Europe Says mastodon (AP) Kolega nechal vyrobit na zakázku, jdeme si pro Kaliningrad !!! #CzechRepublic
Kolega nechal vyrobit na zakázku, jdeme si pro Kaliningrad !!!

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Krakowski rynek w Minecraft #polska
Krakowski rynek w Minecraft

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Subliminal anakronistisk gangsterrap-hilsen i Matador: Helle ser direkte ind i kameraet og smider det klassiske West Coast-håndtegn (Afsnit 18: “Hr. Stein”) #denmark
Subliminal anakronistisk gangsterrap-hilsen i Matador: Helle ser direkte ind i kameraet og smider det klassiske West Coast-håndtegn (Afsnit 18: "Hr. Stein")

Tedel diaspora
So bloody true.

Most of my (female) friends say I might be the only man who understands women and it feels like a curse at times.
Adam Hunt diaspora
Naw it is a gift!

Another Therapeutic Posture (1984)

#art by Duggie #Fields

UFW mastodon (AP)
Fortino is a tractor driver at Chateau @SteMichelle winery in WA. It's November and temps are very low which creates frost on the vines. His job is to cut the grass between rows as grass still grows in the winter. This work must be done for a good springtime harvest. #WeFeedYou

p6 mastodon (AP)
Über die Jahre hat Weihnachten, wie es heutzutage gelebt wird, an Bedeutung verloren. Ja, die Kiddies erfreuen sich an den Geschenken und man könnte in die Kirche gehn, wenn man wie meinereiner daran glaubt.

Aber unabhängig vom ganzen Gedöns, wie würde ein ideales Weihnachtsfest denn ausschauen, wenn man/frau es sich selber basteln könnte - also im ursprünglichen Sinne von Weihnachten? Was wären so eure Schlüsselelemente?

Ich selbst tu mir da gerade etwas schwer damit.
MarcusSchwemer mastodon (AP)
Ich träume immer noch von einem bescheidenen Essen nach dem Weihnachtsgottesdienst in und mit der Gemeinde. Jeder ist willkommen.

Ein Weihnachtsgottesdienst, der nicht diese komisch heimelige Gefühl vermitteln will. Bei einer Geburt in einem Stall bei um die 0 Grad geht es halt um's nackte Überleben.
Jeany B12 mastodon (AP)
Wenn ich es mir klöppeln könnte:
Ab Ende November
Das Haus schick machen. Herausputzen.
Es wird langsam langsamer.
Die Abende genießen.
Ab Mitte Dezember
Deko auflaufen lassen.
Die Abende genießen.
Bratäpfel machen.
Zeit für dich, für mich, für ein Gespräch, innehalten, ...

If you need last-minute practical gifts (or just more #climate #resiliency in the future) I wrote up a guide for everything from tiny powerbanks up to whole house backup systems. (Having backup power supports #community in a crisis, even to just power phones)

#ClimateCrisis #energy #climatechange #power #solar #battery
Christiaan Jacobs mastodon (AP)
nice! At the very least you've made me more aware I should upgrade the converted VW, to include solar panels, a modern fridge (not the absorption type, uses too much power) and perhaps 12V additional batteries. Great to both move away and survive long outaches 🤭 (and I keep the gas stove for cooking there) Might even consider upgrading to V2L. Or just plug in the chargers for phones etc. to the 12V outlets in the van.
Converted VW T2 Westfalia from 1979. Leaf engine and new 66kWh batteries under the floor, capable of 45kW CCS charging.

Picture shows the with over orange bus charging at a fast charger someplace in France

CAPETOX mastodon (AP)
Un Clásico 😂😂😂

TIL (or at least made use) of :openbsd: column(1) to nicely render a "... | sort -nr | head -n 10" piped command.
Stefano Marinelli reshared this.
vermaden mastodon (AP)
While column(1) is available probably on every other UNIX out there ... its missing on IBM AIX 😀

NASA (unofficial) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley pre-dates a lot of things. The center existed before NASA – the very space and aeronautics agency it’s a critical part of today. And of all the marvelous advancements in science and technology that have fundamentally changed our lives over the last 85 years since its founding, one aspect […]

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
The plane {pulling at your shirt}

Hugz & xXx
Blue sky, with a little aircraft and a bit of the moon
sortius mastodon (AP)
hah! I'd already be looking it up on FlightRadar24!
Melissa BearTrix reshared this.
sortius mastodon (AP)
and I did
A flight radar telemetry screen for QFA12 LAX to SYD

This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)

A Brief Publication History of the “Times That Try Men’s Souls”

Arts & Literature
January 4, 2016
by Jett Conner

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Ez igaz? Valaki tegye közzé!!! #hungary
Ez igaz? Valaki tegye közzé!!!

taz mastodon (AP)
Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitgeber haben sich im Streit um die Zukunft bei VW geeinigt. IG Metall und Betriebsrat konnten die schlimmsten Pläne abwehren.!6058101

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Zoberieme si naspäť Podkarpatskú Rus? #slovakia
Zoberieme si naspäť Podkarpatskú Rus?

A quotation from Antrim, Minna
A witticism is that clever thing you wish you had said, not listened to.

Minna Antrim (1861-1950) American epigrammatist, writer
Naked Truth and Veiled Allusions (1902)

#quote #quotes #quotation #bonmot #cleverness #remark #wit #witticism
Sourcing / notes:

PetraPanda mastodon (AP)

Off to shops now.
See you in an hour?
Illmessage when I'm.meaving Marion.
Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
See ya soon

Hugz & xXx
PetraPanda mastodon (AP)
on my way

Europe Says mastodon (AP) So wird man zumindest nicht übersehen… #austria
So wird man zumindest nicht übersehen...

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
Bonne Soirée mes Mastochoux, demain je prends un train pour rejoindre la Belgique (non je ne fuis pas, quoique ...) On envoie pleins de force à ma Bisounours. 🍀 Des bisous, des calinoux, et des chaudoudoux. A demain dans une gare ou une autre.

@pasqualeberesti Viens que je te serre fort dans mes bras, mon Amour, la vie est trop courte. :blobcat_heartcat: 💋 💋 💋 💋

It is a beaut day outside
I just took a quick peek
and it seems really nice to me

so go outside and play

#RIP Willamette Week #comics page 🤬😵🤢 #indie #weekly #fuckcapitalism #portland
Shannon Wheeler and others provided laughs for what $40 a pop? But make room for more ads!

#Wordle 1,281 5/6


No sé si habéis visto ya la actuación de Amaia ayer en La Revuelta porque si no, ya estáis tardando.

No solo por el pedazo de cierre si no porque tienen razón y solo por un tuit de un random, tiene una pasada de reproducciones y compartidos

Russ Sharek mastodon (AP)
Thanks to some significant help from @qbit, I've got a working port of termsonic for OpenBSD!

Here's the results of our #TechnicalJiggeryPokery over the last couple of days:

If anyone spots any issues, I'd love to fix them before submitting to ports.

After working on getting gonic running, I'm excited to get this one submitted. It means there'll be everything you need to set up your own streaming jukebox on #OpenBSD.


Europe Says mastodon (AP) Riječi nisu potrebne. 💔 #croatia
Riječi nisu potrebne. 💔

This often overlooked but update your Router Firmware regularly. This will keep your network and your home devices more secure.

Also toss those TP-link devices. They are not secure and have massive security holes.

#security #tech
Lauren Weinstein mastodon (AP)
More anti-Chinese hysteria without a shred of actual evidence. Just a lot of could-be and what-if while pretty much every device no matter where it's made likely has similar flaws or even worse. It's 99% political hype.
Lauren Weinstein reshared this.
@lauren Probably, but the fact remains is that TP Link sucks at patches. That’s an issue all by itself.

But I agree, this anti-China angle is a bit sus.
Lauren Weinstein mastodon (AP)
I've seen more people get screwed up networks trying to patch routers than they would have just leaving them alone.
Lauren Weinstein reshared this.
scotttiger mastodon (AP)

If you throw out Chinese manufacturers, the Amazon crap, and the overpriced Netgear, what is really left in terms of good and affordable and secure Wifi Mash systems ?
@lauren the “home router” business like a dozen companies all taking the same chip and slapping their own plastic and minimal effort BS software on it. TP Link is the worst, but if they are going to make an example they need to set the bar somewhere above zero and be objective about it.
Lauren Weinstein mastodon (AP)
@avuko And note that Taiwan is supposed to be our ally! Q.E.D.

FreeBSD Foundation mastodon (AP)
2024 Foundation Sponsored Development highlights:
• 1360+ code commits
• Key projects: CIS Benchmark, VPP Framework
• Wi-Fi, RISC-V & accessibility advancements
• 9 successful GSoC projects
• $100K server cluster upgrade
Read our blog for more 👉

Chris Trottier pleroma (AP)
I cannot stress this enough:

Betting on doom and gloom is generally a bad idea. Most of the time, if you bet on the economy to fail, it is you who will fail.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) First group of children arrive from Palestine to receive life-saving healthcare in Ireland #ireland
First group of children arrive from Palestine to receive life-saving healthcare in Ireland

Jay Bryant diaspora
With a large dose of hate.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Trump tells Europe his administration will continue military support for Ukraine – FT #Ukraine
Trump tells Europe his administration will continue military support for Ukraine – FT

Mike Kuketz 🛡 mastodon (AP)
»Aufgrund der unklaren und unzureichenden Informationslage sowie der rechtlichen Verstöße im Zusammenhang mit der ungefragten Übermittlung von Telemetriedaten ist vom Einsatz von Microsoft Teams an Schulen klar abzuraten.«

Diese Aussage lässt sich vermutlich auf Institutionen/Unternehmen ausweiten, die Teams nutzen. 👇

#microsoft #teams #datenschutz #teamdatenschutz #FediLZ
Tiger Karl mastodon (AP)
Das Problem ist, dass sogar Jugendliche dazu gezwungen werden. Bei Schiedsrichter wird darüber die Ausbildung gemacht und die Personalerfassung läuft unter Office365, weil nur Microsoft für Datenschutz bürgt. Sozialcoaching ist das nächste. Über die das Jobcenter Massnahmen finanziert, wo Teams der Goldstandard ist, Snapchat für Werbung und als Office gibt es nur 365. Die Erwachsenenbildung und Verbände solltest mal auf's Korn nehmen
Ryek Darkener mastodon (AP)
Für die Ausweitung der Aussage brauchte es jemanden am anderen Ende, der diese

- zur Kenntnis nimmt
- ernsthaft an Datenschutzthemen in diesem Bereich interessiert ist

Paolo Calleri mastodon (AP)
newer older

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