SherBeareth mastodon (AP)
Our inept government will remain OPEN.

The Senate swallowed the swill.

Go pleasure yourself, Elon the Childish.
Life is all about finding people that are your kind of crazy. One cat is flying in the air above another cat, in a large dry meadow with a couple of stripped trees.

HobbitFoot lemmy (AP)
Few people want to pay full price for their phone.

Dave Heumann mastodon (AP)
Night one of Cris Jacobs' Very Jerry Christmas at the 8x10 in #baltimore

So good

I got there late and missed most of the 1st set (incl a Terrapin), but the second set was 2 hours long, so on balance...still a lot of jams

He's definitely one of my favorites to play and sing these songs, these days at least-
and the band is sick. Apparently the VJ🌲 shows are the only time they all get together to play during the year. And they've been doing these for many years
Cris Jacobs (guitar) onstage with his Very Jerry band, including a drummer, bassist, and keyboard player. The keyboard player is out of frame, but one of his keyboards, likely a Nord Electro, can be seen

Tino Eberl mastodon (AP)
Der steigende #Meeresspiegel und veränderte #Niederschläge führen bis 2100 zu einer zunehmenden #Versalzung des #Grundwasser​s in 77 % der #Küstenregionen weltweit.

Besonders betroffen sind flache Küsten in #Südostasien, der Golf von #Mexiko und die US-Ostküste.

Ohne Gegenmaßnahmen wird das Grundwasser ungenießbar, was #Trinkwasserknappheit, landwirtschaftliche Probleme und Schäden an #Infrastruktur zur Folge hat.

#Klimawandel #Küstenschutz #Wasserressourcen

A new day. A new chance to succeed.

The morning reading talks about identity as an attachment.

"Whoever you are, live your life completely."

It talks about plumbers and saints. Being common or extraordinary.

On the surface, it make sense, but feels two-dimensional. Too dimensional.

Like who you are is what you do.

While I get it, most of us think in those terms. Ask "What do you do?" on meeting new people.

But I'm just trying to be the best me.

May you be your best you #today

JdeB mastodon (AP)
#USpolitics #Healthcare

"How Racism Prevented the U.S. From Establishing Universal Healthcare" [ ± 1min]
by nowthisimpact


Associated Press of Israel

#Gaza #Palestine #Politics #MSM #Hasbara

Andrew Pam diaspora

Swimming mouse among 27 new species discovered in Peru

Mastodon Statistics hubzilla (AP)
#Mastodon #Statistics 2024-12-21 14:00 CET
Number of active instances: 11 461
Number of users: 9 241 047
Number of statuses: 1 150 649 128
Number of users last 4h: 398
Number of statuses last 4h: -87 864
Image/photo Image/photo Image/photo Image/photo

Europe Says mastodon (AP) 13th annual Snow Week returns to Arizona Science Center #92.3KTAR #america #home #PhoenixAndArizonaBreakingNewsAndNewsHeadlinesHome #science #technology #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USA
Snow Week...

50+ Music mastodon (AP)
Mountain Of Love 🚵

Andrew Pam diaspora

Louisiana forbids public health workers from promoting COVID, flu and mpox shots

An NPR investigation found Louisiana health officials told staff to stop promoting vaccines for COVID, flu and mpox, holding flu shot events or otherwise encouraging the public to get those vaccines.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Adam Hunt diaspora
Is it okay to say "fuckin' idiots?"

Andrew Pam diaspora

Elon Musk is becoming a one-man rogue state – it’s time we reined him in

Elon #Musk is, more or less, a #RogueState. His intentions are self-serving and #nefarious, and his nation-state level resources allow him to flout the law with impunity.

To put it into context, if dollars were metres, Musk’s money would be enough to take him to Mars and back, while a mere millionaire could only make a round trip from Paris to Amsterdam.

He has:e mustn’t make the mistake of playing nice with the world’s richest bully

#corruption #authoritarian #Orwellian #tyrants #HybridWar #wealthy

Richard diaspora
That would require a functional government with a criminal justice system uncorrupted by billionaires.

Undesirable options are vigilantes or terrorists using violence to coerce political change - which is what the Republican fascists want as they continue to solidify their new government. The more violence the more public support for concentration camps, genocidal pogroms against the Republican Federal Government's enemy of the decade, etc.
Adam Hunt diaspora
They will find out that dictatorships foment revolutions.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Wham! Last Christmas Makes UK First Consecutive Christmas Number One #GeorgeMichael #GreatBritain #LastChristmas #UnitedKingdom #Wham!
George Michael

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Travel news live: Christmas getaway weekend delays after M25 crash and 80mph wind weather warnings in place #GreatBritain #UnitedKingdom
Travel news live: Christmas getaway weekend delays after M25 crash and 80mph wind weather warnings in place

Christ on a Cracker (please please please stop using AI.)
A cropped photo of Christ set at an angle so it looks like he’s peaking into the frame with these words. - I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

Kenny Chaffin diaspora
by Julie Price Pinkerton

This naked, lonely question
is still simmering in a crock pot
on the counter of a beach bungalow

where no one lives. But if you like,
I can show you some examples of what falls
out of my life when it’s whacked like a piñata:

My friend Emily reminisces about the cat
she used to have, and still misses.
“Clearly, Pippin and I were telepathic.”

In my collection of very bad Christmas decorations
there is a cloisonné manger scene with a baby Jesus
who has a snout like a piglet.

I have been criticized for always looking downward
when I walk. But in only five decades I have found enough
coins to sink a rowboat.

If I were a household object I would insist
on being a gooseneck lamp or the yarn mane
of a toy horse.

Most of my prayers are like drive-by shootings.
Please help me. Please save her. Thank you
for the parking spot.

—from Rattle #45, Fall 2014
Tribute to Poets of Faith
Julie Price Pinkerton: “I am a poet of faith. I’ve never written that sentence before. I was raised in a Baptist church on a gravel road on the outskirts of Brazil, Indiana. All of Brazil, Indiana, is kind of an outskirt. The church of my childhood was weird and toxic. Long story. At the center of it: Our pastor’s son (who became a pastor himself) was a pedophile. Nobody knew this until many years later, but something was off there, and I could tell. I hated going there. I stuck with my faith, though. Went to a really small Methodist college, the University of Evansville. A battering ram hit my faith in God when I was a freshman and our school’s entire basketball team was killed in a plane crash. Among the lost was the boy I had just started dating. But faith was still there, flailing. Post-college adult stuff. Marriage, divorce, the switching of churches, the switching of denominations (within Christianity), jobs, cities, marriage again, and hobbling along with my belief in God, which never leaves, but baffles me repeatedly like a train I can hear blaring somewhere in the woods but I cannot find the tracks. I’m 54 now. And Christ is still the only thing that makes sense to me. My atheist friends find this quaint. That’s OK.”

#poem #poetry #literature

Europe Says mastodon (AP) France ‘shares the pain of the German people’ as death toll from Christmas market attack rises #ChristmasMarket #EmmanuelMacron #france #FrenchPresident
France 'shares the pain of the German people' as death toll from Christmas market attack rises

GW mastodon (AP)
Watchdog Says Dr. Oz Push for 'Medicare Advantage for All' Is Disqualifying

"Oz's deep ties to the private healthcare industry make his nomination to lead our nation's current healthcare system totally egregious"

The watchdog group Public Citizen said Thursday that lawmakers should reject Trump's nomination of Medicare privatization advocate Mehmet Oz to lead a key health agency and instead move toward a publicly run single-payer system that would cover all Americans
caseyjonesed reshared this.

taz diaspora
Anschlag auf Magdeburger Weihnachtsmarkt

Bestürzung und erste Details über den Tatverdächtigen

Von Frederik Eikmanns, Jean-Philipp Baeck

Die Zahl der Todesopfer in Magdeburg steigt auf mindestens vier. Innenministerin Faeser kündigt Aufklärung an. Es gibt Hinweise auf ein rechtes Tatmotiv.

#taz #tageszeitung #Terroranschlag #Weihnachtsmärkte #Ermittlungen #Magdeburg

Gib einem Mann einen Fisch und du ernährst ihn für einen Tag. Lehre ihn zu angeln und er wird dir das Angeln erklären, als habe er den scheiß erfunden.
Leah reshared this.
Optimist mastodon (AP)
Politiker ...

Europe Says mastodon (AP) des drones ukrainiens endommagent des immeubles à Kazan, ville du centre de la Russie #france #Nouvelles
des drones ukrainiens endommagent des immeubles à Kazan, ville du centre de la Russie

Lake Michigan! Live! mastodon (AP)
Current* conditions near St. Ignace, MI:
Southwestern view of the Mackinac Bridge traversing the Straits of Mackinac. // Image captured at: 2024-12-21 13:18:21 UTC (about 14 min. prior to this post) // Current Temp in St. Ignace: 3.73 F | -15.71 C // Precip: overcast clouds // Wind: NNE at 14.965 mph | 24.08 kph // Humidity: 85%

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Five dead, more than 200 injured #germany
Five dead, more than 200 injured

caseyjonesed reshared this.

Enno von Friedland mastodon (AP)
Geld ist Macht. Und Macht muss man begrenzen. Das ist ja auch keine neue Idee..

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Incidente in via de Nicola a Milano, investe donna e figlio sulle strisce e scappa: arrestato #Italia #italy #notizie
Incidente in via de Nicola a Milano, investe donna e figlio sulle strisce e scappa: arrestato

Steffen Voß mastodon (AP)
Elon Musk will 100 Mio $ an "Reform UK" spenden. Für eine Partei unglaublich viel Geld. Elon Musk verdient diesen Betrag buchstäblich zwischen dem ersten und dem zweiten Frühstück. Unsere ach-so-wehrhaften Demokratien sind wehrlos gegen Putins Desinformation und den Einfluss der überreichen Oligarchen.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
@proscience @StefanMuenz @kinghaunst @energisch_
Nicht zu fassen. Sind sie also doch vor seiner Drohung eingeknickt.
Die nächsten 4 #Trumpel / #EgonMurks Jahre werden alles andere als lustig.
Ich bin immer wieder fasziniert, wie die Geschichten mancher SciFi Autoren Realität werden.
ProScience mastodon (AP)
Das hat die Kommission in einer Pressemeldung bestätigt.

Edit: Dass X nicht mehr unters DSA fällt. Genaue Formulierung habe ich vergessen, war aber sinngemäß "wegen zu vernachlässigender Weitreiche" oder ähnlich.

@kinghaunst @energisch_ @kaffeeringe
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

Christoph S diaspora

[l] Langsam werden mehr Details über den Magdeburger Weihnachtsmarktfahrer heraus.
Bei dem festgenommenen Tatverdächtigen soll es sich um einen 50-jährigen Mann namens Taleb A. handeln, der aus Saudi-Arabien stammt und 2006 nach Deutschland kam.

Da werden bei der AfD die Sektkorken knallen!

Oh warte, geht noch weiter.
Der Festgenommene ist als islamkritischer Aktivist bekannt, der sich selbst als Ex-Muslim bezeichnet.

Hmm, der Teil ist aber weniger schön für die AfD.
In sozialen Medien, auf islamfeindlichen Websiten und in Interviews erhob er zuletzt Vorwürfe gegen deutsche Behörden.

Oje, das klingt ja schon fast wie ein AfD-Sympathisant!?
Er hielt ihnen unter anderem vor, nicht genügend gegen Islamismus zu unternehmen und befürchtete eine Islamisierung Deutschlands.

Scheiße, das klingt ja wirklich wie ein AfD-Sympathisant!
Auf dem Onlinedienst X bekundete er seine Sympathie zur AfD und träumte von einem gemeinsamen Projekt mit der in weiten Teilen rechtsextremen Partei: einer Akademie für Ex-Muslime.

Dann sollte die Schlagzeile wohl lauten: AfD-Mann führt Terroranschlag gegen Weihnachtsmarkt durch.

Wieso du als Warnung vor Islamisierung ausgerechnet einen Weihnachtsmarkt zum Ziel deines Amoklaufs machen würdest, erschließt sich mir gerade nicht so wirklich, aber die AfD-Leute waren ja noch nie die Hellsten.

#fefebot #afd

Sean Gillies mastodon (AP)
The sky is doing it again.

We're having a balmy evening and I'm sitting outside watching the colors slowly fade.

Happy Solstice Eve, everyone!
A fiery Colorado sunset. Longs Peak is barely visible between buildings.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

Alvaro Montoro mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Politics,gerrymandering

Christoph S diaspora

[l] Leserkommentar zu Magdeburg.
19:04 Uhr war der Anschlag

21:40 Uhr hat Rainer Wendt bei WeltHD Vorratsdatenspeicherung gefordert, weil sich das sonst nicht aufklären lässt.

Oh Mann.

Ein anderer Leser fragt, ob wir jetzt Autoverbotszonen kriegen. Ich bin dafür!


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