No it's not glamorous, or pretty, it is what it is, a functional storage facility. that is it's reason for being, obviously not complete interior, but already in use, I just need to make other categories for what I have outside in chests.
When all this is done (there are other floors too which I plan to deck out), then I'll restart the burn factory in earnest (I just let stuff go during upper floor/roof build, no big deal easy to start again), it creates so much so quickly that you get overwhelmed with what to do with it all.
Fair warning & scouts motto - be prepared.
For the curious - the order/quantity in terms of farmed Graydwarf loots:
1. Resin
2. Graydwarf Eyes
3. Wood
4. Stone
then all the rest like trophies, flowers, shaman bukeberries.
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