Ukraine, increasing the improperly valued material to a total of $8.2bn, a US government report revealed on Thursday, July 25, 2024.
In 2023, the Pentagon said staff used “replacement value” instead of “depreciated value” to tabulate the billions in materials sent to Ukraine. The $6.2bn error created a path for billions more to be sent to Kyiv.**
  • The Pentagon, large five-sided building in Arlington county, Virginia, near Washington, D.C., that serves as the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defense, including all three military services—Army, Navy, and Air Force.
Christoph S diaspora
That's great to hear
@Christoph S Yes ~~ We need some good news, and I'm sure the people of Ukraine need it more than all of us.

Nazis politisch oder sonstwo nicht ausgrenzen?
Das ist wieder einmal überhaupt keine gute Idee, Sahra.
Aber davon haste ja auch so einige.
Nazis grenzt man aus und meidet sie, wo immer man kann.
Das ist zumindest meine kleine, unerhebliche Meinung.

#FckNzs #FckAfD #AfdVerbotJetzt.
Überschrift des im Beitrag verlinkten Artikels

Mensch kann nicht gegen #Neonazis diskriminieren denn das impliziert dass #Neonazismus eine schützenswerte Eigenschaft sei und als solche zu schützen sei.
  • Menschen die jedoch qua Bekenntnis #Demozid, #Genozid und #Massenmord gutheißen und die #FDGO ablehnen verdienen jedoch nichts anderes als das gesetzlich zulässige Maximum an Härte!
Dass #Neonazi-sein kein Schnellreise-Ticket ins 8. OG der JVA #Stammheim ist, ist IMHO schon mehr Milde als zuträglich!!

Radio Dreyeckland mastodon (AP)
Im Berufungsprozess gegen Robert H. in #Freiburg, zeigt sich ein "Bild einer Justiz, die fast dazu getragen werden musste, einem bekennenden #AfD-Anhänger, der sich von der Wohlleben Anwältin Nicole Schneiders verteidigen lässt, den Prozess zu machen. Einer Polizei, die ernsthaft erwog dem Tatopfer, dem Menschen der in den Bauch gestochen wurde, eine Gefährderansprache zu erteilen. Ein nicht untypisches Vorgehen der Polizei- die Opfer zu potentiellen TäterInnen machen."

Clio aims to be CoPilot for DevOps.

"Clio is an AI-powered copilot designed to help you with DevOps-related tasks using CLI programs. It leverages OpenAI's capabilities to provide intelligent assistance directly from your command line."

"Note: Clio is designed to safely perform actions. It won't do anything without your confirmation first."

Features: Kubernetes management, AWS integration, Azure integration, Google Cloud Platform integration, DigitalOcean integration, EKS management, and GitHub integration.

Clio - Your friendly and safe CLI Copilot

#solidstatelife #ai #genai #llms #codingai
Facebook deleted this, saying it was "spam". Aren't you all glad you're not on Facebook? Because you're here, you get to know this exists.

zem mastodon (AP)
Here an occasionally #brompton #foldingbike #bicycle #carryshitolympics #picture.

This time I am towing my Klepper T9 #foldingkayak back home from the water after having a short tour with some friends.

#Faltboot #Klepper
a brompton folding bicycle towing a trailer carrying a folding kayak
a brompton folding bicycle towing a trailer carrying a folding kayak

AmiW Streetart 🍃 mastodon (AP)
🙄 Artist: #LesMursOntDesOreilles / #LOreille in City: #Paris 15éme /Square Paul Gilot, Rue de la Convention / France 🇫🇷 07/2024 - Title: "Tourner de l'oeil" ("Rolling eyes" / "Augen verdrehen") - #Art #Streetart #Eyes #Artist #Mural #Pasteup #UrbanArt #Mood #GoodMorning !☕🥐
Streetart. A pretty paste-up of a lady in a rococo dress has been stuck onto a beige-colored park wall. She is wearing a large blonde wig, a blue hair bow and a blue dress with a lavish décolleté. Her cheeks are flushed and she looks up with a strangely twisted gaze. This is also the title: "Rolling eyes". Definitely a pasteup for all occasions.
Info: "L'oreille" is a French street artist who has been pasting up cities with self-designed, cut-out ears with her project "Les murs ont des oreilles" - (The walls have ears) - since around 2018. Recently, the paste-ups have been getting bigger and bigger. Whimsical works of art, full of poetry and humor.
🥰👋🏻😊😊🥐 <img class=_mug:" title=":coffee_mug:"/>

Strypey mastodon (AP)
This is a fascinating read from the end of 2023, about the #ActivityPods team's plans for v2.0 and the v1.0 limitations it's being designed to overcome;

#ActivityPub #SOLID
Strypey mastodon (AP)
I wonder how this might fit with the work done to extend easy account migration across the fediverse, with Portable Objects (FEP-ef61)?

The developer of Streams contributed a lot to this FEP, based on the NomadicIdentity features it's shared with Hubzilla for years(1). So it's already been implemented in Streams.

I'm curious to see it added to other ActivityPubs apps so I can test an app-to-app migration.

#NomadicIdentity #PortableObjects #Streams #ActivityPub

Holger Hellinger mastodon (AP)
Heute vor 100 Jahren wurde mein Opa geboren. Bis 2019 lief er über diese Erde. Ein wenig geprägt hat er mich. Wenn ich seine Gesundheit geerbt habe, sehe ich positiv auf die nächsten 40 Jahre. Er war aber mit Mitte 50 als Beamter in den Ruhestand gegangen. Was waren das für Zeiten. 30 Jahre als Rektor einer Grundschule arbeiten, 40 Jahre Ruhestand und Hundezüchter.

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Keith Ferguson mastodon (AP)
According to unconfirmed rumor, #DonaldTrump will spend the time he would have used preparing for the upcoming September 10th debate...
to, instead, fundraise by marketing his latest product.🤭


Malte Kreutzfeldt mastodon (AP)
Durchaus erstaunlich, wie sich Christian Lindner im Handelsblatt-Interview über Kamala Harris im Vergleich zu Donald Trump äußert.

p6 reshared this.

Pastor of Muppets hometown (AP)
Lifelong penis owner here. Gonna be absurdly conservative and guess that a third of my people making couch jokes here have on at least one occasion thought "I wonder what that would feel like, though"
Gstpulldn mastodon (AP)
55yo male.... Not once in my life has that crossed my mind.

Though I could be out of the mainstream on this one. 😀

Coach Pāṇini ® mastodon (AP)
I mean, can we talk about how freaking weird these people are?
Heritage Foundation
"It seems to me that a good place to start would be a feminist movement against the pill, & for...
returning the consequentiality to sex."
Conservatives have to lead the way in restoring sex to its true purpose, & ending recreational sex & senseless use of birth control pills.
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
2 people reshared this
Coach Pāṇini ® mastodon (AP)
or, at least consented to her image being displayed in a public forum next to that text.

João Pinheiro mastodon (AP)
#Servidor de #música #Navidrome instalado no #YunoHost. Tudo configurado. Falta só a importação da discoteca. 😃

Nicole Sandler mastodon (AP)
Pink is now on the #KamalaCall - from Stockholm, Sweden where she just got off the stage, it's 3am.. She's energized. Join in at -- Zoom is broken -- over 100k on the call, so it's now on YouTube ... just broke 1 million in donations in 30 minutes
3 people reshared this

Joel Michael mastodon (AP)
Last remaining coal-fired power plant in the UK just received its last ever delivery of coal? Congratulations!

they're reusing the old West Burton A site.

the runner up was Ratcliffe, which is a very short drive away. it's the last remaining coal-fired plant in the UK, and it just got its final ever delivery of coal. it'll be fully shut down in September.

they converted their largest plant, Drax, to burn imported woodchips instead

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
"Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) called for a “federal response” to block women in Republican-led states from traveling to another state to get an abortion."

Amsel mastodon (AP)
Ein Opa übt mit seiner Enkelin auf einer Straße laufen (kein Bordstein, eine Ebene mit Fahrbahn). Hinter ihm startet ein Auto. Der Mann hört es und reißt hektisch das kleine Mädchen hoch.
Ich fahre mit dem Rad vorbei, sehe noch, wie er das Kind weiterhin auf dem Arm trägt.

Kinder, haben es schwer, im öffentlichen Raum laufen zu lernen, weil der Kfz Verkehr immer Vorrang bekommt.
Und das ist für uns so normal, dass wir es schon gar nicht mehr bemerken….

#verkehrswende #kind #autokorrektur
levampyre mastodon (AP)
Meine Kinder haben erst mit 6 Jahren richtig Fahrradfahren gelernt, weil es in der Stadt nicht möglich war. Man mußte immer erst mit Sack und Pack irgendwo hingehen zum Üben.

Einen Tag nachdem wir auf's Land gezogen sind, sind sie Rad gefahren. Sie können hier nämlich einfach zum Spielen vor die Tür gehen. Ich muß nicht die ganze Zeit um sie rumhelicoptern, damit sie nicht von Autos überfahren, von Typen angelabert oder entführt werden oder verloren gehen. Das ist schon was Anderes hier.

Mastodon Migration mastodon (AP)
On Blocking

Just block. If you are not into them, you don't need any other reason. Simply remove them from your social media experience. It's not a big deal.

Don't worry that they will still be seen in the thread. In the future they won't see you and you won't see them.

It works, and it is good for your mental health. Just block.
Bruce mastodon (AP)
“…have you checked with your instance to see what their settings are?…”

I have not. I do need to look into this more than I have.

Bruce mastodon (AP)

I will try that. Thank you.

Tek aEvl friendica (AP)


#aEvl us
Channel test, #Channel #feed

Brain Bug mastodon (AP)
Bock, die #Bundesregierung wegen zu geringer Anstrengungen beim #Klimaschutz zu verklagen, aber keine Ahnung, wie?

Bock, #Wissing und Konsorten in den 🍑 zu treten, aber kein Geld für ne Anwältin?

Gar kein Problem - schließ Dich einfach als Nebenkläger*in der #Verfassungsbeschwerde von @germanwatch an, die sie zusammen mit @greenpeace_de und Einzelkläger*innen, u.a. mir - und Dir? - beim Bundesverfassungsgericht einreichen!

Hier geht´s lang:

👉 👈

Crunchycheezcake pleroma (AP)
Shady the goth queen (24/25 Done)

Crunchycheezcake pleroma (AP)
Flamey and Watery 🔥💧 (22/25 Done)

The Associated Press removes a fact-check claiming JD Vance has not had sex with a couch / ‘We are looking into how that happened,’ an AP spokesperson told The Verge.
Mark Wollschlager reshared this.

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