Kolega nechal vyrobit na zakázku, jdeme si pro Kaliningrad !!!by Aware-Eggplant5041EUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Krakowski rynek w Minecraftby TheGimmickyMcEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
I’m a huge advocate for solar and will make a separate post for that, but whether you have solar or not, having backup power is going to be more important going forward (especially with a cli…SUSAN KAYE QUINN
Thomas Paine’s sensational pamphlet Common Sense, published anonymously in January of 1776, has a singular place of importance in the literature of the American Revolutionary era.Jett Conner (Journal of the American Revolution)
Ez igaz? Valaki tegye közzé!!!by Legitimate-Talk-8003EUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
A witticism is that clever thing you wish you had said, not listened to.
So wird man zumindest nicht übersehen... by Nitroe01EUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
First group of children arrive from Palestine to receive life-saving healthcare in Irelandby PoppedCorkEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Außenministerin Baerbock hat die kurdischen Rebellen in Nordsyrien aufgefordert, ihre Waffen niederzulegen. Amnesty International wirft der Hisbollah vor, gegen Völkerrecht verstoßen zu haben. Der Liveblog zum Nachlesen.tagesschau.de