Ouf! m'a fallu y revenir 3fois pour saisir!

Lake Michigan! Live! mastodon (AP)
Current* conditions near Pentwater, MI:
View looking west from Pentwater Yacht Club through Pentwater River into Lake Michigan. // Image captured at: 2024-12-20 17:11:06 UTC (about 21 min. prior to this post) // Current Temp in Pentwater: 29.79 F | -1.23 C // Precip: broken clouds // Wind: NNE at 8.008 mph | 12.88 kph // Humidity: 84%

Mary Hilton mastodon (AP)
Just so it's official:

Elon Musk has endorsed the Nazi Party in Germany.

I'm sure he will endorse the KKK and AtomWaffen as well in this country.

Of course Trump loves him-he's a white racist Nazi pig from way back.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

bytebro mastodon (AP)
I feel 'owned', although mine is age related with smidgins of noise damage. That's me finally booking a professional hearing test in the New Year - I've been putting it off for too long. Goddess, the good hearing aids are soooo expensive!
bytebro mastodon (AP)
...and yes, that is my only New Year's resolution 😂

Mx. Luna Corbden mastodon (AP)
Not all techbros smoke vapes.
@ohmu that's why I got less productive when I lowered the strength of my vape from 20mg to 10mg, terrible mistake. Won't happen again.

Mine is diagnosed though, this is a topup for biblical amounts of ritalin.

Peter Coles mastodon (AP)
Your Christmas TV Schedule in full:

6.00pm People Who Can't Cook Trying To Cook
7.00pm People Who Can't Sing Trying To Sing
9.00pm People Who Can't Dance Trying To Dance
(continued, page 94).

Victorhck mastodon (AP)
Invítame a una cerveza 🍻

Tanto si decides donar, como si no lo haces, mi blog y todo el contenido que genero seguirá estando abierto a cualquier persona. No habrá distinciones preferencias de unas sobre otras. 👍

I’m doing some shadow mentoring with Sitara today. - Professor Skye 💕

One more sleep, one more work day. ❤️
@Byronrabbit We just got word some oat free bun snacks arrived from Etsy through the mail - we are thinking maybe this calls for a year end office party..
Of course it does! Nothing like snacks to get hard-working scientists in a festive mood! Pics or it didn't happen 😀

mcc mastodon (AP)
Me when I hear the Discord notification noise and then I click on Discord and I can't figure out what changed
Misty hometown (AP)
@vyr My understanding is the Mac/iOS notification system works the same way, so the app can know if it's allowed to push notifications or not. Don't know about Linux or Windows though.
mcc mastodon (AP)
@vyr @misty Well then it would seem Discord has no excuse.

As I said earlier, I’m hoping to top up my EV whilst I sleep on Sunday morning. However, if you can’t wait till then, tomorrow looks like an overall feast of cheap Agile electricity most of the day! Unit prices are 5p or less through the small hours, heading up to around 6.8p from breakfast until the teatime peak at 4pm. Then, after 7pm, the price plunges and ends the day in negative rates, which hopefully portends low prices on Sunday morning.
A graph of the electricity price in 48 half hour periods of Saturday 21st December. Prices are as described in the post.

The Vatican calls gender-affirming surgery a threat to human dignity
#Eurocentric #Christofacism #AntiSemitism #AntiMuslim #Theocracy #AntiDemocracy #AntiReason #AntiScience #AntiWomen #AntiChildren #AntiLGBTQ
RoundSparrow 🐦 mastodon (AP)
On transgender drugs and surgery, I think there is an ethical debate that is scientific / reason thinking about consent and age. I don't think a child of age 12 should be talked into cosmetic surgery any more than they should be talked into sexual intercourse by older people (doing the surgery / manufacturing the drugs).

Age of consent laws are a huge problem for religion systems across the entire Pale Blue Dot. There are clearly sexual predators who target the mental maturity of young
M. Ní Sídach mastodon (AP)
I'm qualified professionally and personally to address that claim.

My father was a 3rd generation surgeon and I left professional medicine for engineering early in life when I realized how much it had contributed to my family's dysfunction.

There is "debate" about transgender healthcare among scientists the same way there is debate on climate change.

Contrary to your "alternative facts", there is no evidence of medical practitioners deviating from established protocol for trans children that involves prescribing male or female hormones, nor are they having gender confirmation surgery.

It is a fact of medical history that children assigned male and female at birth and are not transgender, have been receiving gender-affirming hormone therapy and surgery worldwide for generations with little to no controversy whatsoever.

I just wanted to make clear how intellectually dishonest and counterfactual your unsolicited comments are.
RoundSparrow 🐦 mastodon (AP)
"I just wanted to make clear how intellectually dishonest and counterfactual your unsolicited comments are."

Wow, you really have a reading comprehension problem, don't you?
Who teaches you morality ? #FWakeMorality #WhoTeachesMorality

Did they teach you to jump to simplsitic social media solutions in this #SuperSurkovSimulacra ?

THESE ARE NOT RHETORICAL QUESTIONS. Do you know you are in a #WarAgainstReality since 2013 by Russia? And that gender topics are the key thrust?
RoundSparrow 🐦 mastodon (AP)
"There is "debate" about transgender healthcare among scientists the same way there is debate on climate change."

Really? Because I think we can all get out CO2 detectors and measure the rising level of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere.

My comment was about The Church, the Pope, the Vatican - which is Mythology and not science. Are you confused in this Mastodon media environment how to read ? #UnifiedTheoryFictionNonFiction

My reply was on sexual behaviors and age of consent.
RoundSparrow 🐦 mastodon (AP)
Let's start with some basic reading comprehension to establish the facts.

1. Is The Bible fiction or non-fiction? Why?

2. Is Star Wars film fiction?

3. Are you educated about media environments from Professor Marshall McLuhan and Professor Neil Postman? In particular, have you read 1985 book by Neil Postman called "Amusing Ourselves to Death"

Your response to me seems anti-reason itself. Your entire anti- anti anti seems a major reading comprehension issue.

John Dark mastodon (AP)
On January 1, 2025, thousands of copyrighted works from 1929 will enter the US public domain, along with sound recordings from 1924. They will be free for all to copy, share, and build upon.[2] 2025 marks a milestone: all of the books, films, songs, and art published in the 1920s will now be public domain. The literary highlights from 1929 include The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner, A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway, and A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf. In film, Mickey Mouse speaks his first words, the Marx Brothers star in their first feature film, and legendary directors from Alfred Hitchcock to John Ford made their first sound films. From comic strips, the original Popeye and Tintin characters will enter the public domain. Among the newly public domain compositions are Gershwin’s An American in Paris, Ravel’s Bolero, Fats Waller’s Ain’t Misbehavin’, and the musical number Singin’ in the Rain.
a selection of newly available works in the public domain including books, movies and sheet music.

Sagittarius 1805 mastodon (AP)
Gefrühstückt, restliche Mails verschickt und jetzt einen schönen Tag in FFM machen. 😁

Ich freue mich auf die freien Tag mit dem Mann. Jeder Tag ist wichtig. 😉
Das Zugabteil mit der Anzeige Frankfurt am Main
Skyline von ffm
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Glyn Moody mastodon (AP)
#Dyson to face human rights abuse claims in the UK - I think the expression is "suck it up"...

Malte Kreutzfeldt mastodon (AP)
Jetzt kann ich das aus direkter Erfahrung bestätigten: Das Antragsverfahren für die Wärmepumpenförderung auf der KfW-Seite dauert (wenn alle Infos vorliegen) weniger als eine halbe Stunde, die Förderzusage kommt unmittelbar nach dem Absenden.

Menhit the Menace mastodon (AP)
Your regular reminder that I am gorgeous, and this far outweighs my limitations as an inhumane mouse trap.
The upper half of Menhit, a calico cat, lounging on her right side in a red armchair. Her left front paw is curled down in front of her and her right front paw is under her chin, making her look pensive. Her eyes are doing that feline sultry thing.
almondtree reshared this.

Mike Kuketz 🛡 mastodon (AP)
Wie oft noch? Seit fast 20 Jahren versuchen Politiker, die verfassungswidrige Vorratsdatenspeicherung durchzudrücken – und scheitern immer wieder vor den Gerichten. Wann wird endlich akzeptiert, dass diese Eingriffe in Grundrechte keinen Platz haben?

#vds #grundrecht
...und wie will man dann die "Daten" der Politiker rausfiltern, die ja auch alle in diesem Netz hängen bleiben? Oder benutzen die ein anderes Netz? Also alles archiviert? Alles?
Pascal_F mastodon (AP)
Muss man aufpassen.

Das wird gerne gemacht, wenn Leute abgelenkt sind, vorgezogene Bundestagswahlen z.B.😉

Gibt es denn keinen Juristen, der das als Angriff auf die Justiz, Behinderung der Justiz, Verschwendung von Ressourcen, Bindung und Auslastung von Mitteln deklarieren kann, um das ein für alle mal abzuschmettern, weil das die Mehrheit nicht haben will?

Wie bei so einem Referendum. Bei Ablehnung 10-20 Jahre Sperre für den Antrag.

Die_Pauline unkn (AP)
Für mich ist es der beste Blaumilchschimmelziegenkäse der Welt. Für den Mann ein Verstoß gegen die Genfer Biowaffen-Konvention.
Mina mastodon (AP)
Team dein Mann, hier!

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
'Looked tiny': Ex-senator flags what 'has got to be bugging Trump big time' - Raw Story
Paul_stilgar mastodon (AP)
Americans should understand that the #racistrapistfelon is not a negotiator, the art of the deal is a scam.

He can only try to bully others. It can work if others are afraid by the military and financial power of the United States.

But his weakness is so apparent that it will no longer work.

The Intercept mastodon (AP)
Biden is running out of time to stop another Trump execution spree.

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Here's yet another example of how our media sanewashes Republicans while trying to put the blame for what they do onto Democrats.

David Nice mastodon (AP)
Another Italian town, another detail of a prize painting in a collection. Any guesses as to the artist? Re the subject, I've left in a hint.

Der Postillon 📯 mastodon (AP)
Nach Wahlwerbung für AfD: Elon Musk stellt neuen Sprung vor

Murilo mastodon (AP)
After a rather complicated "small" class about creative coding in Blender this month I am having a really hard time feeling ready for my "big" class in May. I wish I had more time to learn from people what they struggle and how they approach the concepts and how they overcome obstacles in Blender.

The content of the class is basically creative coding practices and techniques inside Blender using geometry nodes and shaders. Still images and animations.

In that light, I'd love to start a study group like this:
- no previous Blender knowledge required
- no previous coding knowledge required
- up to 20 people
- online only
- starting sometime in mid-January
- asynchronous material (video tutorials)
- weekly exercises / themes
- kind of required participation on weekly exercises
- I'll be reading, researching and answering questions daily

Would you be interested? If yes, what format would you think is the best?
Boosts appreciated! :B

  • Not interested (0%, 0 votes)
  • Forum (66%, 2 votes)
  • Chat (33%, 1 vote)
  • Email (33%, 1 vote)
  • Other (0%, 0 votes)
3 voters. Poll end: 4 weeks ago

Murilo reshared this.
D Scott mastodon (AP)
Very interested but curious about time commitment and cost (?)
Murilo mastodon (AP)
@mr_davidscott For this one the cost is commitment on the weekly theme 😀
Murilo mastodon (AP)
@somi I am not entirely sure, if it doesn't work so well, a few weeks, if it works super well, forever? 🤷

taz mastodon (AP)
Deutsche Bauern halten 25 Prozent weniger Schweine und 18 Prozent weniger Rinder als vor zehn Jahren. Doch der Trend geht zu größeren Betrieben.!6058041 - 👀👀👀
Via Bill Kristol:

I think this should be kind of a big deal: Elon Musk tweeting at 1:03am, “Only the AfD can save Germany.”

The AfD is Germany’s neo-Nazi party.
juliadream diaspora
There was a little Austrian said the same thing in 1930.. Looks like Germans need to learn that lesson all over again

Maximilian Scherer mastodon (AP)
#3Thesen für 2025!

Scheinbar herrscht ein Mangel an objektiver Selbsteinschätzung.

Während Leistungen von Schüler*innen und Sportler*innen sich anhand objektiver Daten einschätzen lassen, fehlt diese Prüfung oft als Bestandteil der (politischen) Diskussionskultur.

Ende 2025 kann ich und jede:r Andere beurteilen, ob man mit der eigenen Prognose Recht behielt oder eben nicht. Sind wir, bin ich, wirklich so schlau, wie wir/ich glauben?

Gerne mitmachen!

Maximilian Scherer mastodon (AP)
1. Egal welche Koalition sich finden wird. Noch im Jahr 2025 wird die #Schuldenbremse für eine höhere Neuverschuldung reformiert.

2. Der netto #Windkraftzubau beträgt über 8 GW.

3. Christian #Lindner übernimmt auch offiziell einen Lobbyistenposten oder wird irgendwo Aufsichtsratsmitglied.

Maximilian Scherer mastodon (AP)
Die Thesen sind wirklich nicht besonders wagemutig. Eigentlich hätte ich gerne noch eine These zu Sport oder Gesellschaft aufgestellt, aber mir fiel nichts wirklich spannendes ein. Bei Punkt 3 hatte ich kurz eine Oscar-Nominierung für Lindner überlegt, aber die Rede zum Ampelende wäre wohl eher eine Nominierung zur goldenen Himbeere wert.

Ulf Hundeiker mastodon (AP)
die Union ist auch widerlich.

Laffy mastodon (AP)
Via Bill Kristol:

I think this should be kind of a big deal: Elon Musk tweeting at 1:03am, “Only the AfD can save Germany.”

The AfD is Germany’s neo-Nazi party.
Callalily reshared this.
John Meadows mastodon (AP)
Of course the US has long being guilty of interference in foreign elections and trying to effect regime change across the world. The difference now is there is no attempt at subtlety.
Laffy mastodon (AP)
@Jgmeadows Right, but the point here is his open support of Naziism.

Script Kiddie friendica

All for free !!!!!!! 🐧


#linux #software #meme #freedom #free #foss #floss #tux #gnu #gpl #os #distro #distribution
4 people reshared this

16.12.2024 Polizeiroboter im Einsatz

China testet sehr beweglichen Hilfspolizisten

In den nebenstehend abgebildeten Gehäusen stecken noch Menschen, doch in China wurden bereits Polizeistreifen beobachtet, die von einem Kugelroboter begleitet werden. Dieser soll 160 Kilogramm schwer sein und besitzt einen Durchmesser von 0,8 Metern. Er/sie oder es kann in 2,5 Sekunden auf 30km/h beschleunigen und kann auf kurzen Distanzen dank einer im Innern beweglichen Pendelmasse sehr schnell die Richtung ändern.

Das Gerät ist mit Wurfnetzen bewaffnet, um flüchtende Personen aufzuhalten. Ob zu seiner "polizeilichen Ausrüstung" auch andere Waffen gehören, ist nicht bekannt. Wie die Teflon Bratpfanne soll er/sie/es ein Abfallprodukt der Weltraumforschung sein und eigentlich als Roboterfahrzeug für den Planeten Merkur entwickelt worden sein. Damit kommt seine Temperaturfestigkeit ja dem erwarteten Klimawandel sehr entgegen ...

Ansonsten kann er klaglos bis zu 10 Stunden ununterbrochen arbeiten und dabei bis zu 120 Kilometer zurücklegen. Durch seine Kugelform gibt es nur wenig Reibungsverluste bei seiner Bewegung und auch Feuchtigkeit beeinträchtigt die Funktion nicht. Ein Bild zeigt der verlinkte Artikel.

Mehr dazu bei
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite:
Link zu dieser Seite:
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8999-20241216-polizeiroboter-im-einsatz.html
Tags: #China #Polizeiroboter #Kugel #beweglich #Wurfnetze #Weltraumforschung #Merkur #Gewerkschaft #Mitbestimmung
N. E. Felibata 👽 reshared this.

Mary Hilton mastodon (AP)
Could I ask how a private citizen who was NOT elected and is not in the government was allowed to make Congress shut down?

Just because Musk is a billionaire does NOT give him any more special rights than say, me, to tell Congress what to do.

Congress is a bunch of spineless lackeys for this shit. Knock it off you spavined monkeys! You're not doing your job, you're doing Musk's bidding!

Kim Perales mastodon (AP)
A group of R HSE members is calling on Trump & AG nom. Bondi to replace all 93 US ATTYs with interim replacements -would ensure any Biden-era fed prosecutors don’t automatically rise in the ranks to fill the slots of outgoing US ATTYs while new ones are considered by the Sen.

“Trump was given a mandate to root out the rot from our weaponized, 2-tiered DOJ” Rep Timmons, R, the lead author of the letter. “We don’t need lingering Biden-era officials.”

#Fascism #USPol #DOJ
yuhasz01 mastodon (AP)
Yes, it is just another "coup" attempt by Maga..... Neuter press, DOJ, FBI, intelligence agencies. Destroy and control any agency or department that insures objective accountability.

CassandraVert mastodon (AP)
From bsky

‪Roughly, the R timetable:
60s: Laid foundation; Nixon
70s: Powell memo; Watergate
80s: Iran Contra; deregulation
90s: Contract on America
00s: GWOT
10s: Tea Party; Dump

Non stop litany of evil all aimed at limitless power w 0 oversight or accountability

~Jeff (no, the baking conchas one)‬ ‪‬

"[Louisiana's] health department provided a statement to NPR saying that it has been "reevaluating both the state's public health priorities as well as our messaging around vaccine promotion, especially for COVID-19 and influenza." The statement described the change as a move "away from one-size-fits-all paternalistic guidance" to a stance in which "immunization for any vaccine, along with practices like mask wearing and social distancing, are an individual's personal choice."

Now, let's replace some words in that statement:

[Louisiana's government] provided a statement to NPR saying that it has been "reevaluating both [its] public [] priorities as well as our messaging around [product] promotion, especially for [consumer goods]." The statement described the change as a move "away from one-size-fits-all paternalistic guidance" to a stance in which "[consumer purchases] are an individual's personal choice."

Wait, is Louisiana against advertising? Why should a company get to pop up ads all over my computer screen and interrupt my programming to tell me what to buy?

The difference is that public health information is a public good. Our taxes pay for the research, data analysis, and the means to communicate it broadly to the public. So, yes, "paternalistic" in the sense that it is the type of information and healthcare your loving dad would want you to choose.

#USPol #USPolitics #Healthcare #COVID #Vaccines #PublicHealth #Louisiana #Advertising
TP mastodon (AP)
What do they think public health is for, ffs? Why have the department at all if every form of scientific guidance is “paternalistic”?

7sleepersmusic mastodon (AP)
I haven't read the whole thing so not sure if I agree or disagree but it seems like the sort of thing that might interest us #Fediverse folks so sharing: 'Free software does not mean “free” as in a lack of price, but in the sense of liberty—as Stallman says, “think free as in free speech, not free beer.”' #Technology #Computing #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #Capitalism #Socialism #Marxism #Economics #SocialistForum #DemocraticSocialistsOfAmerica #DSA

Eric Bender mastodon (AP)
One of the final stories posted by the wonderful Hakai Magazine:

The Canoe in the Forest

An unfinished boat hidden on a remote island in Alaska illuminates a missing chapter in the history of traditional Haida and Tlingit canoe building

Fortunately, much of the outstanding Hakai editorial team is joining the California Academy of Sciences' bioGraphic, another excellent publication with no paywall:

#ocean #coastal #indigenous #environment
Barely visible remnants of a canoe hull in woods on an Alaskan island. When a logging scout found this 140-year-old canoe decomposing into the forest, stakeholders sought to study the unfinished boat without removing it from the place where it was carved. Photo by Stormy Hamar Beautiful traditional dugout canoe on a calm beach. Jason Rucker stands next to this 10-meter canoe carved by Stormy Hamar, who took the photo.
Brown historical image of canoes along the waterfront in Kasaan, Alaska. Some of these canoes may have been carved at the site where the abandoned canoe described in this story was found. Photo courtesy of the New York Public Library.

Russia Lost 2,200 Soldiers in the past 24 hours!

These are the estimates of Russia’s combat losses as of Dec. 20, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war #Breaking #BreakingNews
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