Europe Says mastodon (AP) Infinite Pralinen Glitch im Eurospar #austria
Infinite Pralinen Glitch im Eurospar

Rightardia mastodon (AP)
Winter solstice is today in Tampa Bay.

A-Dub mastodon (AP)
ugh, seriously?!

200 families from Tataskweyak Cree Nation won’t get Christmas hampers after a funding request under Jordan’s Principle was denied by Indigenous Services Canada for not meeting their criteria. The hampers were cancelled after groceries had already been purchased, leaving an Inuk-owned company out $20,000.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Kaj pričakujete od novega leta – novo leto 1981 #slovenia
Kaj pričakujete od novega leta - novo leto 1981

🤯☹️ Insurers refusing to cover prosthetic limbs, and lenders repossessing prosthetic limbs for non-payment.

Again, it feels like we are approaching an endgame.

What it is or when it will be, I don’t know.

But it’s coming.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) KAŽNJEN ZADARSKI ŽUPAN Sakrio hrpu imovine! #croatia
KAŽNJEN ZADARSKI ŽUPAN Sakrio hrpu imovine!

FaizalR mastodon (AP)
Is there any underwater welder on #Fediverse? How do you toot? #askfedi

6 MAGA extremists have introduced a bill in South Carolina that would allow the state to kill women who get an abortion. How? By defining a fetus as a person.

I include their public numbers in my article explaining this barbaric bill—do give them a call:

Lake Michigan! Live! mastodon (AP)
Current* conditions near Muskegon, MI:
Wide view of Pere Marquette Beach in Muskegon with a beach house in the foreground. // Image captured at: 2024-12-21 14:11:01 UTC (about 22 min. prior to this post) // Current Temp in Muskegon: 23.74 F | -4.59 C // Precip: overcast clouds // Wind: NNE at 6.912 mph | 11.12 kph // Humidity: 69%

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Would something like this Japanese rail line work in Dublin over the Royal and Grand canals? #ireland
Would something like this Japanese rail line work in Dublin over the Royal and Grand canals?

Kato, Riddar unkn (AP)
Too soon

Europe Says mastodon (AP) London hospital left without equipment after theft from suspected inside man #UnitedKingdom
London hospital left without equipment after theft from suspected inside man

Der Postillon 📯 mastodon (AP)
Morgen in PamS: Kann er Musk so wieder für sich gewinnen? Lindner präsentiert sich in neuem Look

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Slovakia and Hungary had three years to find alternatives to their addiction on Russian methane.

They didn't do jack shit towards doing that and now they want to put the blame on Ukraine because they're letting the contract to allow it to be piped across their country lapse as is their right.

Being addicted to fossil fuels is horrible for the soul.

This is from the PM of Slovakia btw.
 Robert Fico tweet


Europe Says mastodon (AP) Switzerland – KeinerBleibtAllein (No one remains alone) – Christmas/New Year’s Eve #switzerland
Switzerland - KeinerBleibtAllein (No one remains alone) - Christmas/New Year's Eve

Tony Novak mastodon (AP)
Puzzling ATAX tax news yesterday

Update 12/21/2024: I am aware that at least two major media outlet tax reporters saw my post about this on social media but still no follow-up published, as far as I can see. Puzzling tax news yesterday: AI news digests suggest that the Rafael Alvarez of ATAX indicted in New York yesterday in one of the biggest tax fraud cases in U.S.

myrmepropagandist mastodon (AP)
I love little kids with NYC accents. Nothing is more cute.
Flaming Cheeto mastodon (AP)
where's your homework?

I fuhgoddaboudit
Flaming Cheeto mastodon (AP)
I also enjoy this bambina . Probably explaining why she shouldn't have to take a nap but instead get more biscotto

watson News mastodon (AP)
Als erster Schweizer Female Act haben «Zivadiliring» das Zürcher Hallenstadion ausverkauft.!886580488?utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=social-auto&utm_campaign=auto-share

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@Souristine Bisous du train 😘😘😘😘

Pastor of Muppets reshared this.

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@Kelissen Bisous du train 😘😘😘😘

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
This entry was edited (2 days ago)

Merry Christmas mastodon (AP)
'The Bible Belt is a region in the United States where evangelical Protestantism is a strong influence on society and politics'

Can I ask the USA Bible belt where, in the Bible, does it say "and the super-rich shall inherit the Earth"

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@dada Bisous du train 😘😘😘😘

Elías Fraguas mastodon (AP)
La peña en Mastodon be like: "bueno, si todos fuesen en bicicleta esto no pasaba".
Al menos cinco muertos y 200 heridos tras un atropello múltiple en un mercadillo de Navidad de Magdeburgo
Elías Fraguas mastodon (AP)
"mira, esto pasa por ceder a la cultura capitalista y de consumo. Si estuviesen en casa instalando linux ahora estarían vivos, solo señalo lo obvio 😀"

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@uichelorraine Bisous du train 😘😘😘😘

Europe Says mastodon (AP) What Christmas in Ukraine looks like thanks to russian missile attacks #Ukraine
What Christmas in Ukraine looks like thanks to russian missile attacks

jamais+37 phil diaspora
2 h

Avec #Musk qui influence les élections allemandes en poussant l’AfD, et qui reçoit Farage (sans doute pour le financer et influencer des prochaines élections anglaises ?), comment est-ce que certains doutent encore de l’utilité de sortir de son réseau ?

“oui mais il y a de la visibilité”, “ah mais j’y suis juste parce qu’il y a de l’argent à la clé”, “il faut lutter de l’intérieur” ? C’est des mauvaises raisons. Tu vas réclamer des colonnes dans Minute ? Tu achètes des pubs chez Valeurs Actuelles ? Tu envoies tes communiqués de presse à Radio Courtoisie ?

Non ?

Alors casse-toi de Twitter. Tu n’as rien à y faire. Ton asso n’a rien à y faire. Ton business n’a rien à y faire.
Casse-toi de facebook, casse-toi d'amazon, de google... leur "visibilité" est un miroir tourné vers l'intérieur.
gr_perso diaspora
Depuis quand considère-t-on normal que les ressortissants étrangers non résidents aient le droit d'influencer une élection ? Depuis quand organiser une pseudo-loterie autour de votes est-il considéré autrement que comme de la corruption ?

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Mietervereine in Hamburg schlagen Alarm: Bei vielen Kündigungen ist Eigenbedarf nur vorgeschoben #DE #Deutschsprechenden
Mietervereine in Hamburg schlagen Alarm: Bei vielen Kündigungen ist Eigenbedarf nur vorgeschoben

- Elon Musk apoyando partidos neonazis
- En Bluesky son un poco tránsfobos (el staff, no los usuarios)
- Threads y su algoritmo, con gente que sólo quiere likes y alcance

Muy agradecido con quienes disteis la oportunidad a La Plaza, en eso tan difícil y para frikis que es Mastodon.

This entry was edited (2 days ago)

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@ceciestmontpouet Bisous du train 😘😘😘😘

Anne Roth mastodon (AP)
Ganz im Ernst. Wir sollten als Gesellschaft überlegen, wie mittelalte bis alte meist weiße Männer sinnvolle Aufgaben übernehmen können, damit sie im Kampf mit dem Bedeutungsverlust nicht immer so unfassbar dummes Zeug machen.

Meinetwegen mit etwas Bauchpinseln, wenn's hilft.

re: Lindner / Musk

jamais+37 phil diaspora

Renard mélanique. Melanistic Fox.

Ces renards, d'une beauté époustouflante, sont rares, car le mélanisme doit être porté et transmis par les deux parents.
These foxes, which are breathtakingly beautiful, are rare, as melanism must be carried and passed on by both parents.

#Renard #Fox #foxyfriday

newer older

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