We CISOs need to do a better job of networking with folks in sales, marketing, finance, and other business communities, however, just getting out there and networking is so very important.
I just had a lovely chat with a friend of a venture capitalist who I had met at an event. The person I chatted with is putting me in touch with her network, in the hopes that I might find a full time position through her network.
Even networking with our peers can help. My current part time role at Forge Path (an excellent firm by the way) came because I gave a talk at Secure World that impressed folks. One of them ran into me at an after hours dinner, found out I was in the market for a new situation and recommended me to Forge Path.
So, that invite from that vendor for dinner or drinks? Go. Meet folks. Join the CISO Society. Join the ISSA. Join the CISO Executive Network. Etc. Go to their events and meet people. Talk at ISSA meetings, talk at Secureworld, B-Sides, and other smaller conferences. If you can talk at RSA, do so.
If you get invites to events that are for CEOs, CMOs, CFOs, etc. go. Learn to talk about companies, not just about security.
Spend as much time as you can building connections. Be a resource for others so that one day they may be a resource for you.