M.S. Bellows, Jr. mastodon (AP)
In two days we go to a rented beach house with our whole family to celebrate Christmas and my wife's birthday. Tonight we were invited to a dinner party with two other couples, and I just had a bad feeling about it – the last thing I want is to have COVID sneak into our group and ruin this trip, so I came up with an excuse.

Lo, today one of those friends woke up with a bad sore throat and so is canceling as well. He's hoping it's not strep; I'm hoping it's not COVID. Either way, I feel vindicated.
John A. Wojtowicz mastodon (AP)
Thank you for your post.
It's good to know that people with common sense still inhabit our planet. Hopefully, they will prove they are the majority by becoming more vocal.

Among republicans and conservatives I don't believe common sense is very common.


Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Justice Thomas hit with new allegations of undisclosed jet and yacht trips: report - Raw Story

Danie friendica (via ActivityPub)

10 Awesome Games You Can Play Right Now In Your Browser Without Installing Anything

The image shows a computer screen displaying multiple video game windows arranged in a grid-like fashion. In the foreground are various game interfaces, including a chessboard, a hexagonal tile game resembling Settlers of Catan, a Wordle word puzzle, and what appears to be a first person shooter. The background is dominated by the vibrant colours and designs of the games themselves, creating a visually stimulating and dynamic scene.
Sometimes you have the urge to play some video games, but you don’t have the right hardware with you. Perhaps you’re stuck at work or school, or you have a basic device like a Chromebook. The good news is that there are a lot of games out there where you need nothing more than a web browser to play.

#Blog, #gaming, #technology

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Why ABC settled a case they knew they would win — and why the Lincoln Project didn't - Raw Story

Sven mastodon (AP)
Psychiatrische und psychotherapeutische Behandlungen sind vor allem eins: Begegnungen von Mensch zu Mensch. Damit Kliniken Menschen in Krisen qualitätsvoll behandeln können, ist eine entsprechende Personalausstattung notwendig.

Daher ist es gut, dass das Bundessozialgericht die ab 2026 geltenden Sanktionen bei Nicht-Einhaltung von Personaluntergrenzen bestätigt hat. Damit sind Anreize gesetzt, die Personalsituation zu verbessern. Richtig ist aber auch: Bei Fachkräftemangel wird es schwierig werden, alle Stellen entsprechend besetzen zu können.

#psychiatrie #personal #kliniken #ppprl
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
Sven mastodon (AP)
Im vierten Quartal 2023 hatten 51 % der Kliniken der Erwachsenenpsychiatrie die Vorgaben für die Personalstärke nicht erfüllt.

caseyjonesed mastodon (AP)
I wish that there were marijuana bars where folks could gather and enjoy herb together. 💡💡💡
G. Gibson mastodon (AP)
Come to Portland Oregon -- weed is legal here
caseyjonesed mastodon (AP)
@mistergibson my wife is retiring year end and we will begin traveling. I’ll put Portland on the list. Saw the GD there in 1981.

Glyn Moody mastodon (AP)
Businesses Back Georgian Protests as Crisis Disrupts Economy - “The crisis has transcended the boundaries of party politics and put the country in social and political danger,” #georgia

Peter Krupa mastodon (AP)
an interesting thing about using an API to interact with an LLM rather than like a chat box in a browser is you get to see more clearly what is actually happening.

I have a mini-PC set up on my home LAN running an Ollama endpoint. if you send a basic cURL request as a JSON, it looks like this:
Peter Krupa mastodon (AP)
and the response looks like this. whoa!! what is happening here?? well, these models output one "token" (basically a word) at a time, based on the previous words. that's it. it's not thinking, it doesn't "know" the answer, it is literally a very, very sophisticated version of that game where you type a word into your phone and accept every subsequent autocomplete suggestion.

Peter Krupa mastodon (AP)
very pleased that the YouTube algorithm has finally figured out i like to watch movie trailers.

RonSupportsYou mastodon (AP)
Lindsay Owens: "Musk is going to pay for HIS tax cut with YOUR Social Security money." #politics

does anyone here know how a computer works? i think i've got a problem with mine

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Assessing the Potential Impact of the EU Forced Labor Regulation and Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive #europe
Assessing the Potential Impact of the EU Forced Labor Regulation and Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Jones Engineering named in European Union data centre investigation – The Irish Times #CompetitionAndConsumerProtectionCommissionCcpc #DataCentres #europe #EuropeanCommission #JonesEngineering #sisk
Jones Engineering named in European Union data centre investigation – The Irish Times

Jeremy Faust interviews pediatrician and author Perri Klass about childhood immunizations. At the end of the interview, Faust suggests that current public health messaging should not be that science is under attach but that the safety of our children is under attack.
Sharonbw reshared this.

Lydia T. Pott mastodon (AP)
Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone. Hugs all round and extra hugs for anyone who needs/wants them.
I hope the weekend is kind to you.

We seem to have a very late foxcub visiting with mum.

#Nature #Wildlife #Fox

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Die Sprache der EU lautet „Heuchelei“ und „Geld“ #Europa #europe
Die Sprache der EU lautet „Heuchelei“ und „Geld“

RC2014 mastodon (AP)
Happy #WinterSolstice to those who celebrate.

#Z80Henge #Stonehenge #LegoMinifigForScale
an angled shot from above of a replica of Stonehenge as it would have been when first built. Z80 chips in plastic holders are used to represent the Sarsen stones. Smaller 74HCT04 chips represent the Bluestones. top-down view of the whole of Z80 henge
close-up of the outer ring where the Z80 chip markings can be seen. looking in through the outer Z80 Sarsen Z80 stones towards the center. a Lego Minifig dressed as an explorer holds a Lego bone in her hand.
JustAFrog reshared this.

Stefan Bohacek mastodon (AP)
"The first known published crossword puzzle was created by a journalist named Arthur Wynne from Liverpool, and he is usually credited as the inventor of the popular word game. December 21, 1913 was the date and it appeared in a Sunday newspaper, the New York World."

#puzzle #crossword #wordcross #OnThisDay #OTD #history
A crossword puzzle made up of empty squares aligned into a symmetrical diamond shape with a hollow center. The inner and outer squares have numbers in the corner.

Letters F U N are written in the three squares at the top of the puzzle.
Stefan Bohacek mastodon (AP)
"A few weeks after the first "Word-Cross" appeared, the name of the puzzle was changed to "Cross-Word" as a result of a typesetting error. Wynne's puzzles have been known as "crosswords" ever since."

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Audra McDonald is starring in ‘Gypsy’ and it changes everything : NPR #america #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USNews #USA #USANews
Audra McDonald is starring in 'Gypsy' and it changes everything : NPR

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Infrastructure to geopolitics—7 factors reshaping global manufacturing landscape #america #geopolitics #Politics #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #UnitedStatesPolitics #US #USPolitics #USA #UsaPolitics #wef #WorldEconomicForum
Infrastructure to geopolitics—7 factors reshaping global manufacturing landscape

SherBeareth mastodon (AP)
Our inept government will remain OPEN.

The Senate swallowed the swill.

Go pleasure yourself, Elon the Childish.
Life is all about finding people that are your kind of crazy. One cat is flying in the air above another cat, in a large dry meadow with a couple of stripped trees.

HobbitFoot lemmy (AP)
Few people want to pay full price for their phone.

Dave Heumann mastodon (AP)
Night one of Cris Jacobs' Very Jerry Christmas at the 8x10 in #baltimore

So good

I got there late and missed most of the 1st set (incl a Terrapin), but the second set was 2 hours long, so on balance...still a lot of jams

He's definitely one of my favorites to play and sing these songs, these days at least-
and the band is sick. Apparently the VJ🌲 shows are the only time they all get together to play during the year. And they've been doing these for many years
Cris Jacobs (guitar) onstage with his Very Jerry band, including a drummer, bassist, and keyboard player. The keyboard player is out of frame, but one of his keyboards, likely a Nord Electro, can be seen

Tino Eberl mastodon (AP)
Der steigende #Meeresspiegel und veränderte #Niederschläge führen bis 2100 zu einer zunehmenden #Versalzung des #Grundwasser​s in 77 % der #Küstenregionen weltweit.

Besonders betroffen sind flache Küsten in #Südostasien, der Golf von #Mexiko und die US-Ostküste.

Ohne Gegenmaßnahmen wird das Grundwasser ungenießbar, was #Trinkwasserknappheit, landwirtschaftliche Probleme und Schäden an #Infrastruktur zur Folge hat.

#Klimawandel #Küstenschutz #Wasserressourcen

A new day. A new chance to succeed.

The morning reading talks about identity as an attachment.

"Whoever you are, live your life completely."

It talks about plumbers and saints. Being common or extraordinary.

On the surface, it make sense, but feels two-dimensional. Too dimensional.

Like who you are is what you do.

While I get it, most of us think in those terms. Ask "What do you do?" on meeting new people.

But I'm just trying to be the best me.

May you be your best you #today

JdeB mastodon (AP)
#USpolitics #Healthcare

"How Racism Prevented the U.S. From Establishing Universal Healthcare" [ ± 1min]
by nowthisimpact


Associated Press of Israel

#Gaza #Palestine #Politics #MSM #Hasbara

Andrew Pam diaspora

Swimming mouse among 27 new species discovered in Peru

Mastodon Statistics hubzilla (AP)
#Mastodon #Statistics 2024-12-21 14:00 CET
Number of active instances: 11 461
Number of users: 9 241 047
Number of statuses: 1 150 649 128
Number of users last 4h: 398
Number of statuses last 4h: -87 864
Image/photo Image/photo Image/photo Image/photo

Europe Says mastodon (AP) 13th annual Snow Week returns to Arizona Science Center #92.3KTAR #america #home #PhoenixAndArizonaBreakingNewsAndNewsHeadlinesHome #science #technology #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USA
Snow Week...

50+ Music mastodon (AP)
Mountain Of Love 🚵

Andrew Pam diaspora

Louisiana forbids public health workers from promoting COVID, flu and mpox shots

An NPR investigation found Louisiana health officials told staff to stop promoting vaccines for COVID, flu and mpox, holding flu shot events or otherwise encouraging the public to get those vaccines.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Adam Hunt diaspora
Is it okay to say "fuckin' idiots?"

Andrew Pam diaspora

Elon Musk is becoming a one-man rogue state – it’s time we reined him in

Elon #Musk is, more or less, a #RogueState. His intentions are self-serving and #nefarious, and his nation-state level resources allow him to flout the law with impunity.

To put it into context, if dollars were metres, Musk’s money would be enough to take him to Mars and back, while a mere millionaire could only make a round trip from Paris to Amsterdam.

He has:e mustn’t make the mistake of playing nice with the world’s richest bully

#corruption #authoritarian #Orwellian #tyrants #HybridWar #wealthy

Richard diaspora
That would require a functional government with a criminal justice system uncorrupted by billionaires.

Undesirable options are vigilantes or terrorists using violence to coerce political change - which is what the Republican fascists want as they continue to solidify their new government. The more violence the more public support for concentration camps, genocidal pogroms against the Republican Federal Government's enemy of the decade, etc.
Adam Hunt diaspora
They will find out that dictatorships foment revolutions.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Wham! Last Christmas Makes UK First Consecutive Christmas Number One #GeorgeMichael #GreatBritain #LastChristmas #UnitedKingdom #Wham!
George Michael
newer older

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