22/12/2024. Hoy se conmemoran 117 años de la Masacre de la Escuela Santa María de Iquique. Un evento que no podemos dejar en el olvido.

Somos el mejor país de Chile

Barack Obama incluyó “Gata Only” de FloyyMenor y Cris MJ en su lista de canciones favoritas de este 2024


Lake Michigan! Live! mastodon (AP)
Current* conditions near St. Ignace, MI:
Southwestern view of the Mackinac Bridge traversing the Straits of Mackinac. // Image captured at: 2024-12-21 15:49:41 UTC (about 13 min. prior to this post) // Current Temp in St. Ignace: 6.30 F | -14.28 C // Precip: overcast clouds // Wind: NNE at 9.015 mph | 14.50 kph // Humidity: 84%

Georgiann Baldino mastodon (AP)
Congress leaves 'a big mess' for Trump and Republicans in 2025

This week's turmoil predicts the upcoming #Trump administration.

Josh mastodon (AP)
Psst. You see a #caturday anywhere saround here?

#ca #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfFediverse
Squeaker, a ginger Tabby and certified mouser stops and gives a close up of his gorgeous mug while on a mouse hunt.

Tengrain mastodon (AP)
Meanwhile, in The Seething Hotbed of Unbridled Lust, South Carolina… proposing executing women who seek an abortion: MAGA Republicans in South Carolina have introduced SC H3537, also known as The South Carolina Prenatal Equal Protection Act. South Carolina House Bill 3537 is one of the most extreme pieces of legislation we’ve seen. It proposes changing the legal definition of the word “person” to include an unborn fetus.

🤖 Lazaro el dog mastodon (AP)
Committee to Protect Journalists: 2 Kurdish journalists killed in suspected Turkish drone attack in northern Syria

Andrew Pam diaspora
How community wind power can ease permitting woes
Lawrence Weston is a community of several thousand residents in the city of Bristol, in the west of England, and one of the poorest neighbourhoods in the region.

Between 2014 and 2023 a group of determined residents and supporters led a successful campaign to build an onshore wind turbine in the area through their community action group Ambition Lawrence Weston and subsequent sister group Ambition Community Energy.

They did so overcoming great difficulties including a government-imposed, de-facto ban on onshore wind power in England that the UK’s new centre-left Labour government finally ended several weeks ago.

The resulting turbine — a 4.2MW EP115 EP3 unit supplied by German manufacturer Enercon — began producing electricity last year and is already generating money for Ambition Community Energy and the residents of Lawrence Weston.

Now the people behind the project hope to see it replicated elsewhere.

Two of the project's key proponents — David Tudgey and Charles Gamble — believe they have created a model that can be replicated beyond Lawrence Weston.

“A lot of people will say this is a one-off, that it won’t happen again. But they don’t understand me and Charles. We didn’t do it for eight years just for one demonstration turbine [and] what we have codified is the Sustainable Innovative Financial Foundations for Turbines (SIFFFT),” Tudgey, the project development director at Community Power Solutions, told Windpower Monthly.

The pair’s SIFFFT model seeks to build on the solutions they and others came up with to overcome the major challenges they faced with the Lawrence Weston turbine.

Via Reasons to be Cheerful

Elsa & Balou mastodon (AP)
Heute, zum Winteranfang,
wünsche ich euch, ihr Lieben, 🧡
einen wunderbaren Tag mit vielen schönen Momenten und netten Begegnungen. ☀️

Beugen wir uns nicht dem Terrorismus,
in welcher Form auch immer,
bieten wir ihm die Stirn!
Meine Gedanken sind bei den Menschen in Magdeburg.

#Winteranfang #Samstag #Magdeburg
Verschneite Winterlandschaft mit Bäumen, Schneeflocken,
weißer Text:
"Schneeflocken sind die Schmetterlinge des Winters."
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
Ich danke dir, liebe Elsa!🥰
Heute brauchen wir wirklich viel #schonesgegendoofes!
Ich wünsche auch dir einen dennoch schönen Tag!🙋🏼‍♀️🧑‍🎄🌲🕯️🕯️🕯️🌟
Elsa & Balou Private Message mastodon (AP)
@Nordin 🧡 ☀️

For Pagans, winter solstice is a time for reflection and celebration

In the darkness of winter solstice, pagans celebrate Yule — welcoming longer days to come

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

CAPETOX mastodon (AP)
Depredador (1987)
Director: John McTiernan
#Cats #Catstodon #CatsOfMastodon #Caturday

fediverseobserver friendica (via ActivityPub)
Found 10 new servers and 21 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,901 servers checked. 14,808,144 Total Users with 1,067,821 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found: a #mastodon server from Japan a #gotosocial server from a #yojoart server from Private a #mastodon server from United States a #wordpress server from Germany a #mastodon server from Singapore a #sharkey server from United States a #sharkey server from United States a #iceshrimp server from United States a #misskey server from Private

Help others find a home, send them to

Franklin López mastodon (AP)
Si tu regardes un film pendant le congé d’hiver, regarde "Ru", un film absolument fuckin magnifique sur une petite fille du Vietnam, une des nombreuses #boatpeople qui sont arrivées au Québec après la guerre du #Vietnam. Honnêtement, ça fait longtemps que j’ai pas vu un film aussi bon. Je te le recommande vraiment.Chaque prise est une superbe peinture, les choix musicaux sont parfaits et le jeu des acteurs est incroyable. Juste wow. Pour l’instant, le seul endroit où tu peux le trouver, c’est sur Crave, un service canadien. Mais bon, tu peux être créatif et voir si tu peux le trouver ailleurs!

Eryngium mastodon (AP)
Perfectly captured the two sides of her personality.

#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #BlackCat #cats
Two side-by-side photos of the same black cat sitting on a wooden table. In the first image, the cat sits in left-facing profile like a majestic statue bathed in sunlight coming from a nearby window. In the second image, the cat is turned to face the camera and is caught mid-lick with direct eye contact, making it look like she's deliberately sticking out her tongue at you.

pzmyers 🦑 mastodon (AP)
Curious. All these billionaires are college dropouts who know nothing about physics, but they like to claim they could have been physicists. So why don't they go back to school?
David K2FI mastodon (AP)
I couldn't be a physicist and I have an actual Physics degree!

AusderPampa mastodon (AP)
#FotoVorschlag ‚Dunkelheit‘ erhellt durch weihnachtliche Sterne in den Bäumen

#photography #christmas
Zwei Herrenhuther Sterne hängen in der Dunkelheit in den Ästen eines Baums. Von unten in den Baum gezoomt

Amy Diehl, Ph.D. mastodon (AP)
While Amazon claims the goal of RTO is to increase collaboration, survey finds many employees (45%) aren’t even assigned to the same office as their manager and 38% said they only worked alongside a fraction of their team members—either 20% or less.
@blogdiva it's never been about collaboration, it's 100% about justifying the billions they've invested in real estate that they now can't unload because the world realized office buildings are terrible.
@blogdiva what's wild to me is that the shareholders are stupid enough to fall for it instead of holding management responsible for making bad decisions (or, y'know, understanding that circumstances change and you just have to take losses sometimes).

Instead they take it out on the #labor.

The system's propensity to perpetuate itself is just ... mind blowing. Frustrating. Depressing.

ACARS Drama mastodon (AP)
ACARS Message From: C-GWBL / WS0355


Track Aircraft

#acars #vdlm2
Mike Sheward mastodon (AP)
I wish it were life vests for seals

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Sicherheit Wie Luxemburger Weihnachtsmärkte geschützt werden #Lëtzebuerg #luxembourg #Luxemburg
Sicherheit Wie Luxemburger Weihnachtsmärkte geschützt werden 

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Sicherheit Wie Luxemburger Weihnachtsmärkte geschützt werden #Lëtzebuerg #luxembourg #Luxemburg
Sicherheit Wie Luxemburger Weihnachtsmärkte geschützt werden 

Europe Says mastodon (AP) The five-minute city: inside Denmark’s revolutionary neighbourhood ##Sustainability–FutureLiving #Danmark #denmark #sustainability
The five-minute city: inside Denmark’s revolutionary neighbourhood

Andrew Pam diaspora
86 Stories of Progress from 2024
While this year's biggest 'health' stories were about CEO assassinations, vaccine skepticism and scary viral outbreaks, history was being made in the background. Multiple countries declared victory over age-old afflictions like malaria, leprosy and trachoma, the global campaign against cervical cancer reached a turning point, with widespread HPV vaccination putting humanity on track to eliminate a cancer for the first time, and in places like Gaza and Sudan, health workers achieved the near-impossible, vaccinating millions.

Scientific breakthroughs, from personalised mRNA vaccines to GLP-1 therapies, offered new hope for billions suffering from previously intractable conditions, and we saw world-first treatments for diseases like cancer, diabetes and lupus. Most importantly, healthcare increasingly reached those who need it most, with expanded access to vaccines, treatments, and coverage for people in low and middle income countries. From South Asia's dramatic reduction in child mortality to Africa's unexpected progress on tuberculosis, this year demonstrated that sustained political commitment can change the trajectories of entire nations.

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
"There are multiple reasons chaos monkeys are in the process of taking over our government, but one of the most important is that despite an economic record envied by much of the world, many Americans believed that we had a bad economy. The past tense there is deliberate; more shortly."

Within 24 hours one of this fans killed 5 people in the name of the AfD in Germany.

Cause and Effect?

#ElonMusk #NoAfD #Musk #Twitter

ikuo mastodon (AP)

My teen son was sick all last week. Said "everyone" at school is sick & NO ONE is masking (except him). Symptoms presented like a head cold. 3 rapid tests 48 hours apart all negative. He's better now.

But 10 days after his 1st symptoms, I got sick. Yesterday's rapid test was negative, but after a 102.5 F fever last night, today I am positive.


I'm SOOOO upset because there are things I could have done to prevent this, but I didn't. Here are my Lessons Learned:

There are no other Covid antiviral treatments in the Netherlands either.

They may give you Dexamethasone if you get severely ill. But I am too young probably for those as well. Everyone under 70 is expected to clear Covid by themselves.
@ABScientist There is a lot of underusage of Paxlovid here in America as well, mostly because doctors and patients are misinformed or because doctors are skittish about prescribing. It's causing a lot of unnecessary long covid (and death) and it's infuriating. At least here you can shop around until you find a better informed doctor.

I'm sorry they're restricting usage in NL 🙁


Mike Rose hometown (AP)
Happy #caturday from the law firm of Bonnet Box & Shark

Dave mastodon (AP)
The guidance should be: stop using X.
Jess ex machina mastodon (AP)
Please stop listening to Elon Musk. Society doesn’t need him anymore and his character looks ugly.
A screenshot of a Twitter exchange featuring a tweet from Elon Musk criticizing the use of hashtags on the platform, claiming they are no longer needed and visually unappealing. Below is a response from another user, Dan, discussing the ineffectiveness of hashtags.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Birdlife Sverige kräver att lagen följs – Östersunds-Posten #nyheter #Sverige #sweden
Birdlife Sverige kräver att lagen följs – Östersunds-Posten

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Yi Peng 3, Østersjøen | Kinesisk skip mistenkt for kabelbrudd har lettet anker i Kattegat #Noreg #Norge #norway #nyheter
Yi Peng 3, Østersjøen | Kinesisk skip mistenkt for kabelbrudd har lettet anker i Kattegat

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Iceland Social Democrats Present New Coalition Government #Government #iceland #island #SYND #vote
UN Urges Leveraging Carbon Markets To Help Poorest Countries

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Man rehabilitated half-a-century after crimes during soviet occupation of Estonia | News #Eesti #estonia #RebailitationOfCriminals #ResistanceToTheSovietRegimeInEstonia #SovietOccupationOfEstonia #SupremeCourt #Uudised
Man rehabilitated half-a-century after crimes during soviet occupation of Estonia | News

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Wetter: Weisse Weihnachten in der Schweiz wohl nur über 800 Metern Höhe #Nachrichten #Nouvelles #schweiz #Suisse #switzerland
Wetter: Weisse Weihnachten in der Schweiz wohl nur über 800 Metern Höhe

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Are Czechia’s holiday markets safe after German attack? Officials reassure public #Česko #CzechRepublic #czechia #zprávy
Are Czechia's holiday markets safe after German attack? Officials reassure public

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Orban Says Higher NATO Defense Targets Would Cripple The Hungarian Economy #hír #hungary #Magyarország #News #TheRundownStories
Orban Says Higher NATO Defense Targets Would Cripple The Hungarian Economy

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Latvia Sanctions Another 13 Georgian Citizens – Civil Georgia #Jaunumi #latvia #Latvija
Latvia Sanctions Another 13 Georgian Citizens – Civil Georgia

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Senate Dems’ SCOTUS ethics report highlights key findings — but few results | Courthouse News Service
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