Dr. Amy, Psy.D. mastodon (AP)
I painted this recently 💜
Abstract painting with reds, oranges, and yellows with black mixed in around the edges. Green leaves in the lower right corner. Four daisies scattered around, each with a glass bead painted rose gold in the center. In the middle of the painting are two white roses not fully bloomed.

JP mastodon (AP)
Journalists should get in the habit of asking Trump after he makes any announcement “has Elon approved that?”

Chuck Darwin mastodon (AP)
Last year, representatives of New Mexico’s oil industry met behind closed doors
with the very groups with which they typically clash
— state regulators and environmentalists
— in search of an answer to the more than 70,000 wells sitting unplugged across the state.

Many leak oil, brine and toxic or explosive gasses,
and more than 1,700 have already been left to the public to clean up.

The situation is so dire that oil companies agreed to help try to find a solution.

After months of negotiations,
the state regulators who ran the meetings emerged with a proposal that they hoped would appease everyone in the room.

The bill would instruct drillers to set aside more money to plug their wells,
authorize regulators to block risky sales to companies that would be unlikely to afford to clean up their wells
and implement a buffer zone between wells and hospitals, schools, homes and other buildings.

The industry, unhappy with the state’s final language, turned against the bill it helped shape.

The influential New Mexico Oil and Gas Association told its supporters that HB 133 was
“a radical and dangerous approach designed to strangle the oil and gas industry”
and asked them to send their elected representatives a form letter opposing it.

If passed, the trade group proclaimed,
the bill would
“Destroy New Mexico.”

The Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico,
which represents small oil companies,
called the bill “overzealous.”

In the face of such opposition, Democrats removed key provisions.

The New Mexico Oil and Gas Association eventually changed its position to neutral,
but largely stripped of substance,
the bill died on the floor of the House of Representatives.

“Industry killing the bills was the dynamic I saw,” said Adam Peltz,
a senior attorney with the Environmental Defense Fund
who helped write the New Mexico proposal,
as well as similar bills in other oil-producing states
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Chuck Darwin mastodon (AP)
New Mexico faces a multibillion-dollar shortfall
between the money companies have set aside to plug wells and the actual cost of doing so,
according to state research -- a reality mirrored in many states.

Across the country, more than 2 million oil and gas wells sit unplugged,
but the money held in cleanup funds,
called bonds,
is many tens of billions of dollars short of the projected costs,
ProPublica and Capital & Main found.

Now, a once-in-a-lifetime effort to shrink that shortfall is underway,
spurred in large part by federal funding for well-plugging efforts.

As regulators and legislators seek to require that drillers set aside more money for the work,
they have invited oil companies and trade groups to help write the regulations.

This dynamic
— politically expedient in states where the industry wields tremendous influence
— has combined with secretive drafting processes and millions of dollars of industry lobbying
to weaken or kill proposals in state after state.

In some, including Oklahoma and Utah,
lawmakers propose bills only after oil trade groups approve the language.

In many others, regulators and drillers work together through organizations such as the quasi-governmental "Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission" to design policy.

But even when given a seat at the table,
like in New Mexico,
the industry has turned against reform efforts.

Holly Hopkins,
a vice president of the American Petroleum Institute,
the industry’s largest trade group,
said in a statement,

“We are continuing to work with policymakers to advance balanced regulations that enhance safety, sustainability and environmental stewardship
and help ensure that American energy is produced responsibly from start to finish.”

Those working to reform a status quo that has left potentially millions of wells as orphans disagree.

Sen. Jeff Merkley, an Oregon Democrat,
is preparing to file a bill in Congress targeting oil companies’ use of bankruptcy to offload cleanup obligations on the public.

“The challenge in anything that involves fossil fuels,
and particularly that addresses a profit strategy of fossil fuel companies,
is you’re taking on the most powerful lobby in the United States of America,” he said.

smellsofbikes diaspora
This took me a moment

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Sixteen gigawatt hour project!!!!!

Batteries charged with wind & solar are going to put out the fires at fossil fueled power plants.

Ibises in the Sky

This is a flock of white ibises (Eudocimus Eudocimus) that passed over one day.

Pay attention to the sky
And you'll see things that fly
In air where serenity rises
Graceful, soaring ibises.

My photo gallery contains more that 1000 images that I've chosen to share. Most are there for their visual appeal but there are a few novelty images. You can check out my gallery at:
"The image shows a flock of four white ibises flying in the sky. The birds are captured mid-flight with their wings spread wide, showcasing their feathers against a clear blue sky. The photograph is visually striking due to the contrast between the birds and the sky, and it captures the grace and beauty of the ibises in motion." - Copilot

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Europe Says mastodon (AP) Заслужена почивка #bulgaria
Заслужена почивка

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Casă de piatră Makaveli!Să-ți trăiască Șoșoaca #romania
Casă de piatră Makaveli!Să-ți trăiască Șoșoaca

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Wigilia: Why Poland celebrates Christmas Eve with 12 dishes #poland
Wigilia: Why Poland celebrates Christmas Eve with 12 dishes

裸のラリーズ (Les Rallizes Dénudés/Hadaka no rariizu)は、1967年に水谷孝を中心に京都で結成されたエクスペリメンタルノイズロック・サイケデリックロックバンド。1960年代から1990年代に活動し、国内外のノイズロックシーンに多大なる影響を与え、現在もカルト的人気。
Les Rallizes Dénudés Live 1972 at Circus Circus in Kyoto (Full Album)

Andrew Zonenberg mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Actuarial analysis of Santa Claus

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Dgar mastodon (AP)
Venn Diagram:




A four-quadrant grid. 

Anti capitalism + Pro Christmas = Jesus 

Pro Christmas + Pro capitalism = Santa 

Anti capitalism + Anti Christmas = The Grinch 

Pro capitalism + Anti Christmas = Scrooge
Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
Bisous du train 😘😘😘😘

Jcrabapple mastodon (AP)
Anyone have suggestions for cataloging a vinyl record collection? Any self-hosted applications? I'd rather not use a spreadsheet but I'll go that route if I have to.

Loren hometown (AP)
There’s nothing better than telling someone about an animal they’ve never heard of and them being genuinely excited about it

Lauren Weinstein mastodon (AP)
I haven't had time to post an update on the new kitten Blaze, and I'll update in more detail later. But just to let you know he's doing very well. He's on medication for his respiratory and eyes condition. Though he will probably always have less than perfect vision, he obviously has enough vision that he's not having any noticeable problems at all. He'll be an indoor cat of course so he'll be fine. He is full of energy and has a veracious appetite -- I sometimes suspect he's actually a panther cub. Are there solid gray panthers? Doesn't matter. Though Blaze has had no contact with Leela so far, and won't
for a couple of weeks, Leela has been under stress (very common when a new kitten comes into a household, even when they are kept far apart) and I'm dealing with that now as well and have to stay on top of this. Blaze is little bundle of joy, and if there's one thing we need these days it's the increasingly difficult to attain joy.
Tony Wells mastodon (AP)
Good to hear. Cats will usually bond after some initial unease, and will then gang up on you.

Michael mastodon (AP)
Another weekend sorting and reprocessing some of my archives from Southeast Asia. I find this market scene from Bagan, #Burma / Myanmar very captivating. #Photography
Market scene. A young boy in dark red monks robes holds a begging bowl with a very pensive scowl on his face. In the background are many people buying or selling fresh vegetables.

Mike Sheward mastodon (AP)
“And to Colin, whom he states in a message he may not have had the best relationship with during his mortal years, hopes this will make up for following his passing, he leaves his original Picasso artwork…”

“Oh my god, oh my god…”

“…NFT collection.”


Chris Trottier pleroma (AP)
Tom Mulcair used to be the leader of Canada’s Official Opposition, and this is a good summary of everything about to go down in Canada.

Things are not pretty and they’re about to get worse. All this because Trudeau can’t walk away.

Me/cfs ist gerade wieder sehr anstrengend. Einen Spaziergang mit dem Hund schaffe ich, das war es dann. Malen oder schreiben geht gar nicht, kochen auch nicht. Ab Nachmittag nur noch Sofa, jetzt bin ich schon im Bett.

#chronisch #welcometomylife
Elsa & Balou mastodon (AP)
Ich drück dich, liebe Karin, und wünsche dir, dass es bald etwas besser wird! 🧡 🙏 🍀

chesheer mastodon (AP)
Is there a way to disable touchpad while typing in #OpenBSD ? wsmouse(4) doesn't seem to contain such option. I can think of disabling tapping, but that's not the best solution...
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stefani reshared this.

GertrudeZane mastodon (AP)
Peck doesn't realize he's outgrown his kitten-sized cat tower. 😄

Happy #Caturday everyone!

#Peck #CatsOfMastodon #Cats #Cat #Catstodon #CatsOfFediverse #Animals #Pets #Cute #FediCats #MastoCats #Gatos #Katzen #Chat #AdoptDontShop
A big, three year old black cat has squeezed himself into the top of a small cat tower that is meant for kittens.  One front paw and a long black hind leg are hanging over the edge of the cat tower.  The cat's big yellow eyes are looking towards the left.
Callalily reshared this.
Sharonbw mastodon (AP)
😂 He takes up the whole spot so there's no room for any other cat. This way he doesn't have to share.
GertrudeZane mastodon (AP)
😂🤣😂 You understand him so well!

mk30 mastodon (AP)
In case you were wondering what the endgame of mass incarceration is, here is its purest form:

"No state has a longer, more profit-driven history of contracting prisoners out to private companies than Alabama. With a sprawling labor system that dates back more than 150 years — including the brutal convict leasing era that replaced slavery — it has constructed a template for the commercialization of mass incarceration.

Best Western, Bama Budweiser and Burger King are among the more than 500 businesses to lease incarcerated workers from one of the most violent, overcrowded and unruly prison systems in the U.S. in the past five years alone, The Associated Press found as part of a two-year investigation into prison labor. The cheap, reliable labor force has generated more than $250 million for the state since 2000 through money garnished from prisoners’ paychecks."


#alabama #labor #prison #work #incarceration

Brooke unkn (AP)
I haven't hauled out my old D90 workhorse in years, but today seemed like a good day for it

libramoon mastodon (AP)

Samuel Friedrich Capricornus was born on 21 December 1628

levelbot mastodon (AP)
whoopsie levels are 62% and falling

(62%) ■■■■■■□□□□

Muse diaspora
Wow! I'm impressed!
Khurram Wadee diaspora
Four to a Mini.

Texas Observer mastodon (AP)
The controversial LNG plant is replacing 984 acres of wetlands northeast of Brownsville in the sensitive Laguna Madre area, a crucial habitat for migratory birds and ocelots separated from the Gulf by the Padre barrier island.

#environment #ClimateChange #energy #OilAndGas #politics #USpol #Texas #news #GulfCoast

Global Museum mastodon (AP)
A 4th Century AD, Roman Glass Jug with a smaller glass jug inside; a so called joke jar that shows the skill of the glassmaker. Probably made in workshop in Cologne, found in burial in Stein am Rhein, Switzerland.

#archaeohistories #glass
A 4th Century AD, Roman Glass Jug with a smaller glass jug inside; a so called joke jar that shows the skill of the glassmaker

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Tja, auf einmal kann man die Tat nicht mehr politisch ausschlachten #DeutscheMemes #Memes
Tja, auf einmal kann man die Tat nicht mehr politisch ausschlachten

Chris :freebsd: mastodon (AP)
Somewhere in this picture is our galaxy. Do you know where?

When I see images like this in relation to the Cosmos, it always makes me think of Carl Sagan’s beautiful words of “The Pale Blue Dot”.

We should do EVERYTHING in our power to protect Earth, this wonderful planet we have the good fortune to live on, the pale blue dot - where EVERYONE we have ever known has lived on!!!!

Wowzer! Map of cosmic flows, by yours truly, makes it to the cover of the Nature Astronomy journal.

"Galaxies from
wherever flock

I'm no poet, but could this be a Haiku?

Image: Daniel Pomarède, Institut de Recherche sur les Lois Fondamentales de l’Univers, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay.
Cover design: Bethany Vukomanovic.

#Cosmology #Galaxies #Astronomy #Astrodon #Astrophysics #Cosmography #Cartography #Map #Cosmicflows #science #STEM #news #space
A cover of the Nature Astronomy journal, dated December 2024, Volume 8, issue number 12, featuring a three-dimensional visualization of the cosmic velocity field inferred from the Cosmicflows-4 catalog of galaxies' distances and velocities. This map spans two billion lightyears from top to bottom. The velocity field is mapped by means of tens of thousands of very thin streamlines, seeded at the positions of the catalog's galaxies. Streamlines are shown white and semi-transparent, against a black background. They exhibit a very complex pattern with multiple attractors, seen as points of convergence of the lines. A text reads Galaxies from wherever flock together.

Alice 🐝 hometown (AP)
Happy Winter Cat Solstice!

A large tabby and white cat sleeping next to her blue telescopic fishing rod toy, the handle is next to her paws so it sort of looks like she’s fishing. Her tail is curled back behind her kinda like a squirrel

Europe Says mastodon (AP) The Republican Party Is Out of Control | An ungovernable party is about to run the government. #Politics #U.S.Politics #UnitedStates
The Republican Party Is Out of Control | An ungovernable party is about to run the government.
newer older

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