Markus Kater mastodon (AP)
#cdu #bundestagswahl #ploß#kampagne
Es sind nicht nur #Spahn und #Linnemann, die nicht mehr wissen, wo rechts ist. Beispiel: Ploß, Hamburg, ein Mann, der zu allem eine Meinung hat - und NIUS prima findet. Ploß, im Bundestag Verkehrspolitiker, ließ sich mal vom Sultanat Oman zu einer 5.500 Euro teuren Luxusreise einladen. Weil er sich so gut da auskennt, ist er heute Vorsitzender der Parlamentariergruppe Arabischsprachige Staaten.
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Portrait von Christoph Ploß
Antwort von Christoph Ploß 
 • 20.12.2024
Sehr geehrter Herr S.,

als Abgeordneter sehe ich mich verpflichtet, den Wählern Rechenschaft über meine politische Arbeit abzulegen, möglichst viele Menschen im Sinne einer demokratischen Debatte zu erreichen und sie für den demokratischen Diskurs zu begeistern. Pressefreiheit und Medienvielfalt sind in unserer Demokratie hohe Güter, die gefährdet würden, wenn Politiker sich den Fragen von Journalisten nicht mehr stellen würden. Ich bin überzeugt, dass unserer Demokratie gerade in Zeiten, in denen Parteien an den politischen Rändern an Zustimmung gewinnen, eine starke, offene Debattenkultur braucht. Deshalb bemühe ich mich, Presseanfragen im Rahmen der mir zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen grundsätzlich zu beantworten und auch Gastbeiträge in verschiedenen Medien zu veröffentlichen. So habe ich beispielsweise auch Anfragen von Medien beantwortet, deren größte Anteilseignerin mit der SPD eine Partei ist, die mit meiner Partei politisch konkurriert. Auch dem Journalisten Tilo Jung, mit dessen politischer Meinung ich in vielen Punkten nicht einverstanden bin, habe ich bereits ein ausführliches Interview gegeben. Anfragen der ,taz´ habe ich in der Vergangenheit ebenfalls schon beantwortet.

Christoph S diaspora
The Ghosts in the Machine, by Liz Pelly
Spotify’s plot against musicians

Andrea Borgia diaspora

Kara Swisher Wants to Take The Washington Post Off Jeff Bezos’ Hands.

Großer weißer Hai von unten. 👹

It's FOSS mastodon (AP)
Get a quick rundown of the Kali Linux 2024.4 release here.

Matthias Vos diaspora
Und ich sach noch, da ist Kamelkacke drin, die Absätze von Herbalife sind ja so zurückgegangen, aber die Kamele kacken ja weiter..

Jetzt werben die #Augenärzte bei uns in #Bremerhaven schon damit, dass sie #investorenfrei sind...🤡

Augenärzte Niederelbe

Investorenfrei für eine bessere Zukunft

Als investorenfreie Praxisgruppe bestimmen wir unseren medizinischen und unternehmerischen Weg unabhängig von externen finanziellen Interessen
Julima mastodon (AP)
Bei uns sind mittlerweile alle Augenarztpraxen in Investorenhand. Die besten Ärzte die auch sehr komplizierte OPn durchführen können, sind weggegangen.

Pete Walkden mastodon (AP)
Otter Family.

A photo of a family of Eurasian otters snuggled together on a bed of seaweed.

LRRR :bc: mastodon (AP)
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
Mx. Luna Corbden reshared this.

Laffy mastodon (AP)
👀Via Democracy Docket:

#NorthCarolina GOP House lawmakers overrode Gov. Roy Cooper’s (D) veto of a bill that will take the power to appoint state election board members away from Governor-elect Josh Stein (D) and hand it to the state’s Republican auditor general.
Kim Perales reshared this.

Brilliantcrank mastodon (AP)
Yesterday @brettharned and I recorded the final episode of The High Five podcast for the year. During The Review segment, we shared our experience with Replay and Reset and our thoughts about making it a quarterly habit. Check out the episode—and get inspired to reflect on this past year and set your sights on what’s next.

Also—subscribe to our podcast! Each week we also share what we're reading, listening, and watching.

Alex mastodon (AP)
Saw someone on Another Site That Shall Not Be Named™️ saying wouldn’t it be great if we could jump to a different server, maybe one based in Canada or Germany just to be safe, if this one centralized server became the target of political pressure and attacks. 🤦

War and Peas 🧿 mastodon (AP)
Cool Brains

cR0w :cascadia: mastodon (AP)
Well, the Recorded Future acquisition is finalized. Big week for them between that and being PNG'd by Russia.
Not a Goat 🦝 mastodon (AP)
Recorded Future CEO's response
Christopher Ahlberg @cahlberg
Some things in life are rare compliments. This being one. 

Retweet of Oleg Shakirov @shakiiov2036 - 12h 
Russia's Office of Prosecutor General declares @RecordedFuture an undesirable organization (a status introduced in 2015 intally for Wester NGOs & foundations), banning its activities in Russia & essentially making it illegal to share info produced by it epp.genproc.

eeepee diaspora

Viren, Bakterien & Co: Was bringt Abwassermonitoring?

Auch nach der Corona-Pandemie liefern Abwasseruntersuchungen wichtige Daten über Krankheitserreger - so wurden in Deutschland Polio-Viren entdeckt. Aber was lässt sich mit der Methode tatsächlich nachweisen?
Viren, Bakterien & Co: Was bringt Abwassermonitoring?

eeepee diaspora
Weil vielleicht in der ganzen Republik gekifft wird und das soviel Erkenntnisse bringt wie ein Alkohol-Abwassermonitoring?

Und weil sich die Leute vielleicht anderen Scheiß reinhauen, der gesundheitlich weitaus problematischer ist und wo ein Monitoring weitaus aussagekräftiger ist.
benedict16b diaspora
Der Alkoholkonsum wird im Rahmen der Mögliichkeiten statistisch durchleuchtet.

Für Cannabis wäre dies auch hilfreich, beispielsweise um Vergleiche mit der intternationalen Drogenpolitik ziehen zu können.

Oder beispielsweise die Korrelation schwerer psychischer Erkrankungen bei Jugendlichen - wachsender Cannabiskonsum untersuchen zu können. Eine Zusammenfassung einer schwedischen Studie zu dem Thema hier:

Generell sollte in modernen Gesellschaften mit all ihrer Komplexität ein Interesse daran bestehen, sich ein Bild ihrer selbst zu schaffen. Da hilft es nichts, bestimmte Themenbereiche auszublenden.

trinib mastodon (AP)
It's Friday! And we've got a new episode up!

This week's show is all about the American version of the tv show Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency!

All the clips are from the show, and all the music has nothing to do with it! There is lots of #70s #Rock and #ClassicRock as well as the usual #Punk thrown in

So if you're looking for something fun to do, it's always free with no sign ups required! Just hit play!

Carlos Correa unkn (AP)
No puede ser

OpenStreetMap mastodon (AP)
Sovereign Tech Fund Invests in OpenStreetMap

Sovereign Tech Agency (@sovtechfund) has decided to invest €384k over two years to ensure the stability, growth and modernization of OpenStreetMap’s core software.

read more:
#OpenStreetMap #OSM #Funding

Matthew Sheffield mastodon (AP)
All of the people who are currently capitulating to Trump before he even takes office claim to have been persuaded to think anew by his minority vote win, but in reality, they are just conservatives who prefer order more than justice. They prefer obedience to authoritarianism over difficult work.

Institutionalists always prioritize the organization over its purported mission and values.

Qasim Rashid, Esq. mastodon (AP)
Palestinian families are suing the State Dept, citing that experts globally—including Israeli civilians, Israeli journalists, & Israeli military officers—all attest to Israeli war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and genocide.

Khurram Wadee diaspora

The #LongNight #Moon

#Astronomy #Picture of the Day


dadamsda mastodon (AP)
Paris, Basel, Oslo, Gent, Kopenhagen - Immer mehr Städte wollen die Wenige-Minuten-Stadt:

Innerhalb von wenigen Minuten sollen alle alles erreichen können in der Stadt – zu Fuss, mit dem Fahrrad oder dem öffentlichen Verkehr. So sollen die Menschen kein Auto benötigen

#Verkehrspolitik #Verkehrswende #KrisedesKonservatismus #Autolobby #Nahverkehr #Berlin #Verkehr #ÖPNV #Fahrrad #10minutenstadt #15MinutenStadt

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
"U.S. Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX), responding to Rep. Luna's remarks, exclaimed: "So bipartisan means… 2 parties worked together. Unilaterally a bipartisan deal was scrapped, but Nevermind." She added: "THEY said they weren’t working with us.""

Osma A mastodon (AP)
There's something to this Rot Economy theory that speaks to me better than enshittification. The Rot just happens even without trying. But Ed definitely got carried away with the post here - four or five times too long.
John Douglas Porter friendica (via ActivityPub)
the answer is fairly simple: the tech industry’s incentives no longer align with the user.

Yeah, that's exactly the same as enshittification.

AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
"Free Luigi" and "Deny Defend Depose" signs and protestors in online coverage yesterday, lots of photos on Getty Images.

AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
BBC: 'I drunkenly bought a Santa taller than my house' #drunk #santa

Joe Biden cancels student debt for tens of thousands

Daniel Bellingradt mastodon (AP)
Picture of the year 2024 (left image): a Olympic flying surfer with a raised right arm and a prominent index finger.

Picture of the year 1618 (right image): a victorious Christ surfing on a dead lion with a raised right arm and a prominent index finger.

#histodons for the win.
Image of Brazil's Gabriel Medina at the Olympics in 2024. The photo by Jérôme Brouillet captured the athlete in a moment of victory.
A detail of a 1617/1618 broadside titled "Martinus Lutherus SS. Theologiae D. Redivivus. H.e. Antitypus Orthodoxae Religionis Christiano-Lutheranae & Idolamaniae Pontificiae, Anno Seculari Lutherano Primo sacer Eigentliche Abbildung und Entgegensetzung der wahren Christlichen Lutherischen Religion/ und der Papistischen Abgötterey/ Gestellet auff das erste Lutherische JubelJahr/ Matth. XXV. Leben. Todt." (VD17 1:091713H). 

A man (Christ) is standing on a dead lion wearing a tiara. The lion symbolizes Reformation Pope Leo X. (contemporarily symbolized as a lion, Leo in Latin). Christ is raising his arm as a sign of victory over the defeated Catholic Church.

NASA (unofficial) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Instead of a winter wonderland, the Red Planet’s northern hemisphere goes through an active — even explosive — spring thaw. While New Year’s Eve is around the corner here on Earth, Mars scientists are ahead of the game: The Red Planet completed a trip around the Sun on Nov. 12, 2024, prompting a few researchers […]
stefani banerian reshared this.

Bread and Circuses mastodon (AP)
You can travel everywhere and be anywhen, kid!

#Christmas #Books
Editorial cartoon shows a little boy sitting on Santa Claus's lap in a department store, announcing what he wants for Christmas. The boy says, "I want books, computers, and the ability to travel through time and space!" Santa smiles and says, "OK… Here's a library card!"
2 people reshared this

The "Shining City On A Hill" the rest of us nations supposedly look up to.

Two Presidents, one a Rapist, one a Rich Man who just bought his way into power, as an Oligarch would.
Supposedly some other dude is still technically President but that's just a performative lie really.

The UK establishment is selling us out to this nightmare, and nobody is going to stop them, we're all too afraid or silly.
19mago 17.05 GMT 
 Hanging over all these negotiations is the question of whether Congress can 
 pass any spending legislation midnight, when the government shuts 
 At this point, it appears impossible to prevent a shutdown with legislation 
 that passes with only a simple majority. Such legislation must first go 
 through the rules committee, and cannot be voted on the same day that 
 committee reports it out. 
 As Fox News reports, Mike Johnson and the Republicans will instead have to 
 pass legislation under suspension of rules, in which legislation must get a 
 two-thirds majority to pass the House. That plan would require at least some 
 Democratic support to succeed. And needless to say, any legislation the 
 House approves must also pass the Senate.

M.S. Bellows, Jr. mastodon (AP)
My Pepsi-G stoves are still going strong after well over a decade (thanks yet again, J-B Weld!), but yeah, I started a small grass fire on the Deschutes years ago because I mistakenly thought the fuel had run out and added more. Lesson learned! (And we stomped the fire out with only a few square feet charred, but it was frightening for a minute.)
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
@plactagonic Yeah, alcohol stoves work (have built a few out of soda cans, although those are short lived if you use tape to build them), but you definitely can't tell where the flame is.

I see students are now 'terrorists' in the eyes of Power
Gee, why is Luigi Mangione popular with Youth, can't imagine what that could about, nothing in history has ever been like this..../s

Inside the Yale Police 
 Department's War on Student 
 Exclusive documents reveal the YPD's use of counterterrorism 
 tactics in suppressing pro-Palestine activism. 
 Theia Chatelle 
 December 20, 2024
"The files also reveal that the YPD was in touch with pro-Israel and conservative activist groups as they dealt with the protests. "

Are we getting what this is now? America is an oligarchy, there is no freedom of speech here.

Ogenblick mastodon (AP)
Meine Lieblingskollegin sagte vorhin zu mir, als wir über meine verlorenen zehn Kilo sprachen (ihr war das inzwischen auch aufgefallen): "Hast du schon mal 10 Literpackungen Milch gleichzeitig im Arm gehabt?"
Ich, erstaunt geguckt, "nö". Da wurde mir erstmal klar, was für eine Menge das ist, rein gewichtsmäßig. Klar, ich fühle mich besser, ich bin mobiler und fühle mich leichter. Aber diese Frage hat mir die Augen geöffnet, wie viel das wirklich ist.

Khurram Wadee diaspora
#Wordle 1,280 4/6

Noam Bergman diaspora nr 1080, 5/6

Wordle 1,280 4/6

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