Ukrainian president tells Davos that Europe must establish itself as an ‘indispensable’ player on the global stageLuke Harding (The Guardian)
Потери вооруженных сил Российской Федерации во время войны в Украине. Russian casualties in
It’s no secret that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been trying to rebrand and repair their imagesEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Hi I am a step-father to a 7 year-old boy. I have two children of my own (19 and 16) and have a question concerninganonymous
En edición En colaboración coa comunidade de usuarios de Godot Engine en Galicia, Estamos a organizar unha xornada de encontro, con obradoiros e relatorios sobre o motor de xogos
Comezamos os preparativos para organizar unha xornada «Godoteira»
At his inauguration, US President Donald Trump promised to "expand our territory", invoked the colonialist "Manifest Destiny", and vowed to forcibly take ove...YouTube
President Donald Trump said he’s open to billionaire friends Elon Musk or Larry Ellison buying TikTok as part of a joint venture meant to save the app from a ban.Lauren Feiner (The Verge)