Randy Cassingham mastodon (AP)
Strikes me as a reasonable reaction.
Farah 🖖🏼 mastodon (AP)
@paninid Elf on shelf is a snitch, and snitches get stitches etc etc

MEActNOW mastodon (AP)
Norovirus nationally in the US 🇺🇸 is now the highest level ever recorded on the wastewater scan dashboard. It has skyrocketed past the other years and is still rising.

Violet Blue mastodon (AP)
New: wastewater, like hips, don't lie. Australia “Christmas #Covid explosion,” US super surge ramps up, Aotearoa gets booster release date, Ariana Grande downplays bringing Covid to Wicked set, warning issued about C19 and cancer, #LongCovid updates, and more.

Can Syria heal? For many, Step 1 is learning the difficult truth.

Posted into WHAT JUST HAPPENED IN YOUR WORLD @what-just-happened-in-your-world-csmonitor

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Giant sloths and mastodons lived with ancient humans in the Americas | AP News
Jay Thurber Show mastodon (AP)
Ancient humans? Hell, I worked with some giant sloths at my last newspaper job

Europe Says mastodon (AP) People Keep Posting AI Images Of Trump Being Subservient To Elon Musk After Funding Debacle—And They Are Perfect #AnythingGoesNews #BreakingNews #GlobalNews #LatestNews #News #WorldNews
People Keep Posting AI Images Of Trump Being Subservient To Elon Musk After Funding Debacle—And They Are Perfect

George Dinwiddie mastodon (AP)
A friend shared this thought with me, and, to be honest, I find it a little depressing.
Uncle Duke

the idea of being visited by aliens lost its appeal when i realized they'd likely just be some other planet's asshold billionaires
Dan Neuman hometown (AP)
Maybe, but Capitalists aren't inevitable, and don't even have to be a society's end point.

BNO News twitter-bridge (AP)
BREAKING: 60 to 80 injured after person drove into pedestrians at Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany - AFP

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Elon Musk backs Germany’s far-right party ahead of election #GeopoliticalAnalysis #GeopoliticalNews #geopolitics #Politics
Elon Musk backs Germany's far-right party ahead of election

Adrian Roselli mastodon (AP)
Agreed that even consenting to debate settled science, absent new data generated with the same rigor as existing data, is a losing proposition.

“The Opportunity Costs of Having a Big Debate”

Europe Says mastodon (AP) North London girl, 5, is fined £1k for ‘fly-tipping’ as council bombards her with court threats #News #UK #UkNews #uknews #UnitedKingdom
North London girl, 5, is fined £1k for 'fly-tipping' as council bombards her with court threats

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Kremlin’s Big Message To NATO As Russian Strike Batters Kyiv After Putin’s Missile Duel Challenge #BallisticMissile #europe #Kremlin #kyiv #message #nato #oreshnik #revenge #RussiaUkraineWar #VladimirPutin
Kremlin's Big Message To NATO As Russian Strike Batters Kyiv After Putin's Missile Duel Challenge

Leonid mastodon (AP)
Bitte, nur für mich zum Verständnis. Der Industriestrom kostet genauso viel wie vor Corona und Ukrainekrieg. Warum fehlt unserer Industrie der bezahlbare Strom??

stevenwick7 mastodon (AP)
Ingrid Lewis-Martin, a former chief advisor to NYC Mayor Eric Adams, has been charged with accepting a $100,000 bribe in exchange for helping two businessmen expedite bureaucratic processes #government #Justice #CrimeNews

How America Lost Control of the Bird Flu, Setting the Stage for Another Pandemic #H5N1

Wallflower 🌺 mastodon (AP)
Ooh, it's blooming.
Kalanchoe flowers blooming

OrntLaOkro mastodon (AP)
TV-Tipp: #WTFisJule im @ZDF (4 Folgen à 20 Minuten)

Es geht um die Fake-Identität der angeblichen Bloggerin Jule Stinkesocke, die 2023 aufgedeckt wurde. Düster, spannend, lehrreich.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Tablilla de maldición de plomo del siglo XV enrollada en el fondo de una letrina en Rostock, Alemania. Por una parte, lo particular es que esta práctica es propia de antiguos griegos y romanos. Por otra, tenía escrito en minúscula gótica "sathanas taleke belzebuk hinrik berith", invocando a Satanás y a Belcebú para dañar a una pareja.📷Arqueología en Mecklemburgo-Pomerania Occidental #magia #magic #edadmedia #middleages #maldiciones #curses
Tablilla de plomo con texto.

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
US flu season is underway as cases surge | AP News

Ataúd en pedestal rococó del taller de Piero Piffeti, ebanista de los reyes de Cerdeña, con enchapado de nácar y monturas de cobre y bronce bañado en oro, con base de palisandro y evónimo sobre un armazón de álamo y grabados de marfil pintado. 🏛️Museo de Victoria y Alberto #arte #art
Pedestal de oro y nácar con pequeño ataúd del mismo material encima.
#art #arte

Do you think Picard ever introduced himself as the big D captain?
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Cats of Yore mastodon (AP)
Christmas majesty. Photo from my collection, no date/info. Safety note: tinsel can be deadly for cats. If they eat even one strand it can form a GI blockage or even slice their intestines from the inside, requiring risky (and very expensive) emergency surgery. Keep it out of your house (as well as keeping any thin Christmas ribbon out of reach).
Black and white photo of a shorthaired tuxedo tabby cat sitting on an ottoman in front of a Christmas tree that is packed with tons of tinsel and ornaments.

NASA (unofficial) friendica (via ActivityPub)
During the morning of March 20, 2015, a total solar eclipse was visible from parts of Europe, and a partial solar eclipse from northern Africa and northern Asia. NASA’s Terra satellite passed over the Arctic Ocean on March 20 at 10:45 UTC (6:45 a.m. EDT) and captured the eclipse’s shadow over the clouds in the […]

AaronDavid mastodon (AP)

La Luna creciente de cuarzo con la inscripción del califa fatimí Ali az-Zahir (1005-1036) se situaba en el mimbar, el púlpito, de una mezquita. Pasó a formar parte de una custodia veneciana del siglo XIV sobre una pequeña capilla gótica.🏛️Museo Nacional Germano #arte #art
Custodia con una pequeña capilla gótica coronada por una gran Luna de cuarzo.
#art #arte

Nora Reed mastodon (AP)
you should have a website: a manifesto
we intentionally use zero styling or modern features on our current website, to show that it doesn't have to be hard. we took pains to make the code readable so people can learn how we did it just by clicking "view source..." (which is sadly a bit more buried in the browser menus than it used to be, but still there)
there are plenty of good registrars and plenty of ways to host; the articles goes into some of them. we'd like to specifically endorse as an awesome queer registrar.

bytebro mastodon (AP)
And remember children... When you pull a video from PirateBay or whatever torrent service, it is polite to let it seed for about about twice as long as the download took.

Just saying...

Global News US News mastodon (AP)
Luigi Mangione perp walk: Did it garner more support for suspected killer?
Luigi Mangione's perp walk was orchestrated to send a message, but some questioned the theatrics of the spectacle and argued it only cast him in a more positive light.
#crime #justice #media #Trending #USNews #LuigiMangione
Mx. Luna Corbden reshared this.

Did you know you can donate to Antifa International's Defense Fund, which gets disbursed to antifascists who are being prosecuted for their activism, as well as for those currently serving sentences?

This is a legitimate body and the money is ALL for the benefit of our comrades.

Follow them here:

And here(s):​​​​

Donate To The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund:​

Support antifascist prisoners:​

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
"A House Republican's interpretation of the constitutional role of Congress has left some stunned, after he suggested it is not a co-equal branch of government, but rather, intended to be supportive of "President Trump," and "implement" his agenda."
kakistocracy monitor mastodon (AP)
So, “..Congress is....intended to be supportive of “President...," and "implement" his agenda.”.

He seems to be forgetting that Joe Biden is still the President. He’s arguing that Congress should be doing Biden’s bidding, at least until 1/20.
FeralRobots mastodon (AP)
this is pretty much always were Republicans land when a Republican is president. Of course they take the opposite view when a Democrat is in charge.

Simoto 🏴‍☠️ mastodon (AP)
Χαμηλωσε τη τβ ρε μάνα δεν σε ακούω :blob_tremble:
εγω ακουω της διπλανης

Melissa BearTrix reshared this.

James Gleick mastodon (AP)
Proposition: It's as misguided to say that chatbots are "lying" as it is to say they're "hallucinating." They do neither. Lying requires intention.

Reminder: They're stringing words together, according to an algorithm untethered from reality and unconcerned with truth.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
almondtree reshared this.

UnmappedSmallTownUSA mastodon (AP)
Ustick, Illinois seems like it could use some mapping!

Population: 636
Building count: 0
Roads to review: 3

Map link:
Map image of the town showing the status as of the time of this posting

Mike Sheward mastodon (AP)
The mood in the Oval Office had turned sour. An awkward silence filled the air with nothingness. Fortunately, an alert staff member knew just how to get things back on track.

He stood up.

“I shall fetch the Presidential Ketamine,” he announced.

“Very good”, said Musk.
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