Today I heard the most disconnected justification for not masking
Someone told me their dad refused to mask because he wanted to “live his life fully”. He caught covid & died
This person genuinely seemed to believe that her Dad lived more fully than people who mask…because he died living the way HE wanted
Given they’re likely experiencing grief - I pushed back as gently as possible. I explained that you can do almost all activities while wearing a respirator - but you can’t live life if you’re dead.
There was zero recognition of the point I was trying to make. They stood their ground.
I don’t know how we reach people like that. They’re so entrenched in their beliefs that even losing a close family member wont shake their denial.
Because it’s an airborne virus - his choice likely harmed others.
Thats the reason I keep advocating. Your “freedom” to risk your health stops when it puts the lives of others at risk.
Perhaps you’re genuinely ok losing your life just to avoid wearing a mask - but don’t presume to make that decision for other people.
Masking is kindness. It saves lives.
covidisairborne #
CovidIsNotOver #
sarscov2 #
longcovid #
wearamask #