Joyce Lionarons hometown (AP)
Well, after a dreary mix of rain and sleet all day, it's finally snowing. I'm very happy I do not need to go anywhere this evening. Or tomorrow, for that matter. We're not supposed to get any real accumulation, but it's pretty watching it come down.
Sharonbw mastodon (AP)
We've had nothing out of the sky yet, but it looks and feels like snow. The first snow is always so pretty and kind of magical, but if we get flurries they'll come in the dark and be gone before morning. There's no fun in that. 😑

I'm glad you don't have to go anywhere.
Joyce Lionarons hometown (AP)

We're not getting much. Right now there's a coating, and they're saying maybe an inch by tomorrow morning.

bytebro mastodon (AP)
OK, I'll bite, because (as recently determined) my search-foo, and most search engines today, is/are rubbish.

But why oh why do astronomers refer to literally everything heavier then Helium as 'metals'?!
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
JdeBP mastodon (AP)
In spectroscopy, the numerals go: one, two, many. (-:

Basically when all this was first being discovered, the easiest things to focus on after H and He were the spectra of metals like iron.

Everything above helium is pretty much a trace ingredient of the universe. Look up stellar metallicity, the Harvard spectral classification, and cosmic abundances.

bytebro reshared this.

Wbjwilliams mastodon (AP)
We CISOs need to do a better job of networking with folks in sales, marketing, finance, and other business communities, however, just getting out there and networking is so very important.

I just had a lovely chat with a friend of a venture capitalist who I had met at an event. The person I chatted with is putting me in touch with her network, in the hopes that I might find a full time position through her network.

Even networking with our peers can help. My current part time role at Forge Path (an excellent firm by the way) came because I gave a talk at Secure World that impressed folks. One of them ran into me at an after hours dinner, found out I was in the market for a new situation and recommended me to Forge Path.

So, that invite from that vendor for dinner or drinks? Go. Meet folks. Join the CISO Society. Join the ISSA. Join the CISO Executive Network. Etc. Go to their events and meet people. Talk at ISSA meetings, talk at Secureworld, B-Sides, and other smaller conferences. If you can talk at RSA, do so.

If you get invites to events that are for CEOs, CMOs, CFOs, etc. go. Learn to talk about companies, not just about security.

Spend as much time as you can building connections. Be a resource for others so that one day they may be a resource for you.
ChatJERRYPT mastodon (AP)
FWIW, I found it incredibly hard to network while working as a CISO. Maybe it was because I wasn’t a good one and was too involved in the day to day, but I also regret not networking more, however I’m not sure how I could have made that work

Fuck, I even like the Incredibles, but please go read @ireneista's thread and try to understand the ways in which it's a work of objectivist philosophy (in the Ayn Rand sense).

Punching insurance executives didn't lead to single-payer health care. Murdering the UHC CEO didn't stop the NYPD from setting up a special FastPass for billionaires.
we do agree with that characterization of the movie, which is slightly more specific than how we put it
@ireneista Ah, apologies for inadvertently putting words in your mouth... I should have been more clear that the characterization was by way of me agreeing with your thread and doing a "yes and."

Mandu 🥟 mastodon (AP)
Trust me when I tell you I'm smarter than you think I am, but dumber than you thought was possible.

Elissa mastodon (AP)
For a weird few years I had a full time job, rather than doing contracts and my own stuff, so I ACTUALLY had time off over the end of the year.

Of course, it never worked. I just found other projects to fill my time in.

I'm going to work no matter what, so I might as well just accept it.

Once I went on a holiday to the tropics with my then-GF.

I sat by the pool with my laptop and began designing DLC for my latest game.


Erik mastodon (AP)
#HobbyStreak day 1134

Glued #InfinityTheGame #FediPaint entry to the base. Didn't get super glue on my fingers today (still plenty there from yesterday).

Used home brew terrain wash on this #RangersOfShadowDeep scatter #Terrain.

#Warmongers #Nerdlings #MiniPainting #MiniaturePainting #PaintingMiniatures #PaintingMinis #Wargaming @warhammercommunity #FantasyTerrain
Tiny robot model on 25 mm base

It's resting it's right foot on a Hero Rock and is pointing it slightly over size and overcomplicated gun into the sky over its left shoulder while looking downwards the other way. It's got a pumpkin head for a reason or something
Three pieces of scatter terrain 

One round stone fountain in two tiers with golden decorations on both tiers, with a mirror of water on the top tier. 

One apothecary's desk in stone and wood with a wooden worktop with books and Scrolls and a scales and some bottles on 

1 broken and half sunken cart with a couple of casks on

Europe Says mastodon (AP) President Zelenskyy chatting with Oleksandr Usyk ahead of his fight with Tyson Fury 💪 🇺🇦 #Ukraine
President Zelenskyy chatting with Oleksandr Usyk ahead of his fight with Tyson Fury 💪 🇺🇦

World War Fee

and we are all paying the Fee
for the World's Wars
with our Taxes
Supplying the Bullets, and the Bombs
The Planes and the Tanks

The victims of the Wars
are paying with their lives

The Wars are between the good
and the bad
the same 2 sides as in the first 2 Wars
but the line is so blurred
no one knows who is good
and who is bad anymore


Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Elon Musk Hit For Comparing Far-Right German Party to Dems

Pixelfed has a Mascot.

How did I not know this.

Pixelfed's mascot is a Red Panda.

(source: )

#DeSo #Fediverse #Pixelfed #RedPanda

Veterans Commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge, Hitler's Last Major Attack on the Western Front

Posted into Smartnews @smartnews-Smithsonianmag

Voting is Your POWER mastodon (AP)
"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." —Alice Walker

DDTea mastodon (AP)
The Winter Solstice Is Here. How Dark Days Affect the Human Body

The moment when Earth’s Northern Hemisphere tilts farthest away from the sun—the December solstice, on the 21st this year—is not just a mark on the calendar. It is also defined by the way our bodies react to the event. The dimming of our daily ration of natural light leading up to the winter solstice produces a series of conspicuous physiological changes.

These changes relate to circadian rhythms. The word circadian derives from the Latin “circa diem,” meaning “about a day.” It signifies the way animals, plants, fungi and bacteria react to environmental cues, including inputs of light, on a daily and seasonal basis.

LMAO someone unironically posted Thiel’s book on startups as one of their 20 books. somehow posts from Bluesky tags federate with ours? i just blocked them.

J.P. Wing mastodon (AP)

Content warning: uspol

Mahna Mahna

2:25 min music video
#music #muppets #lol
So Kenny was on to something with Nooooo! Nooooo! 😁

You don't have to feel sympathy for mass-murdering CEOs to recognize that committing individual murders won't get us to systematic change.

That's not hand-wringing about "violence is not the answer," it's me begging you to realize that the Luigi/Incredibles meme actually highlights the problem: individualist philosophy of action doesn't result in lasting justice.
@zkat Completely and totally fair, but also that wasn't *quite* what I meant...
@zkat I could have definitely worded it better, and that's on me. I do think there's a meaningful difference between that and what Luigi allegedly did (and is celebrated for doing, whether he did it or not). I'll reflect on how to better delineate that...!

Solar St. Louis mastodon (AP)
The sun will rise in #StLouis #Missouri tomorrow at 7:15, 29 seconds later than the day before.
It will set at 16:42, 27 seconds later than the day before.

Erin Kissane mastodon (AP)
Hey I would love help calibrating something, if you see this and you’ve read Joshua Meyrowitz’s No Sense of Place (more than short excerpts), would you let me know?

If you haven’t, you don’t have to say, I will assume most people have not!
Erin Kissane mastodon (AP)
@a_cubed I love that! Do you publish your syllabus for the class?
I don't, but drop me a DM with somewhere to share it with you, and I'll send the handout over.

Kistaro Windrider mastodon (AP)
RGB displays are designed around average human rods and cones. Audio compression is designed around psychoacoustics — what the brain notices vs. filters out in sound, so compression can selectively damage the part your brain throws away anyway.

I have never seen science fiction acknowledge how fucking weird our MP3s must sound and how bizarre the color gamut of photographs on a luminous RGB or reflective CMY(K) display surface (including printed paper) must be to space aliens.

the entire history of paint mixing is like that to some extent. and we don’t necessarily need space aliens for this, human tetrachromats and birds with wider color gamut sensitivity exist

AaronDavid mastodon (AP)

@janboehm war in einem Restaurant mit #Sharing-Konzept — und ich dachte, es wäre was lustiges mit Sherry-Konzept...
#festundflauschig #Weihnachtszirkus
helgenug mastodon (AP)
Böhmi hör ich gern zu, aber wie um alles in der Welt erträgst Du Schulz?

Michaela Molthagen mastodon (AP)
Würde ich überhaupt auf einen Weihnachtsmarkt gehen wollen (was mich nicht interessiert) - ich würde mich auch jetzt nicht davon abhalten lassen.

Das Risiko, auf dem Rad- oder Fußweg dorthin von einem Autofahrer, der mich "übersieht", verletzt oder getötet zu werden, ist ungleich größer als das Risiko, bei einem Anschlag verletzt zu werden.

Von gezielten Attacken, weil mein Transsein irgendwem auch dank rechter Hetze nicht passt, ganz abgesehen.

Darum bringt #Magdeburg mich auch nicht einmal ansatzweise auf die Idee, eine Partei zu wählen, die mir "mehr Sicherheit, mehr Abschiebungen, mehr Überwachung" verspricht.

Diesen Parteien ist unsere Sicherheit nämlich egal.
Canisius reshared this.


The House is voting yes on the CR to fund the government; President Biden just stated he WILL sign the bill by midnight!

#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #breaking #breakingnews
Aure Free Press

Shantell Powell mastodon (AP)
Goodbye and good riddance. #AutismSpeaks #ActuallyAutistic
A gravestone labeled "AUTISM SPEAKS CANADA" surrounded by a group of gleeful people. One man is giving a peace sign while joyously crouching near the grave. The text below reads, "EVERY AUTISTIC PERSON ever.

Lake Michigan! Live! mastodon (AP)
Current* conditions near St. Ignace, MI:
Southwestern view of the Mackinac Bridge traversing the Straits of Mackinac. // Image captured at: 2024-12-20 22:59:12 UTC (about 6 min. prior to this post) // Current Temp in St. Ignace: 22.01 F | -5.55 C // Precip: scattered clouds // Wind: N at 9.216 mph | 14.83 kph // Humidity: 69%

Canisius mastodon (AP)
Der Zwischenruf von Musk: Nur die #AfD könne Deutschland retten, ist
- inhaltlich substanzloser Quatsch
- eine hohle rausgehauene Parole
- absolute Kompetenzüberschreitung: der Mann hat uns gar nichts zu sagen
- vielleicht ein (leicht zu durchschauender) Trick: Musk will Deutschland zerstören.
#AfD #Musk

Stop pretending that Firefox is a browser for everyone.
It doesn't do half of the things I have gotten used to by using first Opera and later Vivaldi for most of my life.
I would love there to be more open source browser and more usable browser engines, but the fact that it's open source alone, doesn't make Firefox a good browser for my needs.
Failures to recognize this can result in getting blocked.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Since I used the term again, let me provide a definition to pin:

Virality Coefficient
Characteristics of social media, describing, if it actively amplifies or dampens the reach of posts.
Social networks like Twitter, with an algorithmic timeline tend to amplify viral posts, by
a) making sure your followers don't miss them
b) even showing them, despite you don't follow its author, nor any retweeter.
c) raising posts as context for replys

Mastodon doesn't do that.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

So, time for an #introduction
I am a software engineer working on #Linux and lately also #Android system and security tools in the German automotive industry. When I am not #hiking in the Alps, you might find me ranting about terrible kernel behavior and the mess that Android is under it's hood.
Privately I can geek out about everything from military technology to trains. I am political far left, but certainly not a tankie and will always #StandWithUkaine
Thank you #hachyderm for welcoming me.
A knitted owl in front of the Tre Cime di Lavaredo
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Zwillezwalle mastodon (AP)
Susanne Klatten, mit einem Stundenlohn von 1,1 Mio €, war einfach ein bissel fleißiger als ihr. Jeder kann es schaffen. Man muss es halt auch wollen.
helgenug reshared this.
zwangseinweisung mastodon (AP)
Und der Punk in mir so:

Ich bin nicht arm, ich hab, was mir gefällt
Ich bin nicht neidisch, auf dich oder dein Geld

Aus dem Lied Rebel von den Ärzten

happened upon an early noughties video channel & all i could think about was 'the suffering' by coheed & cambria. good? bad? i don't know, but it'll be stuck in my brain for the next week.
#jukeboxFridayNight #music #coheedAndCambria

we should not take it as a coincidence this is happening in Canada, Germany and France at the same time. it’s a petromafia behind coup 2.0 after all.

Double standard

##cartoon by Walt #Handelsman
newer older

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